Chapter 79 Biography

Tian Xiaolei said that Lan Yuliu would pay them a salary. Zhu Badger was not ordinary shocked, but still pretended to be casual and asked: "She will pay you a salary? Is it possible? It won't be just because she said it. Already?"

"Believe it or not, Sister Liu paid our house's rent for half a year in advance as soon as she moved into my house last night. Those are brand-new hundred-dollar bills with blue flowers. Hey, I'm afraid you've only seen the Great Unity. "Have you ever seen a hundred-yuan bill?" Tian Xiaolei said, bowing and trying hard to break away from Uncle Liu and Lu Bo's big hands, leaving his old cotton-padded jacket in their hands, and trying his best Run towards the big camphor tree.

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo looked at Tian Xiaolei's old cotton-padded jacket in their hands, looked at Tian Xiaolei's back and then at the red badger, and laughed dumbly.

Zhu Badger said: "Why don't you throw it away? Doesn't it smell bad? He is a stubborn man who wants to get rid of his golden cicada."

"Fairy, is this Tian Xiaolei doing a sneaky job in the provincial capital?" Uncle Liu asked Zhu Badger. Zhu Badger replied: "The whole family is full of such masters, and none of them are doing the right thing."

"Fairy, we have to be careful about this. It seems that she moved into Tian's house for a purpose." Lu Bo reminded Zhu Badger. Zhu Badger responded: "When did she not come here with a purpose? Including getting close to Huanhuan."

"Well, originally I wanted Huanhuan to take the initiative to approach her and put her under our noses. I didn't expect that at such a young age and with so much power, Huanhuan was no match for her and was almost taken advantage of by her. Alas, I'm the only one to blame. You underestimated the enemy." Lu Bo blamed himself.

Uncle Liu said: "I think there is no need to fight with all the trees and grass. We don't know whether we are friends or enemies. We don't need to be afraid. What if she has the same goal as us?" "She has the same goal as us? Absolutely impossible. "Although Huanhuan said that she always protects the interests of the fairy secretly, intentionally or unintentionally, it is entirely possible that she is pretending to show it to us." Lu Bo insisted.

Zhu Badger looked under the big camphor tree and said to himself: "Since we can't tell whether we are friends or foes, let's just wait for the flowers to bloom."

"Well, what the fairy said makes sense. It's important for us to check the treasures of the old house as soon as possible, no matter whether she is a friend or an enemy." "That's right, the soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth. Aren't we afraid of her?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo nodded and raised their heads. .

Zhu Badger smiled and asked: "You two have springs installed on your necks? Are you ready to fall with the wind?"

"The fairy is joking, we are not afraid of anything as long as you are here." "That is, if the fairy is here, I am afraid of her." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo nodded again.

Zhu Badger smiled and said: "You go back to have breakfast first. After eating, have a good sleep. When you get up, I will accompany you to check the treasures of the old house."

"Okay, Fairy, let's go back first." "Fairy, please pay attention to your health and don't tire yourself too much." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo returned to the old house.

Zhu Badger was still standing by the Taiping Pond looking at Tian Xiaolei under the big camphor tree. Tian Xiaolei broke away from Uncle Liu and Lu Bo and hurriedly ran to the big camphor tree. He found Zhu Hu in the crowd and pulled Zhu Hu to the big camphor tree. the other side.

Zhu Badger wanted to go to the other side of Taiping Pond to see what Tian Xiao Leila did Zhu Hu do in the past? Just as I was about to take a step, a voice came from halfway up the west mountain: "Go away quickly, it's going to rain heavily."

With that shout, the people kneeling under the big camphor tree stood up and headed towards the mountain pass carrying large and small bags and bed rolls on their shoulders. Zhu Hu also turned out from the other side of the big camphor tree, carrying his shiny black suitcase to chase the person in front.

Zhu Badger waited for a long time before he saw Tian Xiaolei turning out from the other side of the big camphor tree, with a proud and satisfied face, probably because he had received a benefit and behaved well. Zhu Badger was about to stop Tian Xiaolei to ask what happened, but he didn't know that he didn't return from the original route, but ran towards Xishan from the other side of Taiping Pond. Zhu Badger wanted to chase her, but Dan'er jumped out from under the big camphor tree, ran to her side, and bit her ears.

"Sister, don't worry, I saw and heard everything."

"What did you see? What did you hear? Say something quickly."

"Tian Xiaolei gave Zhu Hu a key, and Zhu Hu gave Tian Xiaolei two great unity cards."

"Did Tian Xiaolei say what the key is used for? Why did Zhu Hu give Tian Xiaolei two big unity cards?"

