Chapter 127 Capture

Back in the main house, Mayaksha Raju Badger came to the hall and asked: "Can you get the rental agreement?"

"I can't take it out, but you have it." Zhu Badger answered Ma Yasha with a smile.

Ma Yasha stretched out his hand and pinched Zhu Badger's waist, and cursed: "How dare you tell such a big lie. Do you really think you have become an immortal? How will you deal with them when they come to see the agreement?"

"Did I lie? It is clearly written in the "House Notes" of the old house that the main house is the owner and the rest are tenants. Also, they don't dare to come over and take a look. At most, they can go to Zhu Shanzi to ask what happened." Zhu Badger responded with a smile.

Ma Yasha was startled and asked Zhu Badger: "Have you watched "Old Mansion"?"

"I have read almost all the books in the study during this period." Zhu Badger said and walked into the study.

Ma Yasha looked at Zhu Badger's back and was surprised and happy. She was happy that Zhu Badger could finally calm down and read a book. What was surprising was that she had read all the books in just a few months.

Sure enough, as Zhu Badger said, although Fatty Zhu came to Zhu Badger's house to cook, only Day Lily and Fatty Zhu's family came to eat, not even One-Armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man. Ma Yaksha went out for a walk and saw all the heads of households in the old house waiting in front of Zhu Shanzi's house, including Zhu Hu.

Seeing Mayaksha passing by, the household heads all lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Mayaksha.

Mayaksha pretends not to know what they are going to do? He walked closer and asked, "Did you all grow some potatoes this year?"

"Yes, is it because the okra was caught and no one harvested the potatoes, so we have to use them to feed the pigs?" Tian Laizi asked.

Ma Yasha told Tian Lezi: "The police who came to arrest Okra reported that she purchased potatoes mainly for making counterfeit medicine. Now she is being taken away, so you should look for other sales as soon as possible. There are so many potatoes to feed each of your families. I’m afraid I won’t be able to feed the pigs in three years, and the humidity will be high this year, so they won’t be able to store them for long.”

"Okra buys potatoes to make counterfeit medicine? How?" One-Armed Luo asked. He never grew potatoes in previous years because he didn't like to eat them. This year, I heard that okra will be purchased at a high price, and all the mountainous areas are planted with potatoes.

Ma Yasha replied to One-Armed Luo: "It is to make starch from potatoes and then use the starch to make medicine directly."

"You mean the medicine she sells is potato flour?" asked the stiletto man.

Mayasha replied: "Yes, it's just potato flour. Nothing is added to it, so it's not bad but it doesn't have any effect."

"Bah, you Okra, I bought so many tonics from you, but it turned out to be just potato powder? I might as well eat more potatoes." The stiletto man was so angry that Beidou returned to the south.

Ma Yaksha said: "In the future, everyone should be careful. Don't let the wind mean the rain, and don't let the wind fall like grass on the wall and swarm up. In this way, if you have no place to stack the potatoes at home, you can bring them here. Come. There is a cellar here, it should be able to store it for a while."

Ma Yaksha walked to the back porch of the old house and opened the cellar where Zhu Fan had hidden his treasure.

"Why is there a cellar here?"

"It looks like the digging is quite big and sophisticated."

"I'm afraid there's more than enough potatoes to store for the whole village."


The heads of households living in the old house all gathered around the cellar, looking at the dark entrance of the cave. They all looked very excited, especially the one-armed man and the rocker-legged man. They couldn't wait to jump down to find out. As soon as they raised their legs, one of them People rushed to the cellar like crazy, pushed away the one-armed man and the stiletto man, and jumped into the cellar. After a while, heart-wrenching cries came from the cellar: "My baby, my baby!" "

"Zhu Fan?"

"Is it possible that he dug this cellar?"

"His treasure? His treasure hidden in the cellar?"


The one-armed Luo, the rocker-footed man, Tian Lezi and others were not ordinary shocked.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Zhu Hu jumped into the cellar.

Ever since Lan Yuliu was sentenced for beating Dan'er to death, Zhu Hu was completely different from his previous self. He no longer went out to work except for going to the fields. Even when he went out, he never said a word to his neighbors. At most, he could sneak into Zhu Shanzi's house for a while when no one was looking, and then sneak back to his home when no one was around. Just now, he was standing aside to watch the excitement. He saw Zhu Shanzi rush out of his room and jump into the cellar desperately. Let everyone jump into the cellar.

