Chapter 162 Deadlock
In the blink of an eye, ten years of territorial war have passed.

The unlucky Lord who fell was secretly unlucky. After falling once, he could no longer enter the top ten battlefields to continue fighting.

Fortunately, the higher-ups of the Territory War Clan are paying attention, and he will basically be resurrected soon.

The Lord of the Universe or the strongest person takes action to resurrect them. Before these sages go out to fight, they will appear once in a designated place.

In this way, when the Lord of the Universe resurrects them, he doesn't have to travel all over the universe.

For example, when these venerables went out for the expedition, they collectively appeared in the secret realm of Qianwu. The best place to resurrect them was in the hall where the expedition ceremony took place.

Yang Hao's true self is sitting on the battlefield outside the territory. At this time, the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Peng Gong, and the Lord of Longxing are in the secret realm of Qianwu.

The three of them have broken through the perfect gene, and their divine bodies have reached 90,000 kilometers. There is no pressure on the resurrected venerable.

In other words, the overlords of the universe and the others cannot be resurrected, and they need the help of the founder of the giant axe.

"Thank you Lord of the Universe!"

The Lord of Peng Gong smiled coldly. It was obvious that he had great hatred for foreigners.

"The more Zerg queens there are, the greater the threat. The nine sages control the Zerg warriors to attack together, and their power may exceed that of most universe overlords."

"Hey, that's not the case. It's too bad to be the strongest now. We have to at least have 3 times the gene and reach the first level." Master Peng Gong said.

"If more than one-tenth of the sages have fallen in ten years, won't they all fall in the future?"

"Although that star region is huge, it is still unnecessary for us, the masters of the universe, to fight each other for these territories."

"He can assign the venerables of both races to each other, and they will definitely be assigned into teams based on the strongest strength."

"What a pity! What a pity! If I had known that the Lord of Gan Wu had given us ancient inheritance, our life genes would now exceed those of perfect genes, and we could negotiate terms directly with the giant axe."

Naturally, his hands were itching unbearably, and he was a little excited when encountering such a group war.

"Besides, millions of eras are nothing. Even tens of billions of eras are no problem. When this 100-year territorial war is over, I will continue to study divine power."!
"The bastards from the God Eye Clan are hunting down the strong men from the Human Race and even Hongmeng. Give me some time. After becoming the strongest, I will definitely make the God Eye Clan look good."

Now his divine body has suddenly expanded to 14000 kilometers, and his life genes have reached times. When he uses the same fusion secret method, his power is stronger than before, and he can still use it continuously.

"If the seventh battlefield hadn't been a secret realm in the universe, and there were places like the Star Tower, I'd probably have killed the alien venerable long ago."

Lord Peng Gong nodded in approval after hearing this.

"Even our peak tribe cannot accept such consequences." The Lord of Chaos said.

"I think it's boring for you to quickly increase your strength. I think if you feel bored, you can simply transform the Kingdom of God into a small universe in one thought, and become the strongest in one breath. Then you can go to the universe sea to take risks and fight?" Chaos City Lord smiled.

"What else is needed for the Lord to fight? Why not be happy if we personally kill the alien master of the universe?"

"The demon race and the machine race have been arguing for several days about the allocation of teams. I think their death rate is higher than ours."

"It's no longer the old days, when a newly formed territory consisted of dozens or even hundreds of star districts."

"With this division, not only will the cooperation be more tacit, but the gap between each other will also be reduced."

All the Universe Lords who fell within ten years have been resurrected, and the number is more than 300, which is more than one-tenth of the total number of expeditions.

"Haha, who would have thought that Lord Devouring Star is the clone of Gan Wu?"

"We have an advantage in the seventh battlefield, but the tenth battlefield is dangerous."

"Our death rate in the tenth battlefield is more than one-third. I hope they can hold on."

"There is already a lot of hatred between our four tribes, so letting the venerables fight is the best choice."

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

"Hey, I have spent millions of epochs studying divine power routes. I haven't even ventured into the cosmic sea. I can't find a place to show off my strength. It's such a boring life!"

"Haha, if you think about it, our human race has unlimited potential. Sooner or later, we will shine in the universe sea!"

"Only three of the most powerful treasures were taken out, as well as ancient secrets, a map of the universe sea, etc. His strength and luck are all so good, and I have benefited from him a lot."

"Those two are from the Tenth Battlefield. They were unlucky enough to be found and killed by the opponent's top cosmic overlord. Otherwise, not a single cosmic overlord would have fallen."

