Chapter 100 Him

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo naturally knew who Ma Yasha was talking about. The two old men changed their usual joking and joking and said to Ma Yasha seriously: "Are you sure she is feeling well?" "But she can't be a little depressed."

"Don't worry, she doesn't yell 'Sister, go forward boldly', but yells 'I am the Nine Immortals', which means she is comfortable." Ma Yaksha has been with Zhu Badger day and night for more than 20 years. He knows Zhu Badger thoroughly and there is no other. People know the Badger as well as she does.

"Didn't you shout 'I am the Nine Immortals' a few days ago?" "The shouting at that time was no worse than today." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo still looked serious.

Ma Yaksha said: "Think about it carefully. Wasn't that the day you yelled 'I am the Nine Immortals' when you came back from him?"

"Well, it's true. Then let's go see him today?" "Yes, let's go meet him today?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo asked Ma Yasha for his opinion.

Ma Yasha answered simply: "Okay, I'll go after dinner. I happen to have a big matter to discuss with him."

Dinner was on time. After giving lessons to the children, Badger Zhu returned to the main room with Dan'er, Lu Huan, and Wang Jingjing. Ma Yasha and Dan'er's mother had already served the food to the table. Uncle Liu and Lu Bo were sitting at the Eight Immortals table waiting. .

No one spoke during the meal, and the eight people just filled the Eight Immortals table, with different expressions and movements.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo didn't drink. The two of them were determined to change glasses until their ears became hot and their faces turned red. The two old men hurriedly shoveled a bowl of rice into their stomachs, then stood up and left the hall one after the other. When they left the hall, the two old men winked at Ma Yaksha. Ma Yaksha nodded, and Zhu Badger saw them all.

For the first time, Lu Huan and Wang Jingjin did not flirt with each other at the dinner table. Ever since Wang Jingjin arrived at Lvbubu Village and entered his old house, Lu Huan did not allow him to leave his sight for a moment. He even sat on the same bench while eating. The two of them showed affection while eating. I would pick up some vegetables for you, and you would feed me a mouthful of rice. Zhu Badger warned them more than once to pay attention to the occasion and not to spoil Dan'er.

Ma Yasha and Dan'er just focused on eating. Usually, the two of them would more or less scold Zhu Badger and Dan'er at the dinner table. One said that Zhu Badger was not good at eating at his age, and the other said that Dan'er shouldn't be too picky. All I can think about is eating poached eggs all day long. The two mothers were silent tonight, which made Zhu Badger very uncomfortable.

Because Dan'er had poached eggs tonight, which were fried on both sides, he had to concentrate more on eating than ever before. He was afraid that others would snatch his poached eggs. After finishing one bowl, he went to pick up another bowl. He ate three bowls in a row and finished one bowl. Zui slipped out of the hall quietly.

The brains are locked up, and everyone is bewitched? Zhu Badger was pounding in his heart but didn't show it on his face. After eating, she walked into her room and lay down on the bamboo couch.

It's really magical, because after lying on this bamboo couch, Zhu Badger's pain of life and death this month turned into a rush of relief. Now lying on the bamboo couch, she fell into a deep sleep unconsciously.

"Sister Nine Immortals, how are you?" "Sister Nine Immortals, you can't go to bed right after eating. It's not good for your health." Red Boy and Little Dragon Girl jumped on Zhu Badger.

Zhu Badger greeted him with a smile. She didn't want to anger the golden boy and girl anymore, so she asked Hong Hai'er and Xiao Longnu: "Have you two eaten? Do you want me to bring you some food?"

"Sister Nine Immortals, we don't eat the fireworks of the world, so you don't have to worry." "Sister Nine Immortals, don't worry, Empress Guanyin asked us to come and help you, and we will definitely help you well." Hong Hai'er and Xiao Longnu looked obedient. .

Zhu Badger couldn't help but ask: "Have you two been scolded by the Guanyin Empress?"

"Sister Nine Immortals, have you returned to heaven?" "Sister Nine Immortals, did the talkative Eight Immortals tell you this?" Red Boy and Little Dragon Girl looked shy.

Zhu Badger smiled and said: "I guessed it myself, hee hee. Hey, little dragon girl, are the Eight Immortals you are talking about my little sister in heaven?"