"Didn't you say it was foolproof? Didn't you say it was foolproof?" Zhu Hu's angry questioning voice came from the cellar.

"What are the two of them doing in such a hurry?"

"Do you still have to ask? He must have done something shameful."

"We won't dig a cellar and share the cross-eyed woman together, right? Hahaha!"


"It's true that a dog can't spit out ivory. Can I let you guys share it?" Just as everyone was discussing at the entrance of the cellar, the cross-eyed woman came over. She still didn't understand what happened? All I know is that Zhu Fanzi and Zhu Hu jumped into the cellar, cursed One-Armed Luo, Stilt-leg Man and others, and then shouted into the cellar at the top of their lungs: "Hey, what are you two arguing about? Are those treasures damaged? ? Ouch, how could you hide those treasures in the cellar? Yuliu had a lot of advice, and those treasures are treasures among treasures, and some of them are priceless, so she managed to steal them out of the main house. "

"What did you say?" Ma Yaksha walked up to the cross-eyed woman.

When the squinty-eyed woman saw Ma Yaksha coming to ask her, she quickly covered her mouth with both hands. She squinted her eyes from side to side, but she didn't dare to squint at Ma Yaksha.

Ma Yaksha grabbed the cross-eyed woman by her collar and turned around to ask the villagers who were watching: "Did you hear what she just said?"

"I heard it clearly." "I heard it clearly." The one-armed Luo and the rocker-legged man replied loudly.

Ma Yaksha nodded with satisfaction and said, "My house has always lost a few things over the years. It turned out that it was stolen by that Lan Yuliu. It seems that I have to make a special trip to the county to let her get a few more years in prison."

"No, no, no, Yu Liu just stole a few items at first when she lived in your house. Later, the fairy and her dog Badger watched closely and couldn't steal them at all. Those treasures in the cellar were all Mr. Zhu's. He stole it from every house for decades, he worked hard," the squinty-eyed woman hurriedly explained.

Ma Yasha couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Hahaha, it's hard enough. All the treasures in the cellar belong to him."

"Aunt Ma, it can't all belong to him. My Huhu and I usually steal some. We have already discussed with him and Yuliu that the money from selling these treasures will be shared equally among the three of our families." Squinted Po thought Ma Yaksha was really I want to give all the treasures in the cellar to Zhu Fanzi.

Ma Yaksha suppressed his laughter and asked the cross-eyed woman: "Didn't you and your Huhu only steal some? Didn't Lan Yuliu only steal a little? How could Mr. Zhu agree to share it equally among the three of you?"

"Aunt Ma, Yuliu has a channel for shipment. If the baby wants to be sold at a high price, it depends on her. And my relatives can protect Yuliu from being shipped safely, so we are also very important." Squinted Woman further explained.

Ma Yasha suddenly realized: "Oh, so that's it. It's a pity that Mr. Zhu worked so hard to steal so many treasures and he still has to share them with you."

"Aunt Ma, if it weren't for our relatives and Yuliu, it would be useless for Mr. Zhu to steal the most treasures. Wouldn't he just hide them in the cellar? Hey, what are you two doing down there? How much damage has been done to the treasures? "Do you want the one-armed and cross-legged people to go down and help you move?" Squinted Po thought that Ma Yasha was just apologizing for Zhu Fanzi, so after explaining, she shouted into the cellar.

"Women have no brains, women are shameless." Zhu Fanzi jumped out of the cellar and kicked the cross-eyed woman.

The cross-eyed woman didn't expect Zhu Fanzi to kick her. She couldn't dodge and was kicked hard by Zhu Fanzi before she fell heavily to the ground.

Zhu Hu jumped out of the cellar immediately and saw the cross-eyed woman being kicked to the ground by Zhu Fanzi. He caught up with Zhu Fanzi to settle the score with him. Zhu Fanzi turned around and kicked Zhu Hu equally hard. Zhu Hu fell to the ground with a "Hey!" Zhu Shanzi did not stop or go back to the house, but walked straight out of the back door of the old house and walked away.

