Chapter 125 Autumn

"There are two Mid-Autumn Festivals in a year, and the two Mid-Autumn Festivals have the same month.

We have been having a feast twice, looking at the moon. How many people are there and how many are saying goodbye?
From now on, when I look at the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival, do you know who is present at this gathering?
Don't be shy and look forward to the feast, for I am half old and gray. "

This year is the leap month of August, and this poem by Wang Shouren of the Ming Dynasty is very suitable for the occasion, as it corresponds to the Mid-Autumn Festival in the old house.

People in Lububuo village do not have the habit of celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival, and people who work outside will not come back. People in the mountains do not have the leisure to do frivolous things, and they cannot express idle sighs.

Huang Okra came back to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with great fanfare. Not only did she distribute beautifully packaged mooncakes to her neighbors, she also distributed a questionnaire to each person to gauge their willingness to go down the mountain.

The so-called willingness to go down the mountain refers to whether you are willing to leave the village and go down the mountain to settle down in a town or county?
The answer is of course yes, no one is unwilling to settle down in towns and counties. Except, of course, the Scarlet Badger.

Zhu Badger did not accept the mooncakes sent by Huang Okra, nor did he participate in filling out the questionnaire for going down the mountain. He just quietly followed Huang Okra's words and deeds.

Huang Qiukui came back this time and learned the lesson from last time. She entered the old house by herself, and no one else let them in. She let them camp under the big camphor tree.

Under the big camphor tree, it has now become the temporary command structure of Okra. Dozens of tents have been set up to provide both office and accommodation areas, as well as special reception areas and experience areas.

The reception area is dedicated to receiving people from Lvbui Village to inquire about matters related to going down the mountain. The experience area arranges for people from Lvbui Village to experience the life of city dwellers.

[Take great pains] [Take great pains] Zhu Badger used these eight words to describe Okra's behavior when she returned from the Mid-Autumn Festival, but she didn't take it seriously and remained silent from beginning to end.

Silence means stillness and silence, not participating in any action or making any remarks. Ma Yaksha, on the other hand, seemed very active, busying up and down to help with specific matters, because in addition to the people from the Okra Company, there were people from the town, county, and province, and the positions of the people who came were not low. As a member of the village The head of the family naturally has to actively cooperate.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival is destined to be different from previous years, not only because it is a leap month and there are two Mid-Autumn Festivals in a year, but because the return of okra has led all the villagers who worked outside to return to the village, especially the Those who lived in the old house were extremely excited all day long, as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood.

Ma Yaksha came back and said: "If the donkey doesn't come to the village, it will definitely be demolished. As for whether the old house will be demolished? The people above have no definite conclusion."

"No definite conclusion? Is this what Huang Qiukui means? She hopes that everyone in the old house will move out and go down the mountain to the town or county or even the province. It is best for them to work in her company." Zhu Badger said I was very happy when I said this, without any hostility.

"Isn't this just what suits your heart?" Mayaksha smiled.

Zhu Badger smiled even brighter and said, "Isn't it your wish?"

"My wish is to go to the provincial capital, become a provincial capital, and go shopping with Huanhuan on the streets of the provincial capital." Ma Yasha did not hide his inner joy.

Zhu Badger said: "Don't worry, I will definitely send you and dad to live in the provincial capital, and let you help Dan'er and Huanhuan take care of their children."

"What did you say? Dan'er?" Mayaksha's face was filled with joy and was instantly replaced by sadness.

Zhu Badger said: "Oh, it's not Dan'er, it's Jingzhai."

"Jingzhai? What do you mean?" Mayaksha was still immersed in sadness.

Zhu Badger said: "Let's not talk about this for now. Anyway, you can wait until you go to the provincial capital to have your grandson."

"Hug a grandson? Hug a grandson?" Ma Yasha muttered to himself while sitting on a chair.

Zhu Badger turned around and walked out of the hall. It was actually a good thing to let his own mother be in a daze for a while and miss Dan'er for a while. She was too busy these days and needed some quiet time.

