Chapter 79 Are you worthy of liking me?

Lin Gongxun gritted his teeth and slipped Yu Jiati up and threw him outside the camp.

He sat next to the chessboard, thinking of Yu Jia's words, and sniffed around, "Is it really tasty?"

After Yu Jia was thrown out, he patted the snow on his body and said, "Who is he?"

"When you use people, you call them Erzhu, and when you don't use them, you call them stupid pigs!"

The chill in the tent made Yu Jia shiver, "It's so cold!"

She walked quickly to her tent.

After returning, I found Fang Dashan and Gou Sheng sitting by the brazier to warm themselves up.

"Brother Fang, you are here!"

When he thought about it, this was originally the tent of two people, but now that he had squeezed away the mountain below, he felt instantly embarrassed.

Fang Dashan didn't feel this way, he greeted Yu Jia cheerfully.

"Er Zhu, where have you been?"

Yu Jia sat next to the fire pot and stretched out her hand to place it on the fire, feeling very at ease.

"I'm going to find the captain!"

Fang Dashan said with a knowing expression, "Oh!"

Yu Jia was a little confused when she saw Fang Dashan winking.

"Brother Fang has something to do with me?"

Fang Dashan smiled "hehe" with a simple and honest look on his face.

"I was in the tent just now. The Huanglong guys gave me half a bag of chestnuts they beat in the mountains last year. I thought you liked eating these sweet little things, so I gave them to you to sweeten your mouth!"

Yu Jia smiled and thanked her. She was used to Fang Dashan's straightforwardness.

If it were someone else who gave someone something and said it was too sweet, then he must have given it away because he didn’t think it tasted good.

Yu Jia didn't think so. She put the bag next to the fire pot, picked up a few large and plump chestnuts and roasted them in the fire.

"Brother Fang is still thinking about me. I like eating these things very much."

Gou Sheng brought the hot water, poured two cups of hot water and handed them to the two of them.

Yu Jia held the teacup in her hand to warm her hands, feeling the warmth in the tent and feeling extremely happy.

"Is the captain in a good mood today?" Fang Dashan asked.

Judging from Yu Jia's appearance, the two captains and captains must be getting along well.


"It was good at first, but when I came out it wasn't so good!"

At the beginning, Lin Gongxun was killing everyone, but in the later period, Yu Jia relied on rogues to win a few games.

Lin Gongxun threw himself out again, and he must be in a bad mood now.

What Fang Dashan heard was that Lin Gongxun was in a good mood when Yu Ji first joined the battalion commander.

But the two of them couldn't stay together for a long time because of their reputation. Even though they were reluctant to part, they still had to bear the pain of parting.

"Hey!" Fang Dashan felt faintly sorry for Lin Gongxun.

Yu Jia thought that Fang Dashan was afraid of being scolded when he went back, so she quickly comforted him.

"Brother Fang, don't worry, the captain will not take his anger out on you!"

Yu Jia thought that Lin Gongxun would not be so dishonest and like to vent his anger on others.

Fang Dashan shook his head, this is hard to say.

There was a hint of sweet smell coming from the brazier, and Gou Sheng used the tongs to pick out the chestnuts and place them on the wooden board.

"Team upright, eat while it's hot!"

Yu Jia couldn't wait to pick up the chestnut, but accidentally got burned, but still couldn't bear to let go of the chestnut.

During previous training, she saw a lot of chestnut trees on Sangcuo Mountain and wanted to secretly pick some to eat when they matured.

Who knew that the heavy snow would come so early this year, and it would fall endlessly, leaving no time to go up the mountain.

Fang Dashan felt very proud when he saw that Yu Jia was so satisfied with the gift he gave.

Giving the right gift is equivalent to flattering the right person. He immediately said goodbye and returned to the camp.

As soon as he returned to the camp, he was pulled in front of Lin Gongxun.

Fang Dashan was very nervous and carefully looked at Lin Gongxun's face, "Captain, what do you want to tell me to do?"

Lin Gongxun asked him to smell if he smelled?
My dear, what can I say to him?

Lin Gongxun had just separated from his sweetheart, but he actually let him smell it?

Captain, this is when everyone has this hobby!
But this was also a sign of great trust in him, and Fang Dashan felt proud for a moment.

He must have been the first person asked to smell by the captain.

Lin Gongxun looked at the expression in front of him that was squirming for a while and then proud for a while, and asked in surprise.

"Da Shan, do you miss a woman?"

Fang Dashan almost choked on his own saliva and coughed repeatedly: "No, no, I don't want women!"

He felt that he emphasized the word "woman" for fear of causing Lin Gongxun's misunderstanding.

He quickly added: “I don’t want a man either!”

"What a mess, shake the paste in your head and straighten your tongue before you speak!"

Fang Dashan was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, "Oh, Captain, you are so stupid and don't know how to express yourself."

"Yes, I just think the captain's hobbies are normal, I can understand it!"

"Besides, who would not like the two-pillars with their beautiful features?"

Seeing Lin Gongxun's eyebrows knitted together, he regretted it and almost bit his tongue.

"Oh, I don't like Erzhu. No, it's not that I don't like him. It's not about the relationship between men and women."

The description becomes darker and darker, and Fang Dashan talks incoherently.

Lin Gongxun figured it out.

He thought of Fang Dashan's actions in the past. Whenever Yu Jia came to his camp, Fang Dashan would definitely find an excuse to go out.

Thinking about it, the two of them were confused.

Suddenly feeling furious, he slapped Fang Dashan on the head.

"What's wrong with you? How can Lin Erzhu and I do this?"

Seeing that Lin Gongxun was anxious, Fang Dashan thought to himself, he couldn't let him explain to himself anymore, who was he?
Immediately, he trembled and said that he had to go for convenience, and ran out of the camp.

Lin Gongxun looked at Fang Dashan's hasty escape and laughed angrily.

Fang Dashan is relatively upright. He keeps everything on his face and speaks directly when he has something to say.

Only now did he know that Fang Dashan was thinking wrong, let alone what other people thought.

Fang Dashan ignored Lin Gongxun's lingering gaze and fled back to the camp, with a look of fear on his face.

Huanglong Wang Xiaobo and others followed Li Yanzhao to the Nantong military camp. He was the only one left in the camp, and he was really uncomfortable.

On weekdays, if he has any difficult problems to solve, he can talk to a few people for analysis. After all, they are all personal guards and can empathize with him.

But now he is alone and has exposed Shangfeng's intentions. What will he do in the future?

Fang Dashan was lying on the bed, with one head and two heads, not knowing what to do!

That night, Lin Gongxun dreamed of Liu Niang.

In the memory, Liu Niang was still eight years old. Before the two of them parted, Liu Niang grabbed the corner of his clothes with tears on her face.

"Brother Naodan, can you please not join the army? I can't bear to let you go!"

How could Lin Gongxun be willing to let her go?

But he had to join the army.

It doesn't make sense to an eight-year-old child. He forgets that he is also a thirteen-year-old child.

"Good Liu Niang, my coward brother must go. A manly man can no longer accept the kindness of his father, mother and brother!"

He wiped Liu Niang's tears carefully, "Wait for me to come back, wait for me to come back and marry you!"

Liu Niang's face gradually blurred and was replaced by Yu Jia's face. She said with a constipated look: "Lin Gongxun, are you worthy of liking me?"

(End of this chapter)

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