Chapter 138 Charm

Zhu Badger, Ma Yasha, and Zhu Yunshan continued to sit at the dinner table chatting after dinner. The thin dog and the pig badger suddenly sounded the alarm, and she rushed out decisively.

Ordinary dogs and pig badgers will always bark loudly or howl immediately if they encounter an emergency. Zhu Badger's eight thin dogs and eight pig badgers will not. The more emergency they encounter, the less likely they will bark loudly. Yell or howl, as that will only scare the snake away.

The alarm that Zhu Badger received from Dog and Badger was two short and rapid whistles. These whistles were so short that most people could not hear or react at all. Even if they did react, it would only be in their own ears. Like a mosquito or fly flying by.

It was a stranger, a stranger who had never appeared in the old house. Zhu Badger saw his three dogs and three badgers chasing each other in three directions. He determined that the strangers in these three groups were evil and good. Not coming.

The reason why Badger Zhu was sure that the intruder was a stranger who had never been to the old house was because her dogs and badgers divided into three groups and chased after her without waiting for her to give the order. The reason why it was determined that there were three groups, not three, was because the dogs and badgers automatically formed a group to chase the intruders, which meant that the dogs and badgers did not dare to underestimate them.

The dogs and badgers did not dare to underestimate them, and Zhu Badger did not dare to underestimate them. When she saw that the snow at the door of the main house was as smooth as before, leaving no traces, she did not chase after her immediately, but waited for Ma Yaksha and Zhu Yunshan. After coming out, he winked at them and Ma Yaksha and Zhu Yunshan understood. The three people came together to bite their ears, and then started to act separately.

"Thief, where can you escape?" Zhu Yunshan jumped up to the screen wall and shouted. After shouting for a while, everything was still silent. He flew from the top of the screen wall to the wall, and then flew out of the old house.

"Beep beep, beep beep..." Zhu Badger whistled while ducking under the eaves of Zhu Hu's house and hiding behind the doorpost against the wall.

The five thin dogs and five pig badgers who stayed at the door of the main house received Zhu Badger's instructions and ran to the backyard. Among them, three thin dogs and three pig badgers ran to the door of Weasel's house and immediately turned back and ran back. At the feet of the red badger.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, father and daughter, in the middle of the night? Where did the thief come from? Ouch, I'm afraid I've eaten something bad in my stomach? It hurts so much, I have to go to a hut." Ma Yasha put his hands in his hands. Holding his belly, he hurried towards the hut, leaving a series of crooked footprints on the snow.

After a while, two groups of black shadows flew from the northwest and northeast directions from the roof of Fatty Zhu's house and the roof of Tian Laizi's house to the roof of Zhu Badger's house, which was the roof of the old owner's house.

After the two groups of black shadows flew to the roof of the main house, they remained motionless next to the green dragon-headed and white-tiger-headed ridge beasts respectively lurking on the roof ridge.

The roof of the main house of the old house has a large ridge and a corner. It was explicitly stipulated in the Ming Dynasty that officials were not allowed to build a house with a corner, and the private sector was not allowed to do so. But the roof of the old owner's house not only rests on the top of a large ridge, but also has a corner. I wonder if Zhu Yuanzhang gave special permission to build it at that time? Or does the legendary overseer Lan Yu want to build a villa for himself?
The so-called "big roof ridge" means that the roof consists of one main ridge, four vertical ridges, and four ridges. It is generally used to build palaces, that is, the "Nine Ridges Palace".

Now the two groups of black shadows are lurking next to the green dragon-headed and white tiger-headed ridge beasts on the main ridge of the old house owner's house, making it difficult for ordinary people to spot them.

Ridge beasts refer to the beasts placed on the ridge of the roof. According to categories, they are divided into running beasts, hanging beasts, immortals and owl beasts, collectively called "ridge beasts". Among them, the kissing beast or the looking beast is placed on the main ridge, the hanging beast is placed on the vertical ridge, the warping beast is placed on the fork ridge, and the immortal beast is placed on the edge of the roof ridge.

There can be up to ten running animals on the ancient building, which are distributed on the ridges at both ends of the house. The order from bottom to top is: dragon, phoenix, lion, celestial horse, seahorse, Suan Ni, Xiu fish, Xie Zhi, bullfighting, OK.

