Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 115 Bai Chenxiang of the 1st Clan of Min

This clue was quickly discovered by Lin Yun.

Her escape was in vain.

Lin Yun handed her over to Wuhunzidian in Yikecheng for processing, and then brought an angel blessing to Yikecheng at Isser's request.

Angel blessing is a way for Wuhun Palace to get rid of the evil spirits of evil soul masters. Since the establishment of Wuhun Palace, those who perform angel blessings have been members of the angel clan.

Although there are only two direct descendants of the Qian clan in this generation, Lin Yun and Qian Renxue, there are actually many people in the Qian clan.

It's just that their martial souls are not Seraphim martial souls, but holy angel martial souls.

They have only one pair of wings, but they are the main members of the Angel Legion.

The soul master who inherits the Seraphim Martial Spirit is the leader of the Angel Legion, a direct descendant of the Qian Clan, and the patriarch of the Angel Clan.

The Angel Legion is Wuhun Palace’s biggest trump card.

As long as the Angel Legion is here, Wuhun Palace will not fall.

After eliminating the evil soul master, the Angel Legion will use angel blessings to eliminate the evil influence in the entire area.

This is Lin Yun's first time experiencing this, but she can use angel blessing.

This is a skill that comes with the angel's martial soul after it awakens. It is a skill unique to the martial soul.

After agreeing to Yselle's promise, Lin Yun came to the center of Yike City and stood on the temporary high platform to give the angel's blessing.

The Seraph Martial Spirit appeared in everyone's eyes, golden feathers floating in the air, and a sacred aura suddenly appeared.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the red 100,000-year-old soul ring shone with light, and the Seraph Martial Spirit closed its palms in a praying posture. The next moment, countless golden lights spread from its body towards the surroundings.

In less than a minute, golden light enveloped the entire Yike City. The ethereal singing seemed to appear from the soul, and the sweet sound of the piano could be heard from a long distance away. Under the bath of golden light, everyone's emotions suddenly changed.

Those irritating thoughts were thrown away, and everyone was filled with joy.

The holy light cleansed their hearts, purified their negative emotions, and made them feel at their best.

When people are depressed, their behavior is very irritable. With the blessing of angels, these negative emotions are swept away.

Under the golden light, Lin Yun lowered his body and walked down from the altar like a god.

Blonde hair, golden eyes, and a divine aura that shocked people.

"Little Lord."

Iser lowered his voice and spoke to Lin Yun, "Iser is here to thank the young master for his angelic blessing on behalf of all the residents of Yike City."

"This is Ik City's luck."

Being able to receive the angelic blessing from the young master of Wuhun Hall is a happy event for Yike City.

Once this matter spreads, the number of soul masters coming to Yike City will increase exponentially. Because everyone in the world worships Wuhun Palace and treats Wuhun Palace as a holy place in their hearts.

The young master of Wuhun Palace's people-friendly attitude represents that their beliefs are correct.

"No, get up."

Lin Yun's cold voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"This is what Wuhun Palace should do."

Lin Yun naturally had to maintain his image in front of the people of Yike City. Outside, she represents Wuhundian's image and attitude.

If one thing is not handled well, it will have an impact on Wuhun Palace. Because in the eyes of civilians, Wuhun Palace is close to the people, cares about the interests of civilians, and considers things from the perspective of civilians.


Iser looked at Lin Yun with fanatical eyes.

The rumors are indeed unbelievable!

The rumored young master of Wuhun Palace is a person with an arrogant temperament and does not take others seriously, let alone put down his posture to chat harmoniously.

Just like Isel, the eyes of other people also became adoring.

This was Lin Yun's first time encountering this kind of situation, and she was quite surprised by those adoring and enthusiastic eyes.

She was embarrassed for a moment, but quickly regained her composure.

If Lin Yun hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for Lin Yun to believe that there really were people who madly believed in Wuhun Temple.

Although Lin Yun, as the young master of Wuhun Hall, considers the interests of Wuhun Hall, she has never observed what ordinary people think of Wuhun Hall.

