Chapter 106 Earth

Daylily jumped up on the platform under the big camphor tree and shouted: "Stop everyone!"

Unfortunately, the sound of gongs, drums, cymbals was too loud, and Daylily's voice couldn't attract anyone's attention at all.

Zhu Badger went over and pulled Daylily off the platform, and comforted her: "Sister Huicai, if you really want to drink the jade liquid and eat the dragon liver and phoenix marrow right away, you have to wait until I go over and worship in front of the mourning hall."

"Pay homage to me. After being dead for such a long time, the grave should have been covered with grass." Daylily said, rushing to the mourning hall and kicking over the coffin, then picked up the pair of big burning candles and threw them at the trumpeter.

The trumpeters were blowing and banging as hard as they could. Huang Okra said that as long as they played loud and banged loudly when the red badger came, their free money would be doubled. Unexpectedly, two fireballs suddenly fell from the sky. They were so frightened that they dropped their gongs, drums, suonas and cymbals and ran away.

The sound of gongs, drums, cymbals suddenly stopped, and the villagers looked around to see what happened. One by one, they stretched their necks like giant geese, and the trumpeters ran away in all directions, knocking down this one and overturning that one. A pot of porridge became a mess under the big camphor tree, and the sound of crying for father and mother could be heard everywhere.

"Fairy, let's go and drink nectar and eat dragon liver and phoenix marrow." Daylily came over to pull Zhu Badger.

Zhu Badger said to Daylily: "Sister Huicai, we can't drink the nectar and eat the dragon's liver and phoenix marrow yet."

"Why? I can't wait any longer." Daylily said impatiently.

Zhu Badger whispered to Daylily: "Sister Huicai, if we go like this now, your sister and your mother will definitely blame me, thinking that I disturbed your funeral for Uncle Huang, and the neighbors will also blame me."

"Then what do you think we should do?" Daylily asked Zhu Badger.

Zhu Badger said to Day Lily in a low voice: "Sister Huicai, now you should jump on the platform to expose your sister's little thoughts to the villagers. The more detailed the better. Don't worry, you will definitely be able to drink the jade liquid, Long. You will definitely be able to eat the liver and phoenix marrow. I will go back and prepare it for you. However, don’t go directly to my house. I will take the jade liquid and dragon liver and phoenix marrow to the chestnut forest in Beishan, where you can eat it. Drink freely and eat freely.”

"Okay, I'm going to expose her little thoughts." When did Daylily learn the kung fu? With one lunge and one leap, a swallow leaped onto the platform.

Standing on the earth platform, Daylily put her hands on her hips and shouted: "Listen to me!"

The sound of crying for father and mother under the big camphor tree immediately pressed the pause button, and there was silence.

"I tell you, this funeral is over, let's go and do whatever you are supposed to do." Daylily stood on the platform as if she were the reincarnation of Hua Mulan and Mu Guiying was reborn. Zhu Badger turned around and gave her a thumbs up, Zhu Badger Have returned to the wall of the old house.

Day Lily was even more enthusiastic with Zhu Badger's encouragement, and her voice was louder than before: "Everyone, my father was blown up by fireworks on the first day of the Lunar New Year. The funeral of Bird now is completely a conspiracy of my sister."

"Huaicai, what are you talking about? Come down quickly." Huang Doujiang scolded Huangdoujiang.

Huangliang ignored Huang Doujiang and continued to stand on the platform and said loudly: "Why did my sister say that my father was not dead at that time? That was because she had evil intentions and was full of bad intentions."

"Sister, have you been possessed by an evil spirit? What nonsense are you talking about? Flat-mouthed woman, go get your wife down quickly and make her a good recipe to drive away evil spirits." Huang Okra saw that Daylily ignored her at all, so she had to keep asking her. Zui Po winked.

The flat-mouthed woman had no choice but to climb up the earthen platform. As soon as her upper body crawled on the earthen platform, Daylily raised her right leg and kicked the flat-mouthed woman and fell on her back under the earthen platform.

"Dear neighbors, my sister Huang Qiukui is very bad. If you don't want to talk about anything else, you have to hold a big banquet for my father's funeral? She is not so good. She set up a few tents and invited a few drummers and even said it was a funeral. Big boss, shit, it’s just a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be compassionate..." Zhu Badger listened to Huang Liangcai’s three words and made a gesture to Dan’er who was lying on a willow tree by the Taiping Pond. Dan’er tightened his throat and said Day Lily shouted and asked: "You just said that the weasel was killed by fireworks on the first day of the new year. What happened?"

