During this period, Lin Yun ordered a few dishes and gave the teahouse owner some Gintama coins as a tip.

Otherwise, she would just order a few dishes and a pot of tea and sit there all night, which would definitely make the people in the restaurant feel unhappy.

For this reason, Lin Yunduo gave him a tip, which was enough to book an ordinary private room.

If you have money, the teahouse owner will naturally be happy.

As closing time approached, Lin Yun saw a bloody man in a cloak.

Their bodies are huge, and they look like strong men at first glance.

Thinking of the sickly looks of the evil soul masters during the day, Lin Yun had a one-sided understanding of the evil soul masters.

In her opinion, evil soul masters who feed on their own kind are extreme people, otherwise they would not go to extremes.

As the saying goes, love comes from the heart, and most people who are extreme like this are weak.

Lin Yun stepped on the floor, jumped to the window, and jumped down. Holding the red Phoenix Sword in his left hand, it landed on the ground easily.

The movement of Lin Yun's whereabouts attracted the attention of those people.

As soon as she appeared, the cloaked men turned around, staring at her figure with their sinister eyes, as if hungry wolves had found food.

The hungry eyes looked at Lin Yun, not taking Lin Yun seriously at all.

In their view, she was a weak woman with no strength to restrain herself.

There is not much physical difference between male and female soul masters, but overall male soul masters have an advantage.

And there is only one person in Lin Yun, there are eight of them.

"A crowd gathered at the city gate..."

Before the soldiers guarding the city finished speaking, a man in a black cloak stretched out his left hand, and his hand instantly turned into a sharp claw and pointed at the soldier's heart.

The strong smell of blood appeared, the heart was dug out alive, and the sound of swallowing sounded again.

"Damn it."

Lin Yun held the Phoenix Sword in her hand, her soul power emerged, and countless sword energies surrounded her. The next moment, the sword energy went in all directions.

Lin Yun didn't even use his soul skills. He seriously injured these evil soul masters with just his soul power and sword energy. The most serious thing was that he was split in half by the sword energy and died on the spot.

"Title Douluo!"

The man headed by the evil soul master shouted loudly, his green eyes were in disbelief, "There is actually a titled Douluo in this remote town!"

The next moment, red sword energy arrived. The sword energy cut off his body and killed him.

Like him, the remaining three people were also killed by the sword energy.

Lin Yun held the Phoenix Sword and looked coldly at the corpse on the ground, the red soul power floating obediently on the palm of her hand.

In a moment, it turned into a blazing red flame.

Lin Yun wanted to use Phoenix fire to burn these dirty things.

Evil soul masters who feed on their own kind do not deserve to live in this world.

Before her phoenix fire burned on those corpses, a burst of evil laughter sounded behind Lin Yun.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Lin Yun frowned at the laughter that made people feel cold upon hearing it. This evil soul master was quite difficult to kill.

Killing them and turning them into corpses will not make them die.

Because these eight people came to life again in front of her, but their faces were pale and their wounds were still bleeding.

If it were a normal person, such a large amount of bleeding would have caused problems long ago.

It's a pity that they are not normal people, they are evil soul masters that are shameful on Douluo Continent. Evil soul masters, as the name suggests, are soul masters who have practiced some evil method or have problems with their martial souls.

Their resurrection was beyond Lin Yun's expectation.

This was her first face-to-face confrontation with an evil soul master. The previous crushing battle at Tianmu Hotel does not count.

The leader, the muscular man with black hair and green eyes, had a green light on his hands. A green six-pointed star formation appeared at his feet.

The next moment, countless white skeletons emerged from the six-pointed star formation, and their ferocious faces fell emotionally into Lin Yun's eyes.

With Lin Yun's speed, stopping him was just a matter of thought.

She didn't stop him simply because she wanted to see the evil soul master's tricks.

Resurrected from the dead and ignoring the pain, these eight evil soul masters are quite evil. If other people encountered it, they would definitely not be their match.

But they were very unlucky. The person they met was Lin Yun.

Phoenix fire can burn most things in the world, including skeletons and husks.

These evil soul master's tricks had no effect on Lin Yun. On the contrary, she can use her phoenix fire to burn the skeletons they summon, and then break their magic circle, affecting them.

"Is that all you can do?"

Lin Yun said coldly.

"What do you know? This is the undead formation, and this is me..."

The leading man looked at Lin Yun as if he were a fool.

