Lord of the Dry Witch Who Devours the Starry Sky.

Chapter 146 The ruined small universe

Chapter 146 The ruined small universe

"What's going on?" First Allah felt that the Lord of the Five Huns was not joking.

An 11th level attack, can this exist in the cosmic sea?
"Biyan does not have armor or palace-type supreme treasures, and only has a soul attack type. As Wuhun said, the attack reaches the 11th level of power, so Biyan is in danger..."

"Blue Eyes, Blue Eyes Allah? Blue Eyes Allah!"

"Where are you, Biyan? I received a reply and I'm looking for you if I need anything!" Through the special contact information of the Shenyan clan, the First God kept calling.

But there is no way to call. With the consciousness of the strongest person, the consciousness required to talk to other beings is almost negligible. Even in the middle of a war, they can talk.

"not good!"

First Allah also felt something was wrong.

Continuously perform teleportation, come outside the small universe, and observe the small universe of the blue-eyed Lord in the distance through divine power.

Because the distance was too far, and Biyan had just died, his small universe had just begun to decay, and nothing could be found in the distance.

"Of course, no matter what, we first issue a wanted order for the human race. As long as we kill or suppress the human race's lord of the universe, the God Eye Clan will reward the treasure!" The Fifth God's eyes turned. He did not dare to bet, but he could issue a reward for others. It's okay for the clan to take a gamble.

"As for whether he is still alive, I estimate that there is a high probability that he is gone, but... after all, we can't just gamble on the existence that can kill Biyan."

The Third God asked a series of questions, but who could answer them? A group of strong men looked at each other and couldn't find the answer.

Since the Lord of the Five Hun can only simulate the picture, but cannot simulate the full power of the chaos bomb, the other Lords can only take a rough look.

"Blue eyes!" As the First Lord approached, he saw that the huge small universe was filled with many cracks.

"what happened!"

Orders were issued one after another, and at this moment, no one could care about anything. The powerful God Eye clan actually lost one of its strongest members.

"Do they still have it?"

"How could the blue eyes fall!" The First Lord's face was dark.

"The sky is falling!"

The death of the Sixth God made all of them tremble in their hearts. It turns out that the strongest person in the God Eye Clan, who was as strong as the strongest person and was the largest force in the universe sea, would also fall.

Fortunately, most of the universe masters of the Divine Eye Clan reside in the small universes of the First Allah and the Third Allah. There are only a dozen or so universe masters who live in the Blue-Eyed Allah.

This still caused heavy losses to the God Eye Clan.

"The method is good, but what if we make the human race angry and continue to bomb us?" asked the First Lord.

After all the dust settled, the original seven gods of the Divine Eye Clan were now left with only six gods.

"Well, what you said makes sense, continue."

They were not the beings in the original universe. All their lives were placed in the universe of the Sixth God. The moment the Blue-Eyed God fell, as the small universe collapsed and collapsed, the lives in it also had to fall.

Huge cracks leaked out of the sky, and the planets in the sky and earth began to collapse and tremble. The space also trembled, and space cracks continued to emerge.

Through the cracks in the small universe, the First Lord could see the continent that was already shattering inside.

"indeed so!"

Now the Sixth God's small universe has changed from the past full of vitality and power to the present existence without any vitality and power. The difference can be seen at a glance.

The Lord of the Five Huns trembled inwardly when he saw the six strongest men surrounding him. He only estimated that the Sixth Lord had fallen, and never thought that he had actually fallen.

Show the images sensed by me to the six gods.

From the Lord of the Universe to the planet-level and star-level beings, they all perished.

There are more than hundreds of millions of beings living in the small universe of Blue Eyes Allah, not only the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Universe, but also a large number of immortal gods, and even world lords, domain lords, universe-level, and even star-level and planet-level beings. have.

This small universe is the entire space where most life forms exist. How have you ever seen the current scene?

This is the end of the world.

"What on earth is this? Three explosions superimpose to cause an 11th level attack. How did the human witch get it?"

As a race that has enjoyed more than two reincarnation eras, when has it ever suffered such a loss? The sixth Allah has fallen today. Will other Allahs fall later? What should the God Eye Clan do?
"Wuhun is a person who has experienced it firsthand, please tell me!"

Those lives that are not powerful will only die if they are affected by the space cracks.

"How to resolve our relationship with the human race?" asked the First God.