"Look at the seventh battlefield. Lord Gan Wu's disciple Tian Eclipse killed Lord Demon Elephant. The entire seventh battlefield of the demon clan and mechanical clan's elders ran away with their heads in their arms. Half of them have been killed in just ten years."

"And the first batch of sages who fell were relatively weak ones. Only two of them were as powerful as the overlord of the universe."

"How many of the Zergs have fallen?" Lord Peng Gong asked.

"When the Lord of Darkness becomes the strongest and possesses the most powerful soul-like blue-eyed light, he can reach level 8 strength with a little practice."

"Yes, although the rise of the Lord of Gansha has been short-lived, he has contributed too much to our human race."

"If we were to go down personally and the countless accumulated hatreds completely explode, I am afraid that more than ten Masters of the Universe would have fallen among the four races."

There is no need to worry about divine power at all.

"It's through the divine body route again. The basic strength is already strong. What else will be needed to lurk when the time comes? The exposure of the identity will make other ethnic groups tremble."

"Yes, if three or four of the strongest people in our human race appear again and join forces to attack the secret method, what will the Divine Eye Clan mean?" said the Lord of Dragon Walk.

"According to Gan Wu's description, the average combat effectiveness of the Zerg team is much stronger, and only more than 80 venerables have died so far."

"You can't say that. The battle has only just begun, and the number of fallen venerables is the largest. As the number of venerables decreases, the intensity of the battle that breaks out later becomes lower."

"All this must be thanked to the Lord of Qianwu. Without his ancient inheritance, we may not be able to say that we will still be the Lord of the Universe at the end of the reincarnation era."

Of course he understands what the Chaos City Lord said, but now he has finally become much stronger, and there is not much difference compared to the previous Chaos City Lord.

"Let's not talk about the glory. We should quickly improve our strength and don't let down the Lord of Ganwu."

The three masters of the universe were idle, and the topic ranged from ethnic wars to ethnic groups and the master of witchcraft.

The current strength of the human race is slowly becoming stronger. In the foreseeable future, not to mention becoming the largest force in the universe sea, it is no problem to become the largest ethnic group in the original universe.

As the largest force in the world, the Monster Clan has two strongest ones, about 20 Masters of the Universe, and close to 20 top Universe Overlords.

The peak combat power is much greater than that of the human race. Fortunately, the founder of the giant ax is now extremely powerful. There is also the Lord of Gansha with sixth-level combat power, and the Lord of Star Devourer with seventh-level combat power lurking in the Zerg.

After all, the strength of the human race is not weak.

What's more, among the masters of the universe who are advancing on the path of divine power, four have broken through the perfect gene, and four have achieved the perfect gene.

If the human race is really in danger, the four strongest people can appear in an instant.

Today's human race seems to have little strength on the surface, but in fact it is already quite powerful.

The sixth battlefield outside the territory.

"What are the Monster Race and Mechanical Race doing? Are they not allowed to form large-scale teams again?" The Salamander Whale clone discovered something was wrong while inspecting the ten major battlefields.

The demon race machine race team on the sixth battlefield is a huge team composed of more than 20 teams, with more than venerables. According to the rules, this is not allowed, but they have taken advantage of this huge team and killed several small teams on the human side.

"what happened?"

The wild aura of the Salamander Whale clone struck out, instantly making more than two hundred venerables of the Mechanical Tribe and Monster Tribe feel an extremely powerful aura. This aura continuously bombarded them, making their souls tremble.


With a cold shout, more than 200 venerables were injured, and the weak ones almost died.

This is the clone of the Salamander Whale. As the strongest master of the universe in the universe sea, a group of sages are nothing more than ants.

The huge divine body with a length of 1.2 million kilometers and a wingspan of million kilometers is as overwhelming as a continent.

The more than 200 venerables present only felt extremely powerful and could not even think of resistance.

The most powerful cosmic overlords were especially targeted. Their huge divine power was annihilated in the cold drink, and their combat effectiveness was reduced to ten percent at this time.

"Lord of the Star Devourer, why did you attack the little guys?" The Lord of the Eagles arrived quickly. If it had been a little later, all these venerables might have been slaughtered.

"Since the rules have been made, you and I should abide by them. The number of venerables on your side is already greater, and yet you are forming a team again on such a large scale."

"Slaughter our venerable, if you don't follow the rules, I will naturally take action!"

The avatar of the salamander whale is extremely powerful, and the body of the Lord Changjiu is still huge, but it is as small as a dot in front of the avatar of the salamander whale, and is as ridiculous as an earthworm in front of the blue whale.

"You!" The Lord of Changjiu was angry, but there was nothing he could do.