"Yes, yes, sister Nine Immortals, this Eight Immortals are the most annoying. Every time I see her, my eyes and bones hurt." "Hey, little dragon girl, you can't speak ill of others behind their backs. The Eight Immortals are also the daughters of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother. "Am I wrong to tell the truth? Well, she is also called the 'Eight Immortals'. How is her 'Eight Immortals' so different from those 'Eight Immortals'?" "Humph, those 'Eight Immortals' are not good things either. I am so respectful to you and me, isn't it because we are the guardian boys of the Guanyin Queen? "Well, this makes sense. The 'Eight Immortals' should not be a good thing, otherwise they would not frame Sister Nine Immortals." The girl kept talking with her two little mouths, but Zhu Badger just thought it was a story. When Xiao Longnu said that the "Eight Immortals" framed her, she interrupted them and asked: "How did the 'Eight Immortals' frame her? Me? Where are they now?"

"Oh, this..." "Well, that..." Xiao Longnu and Hong Hai'er hesitated to speak.

Zhu Badger asked: "Tell me quickly, where are the Eight Immortals? What kind of person, god or immortal is Lan Caihe inside?"

"Hey, Sister Jiu Xian, wake up quickly and go do big things." "Yes, yes, Sister Jiu Xian, not only do you have big things to do tonight, but you also have to eavesdrop on what he is talking to them." Hong Haier and Xiao Longnu changed the subject.

Zhu Badger frowned and asked, "I have something big to do tonight? What big thing? Who am I going to eavesdrop on and who is talking to whom?"

"Sister Nine Immortals, your father in heaven said that the secrets of heaven must not be leaked, and he will personally guide you." "That's right, sister Nine Immortals, your mother in heaven also said that she owes you too much and must make it up to you." "Nine Immortals Sister. Sister Xian, after you wake up, your pet will take you to do important things. ""Sister Jiuxian, after you do important things, your pet will take you to eavesdrop on him and them." Hong Boy and Xiao Longnu. After saying that, Youhu disappeared.

Zhu Badger woke up and opened her eyes. She was still lying on the bamboo couch. A small dog and a pig badger who were left in the room were standing on her left and right, looking at her expectantly. The red badger caressed their necks. The thin dog and the pig badger stuck out their tongues and licked the back of the red badger's hands, and then raised their heads to remind the red badger to go to the north corner of the room.

Zhu Badger followed Xi Quan and Pig Badger to the north corner of the room. Pig Badger used his mouth to open a wooden board in the corner, revealing a hole.

The pig badger jumped into the hole first and turned back to call the red badger down. The red badger jumped into the hole, and the thin dog jumped after him, then turned back and took the board in his mouth to block the entrance of the hole.

The cave was pitch dark, and the red badger could only move forward by grabbing the leashes on the pig badger and the thin dog, but soon reached the other end of the cave.

After arriving at the other end of the cave, the pig badger signaled the red badger to stand not far from the entrance of the cave and not move. The thin dog went to the entrance of the cave and sniffed for a while, then came back and grabbed the red badger's trouser legs to lead her to the entrance of the cave.

At first, Zhu Badger couldn't determine where the entrance of the cave was? But after standing at the entrance of the cave and listening for a while, I immediately determined the specific location, so I strained my ears to listen to the noise coming from the ground.

It's said to be a loud noise, but you can't hear it clearly unless you listen carefully. The noisy people lowered each other's voices very low, but the tone was full of gunpowder, and the noise was overwhelming, but it was not an ordinary noise.

Through the voices, Zhu Badger could tell that there were five people making a noise. The voices of these five people were extremely familiar to Zhu Badger. Especially one of them, Zhu Badger, could tell that it was her just by listening to her breathing. The voices of the other three people were so disgusting to Zhu Badger that she didn't want to hear them again. The other person's voice made Zhu Badger both sad and angry. She was sad that he had no manliness at all and only had a good skin, and he was even more ashamed to be a descendant of the Zhu family in his old house; he was angry that he had no principles in life, did not distinguish between good and bad, and helped evildoers. , and still insist on going their own way, following them like dogs.

Just by listening to her breathing, you can tell that it's her. She must be Ma Yasha, because Zhu Badger and her live together day and night, and they are the closest people so far.