"Tian Xiaolei said that the willow tree spirit asked him to come and hand it over to Zhu Hu, and Zhu Hu smiled brightly. Tian Xiaolei tried to rip off Zhu Hu. At first, he said he wanted five Great Unity cards, but Zhu Hu said he would only give one. Tian Xiaolei said, Then you don’t want to get any news from Sister Liu in the future, Zhu Hu has to give him two pieces of great unity.”

"Didn't Tian Xiaolei give Zhu Hu anything else? Like a note or something?"


"Did they say anything else?"

"Tian Xiaolei reassured Zhu Hu that his father and his three brothers will take good care of the cross-eyed woman and ensure that the fat will not flow to other people's fields, especially Mr. Zhu's rotten field."

"Huh, it's true that dogs can't change their eating shit."

"Sister, what is the meaning of keeping wealth and water from outsiders? After hearing this, Zhu Hu turned green."

"Children, don't listen to these words, they will dirty your ears. Sister Huanhuan, is she up? Did you sleep well last night?"

"Sister, I am a child. I shouldn't care about Sister Huanhuan. Especially caring about Sister Huanhuan's sleep will dirty my eyes."

"Oh, have you learned to talk back? Did my master say anything?"

"Yes, what kind of disciple do you think you are? It doesn't matter if you report in the morning and ask for instructions in the evening. You have to say hello in the morning and say hello in the evening, right?"

"I mean, let's go and pay our respects to Master."

"That's your master. I don't need to say hello. I have to go to Xishan."

"Did he call you to go?"

"Who is he?"

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Didn't you see Tian Xiaolei went to Xishan?"

"Okay, then go back quickly and report to me when you come back."

"Is there any Great Unity that I can get? Zhu Hu gave Tian Xiaolei two Great Unities."

"Yes, I'll give you five."

"That's a good feeling."

Dan'er ran towards Xishan, and Zhu Badger turned around and returned to the old house through the back door. She had already closed the front door, so everyone could only use the back door. Seeing that Mr. Zhu's house was quiet and Badger Zhu didn't go in, he had to let the two old people have a good rest. Walking into Dan'er's house, Dan'er's mother was standing in front of the chicken coop feeding. Zhu Badger went over to say hello, and the wooden basin filled with chicken food in Dan'er's mother's hand suddenly hit Zhu Badger's head. The red badger did not dodge or dodge. He stretched out his hands to firmly catch the wooden basin and feed the chicken.

"Let's eat some together. Don't be fast for too long." Dan'er's mother said.

"Well, it's delicious." Zhu Badger grabbed a handful of chicken food and stuffed it into his mouth.

"You Badger Immortal, I want you and Huanhuan to eat together." Dan'er's mother swept her kick towards Zhu Badger.

Zhu Badger jumped up to avoid Dan'er's mother's sweeping legs, and before his feet landed on the ground, he threw the wooden basin in front of Dan'er's mother.

When Dan'er's mother saw that the red badger hadn't been swept down, she pushed it up again with both hands, and the wooden basin hit the red badger back.

The red badger's feet hadn't even touched the ground, so in order to avoid the wooden basin, he had to sit on the ground to catch the wooden basin.

Dan'er's mother saw Zhu Badger sitting on the ground with a wooden basin in her arms, and said with a smile: "It's delicious, isn't it? Then eat more."

"Hey, hey, is this really delicious? Then I have to try it." Lu Huan walked out of the house, walked to Zhu Badger, grabbed a handful of chicken food from the wooden basin and stuffed it into his mouth.

Zhu Badger wanted to stop him, but before he could speak, Lu Huan was already lying on the wooden fence of the chicken coop and vomiting non-stop. After she finished vomiting, Zhu Badger smiled and asked, "Is it delicious?"

"Did you really eat it? How did you eat it?" Lu Huan widened her beautiful big eyes.

Zhu Badger smiled and asked Lu Huan: "Isn't it delicious? Look how happy the chickens are eating?"

"Huan, you are a big pig. You only know how to bully my Dan'er and Huanhuan." Dan'er's mother took the wooden basin and threw it towards the chicken coop.

The wooden basin was like a leaf floating across the chicken coop, and the chicken food inside was like flying snowflakes sprinkled into the chicken trough. After sprinkling the chicken food, the wooden basin landed firmly on a big stone beside the chicken coop.

Zhu Badger and Lu Huan were stunned and couldn't recover for a long time. When he came to his senses, Dan'er's mother had already returned to the house. The sound of knives chopping vegetables came from the kitchen, and the sound was more beautiful than music.

