Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 101 We will wait for your return in Wuhun City

Chapter 101 We will wait for your return in Wuhun City

Lin Yun has been killing people since morning. From Shrek Academy to Dugu Bo, Lin Yun killed nearly ten people.

The strong smell of blood enveloped Lin Yun himself.

That smell made Bibi Dong instinctively repulse her, causing her to feel unhappy.

Bibi Dong looked at Lin Yun with complicated eyes.

The two pairs of eyes looked at each other, and one could see their hostility towards each other.

Lin Yun's feelings about Bibi Dong are very complicated.

No matter what, it was impossible for her to live in harmony with Bibi Dong.


Lin Yun smiled faintly and looked at Bibi Dong with indifferent eyes.

She didn't care what Bibi Dong thought.

Anyway, she won't follow Bibi Dong's wishes.

Her relationship with Bibi Dong was not good to begin with.

The moment he saw Bibi Dong, Lin Yun thought a lot.

No matter what Bibi Dong's purpose was, she would never let Bibi Dong get what she wanted.

Of course, Lin Yun didn't expect Bibi Dong to lower her body and come to the dungeon.

Looking at Bibi Dong's unconcerned look, it didn't take much to figure out that she saw her killing Dugu Bo.

In this case, Bibi Dong's purpose in choosing to come forward was not simple.

It is impossible for Lin Yun to naively think that Bibi Dong chose to come forward just to talk nonsense.

Because Bibi Dong is a woman who values ​​interests.

Without enough benefits, Bibi Dong would not be moved, nor would Bibi Dong choose to be tough with her.

From the first time he met Bibi Dong, Lin Yun kept getting to know Bibi Dong.

This is a very dangerous woman.

Likewise, she is also an indifferent woman.

To be precise, the person Bibi Dong loves most is herself.

Because Bibi Dong's expression didn't change much when Yu Xiaogang died.

It is impossible to say that she does not love Yu Xiaogang. He repeatedly stepped on Wuhundian's face in front of Yu Xiaogang's, just to praise Yu Xiaogang and satisfy Yu Xiaogang's self-esteem.

When Yu Xiaogang made rude remarks, Bibi Dong could lower his body to calm everyone's anger, all for Yu Xiaogang's sake.

But when it comes to love, Bibi Dong did not stop Lin Yun's actions, but silently acquiesced.

When Yu Xiaogang died, Bibi Dong's face looked ugly. Lin Yun could guess Bibi Dong's thoughts without even thinking about it. Just as she expected, Bibi Dong didn't say anything and chose to remain silent.

Lin Yun actually admired Bibi Dong's tolerance.

Bibi Dong was truly the most tolerant person she had ever seen.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Although Lin Yun thinks Bibi Dong is dangerous, Lin Yun will not change his mind.

You still have to fight, and you can't show mercy to Bibi Dong.

This woman is as poisonous as her martial spirit.

If you really get close, someone else will definitely die.

Lin Yun did not hide his emotions, of course Bibi Dong could feel it.

"Killing is an easy task for you."

"You are more ruthless than I was when I was young. If I had been half as ruthless as you, I wouldn't be where I am now."

Bibi Dong spoke slowly, her rose-red eyes flashing with loneliness.

Seeing Lin Yun, Bibi Dong thought of herself when she was young. She was also such a high-spirited young man more than twenty years ago.

She dares to pursue her love, dare to challenge the injustice in the world, and speak her mind without worrying too much.

But Bibi Dong changed after that incident.

The darkness of the world swallowed her up silently.


Lin Yun responded perfunctorily, and then said, "What does your past have to do with me?"

"If you want to continue to preach to me with your words, forget it. I'm much better than you."

Lin Yun didn't know Bibi Dong's purpose, but Bibi Dong never wanted to disgust her with words.

What does it mean that she would have been half as ruthless as herself? Isn’t this just disgusting?
While talking about Lin Yun's ruthlessness, Lin Yun was disgusted at the same time, which made Lin Yun look at Bibi Dong with cold eyes.

bother you for something.

Judging from Bibi Dong's hatred for her, he would not come to her unless necessary.

"What did Qian Daoliu say to you?"

Bibi Dong's expression became subtle, and her rose-red eyes were filled with coldness, "Did you talk about what I did to Qian Renxue or that thing?"

Bibi Dong was more certain that it was the former.

If it was the latter, Lin Yun wouldn't be able to waste time talking to her here.