Facing the undead formation, even a titled Douluo would have to retreat. The undead formation is their trump card.

This is also the reason why when you see a titled Douluo, you have to fight him instead of running away.

Before he could finish his words, a handful of flames burned the skeletons mercilessly, and the screams continued to grow louder.

The red flame is extremely obvious among the white skeletons.

Lin Yun clapped his hands and said nonchalantly, "With this little ability, you still dare to be arrogant in front of me."

"Send you to hell, and remember to atone for the people you killed."

Lin Yun turned the hilt of the Phoenix Sword and swung it forward vigorously, and the red sword energy came towards them in a mighty stream.

The powerful force came towards him, and the huge sense of oppression made his body and mind tremble.


The red flames burned on their bodies, and the terrifying aura prevented them from even using their soul power.

Before they even had time to display their martial spirits, the undead formation was broken by Lin Yun and burned completely.

The raging fire engulfed everything, burning all the sinful things, making a crackling sound.

Lin Yun watched coldly as they were burned by the fire.

Once the Phoenix Fire burns, it will burn until the last moment of their lives. In other words, the stronger their vitality is, the stronger the flame will burn.

Because this flame will devour the vitality.

Their screams did not arouse Lin Yun's sympathy, but made Lin Yun feel that they deserved it.

From the moment they summoned the undead formation, Lin Yun understood why Wuhun Palace was respected by the world.

Because every undead in the undead formation is a dead mainland human. In other words, every increase in power of this formation means that many people will die at the hands of these evil soul masters.

No wonder the evil soul master is not tolerated by Wuhun Palace.

In order to suppress the darkness in the world, Wuhundian really put in a lot of effort.

"May the sun shine wherever it reaches, bringing light."

Lin Yun muttered to himself.

The golden soul power quietly appears, purifying the darkness in front of you, allowing the souls who died unjustly to let go of their obsessions.

Golden wings spread out behind Lin Yun, and his blue eyes instantly turned to gold.

With his iconic appearance of blond hair and golden eyes, coupled with those golden wings, no one who came from afar would have to guess Lin Yun's identity.

Because this is the symbol of the Angel Clan of Wuhun Palace.

Except for the angel clan, no one on the Douluo Continent has such pure divine energy and aura. This sacred breath gives them the feeling that everything is purified.

They have the deepest inner feelings when they experience the divine baptism in person.

This is the foundation and ability of Wuhun Palace.

"Isel, welcome the young master!"

Bishop Iser of Wuhunzi Temple in Yike City, who rushed over after hearing the news, saw the wings behind Lin Yun and immediately knelt down to Lin Yun.

After him, other soul masters from Wuhunzi Palace also knelt down.

There is no saying that a man has gold at his knees.

In a world of law of the jungle, whoever is stronger will bow to him.

It is their honor to have the young master of Wuhun Palace come in person. As the soul masters of Wuhunzi Palace in a small border town, it is their greatest blessing in life to be lucky enough to meet the young master of Wuhun Palace.

The levels of Wuhun Palace are very strict. The lowest level is the Wuhun branch hall. Above the Wuhun branch hall is the Wuhun sub-hall, followed by the Wuhun main hall, Wuhun temple, Pope hall, Douluo hall, and worship hall. Although Yike City is a small border town, it belongs to the Kingdom of Gudlan and is very close to Wuhun City, so it is eligible to be promoted to Wuhun Child Palace.

The Spirit Temple is only found in the central cities of the two major empires.

Lin Yun didn't pay attention to him, but looked at the eight evil soul masters in front of him who were burned by the flames.

With a thought, the red flame turned into a golden flame. Golden feathers fluttered in the air.

Their soul power was purified in the golden flames, and their faces suddenly turned dark.

The angelic holy fire can purify all evil spirits in the world and is the natural nemesis of evil spirits on Douluo Continent.

It's a pity that only soul masters with angel martial souls are qualified to condense the angelic holy fire.

The intensity of the flame depends on the soul master's own talent and the quality of his martial soul.

Lin Yun's Seraphim martial spirit is undoubtedly top-notch, and the angelic holy fire generated by her thoughts is enough to burn all evil spirits in the world.

The only thing that can stop the burning of her angelic holy fire is the god of evil thoughts in the world.

There are two gods of evil thoughts, namely Shura God and Rakshasa God. When Lin Yun learned that her enemy was God Shura, she was ready to burn God Shura with her own flames.

Ever since God Shura plotted against the angel clan, there has been a fight to the death between them.