"Sister, bring it here." Dan'er spread his small hands in front of Zhu Badger. Zhu Badger and Lu Huan didn't know when he entered the house.

"Let's go to sister's place to eat good food." Zhu Badger took Dan'er's little hand and walked out of the door. She didn't want Lu Huan to hear the news about Lan Yuliu, and she didn't want Dan'er's mother to misunderstand that she was taking advantage of Dan'er.

Dan'er walked out of the gate and shook off Zhu Badger's hand. He raised his little face and said seriously: "I won't go unless we unite with you. I won't say anything if I go."

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to become a money-crazy. It's up to you whether you go or not. It's up to you whether you tell me or not. Who cares?" Zhu Badger stopped paying attention to Dan'er and walked to the front yard on his own. When he arrived at Tian Laizi's house, he yelled: "Sister, go forward boldly and don't look back!" A basin of water was poured from the window, but fortunately Zhu Badger was already standing under the eaves of the one-armed Luo family and continued to yell. : "Sister, go forward boldly and don't look back!"

One-Armed Luo came out to say hello to Zhu Badger. Zhu Badger smiled and continued walking forward. When he reached the door of Weasel's house, he shouted inside: "Let's have a big banquet!" After shouting, the day lily knocked over the pots and pans. Voices and urgent questions: "Where can I have a big banquet? Where can I have a big banquet?"

Walking to the persimmon tree of the cross-eyed mother-in-law's house, Zhu Badger shouted: "Zhu Fan is showing off his magical power, Zhu Fan is showing off his magical power!" "Really? Really? Where is it? Where is it?" The cross-eyed woman ran out in a hurry. Room. Zhu Badger pointed in the direction of his hut and whispered: "Just go in, be gentle, don't be discovered by him." Leaving the hut at home, Zhu Badger dashed into the squinting husband's house.

As soon as the cross-eyed woman tiptoed to the latrine, wanting to watch Mr. Zhu's magical skills up close, the cross-eyed man pushed the board out and bumped the cross-eyed woman on the ground.

"Hey, you squinty-eyed woman, you can't stand it anymore just after your sick cat left? Okay, go to my place, it's too smelly here." "No, no, no, didn't you say that Mr. Zhu showed his magical power?" "I'm the magic power of my magic power. "It must be even more magical than Zhu Fanzi's." "Who likes you?" No, no, I don’t want to look at you because I’m watching Mr. Zhu show off his magic skills.” “Look at your eyes, look at me.” “No, that’s not the case.” I only have Mr. Zhu in my eyes." While the cross-legged man and the squinty-eyed woman were arguing beside the hut, Mr. Zhu came over and scolded: "It's not indecent, the woman is shameless, and the cross-eyed woman is a snake. "Don't get involved in arguing with her."

"Mr. Zhu, she said she wants to see you show off your magical skills. Mr. Zhu, do you have any magical skills? Can you open my eyes? Or you can accept me as your disciple and teach me your magical skills. I promise to take care of you until you die." The man laughed playfully and pulled the cross-eyed woman to Mr. Zhu. Mr. Zhu hurriedly dodged, but unexpectedly missed the step and stepped on the sewage drain of the latrine. His body fell sideways and fell into the latrine pit.

"Hahaha, Zhu Fan has really shown his magic. Come and see, come and see." The cross-legged man shouted, and everyone in the old house cheered and crowded around, including Lan Yuliu. Seeing that Mr. Zhu fell into the pit, Lan Yuliu called to Tian Da Lei and Tian Er Lei: "Quickly, come up with Mr. Zhu." Tian Da Lei and Tian Er Lei gave in: "It stinks, it stinks too much." "That's right. , how to catch it if it’s so smelly?”

"Are you going to fish for it or not?" Lan Yuliu glared. Tian Da Lei and Tian Er Lei avoided Lan Yuliu's gaze and muttered: "Call someone else, call someone else." "Others will fish, others will fish."

"How many men are left in the old house now? The ones left behind are either old or young, disabled or sick. If you two strong young men don't take them, who will?" Lan Yuliu glared at Tian Da Lei and Tian Er Lei. Tian Da Lei and Tian Er Lei walked towards the latrine in fear. Just as they were about to find a stick to fish out Mr. Zhu, Mr. Zhu jumped up from the latrine with a roar, jumped over the wall, and jumped into the Taiping Pond. Not only were Tian Da Lei and Tian Er Lei scared to follow him, He fell into the latrine after his footsteps, and was so frightened that Fatty Zhu overpowered the cross-legged man, the cross-eyed woman, and the others. Everyone pushed and squeezed, and rolled into the latrine one by one, directly filling the latrine of Zhu Badger's house into flat ground.