The three voices that Zhu Badger hated so much were from Zhu Yunhe, Zhu Fanzi and Lan Yuliu. Tonight, the voices of these three people made Zhu Badger even more disgusted, even to the point of deep hatred.

The voice that made Zhu Badger both sad and angry was naturally Zhu Huzhai. Although he didn't speak much, the words he spoke pierced Ma Yasha's heart and forced Zhu Badger to take action. Zhu Badger didn't rush out immediately. On the one hand, her brain and body were now extremely comfortable, and it was no longer possible for her to be inflamed, furious, furious, and furious. On the other hand, the thin dog and the pig badger that led her here tightly held the red badger's pants with their mouths, preventing her from acting without permission.

"Aren't you just a widow? Isn't she just a bastard? My father and I have given in over and over again because we have a good heart and don't want to argue with a widow and a bastard." This voice Naturally, it was Zhu Huzhai. Zhu Badger did not expect that his words would become so vicious. It seems that those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to Mo are black. Being together with beasts like Zhu Yunhe and evildoers like Lan Yuliu, even saints Gotta become a gangster.

After a while, Ma Yasha's voice came: "Huh, I haven't learned other skills, but the trick of beating people up and spitting blood is really good. It seems that I was too kind before, right? Well, I won't be merciful tonight no matter what. ”

"Be merciful? Do we need your mercy?" It was Zhu Fanzi who said this, and Zhu Badger wanted to vomit when he heard his sinister voice. If he hadn't felt so comfortable now, Zhu Badger would have rushed out of the hole and spit in his face.

"What I want is your words, so let's end it." Ma Yasha's voice was neither humble nor arrogant, and Zhu Badger wanted to give him a thumbs up after hearing this.

"Slow down, don't be impatient. Do you think this is okay? Auntie, please let us go. We will not hold you responsible for everything in your past. From now on, you will walk on your single-plank bridge and we will walk on our Yangguan Road." Lan Yuliu's The sound made Zhu Badger feel goosebumps all over his body. If his whole body wasn't feeling so comfortable, he would definitely go over and have a life-and-death fight with her.

"Don't you hold our past accountable? Is it your turn to hold our past accountable? Also, why do you take the Yangguan Road and we can only take the single-plank bridge?" Ma Yasha's stern question made Zhu Badger feel even more comfortable.

"Ruyu, what's the point of talking more? Liangqing is the best choice." This voice sounded, Zhu Badger really couldn't control it, but it was only for a moment that she couldn't control it, and soon she clenched her fists , trying to calm down.

"Zhu Yunhe, do you have the right to call me Ruyu? If we want to clear things up, I'll take your life first!" Zhu Badger has never heard such a cold and decisive voice from Ma Yasha. In the past, she and Tian Lezi, Weasel, and Zhu Tiger and the others, Yasha, were not so cold and decisive.

"Ma Yaksha, you living widow, don't be so shameless, I will send you to the West!" Zhu Badger could clearly hear the sound of Zhu Fan opening the fan after he cursed.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "dinging, clanging" sound of metal touching. Zhu Badger did not attack immediately. After the sound of metal sounded intensively, she slowly walked out of the cave entrance.

Walking out of the cave slowly was not Zhu Badger's style. Zhu Badger's style should be to hear the "clinking" sound of metal, roar, jump out of the hole, and then fight back desperately against those who besieged Mayasha.

After Zhu Badger slowly walked out of the cave entrance, she did not make a sound immediately, nor did she immediately go over to help Mayasha fight back those who were watching her. Instead, she stood at the entrance of the cave and observed for a while.

The entrance to the cave was a tomb on the roadside at the entrance of the village. When the sound of "clinking" metal was heard from above, Pig Badger loosened Zhu Badger's trousers and went over to use his mouth to open the hole, which was the door of the tomb.

After the pig-badger opened the tomb door, the thin dog took the lead and rushed forward. After it rushed out of the hole, it did not bark "woof, woof, woof" like those ordinary domestic dogs, nor did it rush to help Ma Yaksha, but He stood steadily under a big tree next to the grave and waited for the red badger to come out.

After Zhu Badger came out of the cave, he stood firmly under the big tree like Xi Quan and watched Ma Yasha fight with Zhu Fanzi, Zhu Huzhai, and Lan Yuliu.

