Chapter 159 Territorial Goals
"I have to discuss it with Juaxe, and let Juaxe handle this matter."

The potential of the Lord of the Nine Nethers is extremely strong in the original universe and even in the cosmic sea. Of course, the premise of everything is that he takes the path of divine power.

It doesn't feel good for Yang Hao to step forward in this kind of thing. With the strength of the giant axe, it should be easier to negotiate terms.

"But the timing is not good now. The human race is still being targeted by the Divine Eye Clan. Jiuyouzhen will not be able to even go to the universe sea if he joins our human race."

"When our human race has a few more powerful people and comes to a new era, and proves the strength of our human race, it shouldn't be difficult to win over Jiuyou."

"So what in the Ancestral God Religion? There is not even a single strongest person in the Ancestral God Religion. After the end of this reincarnation era, if there is no strongest person to take you in, no matter how strong you are, the Lord of the Universe will die."

One of the pain points in winning over the Lord of the Nine Nethers is that the Ancestral God Sect does not have the strongest person. As the spokesperson of the original will, the Ancestral God of the Ancestral God Sect can fight with the strongest person in the original universe.

But once in the cosmic sea, the combat power shows its true form.

Although the Ancestral God Sect is considered the pinnacle force, it can only be found in the original universe.

As the Lord of such a powerful universe, does the Lord of Nine Nethers have no ambitions and does he not consider his own future?

"If everything goes well, the Machine Clan's territory will be divided into half. As for the Monster Clan, there shouldn't be much they can do in the short term. They have two of the strongest."

Although the Queen has palace-type supreme treasures, facing them, without soul-type supreme treasures is a dead end.

"Without my appearance, the giant ax would have fallen. Now let the queen take a dip in this muddy water."

"What, the dark place?" When the founder of the giant ax heard this, there was such a powerful place in the Qingfeng world, where even the strongest person with the most powerful palace-like treasure would fall into it?
"Giant Axe, have you ever thought about a question?" Yang Hao said.

"Obviously there is no way to deal with them all at the same time. As long as one of the strongest ones is still alive, no one can compete for their territory."

"Although it is extremely difficult to break through reincarnation, according to the information we have collected, the three Jedi of the Universe Sea have existed for at least hundreds of thousands of reincarnation eras."

"When our human race enters a new era, we will surely become the largest force in the original universe, and we will surely shine in the cosmic sea!"

"I still need to talk to the giant axe."

"Haha! Territory, strong men, I want them all!"

"But I don't have the most powerful treasure with me. When the strength of the giant ax goes further, I will join forces with the giant ax and add two Zhouhai clones to self-destruct to find a way to kill him."

None of them would know how extraordinary this reincarnation era is.

"If I can become a super being in the future, it will be no problem to resurrect you. At least now you pose a very high threat to my human race!"

Due to the small number of strong people and the small number of lives in the group, the Zerg only occupy 800 star sectors, which is the smallest among the four major groups.

"I also have ten mind control skills that can enhance their potential."

"In the future, the Zerg race will belong to me, just like the Yan Clan."

Yang Hao's words echoed in Juaxe's mind. Indeed, why are there only two holy land universes? Is there any big secret in the universe sea?

The plan is actually very simple. Wait for the Dark Land to start breeding them, and then find a way to get the map of the Dark Land and lure the Queen Mother in.

"As long as there is no queen, and I try to find a way to cultivate a new queen, will the Zerg not be grateful to me in the future?"

Within the Ax universe.

"If we capture all 800 star sectors, the human race's territory will be almost doubled. As for those mother queens, if they don't work, they will be placed in my kingdom of God."

"I don't know if 'they' have started to conceive yet, maybe it will have to wait."

"Although you are so kind to my salamander whale clone, as long as you are still alive, I can't do anything to the Zerg."

"There is a way to quickly expand the territory of the human race. I have to plan it carefully."

"If everything goes as planned, I will be able to capture all the Zerg territory. The Zerg queens don't need much space to survive."

"Even if we capture the huge star region that is being formed, we will only gain the territory of ten more universe countries."

"It is expected that several strongest people will emerge. There is no shortage of cutting-edge combat power, but a major problem that limits the ethnic group is territory."

"What kind of crisis can wipe out the Holy Land Universe?" Giant Ax has never heard such explosive news.

"Get the Zerg territory first. For example, the Mechanical Clan has only one strongest person, the Mechanical Father God. His strength is pretty good, reaching level 8."

I fell into deep thought for a moment, the plan was simple but very effective.

