Chapter 152 Looking

As soon as it got dark, the village became silent, and the old house was even quieter, with not even the meow of a cat.

Zhu Hu was struck to death by lightning, and Zhu Shanzi died in his own house for no apparent reason. All the neighbors who had joined the agricultural cooperative returned to their new homes in the town. Even the road construction workers across the creek were given a holiday, saying that there would be a typhoon in the next few days.

Although Don Bu Dao Village is hundreds of kilometers away from the sea, it is a coastal area after all. Every year when typhoons land on the East China Sea, it will be affected. Sometimes the strong winds and heavy rains are even more severe than those at the seaside. Zhu Hu checked the book and found that it is mainly affected by the mountains. The typhoons will hover here for a period of time due to the obstruction of the mountains. The rain balls they carry interact with the cold air clouds above the mountains, causing heavy rain, torrential rain, and even extremely heavy rain in Don Bu Dao Village. Sometimes there will be tornadoes.

Lan Yuliu ate two rice dumplings hastily and then took the fake Lu Bo out of the main house and went straight to the corner of the weasel's house to wait.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and it was pitch dark. There was a rustling sound coming from the weasel's house. The sound was very faint, and it was impossible to hear it if you didn't pay attention. Lan Yuliu whispered to the fake Ruber, asking him to stay where he was and catch anyone who came out. She jumped over the wall and entered the weasel's house.

The rustling sound continued. Lan Yuliu lay motionless on the main beam of the living room of the Weasel's house, with the rustling sound coming from below her.

After a while, the rustling sound stopped, and was replaced by human voices, the sound of two people talking. Of course, the voices of these two people were also very soft, almost as soft as the buzzing of mosquitoes, so Lan Yuliu couldn't hear what they were saying?
After the sound of the two people talking stopped, Lan Yuliu slid down from the beam along the corridor column to the ground, and then crawled from the ground to the place where the rustling and talking sounds came from. She put her ear to the place and listened for a while, but found nothing unusual. She stretched out her hands and felt around for a while, but found nothing unusual. She had to bend her fingers and tap the ground lightly with her knuckles a few times.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, there was still no sound. Lan Yuliu knocked on the ground again, facing the ground and whispered, "I am Yuliu, I have something to discuss with Brother Huang and Sister Doujiang."

It was so quiet that Lan Yuliu could clearly hear the "thump, thump, thump" sound of her own heart beating. She tried hard to suppress her rising anger and waited for the weasel or soybean paste to appear.

Ten minutes later, there was still no movement. Lan Yuliu was about to ask the fake Lu Bo to come in and knock on the ground with tools, but the piece of ground she had knocked on suddenly lifted up, and Huang Doujiang's voice came from inside: "Sister Yuliu, come down quickly."

"Okay." Lan Yuliu slipped into the cave like a loach.

It was pitch black in the cave, but there was still some light outside. After a while, her eyes adjusted and she could recognize some objects in front of her, but it was so dark in the cave that she couldn't see her hand in front of her face. After Lan Yuliu slipped into the cave, she stood there without moving.

"Is it really Yuliu?" As the weasel's voice sounded, a candle was lit in the cave.

Lan Yuliu blinked and looked in the direction of the candle, and saw the terrifyingly white face of the weasel reflected in the dim candlelight.

The face was as pale as paper and the entire features were deformed, but Lan Yuliu still recognized it as a weasel.

Perhaps because he had stayed in the dark cave for too long, the weasel's eyes were sunken, completely losing their former brilliance, leaving only bloodshot red, like an abyss swallowed by fear and despair. The corners of his mouth twisted, revealing a half-smile, which made Lan Yuliu shudder.

Lan Yuliu calmed herself down and greeted the weasel softly, "How is Brother Huang?"

"It can't be the worst, haha." The weasel responded to Lan Yuliu with a smile, revealing his jagged teeth.

Lan Yuliu's eyes had adapted to the light in the cave. She saw that the weasel was thin and skinny, with hair growing to his waist. His skin had lost its original luster due to the humid environment of the cave. His fingers were as long as bamboo chopsticks, and his nails were longer than his fingers, just like a wild man. There was also a huge scar on the weasel's body, extending from the neck to the shoulder, which seemed to be a witness to some horrible experience.