Bibi Dong knew that Lin Yun was a decisive and decisive person.

This is very different from Qian Daoliu.

Qiandao Luming knew that she had killed Qian Xunji, but he still spared her life.

"You are very free."

Lin Yun snorted coldly and said displeasedly: "Forget the nonsense. I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. If you want to say anything, just say it as soon as possible."

Lin Yun didn't want to waste time on Bibi Dong.

This woman is very vicious and has more evil intentions than anyone else. There were too many mistakes to make, but Lin Yun didn't want to leave any clues in his words.

"I don't know something."

A smile appeared on Bibi Dong's perfect face, "Will you regret killing someone?"


Lin Yun looked at Bibi Dong like a fool, "Did you take the wrong medicine? Or was Yu Xiaogang's death a big blow to you?"

"Or maybe you want to attack me?"

Of course Lin Yun hoped for the third possibility, so that she could kill Bibi Dong.

Anyway, enough people were killed today, no less than Bibi Dong. If Bibi Dong really wanted to send it to her, she wouldn't mind, as long as the smell of blood was stronger.

Perhaps the fishy smell stimulated her bloodthirsty instinct. Lin Yun became manic and impatient with Bibi Dong.


Bibi Dong's tone became dazed, "It was just a sudden thought."

"I would like to see what price you will pay."

Bibi Dong's hand held the scepter tightly, her voice mixed with anger, "From today on, there will be no end to death between us."

"For the sake of Wuhundian, I had no intention of arguing with you, but you should never touch him. Xiaogang is the only person I have ever loved in my life. I know what he did was wrong, but I acquiesced. his behavior.”

"In other words, you want to hold Yu Xiaogang in your arms and let everyone in Wuhun Hall do it? Just have some respect, Bibi Dong."

"Even without Yu Xiaogang, our relationship would still be a fight to the death. I thought you had known it for a long time, but who knew you were so naive to think that I would not take my anger out on you for the sake of Wuhun Palace."

"Or do you think what Qian Xunji did to you is a gold medal to avoid death?"

Lin Yun was laughing at Bibi Dong's naivety.

What Qian Xunji did to Bibi Dong had nothing to do with her. Besides, Bibi Dong also enjoyed the benefits brought by Wuhun Palace.

If you really want to feel guilty, it's Qian Xunji's fault.

Lin Yun's murderous intention for Bibi Dong has never changed.

"That old guy Qian Daoliu told you everything."

Bibi Dong's face instantly darkened, "In that case, why don't you feel guilty?"

"If it hadn't been for your brother Qian Xunji, I wouldn't have fallen to where I am now. Everything I have is thanks to him. I hate him and Qian Renxue!"

When that matter was mentioned, Bibi Dong's emotions could hardly be suppressed. Decades later, she still can't forget it.

She was forced to give birth to Qian Renxue, a bastard!

All her pride was shattered that night.


Lin Yun looked at her coldly, "You hate Qian Xunji, that's what you should do. He destroyed you. But this has nothing to do with Xiaoxue. The last thing you should do is kill Xiaoxue."

Bibi Dong is a victim, but she is a perpetrator in Qian Renxue's world.

"Why should I feel guilty? It is Qian Xunji who has a grudge against you, not me, Lin Yun. Besides, Wuhun Palace cultivated you, so how can this debt be settled?"

"You came here just to tell me this, please come back."

"I don't have time to play house with you."

"Of course, if you want to avenge Yu Xiaogang, show your martial arts spirit. I won't mind sending you down to accompany Yu Xiaogang. Maybe you can meet them again down there and have a one-two punch with Liu Erlong. A scene where a woman robs a man.”

After saying this, Lin Yun put away the blade and walked forward, passing Bibi Dong's body as if she didn't exist.

She didn't have time to talk nonsense with Bibi Dong.

If Bibi Dong really wanted to fight, she would have taken action long ago, why bother talking nonsense to her here.

Lin Yun hated Bibi Dong, but she also figured out what Bibi Dong was thinking.

Bibi Dong didn't dare to take action against her.

Bibi Dong's left hand clenched into a fist, her rose-red eyes filled with anger, "You will regret what you did today."

Lin Yun stopped and said coldly: "I won't regret it."

"Everything I do comes from my heart. If I have a clear conscience, how can I regret it!"

Bibi Dong suddenly raised her voice, "Arrogant people will pay the price."