"How to solve it? Of course, kill!"

"The dignity of the God Eye Clan cannot be offended."

The First God is also worried. How many lives exist in a small universe with a diameter of 100 million light years.

"Otherwise, how could it be so powerful?" said the Fifth God.

One of the strongest men and more than ten masters of the universe fell.

"All the powerful people in the various large and small universes, come immediately outside the Sixth Lord's small universe. Quick! Quick! Quick!"

"You mean the power of the explosion of these three small balls reaches level 11?" said the Third Lord.

After hearing this, the First Lord was also one of the first and the second Lord. When did he return the dignity of the God Eye Clan? Don’t offend, don’t offend the heads. How did the Sixth Lord fall?
"I think that the human witch should have accidentally obtained three 'bombs' from somewhere. Those bombs must have been made by ancient civilizations, just like the ancient secret techniques we obtained."

"Why do you want to operate on me, the Divine Eye Clan?"

The small universe has just begun to collapse, and the internal space has actually collapsed first. However, there are only some cracks on the surface, and the whole is a complete sphere with very few holes.

"I don't think the issue is a problem."

"First Lord, you don't need to say much. The defense of the Supreme Treasure in this set is amazing. You can also resist the 11th level attack. What we have left is either the Palace Supreme Treasure, or the Armor Supreme Treasure. There are also powerful weapons and powerful weapons, all of which can form a powerful defense."

"Besides, this kind of weapon is a one-time existence. I don't think Ganwu will have too many even if he still has it."

"That seems to make sense. We are actually not that afraid of bombs. We can only say that we are lucky..."


"Giant axe, giant axe!" Yang Hao collected black scales while contacting the founder of the giant axe.

"Hurry and lead our human race, the Master of the Universe, back to the original universe!"

"Why return to the original universe?" Juaxe was stunned. "Hey, I killed the Sixth God of the Divine Eye Clan and formed a huge hatred with them. The Divine Eye Clan will definitely retaliate against our human race. Take them back to the original universe while there is still time!"

"Kill the Sixth Allah, seriously?"

"When did I lie? I once accidentally got three bombs. The attack of each bomb after explosion reached the peak of level 10. When three bombs are used together, it can reach level 11!"

"That blue eye has average defense. Before the 11th level explosive attack, there is only one way to fall."

"I have obtained his most powerful soul attack treasure. Hurry up and lead the Master of the Human Universe back to the original universe!"

"This... Giant Ax frowned."

Today's human race is not so short of the most powerful treasure. It is good to kill the Sixth God, but if you offend the God Eye Clan, the entire human race will be hunted down.

How do other universe masters venture into the universe sea, how do they obtain treasures, and how do they improve their strength?

"Why didn't you discuss such a big matter with me?"

"Hey! Founder of the Giant Axe, you can rest assured that I can do such a thing without fear of being targeted by the God Eye Clan." Yang Hao smiled slightly.

"I accidentally received a blue token before. I entered the space corresponding to the blue token and gained a lot from it, beyond your imagination!"

"In the future, there will be many strongest people in our human race. Don't worry too much, Giant Axe. When I return to the original universe, I will make the inheritance public, and all the masters of the universe can learn from it!"

"I won't explain too much. Trust me, it's correct!" Yang Hao said.

Explanations for a long time are just useless explanations. Only when you really see them can you know how powerful the divine body route is.

The God Eye Clan is willing to spend time chasing and killing them all over the universe, so let them chase and kill them. Among the more than ten masters of the universe, two or three can reach 30000 times and become the strongest in the universe.

By then, I won’t be afraid of their Divine Eye Clan anymore.

Our human race also has the secret method of combined attack. As long as there are two more strongest people, we can return to the cosmic sea. The gang of the God's Eye clan is no more than a passing cloud.

"What are the humans afraid of when I'm here? I'm the protagonist!" Yang Hao smiled.

With the time traveler plus sign-in system, can I kill you, the God-Eye Clan?
Besides, you can't stop me. The original human being and the clone of the salamander whale are wandering in the cosmic sea. As long as you are lucky, there should be no shortage of treasures.

It should be no problem for two clones to feed a human race.

After hearing this, Juaxe could only choose to believe it. After all, the Lord of Gansha had brought him a lot of good news during this period, and what he said was sensible and he should not lie to him.

He had no choice but to inform the Lord of the Universe who was still adventuring in the Universe Sea, including the powerful men of Hongmeng, and let them return to the original universe.