"It's hard for Brother Huang." Lan Yuliu wanted to say a few more words to comfort the weasel, but she swallowed the words back because Huang Doujiang was staring at her.

"Nothing, I found it myself, hehe." The weasel wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth with his skinny hands, and there was a light in his eyes as if he had met a savior.

Lan Yuliu asked: "Brother Huang, how long have you not been out?"

"I went into the cave the day I died and never came out again," the weasel replied.

Lan Yuliu wanted to ask more, but Huang Doujiang got impatient and said unhappily, "There's no need to pretend to be a good person. Since you've found us, just catch us and take us to the Badger Immortals to claim the reward."

"Sister Doujiang, what are you talking about? You know that the Eight Badgers and I are sworn enemies. Besides, the Eight Badgers have been dead for a long time. Am I going to the underworld to collect her reward?" Lan Yuliu said to Huang Doujiang with a smile. She kept her sense of propriety, neither humble nor arrogant, not overly affectionate, nor sarcastic.

Huang Doujiang sneered: "Humph, the Eight Badger Immortals are already dead? Is that possible? They are the ones who fake their deaths."

"Sister Doujiang, I can guarantee this. I went to Xishan personally to dig up her grave, and there is no doubt that Badger Eight Immortals is dead. Do you know? Even the meat of her little wild dogs and wild boars went into my stomach." Lan Yuliu kept a smile on her face.

Huang Dou Jiang wanted to say more, but Huang Weasel stopped her and asked Lan Yuliu: "Are you coming here now to cooperate with us?"

"Brother Huang is decisive and straightforward. I'll get straight to the point. I got the key to the treasure house, but I need your help." Lan Yuliu knew Huang Weasel's character well. Not only was he insidious and cunning, but he was also vicious and ruthless. She had already investigated him in detail when she wanted to develop him as a disciple, and she also experienced it during her time at the old house.

The weasel frowned: "Key to the treasure house? What treasure house?"

"It's the treasure house where Lan Yu hid the treasures. I guess Brother Huang has been digging holes for decades to find this treasure house, right? He endured humiliation and faked his death for such a long time just to get this batch of treasures, right?" Lan Yuliu asked directly. Huang Weasel answered more directly and asked more straightforwardly: "That's right, but since you have the key to the treasure house, why do you want to cooperate with us?"

"Because I don't know where the treasure house is?" Lan Yuliu told the truth.

After hearing this, the weasel laughed out loud: "Are you trying to trick a three-year-old child or are you taking me for a fool? You don't even know where the treasure is, but where did the key come from? How can you not know where the treasure is even if you have the key?"

"I got the key from Zhu Shanzi. He once swore to me that it was definitely the key to the treasure house." Lan Yuliu replied.

The weasel sneered, "Hehe, you believe his words? He cares about those treasures more than you and I do. Would he easily hand over the key to you? Also, if he really has the key to the treasure house, why don't you cooperate with him? Why do you come to us for cooperation instead?"

"He doesn't know where the treasure house is. It is said that his ancestors stole the key from the owner of the main house." Lan Yuliu explained.

The weasel laughed again, then winked at Huang Doujiang. Huang Doujiang, who was standing at the entrance of the cave, raised a wooden stick that he had already held in his hand and smashed it hard at Lan Yuliu. Lan Yuliu easily caught the stick that Huang Doujiang had smashed without turning around, snatched it and threw it to the ground, then said to the weasel with a smile: "Brother Huang, believe it or not, anyway, Zhu Shanzi must have died of rage after I took the key from him."

"Zhu Shanzi has been angry to death? Maybe it's a fake death? There is a tradition of fake deaths in this old house." The weasel didn't believe it.

Lan Yuliu said: "No matter whether he faked his death or not, the key in my hand can definitely open the treasure house. If you don't believe me, you can take me to the treasure house and give it a try."

