Lord of the Dry Witch Who Devours the Starry Sky.

Chapter 158: The founding forces also signed in

Chapter 158: The founding forces also signed in
"Having a queen is already troublesome enough, and there is also a star-devouring lord." The mechanical father felt helpless.

"Fortunately, the upcoming territorial battle is just a battle between the venerables."

"A huge star sector is forming that is comparable to ten regular star sectors. After the competition is over, even if it is divided half and half with the demon clan, it will be equivalent to five star sectors."

"My entire mechanical territory only has 1000 star sectors, so I can add 5 more star sectors at once. Still in the core area, how many talented beings can appear in the future..."

"The human race now has a weapon refining group, and they must have created many treasures or top-notch treasures for their lords."

"Fortunately, I have a plan in advance to develop brand new mechanical weapons for them. I hope to win in the future territorial battles."

As the battle for territory continues to approach, the four major races are busy.

The mother queens of the Zerg breed try their best to create Zerg warriors and train for joint attacks.

The two strongest men of the demon clan, including the Lord Changjiu, are also searching for treasures for the venerables all over the universe.

At this time, other peak forces know that you are in urgent need of the treasure, so they will take this opportunity to make a fortune.

The treasure originally worth 1 treasure point, if you demon tribe wants it, you have to pay more. If you don’t want it, I can’t do anything. I’m not competing for territory anyway.

The value of a star sector is extremely high, let alone such a huge star sector. The value contained in it is self-evident. These are just early investments, and they will be earned back sooner or later in the future.

"Forget it, just be busy. I can gain a lot by giving them some guidance."

"These... the venerables of the two races are mixed to form a team. There is already a lot of hatred between us, how can we fight side by side?" said the Lord of Virtual Gold.

The discussion ended quickly. Since the territorial war had not really started, not much was said.

If you want to arm thousands of cosmic sages at one go, who can get it together for you?

Suddenly, the recruited venerables received the news and were overjoyed. I never thought that I would be able to find answers to my questions from the Lord of the Universe again, and this time the founder of the giant ax specifically warned me not to be perfunctory.

"Tear...the asking price is really not low!"

"Everyone! You must learn from the Lord of Gan Wu. See that his instructions to the venerables are all attentive and for the sake of the ethnic group. It is better not to be too perfunctory." Juaxe said.

"Due to the small number of Zerg Mother Queens, we have a total of 4000 Universe Venerables here, while the Monster Race Mechanical Race has a total of 6000 Venerables."

"The Zerg tribe has fewer people, and their demand for territory is actually not as high as ours. If we really win, we only need to give the Zerg tribe one top-grade palace treasure and two top-grade armor treasures."

"Don't worry about this matter. I have already discussed it with the Queen." Giant Ax said with a smile.

"Of course, the premise is that we can win. Time is running out. During this period, we must quickly improve the strength of the venerables."

"We combined with the Zerg lords to form teams, each team has ten lords. We sent them to the battlefield outside the territory to fight with each other."

"And the team must be a mixture of strong men from the two races, which means that our human race lords must team up with the Zerg Mother Queen."

"According to the results of my joint discussions with the other three tribes, the initial battle will be conducted on the battlefield outside the territory."

"There is no way. If the four ethnic groups fight each other, the situation will be even more chaotic. It's not bad to have such a result."

"Then what if our two races win, what will we do with the Zerg? It's impossible to really divide a complete star region equally."

Metaverse, Ax Conference.

"The Zerg and humans are divided on one side, and the mechanical and demon races fight together."

"This is still acceptable."

In this way, you have to go to many forces to buy some. After all, although the value of ordinary treasures is not high, there are not too many excess, and most of them are in the hands of the strong.

"The Venerables will have to fight for a total of 100 years. In the end, according to the proportion of Venerables who survive, the party with the higher survival rate will win."

The effect was so good last time, why don't you come directly to find the Lord of Dry Witches this time?

"But the number of strong men from the Monster Race and the Mechanical Race is equal. Forming a team will definitely be more chaotic, and they may start fighting among themselves."

"Hey, Lord Beichen, are you here again?"

The Lord of Chaos City said that some rules regarding the territorial war have been discussed and will be explained clearly to everyone at this time.