"The Lord of Ganwu has an unexpected harvest in the space boat, so everyone should hurry back to the original universe to accept the inheritance!"

"Why is the inheritance so anxious?"

"The Lord of Ganwu is so lucky. He got two of the most powerful treasures, and now he has inherited them. Why don't I have this good luck?"

"Just go back to the original universe. It's still too dangerous to take risks in the universe sea. It would be great if you can safely accept the inheritance and improve your strength."

One by one, the masters of the universe followed the founder of the giant ax back to the original universe with many doubts.

"I hope the Lord of Ganwu didn't mess around. Although I killed the sixth master of the God Eye Clan, I am not happy..."

The founder of the giant ax is really worried, and he is not worried about offending the God Eye Clan by relying on himself and Qian Wu, but he must not let the Clan lose its potential because of this.

Not to mention the treasures, if strong men don’t fight, how can they create stronger secrets, how can they improve their strength, and can they become the strongest?

It is impossible for the other universe masters in the original universe to serve as your human race's sparring partner without any treasures.

"The reaction of the God Eye Clan is really quick. They put a bounty on our human race so quickly." The founder of the giant ax didn't look good when he received the news.

"Giant axe, the God Eye Clan has issued a reward. As long as you kill or suppress the Lord of the Universe of my human race, you can get two top-grade palace-level treasures." The Lord of Chaos City is powerful and has many friends in the universe. Get the news soon.

"This is quite a big deal, even the strongest person will be tempted!"

Many of the strongest people have a tribe to support. If you kill a Lord of the Universe, you can get two top-grade palace treasures. I believe most of them are willing to do it.

There are more than a dozen universe masters in the human race, most of them are at the fourth level, and a few are at the fifth and third levels. Except for the master of witchcraft, which is the most difficult, the others will not be too difficult with the strength of the strongest.

In a race with only one strongest person, can you protect the entire master of the universe?
"What happened..." said the founder of the giant axe: "All this happened because of Gan Wu. The reason why the Shenyan tribe reacted so strongly was because Gan Wu killed the Blue-Eyed Lord!"

"What? Gan Wu killed the strongest man?" Chaos City Lord was confused.

No matter how powerful the Lord of Ganwu is, he is only the Lord of the Universe. How can he possibly kill the strongest one? Even the original ancestor in his prime state had to expend a lot of energy to kill the strongest one. possible.

How did he do it?
"You know Gan Wu is lucky. He didn't know where he got the 'bomb'. The explosion power produced by the three bombs superimposed reached the 11th level! The Blue Eyes Allah only has one soul-type supreme treasure, which can't resist it at all. The 11th level of explosive power had no choice but to perish.”

"He told me that it is also inherited in the token space in the universe, which can quickly improve everyone's strength, and it doesn't matter if it offends the God Eye Clan."

"Otherwise I wouldn't have asked everyone to return to the original universe quickly."

Giant Axe and the Lord of Chaos City didn't know what Gan Wu's inheritance was, and they were filled with anxiety and a bit of expectation.

"I guess the giant ax is a little unhappy with me." Yang Hao thought as he picked up the black scales.

"Although I have great kindness to Juaxe, compared with the entire human race, my kindness is still not enough. Juaxe must consider the affairs of the human race first. If I offend the God Eye Clan, the entire human race will be implicated."

"If he's not happy, don't be happy. As long as he waits for me to arrive in the original universe, he will be happy soon."

The scales were collected one by one, and with Jiu Mengzhou's exploration of space, the effect even exceeded the peak realm, the Treasure Yiyun Domain.

In addition, there are not many debris in the passage and they are not scattered everywhere, so the collection speed is still very fast.

In a matter of seconds, more than 20 black scales were collected.

With the combination of black scales, the originally disintegrated Divine Armor of Extinction rejoined, but it could only form a glove-like appearance.

"Sure enough, the God of Destruction Armor was just a name given by the Lord of the Five Huns. The original name of this treasure was the Crazy Demon Destroyer God Armor."

Yang Hao manipulated it at will, but he wasn't really looking forward to this treasure in his heart. He was too lazy to use it, but there was no problem in collecting one for his disciples.

"The progress is good, I hope to collect it completely."

Just one glove does not contain much information, so we still need to continue to collect it.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the strongest man in the universe!"

(End of this chapter)

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