The purifying power of the angelic fire does not even spare the soul. The screams of the eight of them became louder and louder, and people from nearby teahouses and shops were attracted. They looked at the eight people in the golden flames with hatred in their eyes.

Obviously, the sizzling black energy coming out of the evil soul master can let them know the identity of the other party.

The evil soul master who has committed many evil deeds deserves to be burned to death in flames!
"Little Lord."

Iser said carefully, he lowered his head very low and did not dare to look at Lin Yun.

The face of the superior cannot be looked directly at.

The hierarchy of Wuhun Palace is strict. The inferior has to be disrespectful to the superior.

"You all get up."

Lin Yun said lightly, and then the golden flame disappeared with a wave of his hand.

Those evil soul masters had long been reduced to ashes. Even a soul master can't hold on for long under the fierce flames.

What's more, it's the angelic holy fire aimed at their martial souls and cultivation methods.

The angelic fire is the great love of angel God for the world.

Lin Yun's wings slowly retracted behind her, and her eyes suddenly fell to the northwest. It was on the pink roof of a three-story building, with a girl wearing white and purple clothes standing on it.

Her long purple hair was scattered around her waist, and her purple eyes stared at Lin Yun.

Lin Yun's expression did not change, because this person was observing him. Unfortunately, her five senses were sharp and she immediately discovered the other person's presence.

Lin Yun looked carefully and found no useful information on her, so he planned to get rid of the stalker.

The peeper didn't realize that he had been exposed at all, and looked at Lin Yun with appraising eyes.

Lin Yun held the golden feather in his hand, and the golden soul power condensed on it, driving the golden feather. The next moment, it headed northwest, paddling in the direction of the girl in an instant.

Instinct prompted the girl to step back, her white wings spreading behind her. She lowered her head to barely avoid the attack of the golden feathers, and a strand of hair was cut off and fell to the ground.

The girl's expression suddenly changed, and she realized that she had been exposed.

This man is so perceptive!
She had just escaped the attack and was about to escape when she saw Lin Yun appeared in front of her.

Those golden eyes reflected her figure, making the girl instinctively feel scared.

The white wings behind her were fluttering, and the purple soul ring was shining.

The girl used her soul power to speed up her escape. Her speed could no longer be captured by the naked eye.

However, Lin Yun was faster than her.

Before her figure jumped to the ground and merged into the crowd, Lin Yun shot her down with a golden feather and disabled one of her wings.

Red blood flowed out from the wound. The girl could not care about her own injury and allowed the wound to bleed continuously. At this moment, all she could think about was escaping.

Only if you leave here can you have a chance to survive!
If she doesn't escape, she will definitely be worse than dead!
It's a pity that the Wuhun Mimic with only one wing cannot drive her to fly.

Even if her sharp-tailed Swift martial spirit is famous in Douluo Continent for its speed, it is no exception.

The smell of blood on her back would also give away her location.

The next moment, Lin Yun put the Phoenix Sword on her neck, his golden eyes filled with coldness.


The sharp sword blade scratched her delicate skin, leaving light red marks on it.

"Who sent you to follow me?"

Lin Yun didn't kill her now because she still had some value.

Because Lin Yun realized that this person was following him and it was not what happened today.

In other words, this person has been following her since she left Wuhun City.

Being able to evade the perception of a titled Douluo shows that this person's tracking ability is quite strong.


The girl with purple hair and purple eyes did not speak, but looked at Lin Yun with a calm face. That forbearing look looked as if Lin Yun owed her millions.

"If you don't tell me, I'll kill you."

Lin Yun will not show mercy to her.

Although the purple-haired girl was very delicate, she didn't care.

If she doesn't speak again, her patience will run out and she will kill him.

"You kill me!"

"I would rather die than surrender!"

The purple-haired girl said angrily.

If she fell into the hands of people from Wuhun Palace, she knew she wouldn't be able to survive.

Lin Yun kicked her away, and the golden soul power restrained her limbs.

"Someone is coming."

Lin Yun said to Iser and others who were chasing after him, "Bring them back to Wuhun Hall for interrogation."

"Ask me about the person behind this."


Lin Yun didn't kill the purple-haired girl because he thought her investigative ability was quite strong.

Because these days she didn't realize that someone was following her.

If the scene of Lin Yun killing the evil soul master hadn't shocked her and revealed some clues to her, Lin Yun wouldn't have discovered her presence.

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