Do you know: I have a different surname: Wang, uncle Minglan.

Chapter 96: The nobles and nobles of Bianjing arrive together, and the Wei family siblings enjoy the

Chapter 96: The nobles and nobles of Bianjing arrive together, and the Wei family siblings enjoy the glory

Zhang Guifen brought San Lan to his yard.

Ru Lan, who is usually more out-of-the-box, is now very disciplined and dare not say anything.

Mo Lan, on the other hand, would strike up a conversation from time to time.
"Auntie, your family is really big."

"Auntie, this shortbread is really delicious, much better than what I make at home."


An aunt called me.

Others thought that the person who had a close relationship with Zhang Guifen was not Ming Lan but Mo Lan.

Whenever Mo Lan spoke, Zhang Guifen always smiled.

Only Minglan knew that she was going to get angry.

Minglan was so frightened that she never left Zhang Guifen, even holding her hand firmly while eating.

But Mo Lan didn't know it yet, she just thought that by calling her aunt, she could make Zhang Guifen happy.

At this time, the front yard of the British Government House.

Wei Yuan arrives.

The three sons of the Zhang family rushed forward instantly.

Sheng Hong and others followed closely behind.

When Wei Yuan came to the British government, it was as if he had come to his own home, and he could travel without any hindrance.

There is no need to inform anyone.

When he saw Zhang Ding, he said:

"It's already three o'clock in the morning. One of the three of you brothers will be waiting for the guests in front of the door."

Zhang Zhan took the initiative to invite Ying and said, "I'll go."

As soon as he left, Zhang Ding asked: "Brother Wei, there may be a lot of people here today. This is the menu prepared by mother. Would you like to see what's missing, brother Wei?"

Wei Yuan said: "Master's wife's arrangement must be excellent."

At this time, Sheng Hong came forward to say hello, "Brother Yuan."

Wei Yuan cupped his hands and said, "Sister."

"Changbai and Changfeng are here too. Don't be restrained. Let's eat and drink well today."

The two brothers Sheng Changbai bowed one after another and said:

"Thank you, uncle."

"Uncle, don't worry."

Wei Yuan nodded and came to the main hall, "Where is Master and Master?"

Zhang Ding said: "My parents are taking a bath and changing clothes, and will be here later."

Wei Yuan said: "I'm afraid many of those noble children will come. Please keep Guifen busy and follow my wife in the backyard to entertain the female guests."

Zhang Ding said: "Brother Wei, please don't worry. I have already told Guifen. She is taking Minglan to eat shortbread. When the guests arrive, let her come out."

The voice just fell.

I heard the boy outside the mansion shout loudly: "Marquis Ning Yuan is here!"

Zhang Fu specifically told the boy singing the trumpet not to read out the gift list, mainly because not all nobles were rich.

When Wei Yuan heard the words Ning Yuanhou, he immediately stood up to greet him, "Uncle Shi, you are here so early, but you want to have a drink?"

Gu Yankai was followed by Xiao Qin, Gu Tingye and Gu Tingwei.

Seeing Wei Yuan, Gu Yan laughed and said, "You have a good drinking capacity, so I won't drink with you. Today I mainly focus on teasing Teacher Qi."

Then, he looked at the people following Wei Yuan, including the Zhang family boys and several Sheng family members.

Only Xu Changzhi was missing, "Where is Changzhi?"

Wei Yuan said: "Come quickly, he should come with the brothers from Daizhou."

Gu Yankai nodded and looked at Zhang Ding, "In a few days, go to the front office as an errand. Otherwise, if you just serve as a commander in the army, when will you be able to make a difference?"

Zhang Ding said with a smile: "I have told my father that I will go to Daizhou to practice for a few years, and I will set off after my sister-in-law and Brother Wei get married."

Going to Daizhou?
Wei Yuan was slightly surprised and said: "Daizhou is a miserable place."

Zhang Ding said: "You can't live your whole life without making any achievements and just eat in the army and wait to die, right?"

Gu Yankai praised: "If you are ambitious, please learn more from your brother Wei. It was in Daizhou that your brother Wei made his mark."

Zhang Ding nodded and said nothing more.

Soon, many guests arrived,
"Xu Hujun from the Yongyi Marquis Mansion has arrived!"

"Dong Guo Liang is here!"

"Uncle Fu Chang is here!"

"Marquis Jinghai has arrived!"


More and more nobles are arriving.

At first, Wei Yuan could still parry.

But as the status of the guests became more and more distinguished, Wei Yuan, as a disciple of Zhang Fu, found it a little difficult to entertain them.

Zhang Fu had no choice but to come forward.

However, those nobles who came kept praising Wei Yuan.

"General Wei, now you and the British public are even closer to each other, hahaha!"

"My dear nephew, the last time you came to visit my house, you didn't even eat. This time, you can't find any excuses to avoid drinking, right?"

"I heard that my nephew has a lot of it, but I don't believe it. Today I want to see how good my nephew is at drinking."