Ma Yaksha's weapon is a rice sieve, which is used to send the Kitchen God to welcome the Kitchen God every year. Zhu Badger did not expect that Ma Yaksha would use it as a weapon.

Zhu Fanzi's weapon is naturally a fan, but the fan tonight is unusual. Zhu Badger can tell that it is made of metal, whether it is iron, copper, gold or silver.

Zhu Huzhai's weapon is a nine-section whip. Zhu Badger actually noticed it before. When she was "welcoming her father home in the strong wind" under the big camphor tree, Zhu Huzhai appeared on the platform under her false name, and Zhu Badger stood in front of her. Huang Qiukui threw herself into Zhu Huzhai's arms and touched the nine-section whip tied around his waist, but at that time she thought it was a trousers belt made of tree vines.

Lan Yuliu's weapon is her headband. Even though this headband is usually inconspicuous when tied to Lan Yuliu's hair, this headband is now whistling in the wind and hitting Ma Yaksha's rice sieve." There was a crackling sound, and it must have been made of metal.

Ma Yaksha was able to advance and retreat freely under the siege of Zhu Fanzi, Zhu Huzhai and Lan Yuliu. Not only did he not fall behind, he also had a certain upper hand. Zhu Badger once again looked at Mayasha with admiration. She was proud to have such a mother.

"Why do you three still miss our old friendship? Beat me to death. Kill this living widow as soon as possible so that you can go to the provincial capital." Zhu Yunhe sat on a big stone by the roadside and looked at Zhu Shanzi, Zhu Huzhai and Lan Yu Liu shouted.

"Is that wrong? You should be beaten to death sooner and go to hell sooner, right?" Zhu Badger's unhurried, neither high nor low voice sounded in Zhu Yunhe's ears. The big tree she was standing on just now and Zhu Yunhe The big rock she was sitting on was only separated by a road. She walked quietly to Zhu Yunhe, and Zhu Yunhe didn't even notice.

"Ah?" Hearing Zhu Badger's voice suddenly ringing in his ears, Zhu Yunhe was greatly startled, and half of his body immediately fell from the big stone to the muddy ground. Zhu Badger quickly stepped on Zhu Yunhe under his feet, and then scolded Zhu Fanzi, Zhu Huzhai and Lan Yuliu coldly: "Don't you stop? If you beat him for one more second, I will kill him!"

"What does his life have to do with us? Kill him quickly. After killing your Yasha Niang, we will definitely thank you greatly. Thank you for helping us get rid of this burden." Lan Yuliu responded to Zhu Badger, holding his hand The rope on his head continued to hit Mayaksha hard.

Zhu Huzhai was hesitant about the nine-section whip in his hand. He looked at Lan Yuliu with pleading eyes and shouted: "Yuliu, he is my father, my biological father."

"Dad? Just because he is your biological father, he must die!" Lan Yuliu threw the headband in his hand towards Zhu Yunhe.

"Ah!" With a scream, half of Zhu Yunhe's body straightened up and collapsed on the muddy ground.

"Dad!" Zhu Huzhai ran to Zhu Yunhe desperately, held up half of Zhu Yunhe's body and cried bitterly.

"Why are you crying?" Lan Yuliu came over and scolded Zhu Huzhai.

"Dad, my biological father, you died so miserably!" Zhu Huzhai hugged half of Zhu Yunhe's body and burst into tears.

"Dead? Is he dead?" Lan Yuliu didn't believe it. She reached out to Zhu Yunhe's nose and was shocked. She turned around to look for Zhu Badger. She saw that Zhu Badger had already turned around with Ma Yaksha, attacking Zhu Fan, and quickly returned to the place. , support Zhu Fanzi.

"Zhu Huzhai, what's the use of holding your father's body? Why don't you quickly take action to avenge your father?" Zhu Badger called to Zhu Huzhai.

Zhu Huzhai put down half of Zhu Yunhe's body to the ground, and a hungry tiger pounced in front of the blue jade willow, using the nine-section whip [lifting flower] [standing dancing flower] [head flower] [back flower] [corsage] [leg flower] [ The flowers on the ground clasped tightly together, and the blue jade willow could only parry, but had no power to fight back.

"Zhu Huzhai, I didn't kill your father." Lan Yuliu backed away.

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