The four peak ethnic groups occupy the best territory, but the demon clan actually has the largest territory because of the monster clan's own strength.

Now there is an opportunity in front of him that allows him to become the strongest with almost 100% chance. What will he choose?

"Because every once in a while, there will be a crisis in the Cosmic Sea! The crisis is so great that the Holy Land and the Universe will disappear. Therefore, for an extremely long time, there are only two Holy Lands in the Cosmic Sea."

"For such an extremely long time, there shouldn't be only two Holy Land universes."

"The Zerg territory is the first target. As for the territory of the Machine Tribe and Monster Tribe, we will leave it to that."

As long as the Queen falls, the entire Zerg race will fall into panic. When the time comes, the Salamander Whale clone will come forward to guide the Zerg race to join the human race, and everything will be over.

Yang Hao thought, the human race is indeed very powerful now, but there is still a long way to go to reach the top power in the universe sea.

"Of course we can get the entire territory of the Zerg race and most of the territory of the Machine race. Our human race's territory is estimated to reach 2500 star sectors."

"With such a huge territory and careful training, more and more powerful people will appear in the future."

"If you want to gain a larger territory, you have to find a way from the Zerg."

After the potential of these strong people is exhausted, if more geniuses are to emerge in the future, the ethnic boundaries must be expanded.

The actual number of star sectors they own is equivalent to 1200, while the human race has 1008. The mechanical race is almost the same as the human race, with 1000 star sectors.

The two ancestors of the Holy Land Universe have reached a level that exceeds that of the strongest. What powerful beings they are.

The strongest person in front of them can be suppressed with a flip of a finger, but there is nothing they can do in the face of the so-called crisis of the cosmic sea.

"The bad news is that there is a high probability of a crisis in our reincarnation era!"

Although what Yang Hao said is considered a secret of the universe sea, it does not exceed a certain limit and these words can be spoken.

If the original will has discovered that a crisis is brewing, it may already be thinking of a solution.

"What? In this era of reincarnation, we have to face the power of sweeping the entire cosmic sea?" Giant Ax was shocked.

"Even the Holy Land and the Universe can't resist the power, so how can we resist it? Doesn't it mean that we can't survive an era of reincarnation?"

"Don't worry, although the crisis is extremely powerful, there is still a glimmer of hope."

"I accidentally received the message that the crisis was brewing in the dark land. At the right time, my Salamander Whale clone would find a way to lure the Queen into it. When she falls, we humans will take over the Zerg territory!"

"If you want to survive the crisis, the more strong people the better. The larger the territory, the more strong people can appear."

"First take over the Zerg territory, and then find a way to kill the Machine God, and take over most of the Machine Tribe territory. This is my plan."

"There is nothing wrong with your plan. The only problem is that I need to improve my strength."

"The strongest person, even the strongest person who does not have the most powerful treasure, is not so easy to kill." "Kill the mechanical father god, and take action when I create the eighteenth axe, plus the two incarnations of you The power of self-destruction has a high success rate.”

"As for the task of seducing the Queen, it's up to you."

When Giant Ax heard that he was about to face super power, he felt uneasy in his heart. He finally felt a little more relaxed, but he did not expect that such a black swan event would occur.

"Don't worry too much about the giant axe. The ancestor of the Holy Land Universe cannot appear in the Universe Sea due to special reasons."

"Besides, under this crisis, even the vast primitive universe will..."

"What will happen too?"

Yang Hao smiled softly, there were some words that he couldn't say.

"What I mean is that if our human race handles this crisis well, we can negotiate terms with the original will and release the original ancestor!"

"Release the original ancestor?"

Giant Ax was surprised and happy. The original ancestor was very kind to him. Of course he wanted the original ancestor to come out, but the original will was so powerful that the original ancestor who was so high-spirited back then was suppressed.

There is a big gap between his own strength and the original ancestor. How can he save the original ancestor?

The news I heard at this moment was really a surprise.


"Of course it's true, but the giant axe, the crisis sweeping across the cosmic sea is very powerful, we still have to hurry up and improve our strength."

"Although I don't know where you got the news, but you can tell it in such detail, I don't think you will lie to me. Do you want to tell them?"

"It's not time yet. With their current strength, they can't help at all in a crisis. Telling them now will only burden them."

"Let's wait until they become the strongest, we still have time." Yang Hao said with a smile.

"It's up to you."

The founder of the great axe has drifted away.

Crisis is not just a crisis, but also comes with opportunities. If handled well, the original ancestor can be rescued and go through reincarnation.

