Do you know: I have a different surname: Wang, uncle Minglan.

Chapter 95 The banquet for the British father-in-law and his adopted daughter begins

Chapter 95 The banquet for the British father-in-law and his adopted daughter begins

After Mrs. Sheng and Minglan left the British government.

Zhang Fu then distributed invitations in his own name.

Most of them are martial arts invitations.

It's not that Zhang Fu couldn't invite a few civil servants, but that he couldn't.

The most taboo thing in the hearts of officials is harmony between civil and military affairs.

Zhang Fu personally sent the invitations, and all the famous martial artists in the capital were coming.

For a time, the fact that the British government adopted Wei Shu as a righteous daughter became a topic of after-dinner discussion among the noble disciples.

During this period, an interesting thing happened in Zhongyongbo Mansion.

On this day, it was Wei Yuan's turn to take a rest.

I don’t know where the Duke of Qi got the news, but he actually sent the young prince Qi Heng to visit him.

Wei Yuan was very puzzled. He was not familiar with the Duke of Qi!
In Wu Xun's eyes, the Duke of Qi was no longer a member of the same family.

At this moment, the main hall of Uncle Zhongyong's mansion was present.

Wei Yuan sat in the first place and Qi Heng sat on one side.

The two looked at each other speechlessly.

I don't know how long it took, but Wei Yuan took a sip of tea.

Qi Heng also took a sip.

Wei Yuan looked at him, and he looked at Wei Yuan.

The two stared at each other. Finally, Qi Heng, who was very embarrassed, bowed and said:
"According to seniority, juniors should call you uncle."

"This junior is studying with Zhuang Xuexue in the Sheng family, and is quite familiar with your niece Minglan."

"Our two families are both noble and noble, so the younger generation should come to visit you."

"I just heard that you have been very busy since coming to the capital, so I just have a moment of free time today."

"This junior came to bother me after hearing about it. I hope Uncle Wei will forgive me."

Hearing this, Wei Yuan remained calm and took another sip of tea, as if quietly watching Qi Heng's performance.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Qi Heng was extremely embarrassed, but he still said bravely:

"I heard that General Wei you have three major hobbies. One is horses, the other is weapons, and the third is military books."

"It's hard to find this fine horse and high-quality weapons. I'm sending someone to pay attention to them, but I can't find anything more than this military book."

"There is actually a copy of "The Art of War of Taiyin" in my family. Although it is not the original copy, Duke Wu Xiang made annotations on this book of war."

"Uncle Wei, please accept it."

With that said, he took the military book from the servant next to him and handed it to Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan winked, asked him to put it aside, and slowly said:

"Did you come here because of your parents' wishes, or because of your wishes?"

Qi Heng cupped his hands and said, "Both are available. Mainly, this junior also wants to hear Uncle Wei's teachings."

Wei Yuan chuckled, "You're so good at planning this, I can hear it even in Daizhou."

Qi Heng looked embarrassed.

Wei Yuan stood up and said: "You are also a disciple of Wu Xun, can you know two moves?"

Qi Heng stood up quickly and said, "As Uncle Wei said, this junior has never practiced martial arts."

The word '武' hasn't been uttered yet.

Wei Yuan rushed to say: "It seems that the young master must be proficient in literature, Taoism and martial arts. Why don't you let me give it a try?"

Qi Heng wondered: "Uncle Wei, this junior doesn't think it's necessary?"

Wei Yuan frowned suddenly, making Qi Heng's heart skip a beat.
"What? Do you look down on me? Are you unwilling to compete with me?"

Qi Heng complained in his heart and said: "Uncle Wei, this junior has absolutely no intention of this. Junior, junior, junior"

Wei Yuan said displeasedly: "If you dare, dare, if you dare not, then dare, hesitant and indecisive, is this the behavior of a man?"

Qi Heng gritted his teeth, bowed deeply and said, "Uncle Wei, please show mercy."

Wei Yuan smiled very charmingly.

The final result can be imagined.

Qi Heng limped away from Uncle Zhongyong's house with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Wei Yuan sincerely invited Qi Heng to stay for dinner.

Qi Heng quickly refused, "Uncle Wei, my little nephew still has something to do. I will meet you another day to get drunk and then rest with Uncle Wei."

He was really scared.

I'm afraid that if I continue to stay here, my soul will be scared to death by Wei Yuan.

When leaving Uncle Zhongyong's residence, Qi Heng's follower 'Buwei' said with an unhappy face:

"Sir, you come to visit Uncle Zhongyong with good intentions, but is this the way Uncle Zhongyong treats guests?"

Qi Heng endured the pain on his body and said bluntly: "What do you know? This beating is worth it."

Is it worth the beating?

Not puzzled.

Qi Heng explained: "With Uncle Zhongyong's methods, if you really want to compete with me, killing me would be like killing a chicken or a dog, but it would be close."

"Even if I move a little bit seriously, do you think I can still walk?"

"Recently, you have sent people to pay attention to whether there are any good horses or superior weapons on the market."

Buwei's eyes widened, "Sir, are you still coming?"

