Chapter 128 Broken

The barking coming from outside the house was louder than ever before. In the past, the eight thin dogs and eight pig badgers of the red badger never barked collectively. At most, they only barked a few times each when something happened and then stopped.

Today all the dogs and badgers were barking fiercely. Even Uncle Liu and Lu Bo were a little chilled by the barking of the dogs and the howling of the badgers.

Judging from the sounds, a thin dog and a pig badger guarding the entrance of the alley barked as the main bark, the two thin dogs and two pig badgers guarding the ancestral hall barked secondly, and the two thin dogs guarding the old house owner's house and The two pig badgers and the thin dog and the pig badger guarding the back door of the old house barked in harmony, while the two thin dogs and the two pig badgers guarding the outside of the old house barked in response.

Ever since Zhu Hu and Xieyanpo happily brought their relatives into the old house, the barking of thin dogs and the howling of pigs and badgers have not stopped. The primary bark, secondary bark, combined bark, and response bark all cooperated with each other tacitly. It makes people feel annoyed and chills their hearts.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo were not even in the mood to drink, so they both asked Zhu Badger: "Will anything happen to your dogs and badgers if they keep barking like this?"

Zhu Badger asked Uncle Liu and Lu Bo: "Are you worried that something will happen to my dog ​​and Badger? Or are you worried that something will happen to that person?"

"I'm all worried." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo replied in unison.

Zhu Badger smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about my dogs and badgers at all. They have a clear division of labor. When one barks tiredly, the other one keeps barking. When the other dog barks tiredly, the other one keeps barking. As for that person, I am If something happens to him, something will happen to him."

"Something happened to him?" "What do you mean?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo asked Zhu Badger.

Zhu Badger replied: "He just lost his soul."

"Has he lost his soul?" "What soul has he lost?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo asked again.

Zhu Badger smiled and replied: "My soul is gone."

"He's out of his mind?" "I don't understand." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo were even more confused.

Zhu Badger raised his wine cup, touched it with Uncle Liu's and Lu Bo's, and said, "Drink, and you will understand when the time comes."

"You will naturally understand when the time comes?" "You still don't understand when the time comes?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo raised their wine glasses but did not drink.

Zhu Badger said: "I will tell you after you drink eight cups in a row."

"Real or false?" "Keep your word?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo were doubtful.

Zhu Badger pretended to be angry and said: "Forget it, drink or not, I'll eat."

"Drink, drink, drink." "You must drink." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo each drank eight cups in a row.

Zhu Badger secretly laughed in his heart: "Humph, I still can't deal with you two old kids?"

After downing eight glasses of wine in a row, Uncle Liu and Uncle Lu's faces were red and their ears were hot. Their two big heads leaned in front of Zhu Badger: "Say it." "Say it quickly."

"I will naturally say it then, and you should say it now." Zhu Badger filled up the wine for Uncle Liu and Lu Bo.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo picked up the wine cup and drank the wine with a squeak. Then they asked Zhu Badger in unison: "What did we say?"

"Tell me about the structural system of the old house." Zhu Badger poured wine for Uncle Liu and Lu Bo again.

After Uncle Liu and Lu Bo drank a glass of wine, their eyes widened and they asked Zhu Badger in unison: "The structural system of the old house?"

"Yes, tell me carefully." Zhu Badger continued to fill up the wine for Uncle Liu and Lu Bo.

Uncle Liu and Uncle Lu were holding wine cups but did not drink. They looked at each other and said in unison: "This..."

"It's not like you can't explain why, right? Well, I'd better go to the study and read." Zhu Badger stood up.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo hurriedly grabbed Zhu Badger from left to right and said in unison: "We will talk, we will talk."

Uncle Liu and Uncle Lu explained the structural system of the old house to Zhu Badger in detail. Zhu Badger listened with rapt attention.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo said that although the old house is not a representative of traditional wooden structures in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it is a model of the organic combination of northern and southern architectural styles of traditional wooden buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The primary feature of traditional buildings with wooden structures as the core during the Ming and Qing dynasties was the use of mortise and tenon technology to connect different components, thereby building a lightweight and efficient frame-type load-bearing system.

Mortise and tenon structure is the soul of Chinese architecture. A large number of wooden components with mortise and tenon structure were discovered at the Hemudu Neolithic Cultural Site six or seven thousand years ago.