Lin Yun heard this but ignored Bibi Dong.

After leaving prison, Lin Yun really felt unlucky. Originally, she was very happy to kill everyone from Shrek Academy and Ning Fengzhi and others. But Bibi Dong's appearance made Lin Yun very unhappy.

When you meet someone you don't like, you will indeed feel bad.

Moreover, Bibi Dong's behavior is very strange, which is not like Bibi Dong's behavior.

Could it be that Bibi Dong was really stimulated by Yu Xiaogang's death?

It's impossible. The person Bibi Dong loves most is herself.

If she really couldn't bear to leave Yu Xiaogang, Bibi Dong would do everything to stop her from killing Yu Xiaogang.

When you die, there really is nothing.

Lin Yun thought about Bibi Dong's words carefully, and found Bibi Dong more and more strange.

If she had to tell her, she couldn't describe Bibi Dong's weirdness.

Lin Yun walked to his bedroom with a calm face.

She didn't go to Qian Daoliu because the smell of blood on her body was too strong.

If you don't understand something, ask someone. This is Lin Yun's idea.

Bibi Dong's behavior was so strange.

If you're not sure, it's better to ask someone.


After washing away the smell of his own blood, Lin Yun changed into red clothes and went to the worship hall.

When she arrived at the shrine, the shrine was brightly lit and noisy.

Lin Yun took a closer look, what a guy!

Everyone is making offerings to the temple.

It's rare to see so many people in the worship hall.

The seven major enshrinements were all in the enshrinement hall, even Qian Renxue was there.

Qian Renxue, who was disguised as the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, now took off her disguise and showed her true face.


Qian Renxue smiled slightly at Lin Yun.

Lin Yun's aura naturally cannot escape everyone's perception. Qian Renxue's cultivation was unable to detect Lin Yun's aura, but she could see the clues from other people's expressions, and saw Lin Yun's figure with sharp eyes.

"You're so handsome."

Qian Renxue's cheeks turned slightly red, "I did what I wanted to do."

Tang Hao killed her father Qian Xunji, which Qian Renxue always remembered. If it weren't for the overall situation, she would also want to kill Tang San.

Qian Renxue has been holding back.

Sitting in the VIP area and seeing Lin Yun torture Tang San, Qian Renxue felt happy.

Tang Hao and Tang San were both dead, the resentment held in his heart disappeared, and Qian Renxue was in a great mood.

Now that the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi, is dead, and the elder protecting the sect, Sword Douluo Chenxin, is gone, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is just a piece of fat in the eyes of Wuhun Palace.

Gu Rong, the other elder who protects the sect, cannot protect the Qibao Glazed Sect alone.

In other words, the Qibao Glazed Sect is already in the possession of Wuhun Palace.

What Wuhundian has to do now is to take advantage of the Qibao Glazed Sect's weakness to annex everything in the Qibao Glazed Sect and eradicate the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Lin Yun patted Qian Renxue's shoulder, the tips of her ears glowing red. Because Lin Yun was shy.

Qian Renxue's praise made Lin Yun shy. She didn't think it was very important, but Qian Renxue's admiring look made Lin Yun feel better instantly, and a faint smile bloomed on his face.

"All right."

Qian Daoliu's gentle voice sounded, "Yun'er, Xiaoxue, there are a few things you have to do next."

A hint of complexity flashed through Qiandao Liujin's eyes, and he soon regained his composure. His eyes clearly reflected the figures of Lin Yun and Qian Renxue.

Lin Heng raised his children very well.

Lin Yun and Qian Renxue are the hope of Qianjia.

Lin Yun and Qian Renxue looked at each other, waiting for Qian Daoliu's next words.

Qian Daoliu coughed and said, "Xiaoxue has started the god-level assessment. In order to inherit the angelic position, we must speed up the pace."

"Xiaoxue, your mission is to take over the Tiandou Empire within this year. Then start the god-level examination in the Tiandou Empire. When your ninth angel examination is completed, the Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace will work together to deal with it. The days of the Star Luo Empire!"

In order not to let Qian Renxue delay the Nine Angel Exams, Qian Daoliu thought a lot.

This year is a must.

Although Qian Renxue disguised himself as Xue Qinghe and was dormant in the Tiandou imperial family to develop his own power, it would still take time to win over the Tiandou empire.

Because the internal power struggle in the Tiandou Empire is far more intense than that in the Wuhun Palace.

