Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 102 Aunt, I’m waiting for you.

Chapter 102 Aunt, I’m waiting for you.

Because of Tang Chen's past experience, Lin Yun would certainly not leave an oath behind. The results show that people who leave vows are often the ones who break their promises.

Lin Yun believes that he will not fail, whether he takes this oath or not. So she chose not to swear and to deal with it calmly.

"it is good."

Lin Yun's words relaxed Qian Daoliu's anxious heart.

Qian Daoliu didn't care about the so-called oath.

Didn't Tang Chen break his promise to Bo Saixi? It was a joke given the difficulty of becoming a god.

In the past few decades, Tang Chen has not returned, which means that he has no chance.

Bo Saixi could no longer see Tang Chen, and her years of waiting would be in vain.

"There are still more than four years left, Yun'er, you must seize the opportunity."


"As for Bibi Dong, let's wait until you return. In the end, we, Qianjia, were sorry for her."

Qian Renxue's eyes suddenly turned red, "Grandpa, she is not my mother!"

"I don't care what happens, I only have my grandfather and my aunt. After my father's death, I only have you two relatives in the world."

"Bibi Dong is a stranger in my eyes."

"I won't have any emotions towards a stranger!"

Qian Renxue's words were meant for Qian Daoliu.

She understands Qian Daoliu better than anyone else, and naturally knows Qian Daoliu's thoughts.

He uses gentle methods to consider other people's feelings, but Qian Renxue really doesn't want him to continue to be gentle.

Being gentle will harm yourself.

Why did Bibi Dong receive such tender treatment from her grandfather?

Bibi Dong is not worthy at all!
Qian Renxue thought angrily, she was very hostile to Bibi Dong.

She could never forget the scene when Bibi Dong killed her.

The child's natural admiration for his mother was ruthlessly destroyed by Bibi Dong, which also made Qian Renxue hate Bibi Dong.

From the moment Bibi Dong killed her, the family relationship between them had ended.

When talking about Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue was more excited than anyone else.

"Little Snow."

"She is your mother after all."

Qian Daoliu sighed deeply, "I don't want to involve the next generation with the grudges of the previous generation."

Lin Yun did not speak, but looked up at Qian Renxue and Qian Daoliu. This incident hit them hard.

Not only Qian Renxue couldn't accept it, but even Lin Yun couldn't stand this fact.

But the reality is so magical and beyond everyone's expectations.

"Father, you and Xiaoxue continue chatting, I'll leave first."

"The distribution of those soul bones will be left to you, father."

Lin Yun said as he took out the ten thousand year soul bone from the soul guide space.

As soon as the soul bone appeared, the dazzling light instantly attracted everyone's attention. Of course, no one is greedy.

Because they don't lack soul bones.

When they become one of the seven major worshipers of Wuhun Palace, they themselves enjoy the resources brought by their status, which is the endless resource supply of Wuhun Palace.

Thousand-year-old soul bones that are precious to others are nothing in their eyes.

Because what Wuhun Palace is not lacking is soul bones.

As the most powerful soul master organization in the entire continent, Wuhun Palace has the most soul masters. The more soul masters there are, the more soul bones are needed. In this case, the number of soul masters hunting soul beasts increases, which leads to an increase in the number of soul bones in the Wuhun Palace.

The quality of the soul bones that can be kept in the Wuhun Palace will not be very low. The seven great worshipers naturally possess high-quality ten thousand-year soul bones.

"Tang Hao has a 100,000-year-old soul bone in his body."

"It's the soul bone left behind by Tang Hao's wife's sacrifice."

Lin Yun placed the shimmering blue leg bone in front of Qian Daoliu, "I don't need a soul bone, so father, you can make arrangements."

Before absorbing Xiao Wu's soul ring, Lin Yun had six hundred thousand year soul bones and formed a set of soul bone armor. Therefore, Xiao Wu's soul bone is of no use to her.

Lin Yun also put a piece of Xiao Wu's soul bones into those soul bones, so that the people in Wuhun Hall could become stronger with these soul bones.

"One hundred thousand year soul bone..."

Qian Daoliu was in a daze for a moment, "It's rare."

"I will make good arrangements."

Qiandaoliu did not absorb the six soul bones inherited from the Angel Clan, but absorbed the ten thousand year soul bones of other soul beasts.

His 100,000-year-old soul ring is the year added by passing the god-level examination, which is different from the real 100,000-year-old soul ring. However, the increase in the year of the soul ring still brings new power to Qiandaoliu.

"Yun'er, Xiaoxue, the hope of the family lies in you."