Having said this, Uncle Liu and Lu Bo stood up, pulled Zhu Badger to the left and right under the eaves of Dan'er's hall, pointed to the connection between the pillars and the eaves and said to Zhu Badger: "This protruding part is called [tenon]. 】 (or tenon), the recessed part is called [卯] (or mortise, tenon groove), and the tenon and the tenon are engaged and play a connecting role. "

Liu Shu and Lu Bo explained that the combination of [tenon] and [mao] is an ingenious combination of more and less wood parts, high and low, long and short, which can effectively limit the twisting of wood parts in all directions. move. The most basic mortise and tenon structure consists of two components. The tenon of one is inserted into the mortise of the other to connect and fix the two components. The part of the tenon that extends into the eye is called the tongue, and the rest is called the shoulder.

"Hey, there's something wrong with this mortise and tenon joint." "There's definitely something wrong, there's something wrong." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo were already tipsy, and their blurred eyes were staring at a spot on the corridor under the eaves of Dan'er's hall. Look at the mortise and tenon joints.

Zhu Badger thought that Uncle Liu and Lu Bo were playing tricks in front of her, and said sarcastically: "I think there is something wrong with you two old kids? Are you so dim that you can't even tell the difference between a tenon and a mortise?"

"No, there is indeed something wrong with the mortise and tenon joint." "The problem is not small. Someone must have cast an evil spell." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo looked stern.

Seeing Uncle Liu and Lu Bo like this, Zhu Badger no longer thought that they were playing tricks on him, so he asked, "What is the problem?"

"Where is your master?" "Call your master over quickly." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo looked anxious.

Zhu Badger said: "Master went to add water to my dog ​​and badger. She was worried that the dog and badger would become thirsty if they kept barking like this."

"Go and call her back quickly, let's drive away the evil spirits." "We can't wait for her to come back, it's important to drive away the evil spirits." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo rolled up their sleeves, one went to the yard to move the ladder, and the other went to the kitchen to fetch water.

Zhu Badger wanted to go out and call Dan'er his mother, but he was afraid of missing the opportunity to watch Uncle Liu and Lu Bo exorcise evil spirits. During hesitation, Dan'er's mother opened the door and came in. She saw Uncle Liu moving a ladder in the yard and asked, "What are we going to do?" What?"

"You came back just in time. Who has been here these days?" Uncle Liu moved the ladder to the eaves of the hall and asked Dan'er about his mother.

Dan'er's mother replied: "No one has been here since Dan'er left."

"This must have been caused by someone sneaking in." Ruburt came out of the kitchen with a large bowl of cold water in his hand.

"Someone sneaked in to do evil? What evil?" Dan'er's mother went over to help Uncle Liu move the ladder.

Uncle Liu told Dan'er's mother: "Someone cast an evil spell on the mortise-and-tenon joints of the pillars under the eaves of your hall. Let's take a look at the evil spirit and then explain it in detail."

"Oh, cough cough cough..." Daner started coughing.

Lu Bo handed the bowl of water to Uncle Liu and climbed up the ladder. As he climbed, he asked Dan'er's mother: "Have you been coughing badly these days?"

"Well, after eating the matsutake you brought me, my cough has improved a lot. But I don't know why? I've been coughing again these days, cough, cough, cough..." Dan'er suddenly coughed very badly.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo looked at each other and said, "It seems that the person who cast this evil charm is nearby." "Let's get rid of the evil charm first and then go find him to settle the score."

Zhu Badger stood aside and listened half-heartedly, so he simply watched it as a show, watching Uncle Liu and Lu Bo do how to ward off evil spirits.

Lu Bo climbed up the bamboo ladder and stretched out his hand to tap on the mortise and tenon joints. Uncle Liu held a bowl of water around the pillars, dipped his fingers in the water and sprinkled it on the pillars while murmuring: "Heaven is great, earth is great, disciples Set up the Nine Oxen Building, the first one will cause the heaven and earth to move, the second one will cause the ghosts and gods to be shocked, the third one will cause the mountains to collapse and the rocks will crack, and the fourth one will cause the evil masters and magicians to have headaches and dizzy eyes. If you don’t drag a thousand pounds of squeezing, the nine oxen will be built together, and the two sides will be divided. I sincerely invite Nandou Six Lords, Big Dipper and Seven Stars, I serve the Supreme Lord as urgently as the law..."