It was because he did not follow the rules and formed a large-scale team again, but his strength was not as good as the Salamander Whale clone.

Although I was very unhappy inside, there was nothing I could do about it.

"The Lord of Star Devourer is wild and arrogant in his actions. He is not afraid of even the strongest in the universe sea. He has fought with the ancestor of monster beasts many times and almost lost his feelings. I still don't want to provoke him." The Lord of Changjiu said secretly.

It's okay if you don't support the venerables. If you get beaten up again, you will be humiliated.

He is indeed wild and arrogant in his actions. Who makes him strong? There is nothing I can do if I don't accept it, I can only hold it in.

"Good good!"

"We formed the team maliciously. I will ask them to stop forming the team. Are you satisfied?"

"Hmph! There will be no next time, there will be a next time where all the malicious teams will be killed!"

The Salamander Whale clone snorted again, and the powerful aura spread out, affecting all the divine bodies present.

He was already suffering a lot of damage, but now it's even worse.

The strength of more than 200 venerables is not the same. Although they are still alive, most of them are no different from dead.

After all, not all venerables have the money to buy treasures that can quickly restore divine power.

Fighting for the territory for the ethnic group and fighting against the aliens are indeed exciting, but there are only so many things in the pocket, so it is better to use them sparingly.

"You!" The Lord of the Eagles was angry. Why did he want to bombard me again? Or in front of me? Do you really think that the Lord of the Universe has no face?
"What are you doing?"


"What am I?"


The Lord of the Eagles had no choice but to drink coldly, but it had no effect, not even the incompetent rage.

"The advantage of the sixth battlefield should also be there." The Salamander Whale clone secretly said.

As a battlefield monitor, you have to take action when it's time to take action.

Although the rules are strict, don't blame me for attacking the little guys if they blatantly disobey them.

The more than 200 sages were basically destroyed, and there were not many sages who had the power to restore their powers.

In the sixth battlefield, the mechanical race, the monster race, has a total of 600 venerables. Now less than half of them have been abolished. The human race has a great advantage.

"Damn it! The Star Devourer Lord of the Zerg and the Gan Wu Lord of the human race can both reach the sixth level of combat power in the original universe."

"With these two perverts acting as battlefield monitors, we won't get any advantage at all!" The Lord of the Eagles had no choice.

In fact, he secretly guided the large-scale formation of the sixth battlefield.

I had just killed a few teams, but I never thought that the Zerg Star-Eating Lord would react so quickly and take such decisive action.

The Lord of the Eagles had no choice but to do these small tricks. He could only see the real chapter on the battlefield.

"Hmph, the tenth battlefield has an absolute advantage, and there is also the first battlefield. With the strength of Lord Eying, he can crush Lord Shanhai."

"Although the death of Lord Demon Elephant on the seventh battlefield puts the seventh station at a disadvantage, the two advantageous battlefields on our side give us a great advantage..."

Continuously observing the battlefield, after more than ten years, the team of the Demon Clan and the Mechanical Clan are almost in sync.

As time goes by, the combat effectiveness becomes stronger and stronger.

"The combined team of the nine Zerg Mother Queens is really powerful. Fortunately, they are small in number. The number of Zerg Queens is only one-third of ours. Otherwise, they would have been killed by the Queen Mothers." The Lord of Changjiu is quite satisfied with the current situation. satisfy.

"There seems to be something wrong with the situation..."

Yang Hao suddenly discovered that the team of the Demon Clan and the Mechanical Clan were getting stronger and stronger. They put aside their barriers and fought together.

The demon clan venerable dragged the human race into the battle with the advantage of his divine body. The sages of the mechanical tribe have mechanical weapons customized for them by the mechanical father.

Being able to jointly launch attacks, the human side had to resist with difficulty, and many teams were killed or only one or two survived.

"The demon race machine race team in the sixth battlefield is also very powerful. Even if more than 200 venerables were attacked by me and almost died, our advantage is not that big."

For this territorial war, the four tribes have made a lot of efforts.

The human race customized treasures for the venerables, as well as guidance from the Lord of the Universe.

The demon tribe also buys treasures from all over the universe and sells them to the venerable ones at low prices for their use.

Needless to say about the Zerg, the queens of the Lord of the Universe help train the Zerg warriors, raising the combat power of the queens to a higher level.

As for the mechanical race, the Mechanical Father himself went out and customized mechanical weapons for his children.

The strength of the venerables of all major races has been greatly improved.

After the initial chaos, the demon race and machine race also put aside their prejudices and fought together.

For a while, no one of the two sides has an absolute advantage, and it’s hard to tell.

(End of this chapter)

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