"You must seize this opportunity."


Lin Yun and Qian Renxue said in unison.

Their expressions became solemn in unison.

After witnessing the ugly face of the God of the Sea in the God Realm, they had only one idea in their minds, and that was to become stronger.

Only when you become stronger can you be unrestricted and not oppressed by others.

Poseidon is a sword hanging in their hearts, making them feel uneasy.

This uneasiness drives them to climb up and become stronger.


After leaving the enshrinement hall, Lin Yun held Qian Renxue's hand tightly, and they walked forward without speaking.

The atmosphere darkened, but they were in a good mood.

They guessed what the other person meant without telling them in words. Silence is good sometimes, without having to think too much.

They walked straight forward, and their destination was Lin Yun's palace.

They walked very slowly on this journey, cherishing the few moments they had together.

They all know that this separation lasts for several years.

If you want to see each other again, you must become a god.

Becoming a god, these two simple words are such a difficult road for human beings.

Countless ancestors have suffered this loss, but still have not found a way forward. Now they want to move forward on this road.

Qian Renxue has started the Nine Angel Exams and became the inheritor of the angelic throne. But Lin Yun has not yet found the inheritance of the gods, and there is only more than four years for her to find the throne and become a god.

The angel god Qian Yuhan could only protect Lin Yun for more than four years, and there was nothing he could do for more.

Because Lin Yun knew that the divine thoughts of the angel god Qian Yuhan would be left to Qian Renxue, so that Qian Renxue could start the final inheritance of the divine throne. This also resulted in Lin Yun running out of time.

This is why they cherish this hard-won time together.

Once separated, they can only remember each other and miss each other.

They held each other's hands and walked forward with a faint smile on their faces. After walking for half an hour, the familiar building burst into their eyes.

Their destination has arrived, and this journey has come to an end.


Qian Renxue lowered her voice, with aggrieved emotions in her golden eyes, "I really don't want to be separated from you. We have only known each other for less than half a month..."

"But I feel like we've been together for more than ten years."

"I cherish the time I spend with you, it makes my heart feel very comfortable."

Qian Renxue's tone changed instantly, mixed with unknown emotions, "Auntie, I like you very much."

"The feeling you give me is different from grandpa."

"Although grandpa loves me very much, he is very rational. You love me with the kind of irrational love, which surprises me and I like it very much. I hope there is more love like this. I am a very selfish person. .”

Qian Renxue's eyes were filled with water.

How she wished the separation would be later, but the road had come to an end and they still had to part ways.

Qian Renxue felt very reluctant to give up. Thousands of words eventually turned into complex emotions. Qian Renxue couldn't express the melancholy in her heart. She just felt that time passed too fast and they would be separated before they had been together for long.

Qian Renxue had Lin Yun in mind, and that's why she felt this way.

"How I wish this could last longer and stay with me like a dream."

Qian Renxue said slowly, with a feeling of reluctance in her eyes.

As the young master of Wuhun Palace, Qian Renxue has had resources that others could not imagine since she was a child, and she also has a loneliness that others cannot imagine. She is sensitive to emotions and understands her own heart better than others.

She was reluctant to leave Lin Yun, but her reason told her to let go, because she couldn't delay her aunt's journey.

Everyone has their own path.

"calm down."

Lin Yun gently brushed her golden hair away with his hand and said softly, "It's normal to separate, because our separation is to become stronger. Xiaoxue, believe in Auntie. Auntie will definitely come back as a god, At that time, Poseidon, the god of the sea, will die."

"I said that gods will kill gods, and men will kill. Anyone who stands in front of me is my enemy. I can't do harm to the sea god Poseidon and the god Shura now, but I will certainly be able to in the future."

After seeing the strength of Poseidon, the God of the Sea, Lin Yun's desire continued to rise.

She wants to become stronger, stronger than Poseidon, the god of the sea. Only in this way can we survive the plot of Poseidon, the god of the sea.

Killing Tang San and everyone at Shrek Academy was just the first step of Lin Yun's plan.

The second step is of course to get rid of the Qibao Glazed Sect and Ning Fengzhi. With Ning Fengzhi dead, the Qibao Glazed Sect is naturally in the possession of Wuhun Palace.

As the Wuhun Palace grows in strength, Lin Yun and Qian Renxue's tasks are top priority because they want to become gods.

Only God can deal with God.

Even though the angel god Qian Yuhan had the intention to protect them, he would be unable to do so after a long time.

The mountains will fall if you rely on them, and the mountains will fall if you rely on everyone. This truth makes them have to grow up.