"Our side is pretty good. The ratio with the Zerg Venerables is 3:1. We have an advantage in numbers, and with the virtual universe, we will be able to communicate better when the time comes."

"Tch, even if those Lords of the Universe are attentive, they are far from the Lord of Ganwu. The Lord of Ganwu is a sixth-level Master of the Universe. How can the others compare?"

"Haha, aren't you here too?"

"Hey...don't you still find a job for me?" Yang Hao shook his head slightly.

"So we only have 400 squads and they have 600 squads, so each of our squads has a higher weight."

Several universe masters suddenly felt extremely embarrassed, but they did not mention their names and gave them a little face.

Although he reminded everyone, his reputation has already been spread, and the venerables can still receive guidance once they receive the news.


"Allow the recruited venerables to receive instruction again. I hope everyone can complete the task well."

If you want to buy it, you can only pay a high price, and the monsters have to hold their noses and admit it. Isn't it just a little more expensive? It won't matter if I fight for the territory to this point.

"At the beginning, it is divided into two forces and fights against each other. The victorious party will decide how to distribute it."

Coupled with the suggestion of the giant axe, these masters of the universe cannot be as perfunctory as before and just give some advice.

The secret realm of dry witches.

"The asking price is indeed not low, but it is an extremely huge star area and the value is extremely high. Although the Queen is a bit open-mouthed, she can still reluctantly accept it."

This made Yang Hao very busy, and it took a long time to point them out one by one. More than two-thirds of the 3000 venerables came.

"They taught me how to use metal, wood, fire, earth, light, thunder, lightning, wind, and their corresponding high-level laws to improve a lot, which also improved my strength."

"Although it doesn't improve the strength much, it will help to improve the realm in the future, and when I meet talented disciples in the future, I can teach them better..."

"Hehe, my weapon refining group has earned me a lot of treasures."

The refining group not only creates the most valuable treasures for the Hongmeng of the human race, but most of the forces in the universe also refine the most precious treasures for them.

Of course, the price is different for different strong men. For example, the cost price of refining a heavy treasure for a strong human race is a little more.

It would be more expensive to build it for the strong aliens in Hongmeng. As for other ethnic groups in the universe, it would be even more expensive.

For example, although Xuejiang Alliance's initial order was discounted by 10%, the price was actually much higher than Hongmeng's. "Now we can only refine the top treasures. When we can refine the top treasures in the future, those powerful masters of the universe will also have to customize them."

"I will make more money then, but no matter how good the alien race is, it is still an alien race. The level of the treasures created for them must be lower than the treasures of my human race."

In fact, the signed contracts are not very binding. As long as there are greater benefits, these contracts are nothing.

After all, they are a foreign race, so they cannot live too well, at least not at a higher level than the human race's treasures.

It doesn't matter how much you earn, as long as it brings too much trouble to the tribe, there is a problem.

Six million epochs have passed since the masters of the universe in the human race took the path of divine power, and they were the first to reach the perfect gene of Dark Penggong Chaos.

In the three million epoch, Chaos crossed the threshold of perfect genes, increasing from 10081 to 10082 times.

Even though this is only a double difference, it is a huge difference. This small double gene can make the Lord of Chaos City become the strongest in a single thought.

Today, the founder of Giant Ax is completely relieved.

There are two masters of the universe in the group who can become the strongest in a moment. If something happens to them, there will be no big problems in the group.

No matter how weak the strongest person is, he is still the strongest. The group with the strongest person is the pinnacle group. It can resurrect the top universe overlord, can follow the instructions and quickly reach the place where it wants to go.

All in all, as long as the strongest person is around, no major changes will occur.

The strongest person in the original universe was a being who could not be killed. He could come and leave whenever he wanted. If he was angered, he would go directly to the Min tribe to wreak havoc.

Therefore, the group with the strongest people can be the peak group, because the group will not encounter too many threats.

"After breaking through the perfect gene, it is indeed possible to break the law with force, allowing the Divine Kingdom to transform into a small universe and become the strongest." The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

Although everyone in the universe says that he is the next master of the universe to become the strongest, it is not that simple to become the strongest.

Now taking the divine power route is considered to be a success.

"However, the Lord of Ganwu said that there is not much improvement in becoming the strongest person below 30000 times the life gene. You have to at least reach the first level before you can make a breakthrough."