Wei Yuan could only smile bitterly and said: "Uncles, please spare me. When it comes to drinking, I still think that long-term ambition is better."

Xu Changzhi's eyes suddenly widened and he said in disbelief: "Brother Wei, do you want to hear what you have to say?" Uncle Fu Changzhi brought his daughter Rong Feiyan to the two brothers and said with a smile:

"It's easy to talk, but neither of you can escape today."

Because of the 'concubine Rong', the Fu Changbo family was quite alienated from the queen.

But no matter what, everyone is a martial artist.

Although she is in the way of a queen, she still has to deal with her as she should in daily life.

As soon as Uncle Fu Chang finished speaking, Rong Feiyan bowed to Wei Yuan and Xu Changzhi:
"Feiyan has met two brothers."

Wei Yuan smiled and said: "Uncle Shi, Sister Feiyan is well-educated and sensible. You are always blessed."

Uncle Fu Chang smiled and said, "It's a pity that your boy got engaged to your teacher's family too early."

Rong Feiyan's cheeks turned red, "Father, what did you say?"

Several people laughed one after another.

Afterwards, Rong Feiyan went to the backyard.

Through this banquet, many nobles who had not seen each other for a long time began to communicate closely.

"Mr. An Guo, I heard that you shot an elk in the countryside two days ago? I wonder if the meat is delicious? Is there any left at home?"

"The son of Duke Fu is promising. The commander of one of our four armies in the Great Zhou Dynasty has a bright future."

"No matter how promising my son is, he is just working under Uncle Zhongyong. What is there to show off?"

"The Duke of Fu is so ambitious that he compares his own son with nephew Wei Xian? Hahaha!"


Most of the people were just joking.

When they came to the Zhang family, most of them brought their families with them.

Some are taking their wives, some are taking their children, and some are taking both.

The main reason is to use this opportunity to get the descendants of each family to get acquainted with each other.

It would be a good thing if someone takes advantage of this banquet to get married.

Wei Yuan, who was watching the people coming and going, gradually felt his heart beat, and secretly said to Xu Changzhi:

"Brother Xu, will you help me hold off the wine later?"

Xu Changzhi glanced at him angrily, "It's not like my sister was adopted as an adopted daughter by the British father-in-law. Why should I hold back the wine for you?"

Wei Yuan suddenly became displeased, "If you say this, the relationship between us brothers will weaken."

Xu Changzhi said: "There are no brothers in the wine shop. This is what you said yourself, Brother Wei. Have you forgotten it?"

Wei Yuan was speechless.

On the other side.

Everyone in the Sheng family took their seats early.

The main reason is that Sheng Hong can't integrate into their circle.

Who in the entire capital doesn't know that Wu Xun's power is xenophobic?

If you are not one of your own, others will not even look at you.

Sheng Hong was furious.

Seeing so many dignitaries appearing in front of him, he was unable to establish relationships.

When someone came up to say a few words, they responded vaguely.

Unlike Wei Yuan, who just stood there without moving, and a bunch of people went over to say hello enthusiastically.

This feeling of disparity is really uncomfortable!

As more and more people came, the entire Zhang family suddenly became lively.

The nobles of the older generation were chatting with Zhang Fu.

As for the younger generation of distinguished disciples, they were following Wei Yuan, calling each other 'Brother Wei'.

Uncle Zhongqin's Mansion also came.

When Sheng Hong saw that it was his in-laws, he quickly said hello.
"Uncle Zhongqin, long time no see."

Uncle Zhongqin saw Sheng Hong and said calmly: "Brother Sheng, congratulations."

"The Wei family was adopted as an adopted daughter by the British father-in-law and his wife, which will be a great help to your prosperous family."

Hearing this, Sheng Hong almost burst into tears.

Finally, someone remembered that the adopted daughter adopted by the British father-in-law and his wife today was his wife.

Not easy.

Logically speaking, in today's situation, shouldn't the Zhang family, the Wei family, and the Sheng family be their own?

Why does it just look like the Zhang family and the Wei family are setting up a stage to sing an opera!
As expected of an in-law, it is really not easy to think of this!
Sheng Hong said excitedly: "What Uncle Zhongqin said is that I can take the British father-in-law and his wife as my adoptive father and mother. That is my blessing!"


Uncle Zhongqin noticed Wei Yuan.

He quickly said: "Brother Sheng, I still have something to do."

After leaving these words, he walked towards Wei Yuan with enthusiasm and laughed loudly:
"Uncle Zhongyong, congratulations. I'm a little late. Please forgive me. I will punish myself with three cups later."

Wei Yuan looked calm and responded: "Easy to say."

Saw this scene.

Sheng Hong felt a burning pain on his face.

Thinking of the last time Uncle Zhongqin asked the juniors in the family to send betrothal gifts, he also realized that Uncle Zhongqin had been negligent in communicating with him just now.
As a result, they turned around and pressed their warm faces against Wei Yuan's cold ass.

Think of this.

The smile on Sheng Hong's face gradually faded.

(End of this chapter)

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