Lord of the Dry Witch Who Devours the Starry Sky.

Chapter 161 Lord Celestial Eclipse

Chapter 161 Lord Celestial Eclipse

"What a powerful eclipse!" Lord Demon Elephant was secretly shocked.

As a controller, fighting in close quarters is really a bit of a disadvantage. Who would have thought that such a huge divine body would not be able to fight in close quarters.

The strong men in the original universe could achieve extremely strong strength in one direction, which was already considered excellent.

Very few strong people will take two routes at the same time, and it is almost impossible for those who take two routes to become a super being.

Of course, Lord Demon Elephant is also a very powerful and top cosmic overlord by virtue of his ability as a controller. However, in the extremely small space in the Star Tower, his strength is greatly affected.

If it were in the ordinary starry sky, it would not be easily approached like this.

"Eclipse the sky!"

The peak secret technique attacked Lord Demon Elephant's huge divine body one after another. His divine body, which was more than 10,000 kilometers long, was like a huge target, constantly being hit by the long sword and the treasure.

"My secret technique attacked his divine body, and after being blocked by the high-grade armor treasure for most of its power, one move could only annihilate one ten thousandth of his divine power."

It is usually not used in special circumstances and will not be used easily. Of course, in an anxious battle, using a bottle of such a potion can instantly increase the strength by several percent, which can quickly change the battle situation.

Although Lord Demon Elephant has not lost much of his divine power, if he continues at this rate, he will be killed sooner or later.

After the potion is used, the activity of the Lord's divine power will be increased in a short period of time, and the strength will be increased even more after burning the divine power.

The weaker his strength, the faster his divine power will be annihilated. If he maintains this fighting state, he will be killed quickly.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Damn it! It's been so long and there's still no passage?"

"The divine body is big, so I just need more time!"

"Haha! Human Eclipse, see you next time!"

With a swoosh, he entered the top palace treasure.

The war elephant condensed by the treasure is actually his most powerful secret method, but in the current situation, how to use the war elephant, he can only use the telekinesis treasure to perform ordinary attacks.

At this time, Lord Demon Elephant had already had one-third of his divine power annihilated. His strength was much weaker, and the intensity of his resistance was reduced accordingly.

Fortunately, he is the top overlord of the universe and can be resurrected. It's just that the lost treasures will not be resurrected together. In addition, with such a huge divine body, it will take a lot of divine power to resurrect him.


"Devil! Die!"

"It seems that he is about to fall..." Lord Demon Elephant said secretly.

"However, although my divine body is small, the innate secret method can enhance the power of the combat secret method and reduce the consumption of divine power. Even if it burns with divine power, it can burn for a long time, which is equivalent to a several kilometers level divine body."

It actually takes less time than imagined.

Lord Demon Elephant was shocked. In the past, the channel opened very quickly. Why wouldn't it open now?
If one could constantly change scenes through passages or even leave the Star Tower, there would be a way to survive.

"The Divine Body is really powerful, and it's really difficult to deal with."

However, after the duration of the potion ends, you will fall into a short-term weakened state, and your combat power will be less than two-thirds of its normal strength.

You can't fight, you can't run, you can only die.

"Let's fight. I still have an identity in the human race, and I can be considered to be destined to the human race. Whether Sky Eclipse can seize the opportunity depends on you..." Lin Ti thought as she looked at the space that was involved in the war.

But it can only be said that it has a certain ability to resist. The re-condensed treasure of telekinesis is divided into many smallest weapon forms.

"This Venerable Sky Eclipse is known as the being most likely to become the Lord of the Universe. He is extremely powerful. Even among the many Venerables in the entire original universe, he can be ranked in the top five."

"It's bad luck! It's bad luck!"

"The next time the Primordial Star is about to open, I can only hope that next time the Primordial Star will be able to gain something..."

The Lord Demon Elephant, who still had half of his divine power, was touched by all his divine power, and instantly transformed into a huge power, and exploded.

"I'm not afraid of the Star Prison Demon Lord or the Lord of Mountains and Seas, but why did I meet the most perverted venerable person in the human race?"

"By annihilating one-third of his divine power, I lost 10% of my divine power." Tian Eclipse said secretly.

"These high-level treasures have been lost. Although I still have some treasures, they are not as good as the treasures on my body. This will affect my strength."

boom! boom! boom!
With one move, one ten thousandth of the divine power is annihilated, and as the divine power is annihilated, the strength will be affected, and the ability to resist later will become weaker.

The small space was crazily crushed by the divine power generated by the self-destruction, washing away like a wave.