"Of course I believe it, because my aunt has created a miracle." Qian Renxue's voice trembled, mixed with tears.

She was still reluctant to give up.

She knew clearly that separation was necessary, but she still couldn't help her emotions.

Life was really unkind to her.

They have missed each other for more than ten years. Now they finally see each other, but they can't stay together for too long before they break up.

"Little Snow."

Lin Yun calmed Qian Renxue's emotions softly, "Be good, aunt promises to do it as soon as possible."

"I won't keep you waiting too long."

Lin Yun's blue eyes were full of heavy emotions, "I will kill those gods who try to interfere with the changes in the world as gods."

"As a god, I will definitely judge the sins of the gods."

"Follow the rules of the world."

There was a solemn expression on that flawless face.

This is Lin Yun's oath to heaven and earth, and it is also her determination. Those gods who use their power to rewrite the fate of all people are not worthy of being called gods.

If she were a god, she would definitely make the gods apologize for her!

Seeing Lin Yun's determined expression, Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment. This was the first time she saw such a serious Lin Yun.

The corners of Qian Renxue's mouth rose slightly, but she liked it very much.

Sure enough, serious people are very handsome.

The little aunt who is immersed in her own thoughts is really cool.

A flash of joy flashed in Qian Renxue's eyes and quickly disappeared.

Auntie, I can do it too.

If I were a god, I would bring light to the world and judge all the darkness in the world.

This is my vow to become a god.

"Auntie, I will definitely wait for you."

"Maybe I will become a god faster than you."

Before Lin Yun answered, he saw Qian Renxue's delicate face enlarging. The next moment, his cheeks became moist, and a faint fragrance lingered in his nose, making Lin Yun suddenly stunned.

Qian Renxue kissed her on the face, which made Lin Yun particularly surprised.

While being surprised, Lin Yun was still at a loss.

This was the first time she met someone who didn't act according to common sense.

Lin Yun rarely expressed his emotions through physical contact. This was the first time Qian Renxue kissed her cheek so boldly.

The soft touch made Lin Yun's heart tremble, and the numb feeling spread throughout his body. Lin Yun instantly forgot the thoughts in his mind and allowed himself to indulge in this special emotion.

Qian Renxue's cheeks were slightly red and she whispered, "Auntie, Xiaoxue cares about you very much."

"No matter what happens, you must protect yourself."

Because they were so close, Qian Renxue's tears fell onto Lin Yun's palm, dripping into her indifferent heart.

Lin Yun opened his eyes wide and looked at Qian Renxue with complicated eyes. At this moment, Lin Yun had mixed feelings.

Only then did she realize the difference in this relationship.

Is this family affection?

Lin Yun thought uncertainly.

It turns out that this is what it feels like to have family love.

This feels really good...

In her previous life, as the legitimate daughter of the Lin family, she was only thinking about the family's justice and responsibility, and she did not experience the reluctance between relatives at all.

Because the interests of the family are greater than the interests of the individual.

After coming to Douluo Continent, Lin Yun also maintained this concept. Until this moment, Lin Yun was confused.

She became aware of her emotional changes.

Maybe it's a good thing to have such a lovely niece.

"it is good."

Lin Yun stretched out his hand and held Qian Renxue's hand together, "Hang yourself with a hook and it won't change for a hundred years."

"Xiaoxue, don't worry about aunt."


Qian Renxue buried her head on Lin Yun's shoulder and sobbed softly, "Auntie, I feel so reluctant to let go."

"Just like when my grandpa and I were separated, we were so reluctant to leave."

"I hate myself for being weak..."

Qian Renxue's tears were still flowing.

How strange, she is not a sentimental person.

Why can't he hide his emotions in front of his aunt?
She was obviously a very strong person, but what she left to her aunt was a fragile side.

Qian Renxue was very regretful and wanted to change her image in Lin Yun's heart.

"There will be me in the future."

Lin Yun put his hand on Qian Renxue's waist, hugged Qian Renxue tightly, and shortened the distance between the two.

In Lin Yun's view, Qian Renxue is just a child, a child who needs the love and care of his elders.

From the moment he met Qian Renxue, Lin Yun wanted to wipe away all the sadness in the world for her and show her beautiful side in front of her.

Lin Yun felt uncomfortable when she saw Qian Renxue crying, but she had no choice.

The separation is destined, and they still have a long way to go.


Qian Renxue raised her head with red eyes and stared at her blankly.

The warm embrace made Qian Renxue's heart soften instantly.


Lin Yun responded gently.

At this moment, she chose to let her emotions go and let Qian Renxue hold her.

(End of this chapter)

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