Qi Heng said: "You don't understand, you have to come."
As soon as Qi Heng left, Gu Tingye came. Gu Tingye did not bring any military instructions to Wei Yuan, but he did bring a spear that Zhao Zhen had given him when he was a child to give to Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan didn't accept it. Although the gun was good, Gu Tingye needed it more than him.

Seeing that he didn't want it, Gu Tingye had no choice but to give Wei Yuan a Xixia horse he had just bought from the market.

Afterwards, the two competed.

Like Qi Heng, Gu Tingye also left Uncle Zhongyong's house with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

His personal attendant Shi Shi also said the same thing.

And Gu Tingye's answer was the same as Qi Heng's.
"What do you know? This beating is worth it!"

"General Wei is worthy of being a contemporary tiger general. His martial arts skills have surpassed that of my father."

"I think there are only a handful of people in this world who can fight with General Wei!"

"It's my blessing to be given guidance by General Wei."
Wei Yuan couldn't say what Gu Tingye was here for, but he was clear about Qi Heng's thoughts.


The distinguished disciples who were on duty at Ma Junsi came to 'ask for wine' while Wei Yuan was resting.

Wei Yuan drank a lot with them.

Qin Zhen, the eldest son of Duke Fuguo, admired and said:
"Ma Shuai, I didn't have a good time drinking in Fan Lou last time, but today, my brothers have seen your huge capacity."

"I didn't expect that not only are you great at martial arts, but you can't even compare to my brothers when it comes to drinking."

"From now on, in Ma Junsi, as long as you say one thing, we brothers will never say two things, and we will follow your lead!"

The voice just fell.

Someone echoed: "General Wei, Brother Qin is right. From now on, you will be our eldest brother. Wherever you point our brothers, we will fight!"

Wei Yuan didn't know whether they were drunk or telling the truth.

All in all, after a banquet, nobles like Qin Zhen began to follow Wei Yuan and call him "big brother".

In the following days, Wei Yuan's errands in Ma Junsi became increasingly easier.

Whether it was inspecting the barracks or asking a certain army to train more, Qin Zhen and others did not secretly oppose Wei Yuan.

This is the benefit of being a martial artist.

At that time, Di Qing only received the support of a few martial artists such as Zhang Fu and Gu Yankai.

If he was like Wei Yuan now, and could get noble disciples like Qin Zhen to support him willingly, perhaps the outcome would be different.

Speaking of which, Wei Yuan was also lucky.

At that time, Zhang Fu was not the one in charge of the Wu Xun forces.

But Zhang Fu and his parents.

Nowadays, Zhang Fu is the leader of the martial arts, and Wei Yuan, as his disciple, has the support of most of the martial arts, which is a matter of course.
In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Zhang Fu hosted a banquet.

The Sheng family arrived at the British Government House early.

Except for Lin Sushuang, Wang Ruofu and Hua Lan, almost everyone in the Sheng family was present.

Even Mrs. Sheng came.

Hua Lan didn't come, mainly because she was about to get married and it was not appropriate to show her face.

Lin Sushuang was a concubine and had no right to come. Wang Ruofu would be embarrassed if he came, so it would be better not to come.

Wei Shuyi bathed and burned incense under Xiaodie's service.

Sheng Hong, along with Sheng Changbai, Ru Lan, Mo Lan and others, greeted the children of the Zhang family warmly.

Naturally, Sheng Hong would not miss such a great opportunity to establish relations with the British public.

Zhang Ding led Zhang Guifen and others to greet him.

Sheng Hong said with a smile: "Young Master, today is a big day for you and my family. We must have a few more drinks later."

Zhang Ding nodded and said nothing more, obviously too lazy to pay attention to him.

I have made it so clear that it is a happy event between the Zhang family and the Wei family, and it has something to do with your Sheng family.

Zhang Ding and the others are here now, not waiting for the Sheng family, but waiting for Wei Yuan.

"Why hasn't Brother Wei arrived yet?"

"Brother, how about my brother and I go out of the house to greet you?"

Brothers Zhang Zhan and Zhang Rui spoke one after another.

Hearing this, Sheng Hong looked embarrassed.

At this time, Mo Lan took the initiative to say hello to Zhang Guifen.
"Aunt, I haven't seen you for many days, and you look even more beautiful."

Zhang Guifen was a little annoyed with her, but due to today's happy event, she did not quarrel with each other. Instead, she looked at Minglan and said with a smile:

"Minglan, I asked the chef to make some rose cakes. Do you want to eat them?"

Hearing the sound, Minglan's eyes suddenly lit up, "Really?"

Zhang Guifen covered her mouth with a smile and gently tapped Minglan's forehead, "You little greedy cat."

Sheng Hong had more thoughts on his mind and suddenly said:

"Tomorrow, you, Mo'er and Ru'er can go with your aunt to have something to eat."

Zhang Guifen was obviously unhappy after hearing this. Just as she was about to speak, Minglan looked at her and shook her head, then said:

"Auntie, my fourth sister, my fifth sister, and I all want to eat the rose cake made by your kitchen."

Zhang Guifen knew what Minglan meant and felt a little helpless, so she had no choice but to say:

"Then you come with me."

She still had to give Minglan some face. After all, she was her niece.

(End of this chapter)

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