She has always believed that the common people's belief in Wuhun Temple came from the angel god.

Judging from today's observation, their faith is so pure that it feels as hot as light.

Lin Yun thought to himself that belief is really scary.

In Lin Yun's sight, golden light emerged from the common people. The golden light gathered together, condensed into a ball, and sank into her body.

Judging from the situation at the scene, only she could see the golden light.

Those people knew they couldn't see this layer of golden light because of their enthusiastic looks, otherwise they would look even more surprised than she did.

These golden lights sank into his body, and the warm feeling made Lin Yun guess its identity - the power of faith.

Angel God Qian Yuhan had told her about the power of faith before. The power of faith can change the world.

She originally relied on the power of faith to gather her divine status and become a god.

If Lin Yun wants to become a god, it will be difficult for him to replicate the method of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Seeing the continuous power of faith pouring into his body, Lin Yun's thoughts changed.

The changes in the body cannot escape Lin Yun's own perception.

It seems that if she wants to become a god, she still has to walk a long way.

Her soul power level is now level ninety-seven, which is only two levels away from level ninety-nine.

It's just two levels. For other soul masters, it's a lifetime, but for Lin Yun, it's just a few months.

When her soul power level reached level ninety-nine and she had yet to find the divine position, Lin Yun could only search the entire continent to find her glimmer of opportunity.

Lin Yun's expression darkened, and a hint of irritation flashed through his golden eyes.

This road is too far for her.

Lin Yun had doubts about taking a road that no one else had walked, but he finally calmed down.

Because she refused to admit defeat.

Why should your destiny be controlled by the calculations of the gods?

She will never bow her head.

No matter what happens, she will never bow her head.

God doesn't want to use her as a pawn!


The sound of iron chains clicking sounded, and the strong smell of blood filled his nose. The sound of whipping reached my ears.

The girl with delicate face, purple hair and purple eyes clenched her teeth, looked at Lin Yun with a pale face and resentful eyes.

There wasn't a good piece of meat on her body.

The people from Yike City Wuhunzi Palace first tied her to a rack, and then sent someone to whip her body with whips to make her confess.

From the moment her traces were discovered by Lin Yun, her end was already doomed.

"Still not telling?"

Lin Yun had a calm face and looked at her with calm eyes, "You have a tough mouth."

Even after being beaten to a pulp, this man still didn't confess a word. He was a tough guy.

Lin Yun would not sympathize with his enemies, but he felt that she had a strong will.

"Reporting to the young master, this subordinate is incompetent."

Iser immediately expressed his attitude.

He didn't expect that his men were so bad that they couldn't pry open her mouth and learn her identity.

"Don't think too much." Lin Yun walked over, looked at the purple-haired girl with scars all over her body, and motioned to the people next to her to stop.

Then, Lin Yun stepped forward and stretched out his hand to lift her chin, "I don't need to know your purpose, but I can know your identity."

The head was suddenly raised, and the girl's resentful eyes clearly broke into Lin Yun's sight. Lin Yun didn't care about the look in her eyes, and forced her eyes to meet his own.

Obviously, Lin Yun's behavior exceeded the girl's expectations.

The purple eyes met the blue eyes, and a maze was seen in those eyes.

There is his own figure in those deep eyes...

At that moment, her figure shrank and she was in a huge maze. The surrounding scene became blurred, and the painful feeling appeared in her heart again.

She realized something was wrong and wanted to escape but it was too late.

The next moment, the clarity of the purple eyes became blurred, filled with water. Her consciousness was fading.

"Tell me your identity."

"Bai Chenxiang of the sensitive clan."

"What is your purpose?"

"Follow the young master of Wuhun Palace and figure out the purpose of Wuhun Palace. Find out the information about Wuhun Palace, and then send it back to the Min clan to let the Po clan know what Wuhun Palace is planning."

Bai Chenxiang's emotionless voice sounded, and her eyes were blurred and expressionless, as if she had been bewitched and lost consciousness.