I took a few boiled sweet potatoes from the kitchen stove, picked up a basket of dog food and badger food and went out. I first fed the two thin dogs and the two pig badgers guarding the main house. Then I came to the entrance of the ancestral hall and fed them and squatted here. The two thin dogs and two pig badgers came to the porch next to the back door of the old house. A whistle was sent, and the three thin dogs and three pig badgers patrolling the old house came in response. Together with the red badgers who were following the old house, A thin dog and a pig badger continued to patrol after eating.

Ever since Huang Okra came back, Zhu Badger would sit on the porch next to the back door of the old house every day except giving lessons to the children. He would sit there from early morning until night, motionless. Neighbors came in and out to greet her, and she responded with a smile, but she never took the initiative to greet them. Huang Okra came in and out so many times throughout the day without even saying hello to Zhu Badger, and Zhu Badger didn't say hello to her either. They pretended not to see or recognize each other.

Tian Xiaolei walks back and forth dozens of times on crutches every day. Zhu Badger admires his enthusiasm. Every time he greets her, she always smiles very warmly and invites him into the porch warmly. Sit for a while.

Now Tian Xiaolei walked back from under the big camphor tree and greeted Zhu Badger from a distance. Zhu Badger waved to him. He swayed into the porch and sat down to chat with Zhu Badger.

"When does the doctor say your foot will be healed?"

"It took a hundred days to break my muscles and bones, and the doctor asked me to slowly recover."

"Well, you have to take your time to recuperate. How about it? Are you going to go down to the town or into the county?"

"Fairy, are you looking down on me again? Can't I go to the provincial capital? Become a person from a big city?"

"Of course you can. Because you are Tian Xiaolei, you can enter the capital without any problem."

"You are mocking me again. Let me tell you, our family is really planning to enter the provincial capital."

"Then let me congratulate you and your family first. If I have the opportunity to come to the provincial capital in the future, I will ask for a drink of water."

"When a fairy comes, of course she will get the essence of dragon liver and phoenix. Hey, where are you and your mother planning to go down the mountain?"

"Of course I want to go to the capital. Is it necessary to go? I'm afraid we, a widowed mother and an orphan, won't even be able to go to the town, so we'd better stop thinking about it."

"Well, that's true. Without the demolition compensation, you and Aunt Yasha might not even be able to go to town."

"Hey, how much demolition compensation can your family get?"

"According to Huang Okra's calculations, our family can get at least one million."

"One million? Just your family?"

"Yes, Huang Qiukui said that according to the current housing prices, one million is more than enough to buy a house in the provincial capital."

"Oh, your family has one million to compensate. There are eight people in and eight people out of the old house, in total..."

"Fairy, who do you think you are?"

"Let me calculate how much demolition compensation I can get."

"Huang Qiukui said that your main house may not be demolished, and you definitely won't let her demolish it."

"Why wouldn't I let her demolish it? If there is really so much demolition compensation money to get, I will definitely let her demolish it. I will do it even if she demolishes it ten times."

"That's right. People die for money and birds die for food. Who has a grudge against money? Then let's go to the provincial capital together then?"

"I'm going to the capital. What's so good about the provincial capital?"

"The capital is not something you can go to if you want. Even if your main house is demolished, the demolition compensation will not be enough to buy a house in the capital."

"Tian Xiaolei, don't you understand this? Even if the main house is not demolished, I can buy a house in the capital and become a citizen of the capital."

"Zhu Badger, are you crazy about wanting to go to the capital?"

"Tian Xiaolei, I'm very clear-headed. Listen, I'll settle the score for you."

"Zhu Badger, it's useless for you to lose your head. You can't have that much money."

"Listen to me. Didn't you say that the compensation for the demolition of your home is at least one million?"

"Yes, Huang Okra made it clear."

"That's great. Your house is not the largest among the families in the old house. The biggest one is of course my main house, Zhu Hu's house, Weasel's house, etc."

"That's natural, but it's impossible to demolish your main house. Even if it is demolished, it will only cost twice as much as ours. That's only two million, which is not enough for you to buy a house in the capital."