Prince Xue Xing supports the fourth prince Xue Beng and has a natural hostility towards Xue Qinghe disguised as Qian Renxue. In addition, those stubborn royalists have been unwilling to change, making it increasingly difficult for Qian Renxue to obtain the throne of the Tiandou Empire.

"it is good!"

Qian Renxue agreed without hesitation, "Grandpa, I will do it!"

Qian Renxue is a proud person.

Since she had agreed to a year, she must achieve her goal within this year.

"Yun'er, the person I'm most worried about is you."

Qian Daoliu's worried eyes fell on Lin Yun, "Xiaoxue will inherit the throne of our family, but you don't have the throne..."

"Yun'er, I'm actually afraid that something will happen to you."

Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, with a surprised look on his face.

"I went to Poseidon Island when I reached level ninety-nine decades ago. With me was Tang Chen from the Haotian Sect. Back then, he made a vow to Bo Saixi that he would not return until he became a god."

"Decades have passed, but he still hasn't returned. He traveled across the continent, looking for opportunities to become a god. If he had the chance, he would have become a god long ago with his strength. Not everyone can be as lucky as our family, and have With the blessing of the ancestors, you only need to have your bloodline and talent recognized and pass the assessment to become a god."

When the Wuhun Palace forced the Haotian Sect to close the mountain gate and pay the price for Qian Xunji's death, Tang Chen did not come forward, which meant that Tang Chen might have encountered something unexpected.

Although there are no facts to prove that Tang Chen is dead, Tang Chen has not shown up for decades.

It doesn’t take decades to inherit the status of a deity.

In Qian Daoliu's heart, Tang Chen was already dead, and Bo Saixi couldn't wait for Tang Chen's return.

Her wait can only be in vain.

"Father, I believe I will succeed."

Lin Yun said with certainty.

The failure of Tang Chen of Haotian Sect had nothing to do with her.

Lin Yun firmly believes in his talent and strength.

Others cannot succeed because they have their own problems, she does not have these problems!

"It's not good to be too confident."


Qian Daoliu paused, "It's easy to break if it's too strong."

"Throughout the ages, countless geniuses have pursued strength, and only a handful of people have reached the pinnacle."

"I thought I could do it even when I was high-spirited. The eight tests given by the Angel God during the assessment have already let me know the end of this road. You are different from me, so I hope you can succeed."

Qian Daoliu used the experience of people who had been there to tell Lin Yun that he wanted Lin Yun not to be too reckless.

There is no way to follow the path of spiritual practice.

There is no shortage of geniuses in the world, but there are only a handful of geniuses who may become strong in the end.

"Father, I know you are worried about me, but I am not Tang Chen of Haotian Sect."

Lin Yun's expression became serious, "Have you ever seen a seventeen-year-old titled Douluo before me?"


Qian Daoliu shook his head and said solemnly: "That's why I want you to be more steady."

The seventeen-year-old titled Douluo broke the record of the entire continent.

Under Lin Yun's dazzling light, the records Bibi Dong once set were nothing at all.

"Anyone can get into trouble in Wuhun Palace, but you and Xiaoxue can't get into trouble."

"You are our hope."

It is precisely because Lin Yun's talent is so strong that Qian Daoliu continues to teach.

He saw Lin Yun's proud nature.

"Father, don't worry too much. The fact that I can set this record shows that I am confident in setting a new record."

"Haotian Zong Tang Chen can't do it, that's because he is incompetent. But I'm different. I think I can do it. No one can stop me from becoming a god."

"There is no god's throne to pass on. I can create a new one for myself, a god that only belongs to me. Ancestor Qian Yuhan thousands of years ago can create an angel's throne with the faith of the world. Ten thousand years later, I will It can be done too!”

"I don't think I'm weaker than Ancestor Qian Yuhan."

Desire burned in Lin Yun's eyes, and her ambition was revealed without concealment.

She can also do what Qian Yuhan's ancestors could do.

Lin Yun is very confident and proud.

If others can do it, she can do it too!

Of course, she can do things that others can't do.


Looking at Lin Yun with a proud face, Qian Daoliu was in a daze. Because he saw himself decades ago.

He used to be as high-spirited as Lin Yun.

However, under the ravages of time, he became calmer, restrained his spirit, and his temperament sank, and finally became the guardian angel like his elders.

"it is good."

"Xiaoxue and I will wait for your return in Wuhun City."


(End of this chapter)

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