This magical active potion was prepared by the only four-star pharmacist in the Universe Refining Group. It is only sold to the human race and is not for sale to outsiders.

Lord Demon Elephant struggled to resist. Fortunately, his elephant trunk was extremely hard and comparable to ordinary attack treasures. He also had a certain ability to resist when he was approached.

Tian Eclipse reacted quickly and took out a top palace treasure. If it were not restricted by the rules, what he took out would be a high palace treasure.

"Fortunately, the teacher gave me five bottles of magical active potions. Although it didn't improve me much, only one-third, it was enough."

"My fighting style is wide open, and I will be unlucky if I encounter a natural eclipse!"

"He actually blew himself up!"

The seventh battlefield is so big, it would be bad if he escapes and ascends to heaven. With his strength, it should not be too easy to clean up the Venerables on the human side.

The eclipse became more and more courageous as he fought, and the secret attacks continued continuously. After the huge divine body of Lord Demon Elephant was approached, it was extremely difficult to resist for a while.

"Damn it! If this continues, I will be killed sooner or later. Hold on and see if I can wait until a passage opens."

The explosive power, like waves constantly washing over, bombarded the palace's treasures. The palace's treasures were washed back and forth like a lonely boat. However, with the power of this explosion, it was obviously not enough to cause effective damage to the eclipse.

"I'm lucky. The space here is small. When I get close, he can't do anything to me."

"In addition, the secret technique he created is very open and close, and his divine body is huge, so he was restrained by me."

"A high-level mental treasure, a high-level armor treasure, as well as a top palace treasure and a top domain treasure, the harvest is good!"

"By the way, there are still 9 alien sages in the world ring. Let the other sages in the team also warm up."

The sword stabbed at the world ring three times in a row. Although the world ring was specially made, it would not be damaged easily in such a battle.

But being targeted and bombarded by the secret method of the Peak Lord of the Universe, the specially made world ring was useless and shattered.

The many substances inside fill this small space, making the space more crowded.

"Lord Demon Elephant is dead!"

"Why has Lord Demon Elephant never defeated Sky Eclipse if he is so powerful?"

"No, run away!"

When the world ring was destroyed and the nine sages inside appeared, they knew something was wrong when they saw the ten human sages looking at it eagerly. "You guys deal with them. I'll take action when there's danger." Tian Eclipse said.

We have already killed the strongest enemy and leave the rest to them. Don't come to the battlefield for so long without experiencing a single battle.

boom! boom! boom!
In an instant, the crowded space became lively again, and many items scattered in the world ring were shattered by the aftermath of the battle.

Although the two teams have nine Venerables each fighting each other, the human team has a more reasonable distribution of teams, with eight Human Venerables plus one Zerg Venerable.

The 8 human race lords cooperated tacitly, and the zerg race lord used soul attacks to assist, how could the 9 demon race machine race lords withstand it.

They were not united enough internally. The Lord Demon Elephant was fine when he was alive, but now that a disaster is approaching, their strength has fallen to the bottom again.

Even if Tian Eclipse didn't take action, the nine venerables finally killed all the venerables in this team after a hard battle.

"Haha, so happy!"

"The bastards of the demon race and the mechanical race don't have the courage to resist in front of us, they are just like slaughtering animals."

"Aren't the monsters just a group of animals and beasts?"

"Ha ha…"

Several human race venerables felt happy. It was indeed right to follow the celestial eclipse venerable. They could kill aliens and grab treasures, and they could also contribute to the race. What a joy!

"It's a good start. The 100 years have just begun. I have eliminated the biggest threat on the seventh battlefield."

"The aliens on the seventh battlefield pose no threat to me. I just need to keep killing the aliens for the rest of the time."

"As more aliens are killed, the advantage of the seventh battlefield will be greater, and the fewer nobles will fall on our side, forming a virtuous cycle."

"With the death of such a huge divine body like Lord Demon Elephant, the demon clan has suffered a great loss."

"Zhen Demon Ancestor or Dream Demon Ancestor, no matter who resurrects him, he will lose a lot of divine power. It is estimated that his divine body will also suffer some losses."

"I killed Lord Demon Elephant and indirectly weakened the demon clan's strength. Although it's not much, there is still some."

Tianxiang thought to himself.

While the passage is not open, sweep the battlefield. He also took out the treasure to restore divine power, allowing everyone to restore their divine bodies and maintain their strength at its peak.

The other venerables looked happy. The battle just now was not too difficult, but there was some loss of divine power. After all, the demon clan venerables all have huge divine bodies, and it takes some effort to kill them.