"Tian Xiaolei, isn't there eight in and eight out of the old house? Even if the main house is not demolished, wouldn't the total demolition compensation for each of your households be at least tens of millions? It's more than enough for me to buy a house in the capital."

"Badger Immortals, what do you mean by these words?" "Tian Xiaolei, don't you understand what I mean?"

"don't know."

"Tian Xiaolei, it seems that not only are your feet completely useless like the cross-legged guy, but your brain is also completely useless. Didn't I already say that the land deed of the entire old house is mine, and everything written on it is mine. Name, all the compensation money for the demolition of the old house must belong to me. "

"Ah? Then after we have lived together for so many years, you must give us more or less."

"Should I give you a little more or less? Why should I give it to you? I haven't collected a cent of rent from you for so many years, so I've done my best to you."

"This won't work, absolutely won't work. I have to go to Huang Qiukui to ask for an explanation. The people in the town, the county, and the province are all here. They will definitely give us an explanation. It's impossible for you to let the Badger Eight Immortals get away with so much demolition compensation." Take it alone."

Tian Xiaolei was so anxious that he forgot to turn one of his feet over. He got up from the stone bench and hurriedly walked out to the porch. As a result, he stumbled and fell to the ground. He held back the pain and pulled his homemade crutch. He climbed out of the porch and swayed under the big camphor tree.

Zhu Badger looked at Tian Xiaolei's back and was secretly happy in her heart. With such a 250-year-old house, why should she worry about her plan not succeeding? She leaned against the pillars of the porch, closed her eyes and meditated, waiting for Huang Okra and her neighbors who were eager for money and fell in love with the wind to find her.

Sure enough, after a while, the neighbors who lived in the old house gathered Okra and hurriedly came to the porch. Because there was a thin dog and a pig badger squatting under the eaves of the porch, Okra and all the people did not dare to enter the porch. He had to stand in front of the porch and ask Zhu Badger.

"Badger Immortals, you said that the land deed of the entire old house is with you, and it is written in your name. Can you show it to me?" This is the first time Huang Qiukui talks to Zhu Badger after returning this time. His tone was not ordinary arrogance.

"Who are you? Do you have the right to see it?" Zhu Badger replied coldly.

Huang Qiukui exhaled out of her nose and hummed: "That means you can't take it out at all. The property rights of the old house belong to each family who currently lives there."

"Yes, it belongs to us."

"It has to be ours."

“It definitely deserves to be ours after we’ve lived there for so many years.”


The heads of households living in the old house echoed Okra in unison.

Zhu Badger was neither impatient nor impatient. After everyone yelled for a while, he asked slowly: "Do you admit that you have lived in the old house for so many years?"

"of course."

“We’ve been here for almost three generations.”

"We are four generations old, and my great-grandfather lives in the old house."


The throats of the heads of households living in the old house were ringing.

"Okay, please report the year you each lived. I will take a pen and paper to write it down, then sign your name and press your fingerprints." Zhu Badger took out several pieces of paper and some paper that he had prepared from his pocket. Pen.

The heads of households living in the old house thought that Zhu Badger recognized that their house belonged to them, so they all rushed to sign and fingerprint.

After all the household heads had signed and fingerprinted, Zhu Badger stood up, raised the pieces of paper in his hand and said loudly: "Everyone, thank you for your cooperation. In this case, please go back and prepare the money. I will Go door to door to collect rent.”

"Ready for the money?"

"Collecting rent door to door?"

"Which song is she singing?"


The heads of households living in the old house looked at each other.

Zhu Badger smiled and said: "Everyone, I can tell you clearly that the old house has a treaty stipulation. Except for the main house, every household in the other houses is rented, and the rent must be paid according to the regulations to be used for the maintenance of the old house."

As soon as the words fell, everyone was silent. Some wanted to retreat quietly, and some wanted to question Zhu Badger, but they didn't know how to speak? He froze in place and lowered his head in thought.

After a while, Huang Qiukui said: "Eight Badger Immortals, that's the old almanac of yours. What era is it now? You can't help but talk nonsense and talk about old things."