The ridge beast has three main functions: first, to protect the roof ridge and prevent the tiles on the roof from being blown away by strong winds; second, to provide beautiful decoration and show the grade and status of the building; third, to prevent fire and lightning, etc.

Each ridged animal on ancient buildings has its own unique meaning and symbolic meaning. It is not only endowed with auspicious cultural connotations, but also reflects the beliefs and wishes of ancient people. The dragon symbolizes imperial power and luck, and the phoenix symbolizes the queen. , good luck and divine blessing, while the lion symbolizes strength and courage. At the same time, the spine animal also represents different cultural traditions and values, such as loyalty, courage, wisdom, justice, etc.

The ridge animals of the main house of the old house are "five ridges and six animals", which are [Dragon Kiss] at both ends of a main ridge and [Suanni], [Bullfighting], [Xiezhi], and [Ruifeng] on the four vertical ridges. ,【狎鱼】.

[Dragon Kiss] is also known as Owl Kiss and Owl Tail. It is shaped like a fierce dragon. The dragon has a green dragon head and a white tiger head respectively exposed on the main ridge of the roof. The dragon raises its head to the sky, its eyes are wide open, and its four claws are in the air. The tail is rolled up, the mouth is opened to swallow the spine, and there is a small dragon on the dragon's back and a sword inserted downwards.

The reason why [Dragon Kiss] looks like this comes from a legend, which says that the Dragon King has nine sons, and they have been fighting for the throne. Later, even the dragon grandson also joined the fight. The Dragon King was angry and finally announced: Whoever swallows the roof of the Dragon Palace first will succeed to the throne. So, the dragon sons and grandsons rushed to swallow the roof of the Dragon Palace. The ninth son of the Dragon King is called Changrui Beast Dragon. He is very talented and clever. When he sees his brother and their descendants all fighting to swallow the roof, he stands at the end. When everyone loses in the fight, he pulls out his sharp sword and stabs all the dragons. Brother and Ryuko stuck them firmly on the ridge of the roof together with the sword, becoming the Roof Ridge Beast, and he naturally inherited the throne.

The main ridge of the roof of ancient buildings was not dragon-shaped at first, but gradually evolved from a simple protrusion into an animal ridge, such as a bird shape, and more like a fish shape. The "Three Rites Picture" of the Zhou Dynasty records that the city of the King of Zhou There are such decorations on both ends of the central ridge. After the mid-Tang Dynasty, it evolved from the shape of birds and fish to the "Dragon Kiss" with its mouth open and swallowing the spine.

The design of "Dragon Kiss" fully reflects the ingenuity of ancient craftsmen, because it not only has a decorative role in architecture, but also has a special role. Before the building is formed, there will be a small opening above the dragon's snout, which is where the filling will be poured, and where the sword hilt will be when it is completed. Ancient craftsmen cleverly closed this opening with the hilt of a sword, which not only met the needs of the building itself, but also served to close and strengthen the solidity of the junction without appearing obtrusive. At the same time, placing this dragon-shaped component at both ends of the most obvious main ridge of the roof also heralds "fire suppression" and "good weather".

The "Five Ridges and Six Beasts" on the roof of the old house are not only lifelike but also very majestic, especially the "Dragon Kiss" on the main spine with four claws flying into the air, the dragon head glaring angrily, opening its mouth to swallow the main spine, protecting the entire old house. The house has withstood hundreds of years of wind and rain without being destroyed.

The two groups of black shadows lurking behind the main ridge [Dragon Kiss] saw Zhu Yunshan chasing him out of the old house, Zhu Badger chasing him towards the backyard, and Ma Yasha squatting in the hut due to stomach pain. It was impossible to come out for a while, and they flew down at the same time. He climbed onto the roof, landed on the stone mill, looked around, and then quickly jumped to the door of the main house.

The door of the main house was ajar, and a ray of light came out from the crack of the door, revealing two groups of black shadows, a total of six people after they met.

All six of them were wearing tight-fitting white clothes and white trousers, and the wildness completely blended in with the snow. Only when they took off and landed, they drew an arc and appeared as black shadows against the skylight.

Zhu Badger saw the six men in white standing at the door of the main house, looking around for a moment. After that, he divided the work. Three of them pushed the door open and entered the house, while the other three looked outside. One of the three watchers stood at the door, one jumped back on the stone mill, and the other flew up and stood next to the half-cut persimmon tree.