"Listen to me slowly. Everyone should have seen how evil my sister can be. Not to mention that the fireworks that pulled back a large car were all squibs, and they were designed to blow up our own people. It doesn't matter if it killed my father on the first day of the new year. La, this person is going to die sooner or later, and you will have a big banquet when he dies, but for her own face and her own life, she dragged my body to the provincial capital, cremated it, and asked the pig butcher to accompany her..." "Hey, you still haven't explained clearly what's going on?" Dan'er shouted after hearing Daylily's confused words.

Huangliang responded: "I'm too lazy to waste more time. In a word, if everyone knows, the people above know, and the people in the bureau know that my father was blown up to death on the spot by the big fireworks sold by her Huang Okra on the first day of the new year, then Huang Qiukui will have to go to jail and have to pay for her life, no matter who is killed? "

"So that's it!"

"Not human at all!"

"Not even as good as a dog!"


Amidst the scoldings from the neighbors, Huang Okra got on an off-road vehicle and returned to the provincial capital. Huang Okra quickly burrowed into the chestnut forest in Beishan. Huang Doujiang cleaned up the mess alone and returned to the old house carrying the weasel's urn.

"Stop!" yelled, and the one-armed Luo stood in front of Huang Doujiang.

"You, you, what are you going to do?" Huang Doujiang took several steps back.

The one-armed Luo asked, "Don't you know what I'm going to do?"

"No, no, I'm not the roundworm in your belly, how can I count?" Huang Doujiang finally stood up.

The one-armed Luo stared at the urn in Huang Doujiang's hand with a pair of gong eyes, and said word by word: "The wild ghosts who died outside can't enter the old house, don't you know?"

"My weasel didn't die violently, it was blown up." Huang Doujiang's hands were shaking so much that the urn in his hands might fall to the ground at any time.

One-Armed Luo asked again: "Did the weasel die outside the old house? Does it mean that it will not be a good death if it is blown up?"

"This, this, this..." Huang Doujiang couldn't answer, and couldn't help but step back.

The One-Armed Luo pressed forward step by step, and when Huang Doujiang was about to fall down the Taiping Pond, Ma Yasha came over to scare the One-Armed Luo away, and then pulled Huang Doujiang to stand on the steps.

After Huang Doujiang stood firm, Mayasha stood on the first step of the front door of the old house and faced the big camphor tree and said loudly: "Everyone, the deceased is the oldest. Brother Weasel has been dead for such a long time and cannot be buried in peace. As neighbors, we are here While feeling sad, we should show more sympathy. Now that Sister-in-law Huang Doujiang is alone and unable to take care of Brother Weasel's funeral, we should all lend a hand to help."

"Auntie, it's not that we don't help, it's that if we help, it's in vain."

"Yes, helping is in vain. You might as well help a dog."

"Isn't Huang Okra a coaxer? Why did she escape back to the provincial capital?"


The neighbors living in the old house, represented by the one-armed Luo and the cross-footed man, unanimously denounced the okra.

After everyone scolded them enough, Ma Yasha said: "It's our business whether to help or not, and how we help is also our business. Do you think this is good? Everyone help send Brother Weasel's ashes to Xishan for burial, and then come to my house for lunch. I Fatty Zhu has already made a big move."

"Okay, Aunt Ma is the one to go."

"Listen to Aunt Ma and send the weasel to Xishan."

"Didn't the Xishan Weasel already build a longevity grave?"


Everyone rushed forward to support Huang Doujiang and carried the weasel's urn to the Western Mountain. Ma Yasha asked the pig butcher to be a dutiful son, and asked the flat-mouthed woman to recite a mantra for salvation. The one-armed Luo, the stilt-legged man and others brought shovels to shovel mud and lift stones. After sealing the tomb door, the weasel was completely buried.

Huangdoujiang didn't come to the front yard for lunch. According to Stiletto Man, she didn't enter the old house when she came back from Xishan. She directly got into a car parked under the big camphor tree and went to the provincial capital.