If you don't handle it well, you will perish in the cosmic sea. As the strongest person, you will not be able to survive even an era of reincarnation.

"Hey, put some pressure on the giant axe." Yang Hao smiled.

"There is motivation only when there is pressure. The potential of the giant ax is very high. He also has three powerful treasures on his body, which can quickly increase his strength in a short period of time."

"Although the crisis is very dangerous, it is not without hope. There is still Luo Feng."

"Besides, I rely on the system. Even without Luo Feng, I will find a way to solve them. It's not a big problem."

"The plan for the future is to improve the strength of the human race first. If there is a chance, we will recruit a few more disciples and train a few masters of the universe or even the strongest ones."

"Nowadays, I can't even look down on a once-in-a-million super genius like Cody."

"Geniuses that come once in tens of millions of epochs sound very powerful, but their ability to reach the hegemony of the universe is already considered the limit. There is a high probability that they are just venerables."

"The ones we know so far are the leader of Source Star, the Lord of Youhou, and Luo Feng."

"Of course, if there is a genius in the Yan God Clan, we must also recruit one. If the Zerg tribe is also successfully included, then we can also recruit a super genius from the Zerg tribe."

Make plans for future events as ideas come to mind.

As for the improvement of one's own strength, due to the special nature of Chaotic Source Tenth Revolution, there is no need to be too anxious to improve to the strongest. Moreover, the Lord of the Universe can also reach very powerful strength.

"I still have plenty of time, so don't be too anxious."

The cosmic sea.

"Lord of the Star Devourer! Why are you stopping me?" The ancestor of the monster beasts was really a little angry. He was tricked by the Star Devourer Lord and failed to get the most powerful treasure he had promised.

He was also blown up by a huge divine body once. The divine body was somewhat damaged, so he stopped him instead of arguing with him.

"Lord of the Star Devourer, don't think that you can be arrogant just because you have the strength of the seventh level peak. I'm just too lazy to be familiar with you."

"Haha, ancestor of monster beasts, do you dare to fight with me?" the salamander whale clone laughed.

The strength of the seventh-level peak of the ancestor of the monster is just right for fighting with him, and he will not be beaten. The two are almost evenly matched, and you can gain a lot from fighting him.

"Why should I fight with you? You don't even have a treasure." The ancestor of the monster beast was speechless. Wherever the pervert comes from, he likes to fight.

"It's easy to talk about the treasure. I'll give you a pinnacle treasure and fight with me!" said the Salamander Whale clone.

"Being your sparring partner? Just give me a pinnacle treasure and treat me like a beggar?"

"Haha, the ancestor of monster beasts, what do you mean by being my sparring partner? Your and I have about the same fighting power. When we fight, we are evenly matched."

"I can improve my strength in battle, but can't you? As the strongest person, you can't be so savvy."

"If you could create an eighth-level secret method, would you still be afraid of the shaking horn?"

He became excited as soon as he heard about the ancestor of the horned monster beast.

"What does it mean to be afraid of Zhenjiao? He is just lucky enough to have the most powerful treasure. If I had the most powerful treasure, I would definitely be able to crush him."

"I was tricked by you once and you still want to trick me?"

"Why am I cheating on you? I'm just giving you a treasure so that you can fight with me. You and I can improve and learn from each other during the battle. What's the problem with that?"

"One pinnacle treasure is not enough, I need two!" The ancestor of the monster beasts was stunned. Isn't it just a fight? Are you afraid of you, the master of the universe?
"Easy to say!"

The Salamander Whale clone threw out two peak attack treasures. These two treasures were of average value, so it would be nice to have one of the strongest people as a sparring partner.

"Star Eater!"

Xing Yan swung this huge war hammer that reached 1.2 million kilometers, and each strike reached the peak of the seventh level. It was like carrying the power of a small universe, bombarding it with a bang.

"It's really awesome!" The ancestor of the monster beast said secretly.

Two strong men fought against each other, and neither one fell behind.

The divine body of the ancestor of the monster beasts is already huge, and his divine power is naturally numerous. His claws are waving, and every move has reached the peak of the seventh level.

"Haha, have fun! Have fun!" the salamander whale clone shouted.

"Based on the strength of this ancestor of monster beasts, its theoretical potential is higher than that of Zhenjiao."

"If he could have a supreme offensive treasure, he could reach the top level 8 with his powerful divine body."

"In this way, there may be a way to deal with the demon clan..."

(End of this chapter)

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