Uncle Liu recited the mantra faster and faster, and his body spinning around the pillars also turned faster and faster. Later, Zhu Badger could only see a shadow spinning around the pillars, and could not see Uncle Liu's figure clearly at all.

"Click!" "Click!" Lu Bo slapped the joint of the mortise and tenon joints with Uncle Liu's chanting. The mortise and tenon joints were loosened and an object fell down. The object fell right into Uncle Liu's hands. in a large bowl.

Uncle Liu stopped turning and stood still to wipe his sweat.

Ruburt hit the mortise and tenon joint with his palm again, and the mortise and tenon joint closed again, making it a tight fit.

Zhu Badger went over and took the big bowl from Uncle Liu's hand. He looked down and saw a little man lying in the bowl.

This little person is only as big as an average adult's thumb, but it is lifelike, just like a real person. Zhu Badger wanted to reach out and pinch it. Is it clay, wood carving, or stone carving? Lu Bo stood on the bamboo ladder and shouted to stop him. Uncle Liu immediately grabbed the big bowl and sprayed it from his mouth, burning a ball of flame towards the little man. The little man instantly turned into a puff of green smoke and rolled away.

"Xie Mei, where can you escape?" Uncle Liu jumped over the wall to chase.

Lu Bo flew up from the bamboo ladder and chased the green smoke with Uncle Liu.

Zhu Badger wanted to go out together to catch up, but Dan'er's mother held her back and said, "The evil charm is not pure, you and I are naked and cannot catch up."

"Naked? You and I are obviously wearing clothes, so why are we naked?" Zhu Badger was puzzled, thinking that Dan'er's mother was more evil.

Dan'er's mother blushed and said softly: "My nakedness refers to the body of a girl."

"Master, are you really still a girl?" Zhu Badger asked Dan'er's mother with a smile.

Dan'er's mother's face turned even redder, and she said angrily: "Have you ever asked Master like this?"

"Master, when Dan'er comes back, I will introduce you to a handsome guy, hehe." Zhu Badger laughed.

Dan'er's mother's face suddenly changed from red to white. She grabbed Zhu Badger's arms tightly with both hands and asked urgently: "What did you say? What did you say?"

"Master, don't be anxious. You've been here for so many years and you still care about how many months? Hehe." Zhu Badger was still laughing.

Dan'er's mother grabbed Zhu Badger's arms tighter, her lips trembled, speechless, and her almond-shaped eyes stared closely at Zhu Badger's big round eyes.

It was the first time that Zhu Badger discovered that Dan'er's fucking almond eyes were so beautiful. Her face shape was actually an oval face, her eyebrows were willow-leaf eyebrows, and she had a moonlit lip under her small nose. She was a complete beauty, but she was always With her hair disheveled and her clothes in tatters, no one would take a closer look at her.

"Done." "Return to your position." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo jumped into the wall.

"Hey, if you don't walk through the fence and jump over the fence, you'll be punished with eight drinks." Zhu Badger's stern look scared Uncle Liu and Lu Bo who stood under the eaves of the hall and didn't dare to take a step. They rolled their eyes a few times and laughed loudly: "Okay. "Okay, accept the punishment, accept the punishment. The more punishment, the better, hahaha."

Seeing Uncle Liu and Lu Bo sitting at the Eight Immortals table again and changing cups, Zhu Badger said: "Master, take good care of yourself. I will give you a surprise soon, a big surprise."

"Surprise? Surprise?" Dan'er's mother stood there and murmured to herself. Zhu Badger walked into the hall, sat next to Uncle Liu and asked, "Is it that Zhu Fan who caused the trouble?"

"That's right, he cast this evil when Dan'er's mother was out." "At first I thought it was a flat-mouthed woman, but a flat-mouthed woman doesn't have this ability." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo responded to Zhu Badger.

Zhu Badger asked: "Why doesn't the flat-mouthed woman have this ability?"

"The mortise and tenon structure is a great craftsmanship. Can she understand it?" "Even if she can understand it, it is impossible to master its skills." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo looked down upon her.

Zhu Badger asked: "Then how did Zhu Fan master it?"

"Well, we have ourselves to blame." "Yes, we gave him a brief explanation, but we turned over a rock and stepped on our own feet." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo blamed themselves.

Zhu Badger said: "That shows that his mind is not low."

"Of course. Fortunately, we only told him the superficial story." "If he was not smart, how could he have deceived everyone until now?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo showed resentment as they pushed cups and changed cups.