Seeing Zhu Hu and Xianyanpo lying motionless on the ground, Ma Yasha called to the one-armed Luo and the cross-legged man to help the couple back. One-armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man didn't even look at Zhu Hu and Xianyan Po. They both jumped down to the cellar to find out.

Tian Leizi didn't dare to fall behind, so he jumped down into the cellar with Tian Dalei, Tian Erlei and Tian Xiaolei. Naturally, all the villagers were afraid that the one-armed Luo, the Stilt-legged Man, and the Tian Laizi would steal their treasures, so they rushed to jump into the cellar. As a result, they were crowded together. Those who wanted to enter the cellar could not get in, and those who wanted to get out could not get out. One by one, Crying for father and mother at the entrance of the cave.

Mayaksha shouted: "Fairy, call your dogs and badgers quickly."

"Ah?" Everyone ran away. Even Zhu Hu and Xianyan Po, who had fallen to the ground motionless, jumped up and fled to their homes when they heard that the thin dog and the pig badger were coming.

In fact, Zhu Badger had already arrived at the scene, but she didn't come over to get angry like before. Instead, she stood quietly at the door of the ancestral hall and watched the excitement, giving a thumbs up to Mayaksha from time to time.

After Ma Yaksha waited for all the neighbors to run back to his home, he said to Zhu Badger: "I'll go to the county. The two old children and you can take care of the food yourself."

"Eat at Dan'er's house, I wish you immediate success." Zhu Badger shouted towards Ma Yaksha's back.

"Eating at my house? What a beautiful idea." Dan'er stood behind Zhu Badger at some point.

Zhu Badger stuck out his tongue and made a face at Dan'er's mother and said, "I'm beautiful, hehe."

"You're so beautiful, you two old kids, come out and fill your bellies." Dan'er's mother shouted into the ancestral hall.

"Hehe, I knew you were already overheated." Zhu Badger laughed.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo came out of the ancestral hall and asked Zhu Badger: "Then do you know what your mother is doing in the county?" "I'm afraid you don't know?"

"I'm afraid you two old kids are worried about your daughter and niece? Don't worry, that's my mother. She has many connections in the county." Zhu Badger went over to feed the two thin dogs and two pig badgers guarding the entrance of the ancestral hall.

Uncle Liu and Uncle Lu walked up to Zhu Badger and asked softly: "Tell me, what on earth did your mother do in the county?" "Is something big going to happen or something big happened?"

"Didn't you see that she dug into the cellar?" Zhu Badger's eyes looked towards the cellar.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo shook their heads: "It's impossible to go to the county town because of the cellar, right?" "It's just because of the cellar that there's no need to go to the county town."

"Tell me well, don't you hate the Riddler the most?" Dan'er's mother interjected.

Zhu Badger had to say bluntly: "Didn't you see that Zhu Fanzi escaped? My mother is going to the county to move troops."

"Your mother wants the people above to arrest him?" "Can't we arrest him first?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo were puzzled.

Zhu Badger said: "Who is he? Mr. Zhu, the old man in the village who was born in the 1970s or 1980s, if we arrest him first, what if he hurts himself?"

"Yes, yes, if that happens, we will be in a panic." "Not only will we be in a panic, but we will also be beaten up by people with ulterior motives." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo suddenly realized.

Dan'er's mother asked Zhu Badger: "Willow Tree Spirit and Huang Okra have gone. With Zhu Fanzi like this, how can anyone dare to have ulterior motives in the old house?"

"Of course no one inside the old house dares to have ulterior motives. What about outside the old house?" Zhu Badger subconsciously glanced at the back door of the old house.

Dan'er's mother asked Zhu Badger: "You mean there are outsiders coming to cause trouble?"

"I'm afraid it's already here." As soon as Zhu Badger finished speaking, Zhu Hu and Xianyan Po rushed out of their house and rushed to the back door of the old house.

Dan'er's mother looked at the backs of Zhu Hu and Xianyanpo and asked Zhu Badger: "Could it be their relative?"