As the Lord of Chaos City broke through the perfect gene, the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong waited millions of epochs to break through the perfect gene.

"It seems that one step is not fast, but every step is fast." The Lord of Darkness said secretly.

As the first person to achieve perfect genes, his progress is now lagging far behind. Since Chaos broke through that threshold, the life gene has rapidly improved, and now it has reached 15000 times.

"As expected of the Lord of Chaos City, my progress is pretty good and I should be able to break through the perfect gene in a short time." The Lord of Dragon Walk secretly said.

These Lords of the Universe are already the strongest in the human race, with excellent talents and understanding. With the blessing of ancient secrets, their strength has rapidly increased.

"It seems that the Chaos City Lord has the best understanding. Maybe the first level is not his limit. Maybe with more time, it is possible to reach the second level."

"It's a pity that my theory of divine power is only in the first level. To reach the second level, I need to be in the middle level. Otherwise, if I try to figure it out on my own, even if I can't do it, even a whole era of reincarnation probably won't be enough."

Yang Hao shook his head and thought it was a pity.

This theory of divine manifestation is now being studied by these masters of the universe, and will also be studied by my own disciples in the future, as well as the Yan Shen clan who are suitable for taking the path of divine power.

When the Lord of the Universe emerges from the Yan Divine Clan, he will definitely take the path of divine power.

It's a pity that it's only the first volume, and at most it can only be cultivated to the first level of the divine power route. What if I encounter a super genius later? Wouldn't it be a loss?
"Let's talk about the rest later. It's still early. Besides, taking the divine power route is not just about talking about divine power."

"When 'it' comes, there will be opportunities, so take your time."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully creating the sixth force and receiving a sign-in reward from the strongest person in the universe."

"Ding! It's detected that the host has contributed more to the group, and received a sign-in critical hit, and the reward has been upgraded to a level beyond the strongest!"

"What? It took me millions of epochs to create the Weapon Refining Group before you said I successfully created it. Why don't you come later..."

Yang Hao couldn't help complaining that the system's response was really slow.

However, after thinking about it, I can understand that the sixth power involves many aspects of the human race, and it has only been enriched within the framework over millions of epochs.

There are still many things that have not been resolved, and its influence in the human race, let alone the Virtual Universe and the Giant Ax Arena, is even worse than that of the Mercenary Alliance.

Only after a long period of time can the influence gradually increase, and it will take a long time to reach the level of the two strongest forces.

"It doesn't matter, you can still give me a critical hit, and it's a sign that surpasses the strongest. I don't know what I can get."

"System, sign in!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in. You will receive the sign-in reward 'On Divine Power' and a gift of 10 million life materials for research!"

"Haha... System, you are awesome. You give me a pillow when I feel sleepy. I'm still worried about what to do if I meet a genius. Just give me a mid-level book on divine power."

"And there are also 10 million different types of life materials to research, which is worthy of being a sign-in reward that surpasses the strongest level."

Looking at the ordinary world ring on my hand, who knew there was a road to heaven inside?

"Although they haven't even reached the first level, these millions of different types of life materials allow them to study them first. With these, they can move much faster on the divine power route."

Yang Hao was overjoyed and quickly put the divine power and life materials into the palace.

The masters of the universe who were researching were all stunned when they saw the sudden increase in life materials. What the system gave away was not just a make-up of life materials.

It is very representative and has never been seen in the original universe. It seems that it is an ancient inheritance.

"Haha, I found the middle volume of the Wheel Divine Power, and put these life materials into it as well. Let's study it slowly."

Yang Hao smiled.

"I don't have to worry about it for the time being. The first and middle volumes should be enough. You can't have the kind of super genius who can reach the third level."

"The Lord of the Nine Netherworlds may have a certain possibility of reaching this level in the original universe."

"Jiuyou's divine body is extremely special and can create life. He is very suitable for taking the path of divine power."

"In addition, his divine body is extremely large, and if he becomes the strongest through the path of divine power, his combat power will also be extremely exaggerated."

Yang Hao fell into thinking for a while. Like the Lord of Nine Netherworlds in the original universe, he was actually a pervert, but he might not even know how perverted he was.

"It just so happens that I have the divine power of the first volume. It is not a problem to reach the second level of the divine power route. Maybe I can find an opportunity..."

(End of this chapter)

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