Chapter 78 Pay attention to hygiene
Yu Jia spoke very slowly, pausing every sentence to give Lin Gongxun time to react.

Lin Gongxun's Adam's apple rolled, and when he saw Yu Jia's calm expression of relief, he suddenly felt bored, and after a moment, he let go of Yu Jia's neck.

A heavy weight was relieved on his neck, and Yu Jia's heart slowly settled down.

"Lin Erzhu, if it is as you said, you have solved a big problem for Benz."

Yu Jia was noncommittal, "May I ask if there are any rewards, sir? Is a small promotion enough?"

This stopped Lin Gongxun from asking. He had a cold look on his face and said, "Lin Erzhu, you have been showing off yourself in the past three years and always want to be promoted. Are you so obsessed with power?"

Here to test her again!

Yu Jia said matter-of-factly, "That's natural. Which soldier doesn't want to be promoted? A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good cook!"


Lin Gongxun was confused, "What kind of general and cook?"

"Don't think that after I eat a few mouthfuls of your food, you will get carried away!"

Yu Jiacai ignored him and got out of bed, "If the captain is too busy, why not think about how to explain the cause of Gu Wenbin's death to everyone."

This is a difficult problem. If it is done hastily, it may be difficult to convince the crowd. Thinking of this, Lin Gongxun turned around and left the camp.

The cold and solemn atmosphere suddenly disappeared. Yu Jia suddenly felt her mouth was dry. She picked up the tea cup on the table and drank it hard, shivering from the cold.

On the night of New Year's Eve, the Nanman army made a sneak attack. Gu Wenbin led his army to resist, spilling blood on the battlefield, and died heroically for his country.

The emperor thought of his hard work and meritorious service and spent his whole life fighting in the army, so he was posthumously named General Hannan!

The weather in Bashu is really abnormal. After the New Year, the snowflakes have not stopped.

The cold wind carries the snowflakes and hits people's faces like thin blades.

It stands to reason that a timely snowfall at this time can solve the problem of crop drought and ensure a bumper harvest.

However, it has been snowing for days, causing numerous casualties in crops, as well as houses and livestock.

Mother Lin looked at the heavy snow squeezing in the yard and couldn't help but worry.

"I wonder how this girl Liu Niang is doing at the border?"

She turned around and continued to sew the baby's cotton-padded coat in her hand. The interlayer of the cotton-padded coat was made of this year's new cotton, which was said to be of the highest quality for softness and warmth.

"Mom, please stop talking about her. My ears are getting calluses if I talk about that girl all day long!"

Sister-in-law Liu Hongmei was plucking her ears exaggeratedly. When she saw Mother Lin lowering her head and saying nothing, as if she was just focusing on her work, she felt even more depressed.

"Besides, Liu Niang's small body may not be able to reach the border, and she might be kidnapped by the gangsters!"

With a "pop" sound, Mother Lin threw the clothes into the dustpan.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you act like a sister-in-law?"

Liu Hongmei pursed her lips but did not speak back.

Even though she could usually choke Mother Lin a few times, if Mother Lin got really angry, she wouldn't dare to offend her.

"Even if she leaves aside the third daughter-in-law, she is still your sister!"

"After you gave birth, I fished for you in the ice and snow to replenish your health, and I almost drowned in the ice cave."

"You can't be a human being without a conscience!"

Conscience again.

Liu Hongmei rolled her eyes, turned around and returned to the house angrily.

She was furious when she saw Lin Dalang holding the child happily.

"Smile, smile, you know how to laugh. Why didn't you hear your mother-in-law taunting me just now?"

Lin Dalang suppressed the smile on his lips and looked up at Liu Hongmei with evil eyes.

"I think mom is right!"

"What?" Liu Hongmei felt even more aggrieved.

"My mother has two reverse scales, one is the third child, and the other is Liu Niang."

He put the child in his arms and patted it gently with his hand. "Liu Niang is my sister. If you curse her like this, I will be angry, let alone my mother!"

Seeing the child in his arms closing his eyes and falling asleep, Lin Dalang continued.

"Hongmei, please don't mention those bastard words again in the future. The third child and Liu Niang are our younger brothers and sisters. You are the elder sister-in-law, and you should wish them well!"

Lin Dalang had only attended private school for a few days, and he could not say anything serious.

Seeing Liu Hongmei's silence, he sighed softly.

In the past, Liu Hongmei always whispered in his ear that the family land would be divided between the third child and Liu Niang.

Liu Niang ate all the delicious food at home, she was so partial.

All the new cotton at home was made into cotton-padded clothes for Liu Niang, and no one else used it.

If he has anything to worry about, they are all his family, the people he will love and protect throughout his life.

Lin Dalang put the sleeping child on the bed, kissed his forehead gently, and said to Liu Hongmei who stayed there.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? Mom has been tired from sewing clothes for Huanlang all afternoon, so hurry up and cook!"

Liu Hongmei turned around and walked out.

When Liu Hongmei went to the kitchen, Lin Dalang squatted next to Mother Lin.

"Mom, Hongmei has that kind of temperament. She is outspoken and has no ill intentions. Don't be like her!"

Mother Lin looked up at Lin Dalang and said with a warm face, "They are all her own children. I know her. If it were anyone else, she would have slapped her with a big mouth."

"You don't have to worry!"

Lin Dalang thought of Liu Niang and restrained his emotions. He also knew that Liu Niang, a delicate little girl, would be in bad luck in Jizhou.

"Mom, Nao Dan'er and Liu Niang will be fine!"

Mother Lin saw Lin Dalang's eyes gradually turning red, and her tears could no longer be stopped.

Choking with sobs, she said: "Yes, mother knows!"

Lin Dalang stood up, hugging Mother Lin and trembling all over, "God bless you!"

Lin's mother and Lin Dalang, who had longed for each other, were at war with each other.

Lin Gongxun saw that Yu Jia wanted to regret the move again, so he quickly held down her finger.

"Lin Erzhu, you have regretted this game five times, why do you still regret it?"

Yu Jia wanted to take out her fingers, but she couldn't move at all under Lin Gongxun's strong suppression.

She was furious, "It's hard to raise a villain. You are a man and I am a woman. What's the matter with regretting it?"

Yu Jia spoke urgently and quickly, crackling and popping out, leaving Lin Gongxun speechless.

Kill him while he is stunned.

Yu Jia quickly placed the chess piece in his hand in the middle and shouted, "Hahaha, I won again!"

Looking at the woman with crooked eyebrows and laughing heartily in front of him, Lin Gongxun felt a strange sense of familiarity.

He suddenly thought of Liu Niang.

But Liu Niang was a fragrant, soft, pink and white, gentle and lovely little girl, how could she be the vulgar Lin Erzhu in front of her.

Lin Gongxun shook his head. Could it be that the military advisor told him that he missed a woman?
He remembered that the military advisor came to his tent yesterday and said seriously with a thoughtful expression on his face: "It's time for Merit to find a woman!"

Looking at Lin Erzhu again, he shook his head even harder, thinking that no matter how hungry and thirsty Lin Gongxun was, he couldn't eat everything.

Yu Jia looked at Lin Gongxun, who was shaking his head in front of her and looking her up and down with constipation on his face, and asked him in surprise.

"Captain, are you shaking your head back and forth because you have lice on your head?"

Lin Gongxun glared at her angrily, "Ganggun, you just have lice!"

Hearing this, Yu Jia said seriously: "Captain, you must pay attention to hygiene, otherwise, tsk tsk tsk!"

(End of this chapter)

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