"Yeah, but let's just wait and see what happens." Zhu Badger said, leaning down and stroking the two thin dogs and two pig badgers guarding the ancestral hall, and said to Uncle Liu and Lu Bo: "Close the door of the ancestral hall, and go up to the door of the ancestral hall. Lock it up."

"Countless." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo replied in unison, and followed Zhu Badger's instructions to lock two large locks on the main door and side door of the ancestral hall.

"Let's go have lunch." Zhu Badger walked towards Dan'er's house and walked to the entrance of the alley. She asked Dan'er's mother to take Uncle Liu and Lu Bo in first, while she stayed to protect the thin dog and the dog beside her. The pigs and badgers were at the entrance of the alley, and I petted them for a while before entering Dan'er's house.

After entering Dan'er's house, Zhu Badger did not close the door immediately, leaving a crack to peek out. He saw Zhu Hu and Xieyan Po happily leading three men and two women to the front yard, and then closed the door and entered the hall.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo were waiting in the hall and asked Zhu Badger: "How did you let them in?" "Why don't you ban all outsiders from entering the old house as before?"

"Don't leak the secret. When your daughter and niece come back, they will understand. Let's eat." Zhu Badger went to the kitchen to help Dan'er's mother serve dishes and rice.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo nodded and shook their heads: "You really have become a fairy." "We just have to wait and understand slowly."

"Why are you sour? Aren't you guys looking forward to her becoming a real fairy day and night? Hey, I'm afraid your mother won't be able to make it back tonight, right?" Dan'er's mother scolded Uncle Liu and Lu Bo, but she was actually full of it too. Suspicious.

Zhu Badger brought the food to the table and answered Dan'er's mother as he walked: "Do you still need to ask? She doesn't have a car like Huang Okra that can drive in the mountains. She needs to be fast to get to the county seat before dark. "

"When you get to the town, you can take a bus to the county seat. You can definitely make it there before dark." "Even if you get to the county seat before dark, those people have already got off work." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo sat at the dinner table, not as usual. He took the wine bottle to pour wine, but sat there and stared at Zhu Badger without even lifting his chopsticks.

Zhu Badger went over to pour wine for Uncle Liu and Lu Bo, and poured one for himself. He raised his glass and said, "Here, let me toast you. It's rare that you two old boys are so humane today."

"What do you mean?" "Yes, what do you mean?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo looked at Zhu Badger with even more suspicion, and neither of them raised their wine glasses.

Dan'er's mother held up the last bowl of food and said, "She is praising you for knowing how to care about your daughters and nieces today. Drink quickly, and hurry back to the ancestral hall after drinking."

"Don't be in a hurry. Drink slowly. It's rare for you to have free time. You two old boys and I will talk about the structural system of the old house. I've always wanted to ask you for advice, but it's a pity that I don't have the opportunity to sit down like this." Zhu Badger paid respects to Uncle Liu and Lu again. Bo a glass of wine.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo held wine cups in their hands and looked at Zhu Badger with doubts on their faces, and asked: "Free time? Do you still have free time when that person comes?" "It seems to me that the good man is not good and the good man does not come. Could it be that you have already arranged everything?" ?”

"What happened to you two little kids today? It's not because your daughter and niece are not here that you are so panicked, right? I wonder when the grown-up from the province came, you just flew up to the old house as calm as before. The back door hangs down and I remain unmoved?" Zhu Badger was eating and drinking alone.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo still couldn't drink. They held up the wine cup and said, "This time and that time, they didn't break up at that time." "The county magistrate is not as good as taking charge now, not to mention he is a county magistrate."

"County magistrate? It's just a deputy position, and he would have been taken down long ago." Zhu Badger dismissed it.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo said: "Don't underestimate him, he is a complete scoundrel." "Yes, we have dealt with him, and he doesn't even have the most basic human qualities."

"He is not a human being, so I let you drink in peace, and let Dog and Badger deal with him." Zhu Badger still looked as if nothing had happened.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo asked: "Do you mean not to treat him as a human being?" "Animals should be dealt with by animals?"

"Hey, my dog ​​and badger are not beasts, they are our family members. Wicked people will have their own troubles. Drink and wait for the good show." Zhu Badger raised his wine cup to greet Uncle Liu and Lu Bo.

Fierce barking and scolding came from outside the house.

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