The red badger whistled, and the three thin dogs and three pig badgers at his feet immediately flew towards the three people watching the wind like arrows.

It stands to reason that at this time, Ma Yasha should immediately rush out of the hut and rush into the main room. She originally entered the hut by pretending to have a stomachache to lure the enemy.

Similarly, Zhu Yunshan should immediately return to the main house at this time and rush in with Ma Yaksha to catch the thieves who want to steal the treasure. He also came out of the old house to lure the enemy. If Zhu Yunshan was here, those people might not take action immediately, but just explore the way.

But when the three thin dogs rushed to the three lookouts respectively, and the three pig badgers rushed into the main house, Ma Yasha had not yet come out of the hut, and Zhu Yunshan had not yet returned to the old house.




Following three screams, the three thin dogs that pounced on the three watchmen vomited blood and fell on the snow. The bright red blood spurted on the white snow was as dazzling as it was. The red badger was in pain and desperate. Rush towards the three men.

In fact, according to the previous agreement with Zhu Yunshan and Ma Yaksha, no matter what happens in the old owner's house? Zhu Badger hid at the door of Zhu Hu's house and could not move around to prevent the evil thieves from trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain. She had to wait until the end before she could come out to end it.

But Zhu Badger couldn't bear to watch her three beloved dogs die at the hands of evil thieves, and she had to repay them with their blood.

"Ouch!" "Ouch!"


As soon as the red badger rushed to half of the persimmon tree, he heard three more screams. The three pig badgers that rushed into the house were thrown out of the house at the same time, and were thrown in front of the red badger. The white snow was instantly covered with the bright red color of the three pig badgers. blood stained red.

That red is so dazzling, so red that it hurts, and so red that it's suffocating.

"Give my dog ​​Badger his life!" Zhu Badger rushed towards the three thieves standing outside the house with red eyes. The three thieves inside had not come out yet.

Those three thieves, all dressed in white, were the same height and the same build. They jumped onto the snow and Zhu Badger couldn't tell where they were standing. There was only a vast expanse of white in front of Zhu Badger's eyes, and there was no way to start.

Strangely enough, the three thieves did not take the initiative to attack Zhu Badger, allowing Zhu Badger to stand in front of the half-cut persimmon tree and look around for them.

The longer Zhu Badger looked at the snow, the harder his eyes became to distinguish the objects in front of him, and the vast whiteness became more blurry.

"Father! Mother!"

Zhu Badger called, but after waiting for a long time, there was no response. Zhu Badger had no choice but to look at the three thin dogs and three pig badgers that she least wanted to look at. The three thin dogs and three pig badgers that fell on the snow were quickly submerged in the heavy snow. Only the bright red blood they spat out burned the three evil thieves like a blazing flame and the full anger in the red badger's heart.

Seeing that the fire had burned into the bodies of the three thieves, the three thieves did not panic. Instead, they laughed. The laughter was like sharp knives pricking every inch of skin and every bone of the red badger, until it reached the red badger. Badger heart.

Zhu Badger's heart was bleeding, and he was in so much pain that he couldn't hold on any longer. He shouted, "Father, mother, save me, save the dog, save the badger!"

After shouting for a while, there was no response. Zhu Badger wanted to rush into the fire and fight to the death with the three thieves, but he couldn't move.

"Father! Mom!" Zhu Badger was so anxious that he could only shout again, but no matter how hard Zhu Badger tried, he just couldn't shout out and could only sigh in the bottom of his throat.



Several black shadows fell heavily in front of Zhu Badger. Zhu Badger took a closer look and saw that they were actually five other thin dogs and five pig badgers. They were spitting like the previous three thin dogs and three pig badgers. Blood, breathless death.

"My dog, my badger..." Zhu Badger was distraught and fainted on the snow.

"Get up!" "Get up quickly!" Zhu Yunshan crossed the wall and killed the general. Ma Yaksha rushed out of the hut and surrounded him, calling Zhu Badger.

Zhu Badger woke up and saw that the evil thieves in white had gathered together. There were three people who were watching the wind outside the house, three people who were stealing treasures inside the house, and three people who were hunting five other thin dogs, five pig badgers, and nine evil thieves in total.