Zhu Badger asked: "You just chased into his house and burned the same little man, right?"

"How do you know that there is a similar little person in his family?" "Is it possible that you have read "The Book of Lu Ban"?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo's hands froze in mid-air when they picked up the wine cups, and they looked at each other like tigers. Keep an eye on the red badger.

Zhu Badger smiled and said: "The Craftsman's Nightmare Technique is actually very similar to that of the Trapped Mouth Woman, except that one is tangible and the other is nihilistic. As long as a person's mind is right, no Nightmare Technique can capture people's hearts."

"You mean I have evil intentions?" Dan'er's mother interrupted.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo then asked: "Did you understand what you just said by yourself?" "Is there any expert who can give you some advice?"

"Master, I didn't say that your intentions were evil. What I meant was that you were sad all day long because of Dan'er's departure. This state of mind was inevitably biased, so Zhu Shanzi took advantage of it. Besides, I was referring to the public. Even among all living beings, you are an expert." Zhu Badger reached out to hold Dan'er's mother's hand. Dan'er's mother raised her hand to hold her hair, not letting Zhu Badger hold her hand, and laughed at herself: "If I were an expert, Will you still be looked down upon in this old house in a remote area?"

"Master, you are scolding me. I know my mistake, but I promise that I will give you a big surprise soon, and give you yourself and him." Zhu Badger looked at Dan'er in front of him. Mom, I have mixed feelings in my heart.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo asked: "What riddles are you two playing? Why did you suddenly gain so much enlightenment?" "Yes, please tell me which expert gave you guidance?"

"Aren't you two experts? Isn't my master an expert? Aren't my father and my mother both experts?" Zhu Badger asked with a smile.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo said, "It's impossible. We can't help you realize that." "Yes, it's impossible for your father to realize that himself."

"I've been in my old house and in Lvbubu Village all day, so who do you think I will be?" Zhu Badger pretended.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo thought for a while and then asked: "Could it be that Zhu Yuanzhang reminded you in a dream?" "Or is it your father in heaven and mother in heaven who revealed it to you?"

"Uncle Lu, are you alone just to get the true biography of Lu Gong?" Zhu Badger did not respond to Uncle Liu and Lu Bo's speculation, but asked Lu Bo instead.

Rubeus' body was shaken, and half of the wine in the wine cup spilled out. His lips wriggled a few times but no words came out. Uncle Liu hurriedly took the wine cup from Lu Bo's hand and blamed Zhu Badger: "I'm not big or small. Do you have such a question for my uncle?"

"Grandpa, I'm doing this for my uncle's sake. He can't continue to be obsessed with it. "The Book of Lu Ban" and "The Book of Lu Ban" are two completely different books. One is an evil book and the other is a craftsman's book. My uncle is obsessed with it. It's not a good thing in "Lu Ban Shu"," ​​Zhu Badger explained.

"What do you, a girl, know?" Rubeus suddenly stood up and scolded Zhu Badger.

Zhu Badger didn't care, and asked Lu Bo with a smile: "Since I am a girl and don't know anything? Then why did you have to ask me just now which master gave me advice?"

"You?" Rubeus sat down slumped.

Zhu Badger said: "I am sure that "The Book of Lu Ban" was not written by Lu Ban, but that later generations used his name to plot evil. Just imagine, Lu Ban is the ancestor of the craftsmen, how could he say that only widowers, widows, lonely, lonely, and disabled people will suffer the same fate? Only people can teach the art?”

"Well, I explained this to your uncle a long time ago, but he just didn't listen." Uncle Liu nodded.

Zhu Badger said: "How can he listen to the discussion of books? Just ask him, are all his ancestors stupider than him? They don't want to learn craftsmanship?"

"What do you mean?" Rubeus raised his head and asked Zhu Badger.

Zhu Badger replied with a smile: "Because your ancestors were married and had children. Otherwise, where would my mother and I come from?"

"This..." Rube was speechless.

"Uncle, you'd better stop obsessing about that book, otherwise what's the difference between you and Zhu Fanzi? If you catch Zhu Fanzi tomorrow, you'll have to return his soul, right?" When Zhu Badger said this, Lu Bo With their faces flushed, Uncle Liu and Dan'er's mother were shocked and confused.

Outside the house, dogs and badgers barked and snarled one after another, and a big thunder exploded over the old house.

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