At the dinner table, Zhu Badger asked Daylily if he would like to have such a big banquet in the future. Do you want to drink nectar and jade liquid and eat dragon liver and phoenix marrow? Day Lily nodded as if pounding garlic, and while smacking her lips, she mumbled in reply to Zhu Badger: "Think about it, of course I do."

Zhu Badger brought a bowl of steamed wild boar belly with glutinous rice to Daylily, and whispered to her: "Then you must always listen to me." "You must listen, you must listen." Daylily reached out and grabbed the wild boar belly and stuffed it into her mouth. Mayaksha came over and pulled Zhu Badger into the main house, closed the door and asked, "How did you fool her?"

"I didn't, but you, how did you fool Huang Doujiang?" Zhu Badger asked Ma Yasha with a smile.

Ma Yasha curled his lips and blamed Zhu Badger: "It's not because you let Daylily ruin the place that I had to step in to end it."

"Do you have to? I think you are eager to do so, right? You really get an advantage and still behave." Zhu Badger's mouth curled up even higher than Ma Yasha's.

Ma Yasha regained his composure and said to Zhu Badger: "Huang Okra will not give up. You should be prepared."

"Hey, you should be prepared, right? What does it have to do with me?" Zhu Badger disagreed.

Ma Yaksha said: "The last time she came back with an empty urn, you used the day lily to smash her up. Unexpectedly, this time you used the day lily to make her capsize. She will definitely avoid the day lily to fight with you." ”

"Can she avoid Daylily? Unless she kills Daylily first." Zhu Badger dismissed it.

Ma Yaksha said: "Don't think she doesn't dare. People like her can do anything, but the time has not come yet."

"When the time comes, everything will be reimbursed, including herself." Zhu Badger said firmly.

Ma Yasha said: "I hope, I hope you can be more grounded and not always floating in mid-air."

"He is the sky, you are the earth, and the thing floating in the air is the egg, hehe." Zhu Badger smiled at Mayasha.

Ma Yasha laughed and asked Zhu Badger: "Then what are you?"

"I'm a fairy, haha." Zhu Badger smiled even more happily.

Ma Yaksha stopped laughing and said seriously to Zhu Badger: "Maybe Huang Okra will come back soon."

"It's better to come back, so that I don't have to look through the eyes." Zhu Badger still smiled.

Ma Yasha stretched out his hand and twisted Zhu Badger's arm and cursed: "Just do it."

"If you don't kill them, I will kill them all. No one will be left." Zhu Badger said and pushed open the door of his room.

Ma Yasha called to Zhu Badger, went over and asked seriously: "Tell me, how did you fool Daylily?"

"Mom, I really didn't fool her. I want to take a nap." Zhu Badger stepped into his room with one foot.

Ma Yaksha grabbed Zhu Badger and asked, "Where did you get the nectar, jade liquid, dragon liver and phoenix marrow?"

"My father in heaven and mother in heaven sent heavenly soldiers and generals to bring this to me. Do you also want to drink and eat?" Zhu Badger turned around.

Ma Yasha scolded: "Come on, I won't let you take a nap until you make it clear."

"Yaksha Po, I told you not to tell that day lily." Zhu Badger had to give in.

Ma Yaksha smiled: "Do I have the same brain as her foodie?"

"It's entirely possible. Let me tell you, the fine jade liquid is the Bazhen soup you made, and the dragon liver and phoenix marrow are the liver and brain of the reed chicken you killed." Zhu Badger wanted to laugh after saying this.

Ma Yasha didn't believe it and asked: "This day lily is a big foodie. Is she so easy to fool?"

"It depends on the circumstances. At that time, she was so thirsty from scolding that she was even out of breath when she ran to Beishan Chestnut Forest. A bowl of Bazhen Soup is guaranteed to be even better than fine wine. Still. Yes, how big is the liver of a reed chicken? I dug out just a few of the chicken brains from the chicken head. She opened her mouth and immediately swallowed it. It was the bit of black stuff I added that made her think more naturally. Go up top." Zhu Badger explained to Mayaksha.

Ma Yasha's eyes widened and he asked Zhu Badger: "Are you really cheating? Are you afraid that she will become addicted?"

"Can I control her if she's not addicted? Can I use her to defeat Okra? Okay, I'll take a nap to regain my energy and fight Okra." Zhu Badger walked into his room and closed the door.