"Yes, that's the old almanac of yours."

"This is a new society and a new era."

"Those of yours should have been scrapped long ago."


The heads of households living in the old house suddenly came to life with full health and accused Zhu Badger one after another. Among them, Shutian Lezi, One-Armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man shouted loudest.

Seeing that her words received an enthusiastic response, Huang Qiukui was not an ordinary arrogant person. She waved to a subordinate standing in the distance. The subordinate hurriedly ran to her. She bit his ear with him. The subordinate ran out of the old house and ran towards the big house. Camphor tree.

Zhu Badger saw everything and remained calm, letting the heads of households living in the old house criticize and Huang Qiukui sending people to call for help.

After a while, the subordinate sent by Huang Qiukui brought five or six people in suits and ties. These five or six people were all pretentious and official. One of them, a middle-aged man with a shy chest and belly, eagerly asked Zhu Badger as soon as he walked to the porch: "Who are you from the old house?"

"Master of the old house." Zhu Badger replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"How can you prove that you are the owner of the old house?" The shy man looked Zhu Badger up and down.

Zhu Badger asked, "Who are you? What qualifications do you have to ask me like this?"

"I am from the county, so I am naturally qualified to ask you this." The shy man with his chest and belly is not ordinary arrogant.

Zhu Badger continued to ask: "How can you prove that you are from the county?"

"This is my business card." The shy-chested man took out a business card from his suit pocket and handed it to Zhu Badger.

Zhu Badger didn't even look at it, let alone reach out to take it, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, you want to prove your identity with just a business card?"

"Can't it be possible?" asked Zhu Badger with his chest and belly folded.

Zhu Badger laughed even louder: "Hahaha, I printed business cards for my dog ​​and badger. The titles printed on them are the special security guards of the old house. Do you think you can prove their identities like you?"

"You?" The fat man with his chest and belly was at a loss for words. He became angry and wanted to get angry. Another middle-aged man, who was fatter than him, took two steps behind him and said angrily: "Why bother with this kind of person too much? That is not lowering yourself." What's your identity? Hey, I'm from the province. I can tell you clearly that the old house will soon be owned by Boss Huang Qiukui. If you continue to talk nonsense, I will charge you with disturbing the public and obstructing official business. Catch you."

"You are originally from the province. No wonder you have such a loud tone. There is no cow in our Lvbu Village who can compare with you. But I also want to tell you clearly that if you continue to act recklessly, I will use swindling and pretending to be I will sue you as a state worker. "Zhu Badger is both humorous and upright, and can handle it easily.

The fat man who claimed to be from the province suddenly became discouraged and stepped aside unconsciously. Huang Okra stepped forward and argued with Zhu Badger: "Eight Badger Immortals, don't think that no one can cure you. This is a society ruled by law, and everything speaks for itself with evidence. "

"Huang Qiukui, do you still know that this is a society governed by law? Are you reminding me that I have to keep the evidence of your deception last time so that I can sue you together?" Zhu Badger asked Huang Qiukui with a smile.

Huang Qiukui was furious and cursed: "Badger Immortal, why are you so rampant as a wild species in the mountains? In my old house, if it were in the provincial capital, I would have torn your mouth to pieces, stripped you of your clothes, and let the wild dogs fuck you to death. ”

"Yo yo yo, Huang Qiukui, you are so awesome. So you were fucked by wild dogs in the provincial capital? No wonder my dog ​​doesn't like you, hehe." Zhu Badger was neither annoyed nor angry, hehehe and Huang Qiukui Quarrel.

Huang Qiukui became even more angry and continued to scold Zhu Badger: "You bastard, don't be too arrogant. I will use all my financial resources to deal with you. I will not give up until you are killed."

"Huang Qiukui, you are powerful, you are rich, you can kill people at will, I am so scared." Zhu Badger pretended to be trembling.

Huang Qiukui hummed: "Eight Badger Immortals, you bastard, don't pretend to be crazy and stupid in front of me. It's useless. I'm coming back this time to deal with you completely."

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