Zhu Badger endured his grief and fought desperately with Zhu Yunshan and Ma Yaksha to kill the nine evil thieves in white.

The nine evil thieves in white came and went freely in front of the main house on the snow like ghosts. No matter how hard Zhu Badger, Zhu Yunshan and Ma Yasha fought desperately, they were unscathed.

On a snowy night, a battle between justice and evil is taking place in an old house deep in the mountains. A thick chill enveloped the entire old house. As the north wind howled, nine evil thieves who were as light as swallows flew into the house from outside and flew out of the house. There was a look in their eyes. A malicious and sarcastic smile seemed to be teasing the owner of the old house.

Zhu Badger, Zhu Yunshan and Ma Yaksha were all filled with rage, wishing they could capture the nine evil thieves in white immediately, and then devour them alive, but they couldn't catch them and didn't even have a chance to get close to them.

A strange whistle sounded, which was long and harsh. It was completely opposite to the alarm whistles made by thin dogs and pig badgers. One was short and the other was long, as if calling for the arrival of some kind of life.

As the weird whistling sound continued to pass through Zhu Badger's ears, a group of ghosts emerged from the darkness with the goose-feather-like snow, and began to float above and around the old owner's house. These ghosts, like the nine evil men in white, had an inexplicable ghostly smile on their pale faces, as if they were mocking the misfortune faced by the owner of the old house.

Zhu Badger had never been scared before, and could even be said to be a little frightened. Not to mention that she couldn't get close to the nine evil thieves in white, and she couldn't get rid of those ghosts.

"Father, mother..." Zhu Badger wanted to call Zhu Yunshan and Ma Yaksha, but he couldn't make a sound.

Zhu Badger wanted to call Zhu Yunshan and Ma Yaksha to escape from the main house that had been occupied by evil thieves and ghosts, and to escape from the old house, but they couldn't scream and couldn't escape.

The atmosphere of the whole old house is getting weirder and weirder, there are more and more ghosts, and the evil thieves are getting more and more rampant, which makes Zhu Badger feel deeply frightened and can't help but think of the ancient legend Zhu Shanzi told when she was a child.

That ancient legend talks about the ghosts in the old house. It is said that these supernatural beings give the old house a soul.

At this moment, the old house is shrouded in white. The main house, which has been accumulated over time, is no longer friendly and close, but exudes a strong musty smell and a sad loneliness. The glory of the past has been eroded away, leaving only ruins and legends of the past.

The blizzard is getting heavier and heavier, and the smell of death is filled under the dark sky, hitting the red badger's bones directly. Now, the ghosts in the whole old house are the masters here.

The howling north wind brought blizzards, and the smell of death in the air became stronger and stronger. In the blizzard, the old owner's house looked even more eerie. The broken doors and windows reflected weird and tortuous afterimages, and the corners of the ruins kept shaking. It seemed that a new danger was approaching Zhu Badger, Zhu Yun Mountain, and Mayasha.

Zhu Yunshan, who used to be such a beautiful tree in the wind, Ma Yaksha, who used to be such a yaksha, and Zhu Badger, who used to be such a fairy, are vulnerable to these ghosts, these ghosts, and these evil thieves, and have no power to fight back.

Suddenly, a group of green light rushed out from the depths of the main room, accompanied by a shrill scream, instantly distorting the originally static world. The ground trembled, and an invisible throbbing made people feel cold all over. Bursts of miserable wind blew the doors and windows with a mournful cry. The whole old house seemed to come alive, emitting a ray of gray light.

The old owner's house was possessed by a strange power, the red wooden pillars shook violently, and the window grilles painted with gold lines began to jump on their own. Amidst the weird whistling sounds coming from everywhere, countless dark phantoms were tumbling in motion. In the corner of the wall, deep darkness intertwined, and the legendary ghost of the old house finally appeared.

Nine evil thieves in white, escorted by ghosts and ghosts, moved out all the treasures in the old house. Their ferocious smiles mocked the helplessness and helplessness of the owner of the old house. This was the most filthy scene in the world. , Zhu Badger can only wait and see.

Watching helplessly as the nine white-clothed thieves swept away all the treasures in the old house owner's house, they floated away, while Zhu Yunshan, Ma Yasha, eight thin dogs, eight pigs and badgers all fell on the snow, vomiting blood. , Zhu Badger crashed into the stone mill.

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