Ma Yaksha came out of the house and saw that all the villagers had dispersed. Only the day lily was still eating on the table. He walked over and sat down next to her and asked, "Where is the pig butcher? Why doesn't he spend more time with you when he comes back?"

"Fuck you, his mother asked him to go back to planting potatoes, uh..." Daylily burped.

"Growing potatoes? If your sister is so rich, why should your family grow potatoes? The butcher went to the provincial capital to take care of your father for so many days. Your sister must give him some money, right?" Ma Yasha brought it to Daylily. A bowl of braised hare.

While eating braised hare meat, Daylily answered Ma Yasha: "She was very stingy and only gave us a thousand yuan. But she said that as long as we plant potatoes, she would buy them at a high price. She also asked the pig-butcher to mobilize everyone to plant more potatoes. Some potatoes were purchased by the pig-butcher on his behalf, including those from neighboring villages.”

"Buy potatoes at a high price? Are you still living in neighboring villages?" Ma Yasha fell into deep thought.

Daylily was eating by itself. After finishing a bowl of braised hare meat, he took over a bowl of stir-fried pheasant meat with chestnuts. Just as he was about to reach out, someone knocked over the bowl of stir-fried pheasant meat with chestnuts. Daylily caught fire and raised his head. He stared and was about to curse, but when he saw that the person was his own mother Huang Doujiang, he screamed a few times without cursing.

"You're a foodie, you only know how to eat all day long. If you eat to death, will your father still want to eat me to death?" Huang Doujiang cursed Huang Doujiang.

Daylily didn't respond. He lowered his head and used his hands to dust the chestnuts and pheasant meat scattered on the table. After dusting them together, he ate them directly with his mouth. As soon as he ate a little bit, the table was overturned by the soybean paste. Daylily worked hard. The chestnuts and pheasant meat that had been dusted together fell to the ground.

Looking at the dishes and food scattered on the ground, Huangliang turned around and pounced on Huangdoujiang, who was yelling at her. After pressing Huangdoujiang under her plump body, she freed her hands and gave Huangdoujiang a fierce slap in the face. smoke.

"Are you still a human? Beating your own mother like this!" Huang Okra came over to pull Daylily. Daylily was twice as big as Huang Okra, and Huang Okra couldn't pull her at all.

Huangliang continued to whip soybean paste hard, and while licking, he scolded Huangqikui: "Are you a human being? If you don't come back, will our father die? If you don't come back, will I have to eat and drink? Will she look at me like this? Don’t you like it?”

Huang Qiukui was speechless after being scolded by Daylily, and could only vent her anger on Ma Yasha, who was sitting motionless on the side: "Are you a dead person? You didn't try to persuade them to quarrel? If you don't say that you are the master, you You are still the head of the village. Is there anyone like you who acts as the head of the village?”

Ma Yasha heard from Huang Qiuci that Huang Qi Kui asked the pig-butcher to grow more potatoes, and was wondering what the magic was in this? Huang Doujiang suddenly came over and overturned the table, startling her. Fortunately, she is Ma Yasha and is well-informed in Lvbubu Village. She is still calm and composed, sitting on a stool and watching What Do You Want to Do with Huangdoujiang? As a result, Huangliang threw Huangdoujiang down and beat his own mother. Ma Yasha was about to stand up to stop her, but Huang Okra came first to show off her power, so she simply sat on the stool motionless and watched coldly.

"This is indeed Aunt Ma's fault. She should intervene in time to break up the fight."

"As long as Aunt Ma comes forward in time, this fight will definitely not break out. They are two mothers."

"Maybe it's Aunt Ma who is behind this. Think about it, what kind of banquet are you planning for lunch today for no reason?"


There was a lot of discussion among the neighbors, and they followed Huang Qiukui back to the front yard of the old house. Among them, Shutian Lezi, One-Armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man were the most enthusiastic, and they all aimed at Ma Yasha.

"Everyone, be quiet, be quiet. Don't argue anymore, mother and daughter, and listen to what I have to say." A middle-aged man with a big belly walked to the old house owner's house.

Huang Qiukui introduced everyone with a smile: "Everyone, this is the administrator of the town. He has just been sent from the county. He has important things to announce."

The front yard of the old house was silent for a moment. Everyone craned their necks to wait for the man from the town to announce important events, including soybean paste and day lily. They got up from the ground and looked at the man.

Only Ma Yasha still sat firmly on the stool, motionless.

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