"Try it? Are you so sure that I have found the treasure?" The weasel narrowed his rat eyes and looked up and down at Lan Yuliu.

Lan Yuliu smiled and replied, "If you hadn't found the treasure house, Sister Qiu Kui wouldn't have risked so much to disguise herself as a member of the engineering team and enter the old house." "Then can you give me the key first?" The weasel walked in front of Lan Yuliu. Lan Yuliu couldn't help but pinch her nose, took two steps back, and replied in a muffled voice, "No."

"Haha, after being stuck underground for so long without being able to take a shower, I'm afraid I'll smell like those gophers," the weasel said self-deprecatingly.

Lan Yuliu loosened her fingers that were pinching her nose and asked the weasel, "The exit of your burrow is right in your room. You can go up to take a shower and change clothes at any time and live a normal life. Why do you have to stay in the burrow all the time?"

"Do you think that as long as I don't go out, the Eight Badger Immortals will never find me? Her little wild dogs and wild boars are very powerful. They can even smell my odor when I'm stuck in a cave." The weasel consciously took a few steps back. He didn't want to suffocate Lan Yuliu who came to the door because of his stench.

Lan Yuliu nodded and said, "I agree with you, but don't worry. I have already killed all the wild dogs and boars of the Eight Badger Immortals with isoniazid. They have been braised and made into delicious food. When we find the treasures hidden by Lan Yu, we will celebrate with those delicacies."

"Hmph, you talk better than you sing. Why should we believe you? If we really find those treasures hidden by Lan Yu, how are we going to divide them? You can't possibly not want any of them and want to give them all to us, right?" Huang Doujiang snorted and curled his lips, not taking Lan Yuliu seriously at all.

Lan Yuliu was not angry. She turned around and smiled at Huang Doujiang and said, "Sister Doujiang, please forgive me for any offense I have done in the past. From now on, we are in the same boat. We should help each other and work together to find the treasures that Lan Yu hid in the old house."

"Hey, willow spirit, don't always say good things. I'm not my own weasel. A willow spirit like you is so weak that my bones are weakened. I tell you, don't keep using these empty words to confuse us. Just be straightforward and tell us how we are going to divide the treasure after we find it." Huang Doujiang didn't buy Lan Yuliu's account.

Lan Yuliu still kept smiling, and asked Huang Doujiang with a smile: "Sister Doujiang, how do you want to divide it?"

"91%, you get 10% and we get 90%." Huang Doujiang tilted his head and answered Lan Yuliu loudly.

The smile on Lan Yuliu's face disappeared, and she gritted her teeth and said to Huang Doujiang word by word: "Don't be shameless!"

"Hmph, who is the one who is shameless? If your parents hadn't given you a good appearance, how far do you think you could go? Aren't you only able to serve coffin-filled people like Zhu Shanzi in bed? Willow spirit, let me ask you, if I just tell you where Lan Yu's treasure is hidden, will you let my weasel get some sleep now? Hmph, luckily I'm here, otherwise you, the willow spirit, would have really succeeded." Huang Doujiang tilted his head and spat fiercely on the ground.

Lan Yuliu glared at Huang Doujiang and scolded him harshly: "Huang Doujiang, I'll say it again, don't be shameless!"

"I'm just shameless, what can you do to me?" Huang Doujiang held his head high and chest out, completely despising Lan Yuliu.

Lan Yuliu clenched her fists and turned to ask Weasel: "Do you have the same attitude as her?"

"As for me, this, that..." The weasel stared at Lan Yuliu with his mouse eyes, which kept spinning around.

Huang Doujiang shouted at Lan Yuliu: "Willow spirit, are you planning to seduce my weasel? I warn you, willow spirit, if you dare to seduce my weasel, I will not only beat you to pieces, but also turn you into a withered willow branch beside Taiping Pond."

"Huang Doujiang, how many times did you call me a willow spirit tonight? I will hit you that many times right now!" Lan Yuliu calmly untied her hair tie and hit Huang Doujiang hard, causing him to lie on the ground crying for his parents and shouting for help from the weasel.