"Take it easy, we don't need you to clean the latrine in our house." The red badger started to get angry, and a whistle called eight thin dogs and eight pig badgers to the latrine.

Eight thin dogs and eight pigs and badgers barked wildly in front of the latrine. Everyone in the latrine crawled out desperately, but instead of going home, they all ran to the back door and towards Taiping Pond.

"Those who move enjoy the flowing water, those who still enjoy the still water. It is better to move things than to flow, and to discern shapes is worse than stopping. It is desolate and early frost has fallen, and a gentle breeze is rising. The red leaves are blooming in the middle, and the green leaves are in all corners. It is eight or nine feet wide and narrow, and the bay is bounded.涘. Three or four feet deep, the hole is clear, the crane's feet are raised, and the fish's tail is clear. The eyes are washed away, and the heart is filled with sorrow. The clarity and sincerity are similar. Husband, it’s easy to make friends with gentlemen. It’s not just about playing in the air, it’s also about the relationship between people. The only source of mind is this.” Mr. Zhu’s chanting came from Taiping Pond, and he was swimming in Tianping Pond. joyous.

Everyone "thumped" and "thumped" all jumped into the Taiping Pond. All the fish in the Taiping Pond jumped to the shore. Zhu Badger, Lu Huan and Dan'er each took a big bamboo basket to catch fish.

When everyone came to their senses and jumped ashore to catch fish, Zhu Badger, Lu Huan and Dan'er each carried a bamboo basket full of fish and returned to their old house.

"Fairy, everyone who sees it has a share, and everyone who sees it has a share." Daylily ran over and grabbed Zhu Badger. She was the only person living in the old house who did not fall into the latrine. Of course, neither Zhu Badger, Lu Huan, Dan'er, Dan'er's mother, Liu Ruyu, nor Uncle Liu and Lu Bo. But Lan Yuliu was squeezed into the latrine. She wanted to run, but she couldn't escape even if she had wings. Mr. Zhu's roar came too suddenly and violently, and his jump was like a spark of calcium carbide. The flash made her, Lan Yuliu, confused as she had never been before, and she was involuntarily squeezed into the pit.

Fortunately, Lan Yuliu was not squeezed at the bottom. The ones at the bottom were Tian Da Lei and Tian Er Lei, as well as the couple Tian Xiao Lei and Tian Lezi who arrived later. They wanted to help Tian Da Lei and Tian Er Lei salvage Mr. Zhu together. They stood at the bottom. At the very edge of the latrine, nature is squeezed into the bottom layer of the latrine.

Zhu Badger admired Lan Yuliu for being able to jump out of the latrine immediately, helping the five members of the Tian family climb out of the latrine, and then run out of the old house and jump into the Taiping Pond for a swim. When Lan Yuliu came into his sight, Zhu Badger responded loudly to Day Lily: "Fish banquet, fish banquet, just call Fatty Zhu over."

"Okay, let's have a feast of fish!" Day Lily ran to call Fatty Zhu.

Lu Huan ran to Lan Yuliu and asked with great concern: "Sister Liu, are you okay? Are you okay?"

Blue Jade Liu smiled as brightly as a flower and swung her waterfall-like hair to answer Lu Huan: "How could everything be okay? On the 16th day of the first lunar month, I went into the manhole and into the Taiping Pond, picked up gold ingots and caught big carps. What a great thing!"

"Wow, are there gold ingots and big carps in the latrine? If I had known, I would have removed them too." Lu Huan clapped his hands and stroked his forehead, and was extremely happy and disappointed.

Lan Yuliu still had a smile as bright as a flower and said, "It's still too late for you to go there now. Maybe you'll pick up gold bars and black carp."

"It's gone. The latrine at Badger's house is now cleaner than the rice bowl Sister Cauliflower used to eat. My aunt is very distressed. She said that she will plant potatoes in the spring. What should I do with this fertilizer? That is the organic fertilizer that has been stored all winter. I've been taken advantage of by you, ugh." Lu Huan looked heartbroken.

Standing nearby, Zhu Badger looked amused and listened even more amused. He coughed, went over and patted Lu Huan on the back and said, "Don't worry, the good news won't go to outsiders. Although Sister Liu no longer lives in the main house, she still has to go to the hut every day." I came back twice last night. At this rate, the gold ingots and big carp from Maokeng will come back soon. "

"Really? Sister Liu, aren't you afraid of going to the latrine at night? Badger, are you mistaken?" Lu Huan looked innocent.

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