Tian Eclipse took out the treasure that restored his divine power, and they quickly thanked him.

"It's so cool. This battle allowed me to get a treasured trophy."

"There is still so much time. I hope I can meet a few more foreign teams so that I can earn more trophies."

One of the sages thought that the current situation is not bad. After the death of Lord Demon Elephant, there is no threat on the seventh battlefield. With Lord Tian Eclipse around, safety is guaranteed.

Even if he doesn't take action from behind, he still feels safe and he just needs to use all his strength to kill the aliens.

"Well... Celestial Eclipse has performed well. The advantage on the seventh battlefield has been determined. It just depends on how much the advantage can be expanded."

Yang Hao kept patrolling the ten major battlefields, and when he came to the seventh battlefield and saw the results of the eclipse, he nodded secretly.

"I am a good disciple. Instead of relying on my own strong strength to kill, I let several other sages take action so that they can gain something from this battle."

"This can also improve the combat effectiveness of the entire human race. Although it is very small, it is still rewarding to increase the strength of these venerables."

"The most stressful thing now is the first battlefield and the tenth battlefield."

Although Li Hao, Lord of Mountains and Seas, was present in the first battlefield, the opponent also had the strongest team.

It is a team led by the strongest top cosmic overlord of the demon clan, the Overlord. His name is Lord Eying, and his strength is comparable to that of Lord Eclipse.

The divine body of Lord Eagle is a huge eagle with a size of more than 3000 kilometers, and the life gene multiplier reaches times!
Also has two clones.

Created the secret method of the master of the peak universe, which is extremely fast and very powerful.

His strength ranks first among the nearly 20 top cosmic overlords of the Monster Clan, so you can imagine how powerful he is.

The divine body is huge and the life gene multiplier is also high. Among the top cosmic overlords in the entire original universe, if not the top three, it can still be ranked in the top five.

"If Tian Eclipse fights him, there is still a chance, but with Li Hao's strength, he is still inferior to Lord Eying."

As for the tenth battlefield, because the human race and the Zerg race are only allowed to rank five top cosmic overlords, one less than the demon race, the extra one will be on the tenth battlefield.

Yang Hao had no choice but to let the team on the tenth battlefield hide as much as possible. It didn't matter how many they could kill, just as few as possible.

Among the other battlefields, the first, third, fourth, fifth, and seventh battlefields all have top cosmic overlords on each other.

Lord Demon Elephant was the first to fall, which also gave the seventh station a huge advantage.

"The third battlefield is Venerable Fanhua. Her strength is also good and she should be able to take advantage."

"The Star Prison Demon Lord is on the fourth battlefield. He has about the same fighting power as the aliens. Everyone has a chance."

"As long as the tenth battlefield is stable and Li Hao can barely resist, we will have a great advantage from now on."

I kept observing the ten major battlefields and had a rough idea in my mind.

Of course, one hundred years has just begun, and it doesn’t seem to be a big problem for the time being, but no one can say for sure what will happen in the future. We can only say that everything is possible.

When the human team on the seventh battlefield received the message provided by Yang Hao, their morale was immediately boosted, and they wanted to tear the alien lord to pieces immediately.

"The teacher told me to be careful of Lord Eagle Eagle. It's best not to get into a head-on battle with him." Li Hao said secretly.

"Indeed, Lord Eagle Eagle's strength is similar to that of my junior brother. I am no match for him."

"But I'm in the jumping star ring, so it's hard to tell. Lord Eagle Eagle wants to find and capture me here, unless he gets lucky."

"If it doesn't work out, I'm squatting in the top palace's treasures. What can you do to me?"

Of course, Li Hao said so, but he gave up without really saying so. His heart was still a little throbbing. If he really met Lord Eying, he would fight him no matter what.

Li Hao's special being had a very large divine body, nearly a thousand kilometers away, and he also possessed 1000 times the life gene.

High will and understanding are also good, and the secret method is not much different.

Although he is not the opponent of Lord Eying, he cannot retreat easily when faced with a strong enemy. He still has to fight to know the difference in strength.

"It's a pity that in this hundred-year war, the level of the treasure was limited. Otherwise, I would add the top treasure weapon, the top treasure armor, and the blessing of high-level domain treasures."

"He is also capable of fighting against Lord Eagle Eagle."

Li Hao shook his head. His good luck had not been exhausted. He didn't need a teacher to give him the treasure. He could collect it through various methods.

Just like opening the original star, it's like going to buy goods. You can get several pieces of top treasures, not to mention other levels of treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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