The weasel watched coldly from the side. After Lan Yuliu had enough, he scolded Huang Doujiang, "Why don't you go out and get some food? I want to have a few drinks with Sister Yuliu."

"You? Are you really going to flirt with her?" Huang Doujiang lay on the ground and glared at the weasel.

The weasel scolded, "What do you know? Do you still want those treasures?"

"Yes, of course I do." Huang Doujiang didn't dare to look the weasel in the eye.

The weasel cursed, "Why don't you just do what I tell you to do? You are such an ignorant woman."

"Why don't I go?" Huang Doujiang got up from the ground, rubbed the wounds on his body, and slowly moved towards the cave entrance.

Lan Yuliu shouted, "Stop, where are you going?"

"Don't you want to have a few drinks? I'll go upstairs and prepare some snacks." Huang Doujiang stood at the entrance of the cave and didn't dare to go any further.

Lan Yuliu turned around and asked the weasel: "Do you want to drink so much? Can't you wait until you find those treasures before drinking to your heart's content?"

"Now that we have found those treasures, we have to drink to celebrate, and we won't stop until we are drunk. But now we should have a few more drinks, and talk about how we can cooperate next while drinking." The weasel stared at Lan Yuliu's proud front with his rat eyes.

Lan Yuliu let the weasel stare at her with lustful eyes and said with a smile: "It seems that Brother Huang really has the demeanor of a great general. At this time, he still has the leisure to have a few drinks and sit down to slowly discuss our cooperation."

"Of course, sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. You have been working as a dead person for such a long time, why would you care about this little while? Since it is a cooperation, shouldn't we talk about it properly?" The weasel couldn't help but get closer to Lan Yuliu.

Lan Yuliu retreated to Huang Doujiang's side. Huang Doujiang came over to block Lan Yuliu despite the pain in his body and asked, "What do you mean? Just be straightforward."

"You definitely can't make a fire at home. Although the Eight Badger Immortals are dead, Ma Yasha is still here, Zhu Yunshan is still here, and that Yu Shulinfeng is still here. Besides, can you make a fire right now? Do you have any food?" Lan Yuliu retreated to the cave entrance.

The weasel's eyes rolled around and he asked Lan Yuliu, "So what do you think we should do?"

"I've said it before, I have the key to the treasure house, and you know where the treasure house is. Let's cooperate wholeheartedly and hurry to open the treasure house." Lan Yuliu glanced at Huang Doujiang who was standing in front of her.

Huang Dou Jiang didn't wait for the weasel to respond to Lan Yuliu, and turned around to ask Lan Yuliu: "Of course we can cooperate, but we must agree on how to divide the treasures inside after opening the treasure house?"

"How do you want to divide it?" Lan Yuliu saw that Huang Doujiang had really been fooled, and she laughed in her heart. She was actually not sure whether the weasel had found the treasure house. Now Huang Doujiang kept asking how to divide the treasures after opening the treasure house? It means that they have really found the treasure house where Lan Yu hid the treasures. Zhu Shanzi said that only the key he had could open the treasure house. Lan Yuliu was skeptical at first, but now it has been confirmed. Because since the weasel has found the treasure house and is still lurking in this cave, it means that he has no way to open the treasure house.

Huang Doujiang couldn't possibly see what Lan Yuliu was up to, so he blurted out, "That treasure house is huge, as big as Taiping Pond. Although we can't open it all at once, we will open it one day, so it doesn't matter whether you are there or not. We're giving you 10% because you've been trying to please us tonight."

"I'm trying to please you? Have you forgotten that I just hit you? Huang Doujiang, the key is with me, and I actually already know where the treasure is. Well, goodbye, you two will stay in this cave forever." Lan Yuliu said as she jumped out of the cave.

"Hey, willow spirit, you clearly said you didn't know where the treasure house is? How come you know it now? What do you want to do?" Huang Doujiang was a little anxious when he saw Lan Yuliu jumping out of the cave.

Lan Yuliu squatted at the entrance of the cave and shouted into the cave: "Huang Dou Jiang, thank you for telling me where the treasure house is? Hahaha."

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