In fact, she was hit by Lin Yun's soul skill and lost consciousness. Her body instinctively told Lin Yun the answer he wanted based on memory.

Lin Yun's fifth soul skill - Dream.

As a hundred-thousand-year-old soul skill, its function is not only to draw the enemy into the dream, but also to make the enemy lose their mind and become the nourishment of the dream.

Lin Yun quietly activated his soul skills to interrogate her identity, just to find out her martial soul abilities.

"What is your martial spirit?"

"Sharp-tailed Swift."

"What's your status in the Min clan?"

"Young patriarch."

Hearing Bai Chenxiang's words, Lin Yunjiao's beautiful face turned cold. The sensitive clan among the four single-attribute clans of the Haotian Sect.

Didn’t these four single-attribute clans have nothing to do with the Haotian Sect more than ten years ago?

After the Haotian Sect announced the closure of the sect, the four major single-attribute clans were abandoned by the Haotian Sect. The Wuhun Palace also retaliated against the four single-attribute clans, which also caused heavy losses to the four single-attribute clans. Most of their direct disciples died in the hands of the Wuhun Palace.

Even those who were lucky enough to escape could only take their families away and become enemies of the Haotian Sect from then on.

A few years later, the four single-attribute clans disappeared from Douluo Continent. Their traces were deliberately hidden, and Wuhun Hall did not specifically inquire about their whereabouts.

Because from Wuhundian's point of view, they no longer have the power to fight back and are just a bunch of ants.

Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, the four major single-attribute clans would have people following him, just to find out what was going on in the Spirit Hall.

After learning the identity of the girl with purple hair and purple eyes, Lin Yun let go of his hand.

Bai Chenxiang, the young leader of the Min clan, is quite capable.

She was very fast, but unfortunately the person she was following was Lin Yun. How could the speed of Titled Douluo and Soul Sect be surpassed by Wuhun?

What Lin Yun didn't expect was the tracking skills of the Min clan.

She didn't even sense Bai Chenxiang's presence.

If Bai Chenxiang hadn't revealed some clues, I'm afraid Bai Chenxiang and the Min clan's goal would have been achieved.

"The Min clan is connected to the Po clan, so where is the location of the Po clan?"

"I don't know. My grandfather came to contact me and had direct contact with Yang Wudi, the leader of the Po Clan. My grandfather is the only one in the whole family who knows where the Po Clan is."

"The current location of the Min clan?"

Lin Yun looked at Bai Chenxiang coldly, she was waiting for Bai Chenxiang's next words.

After a minute, Bai Chenxiang still didn't answer.

Lin Yun looked at the struggle flashing in the purple eyes and immediately understood Bai Chenxiang's hesitation.

Because her consciousness was resisting this answer.

Even though his consciousness was in the illusion she created, Bai Chenxiang's subconscious still refused to answer this question.

In the case of subconscious rejection, if you insist on asking, it is very likely to cause Bai Chenxiang's mental breakdown.

It's a pity that Lin Yun is not a sympathetic person.

If she has a mental breakdown, she will break down. Anyway, she is going to throw the Po clan and the Min clan into the same pot.

It's very brave to dare to follow her.

The four single-attribute clans of the Haotian Sect are good at different fields, but the scope of their abilities can be understood from the words.

The Sen clan focuses on speed, while the Po clan focuses on one shot and medicine.

The Purple Red Poison of the Po Clan was collected by Wuhun Palace and planned to be used in the war against the two empires.

There is no way, who said that Wan Zi Qian Hong Po is very useful.

Qingluan Douluo had previously asked Lin Yun to improve the Thousand Purple Red Poison to prevent people from the Po clan from cracking the poison.

This poison was obtained from the Po Zhi Clan, and the Po Zhi Clan naturally had the antidote.

"Tell me, where is the territory of the Min clan?"

Lin Yun asked coldly.

In response to her, Bai Chenxiang shook his head and said nothing. When consciousness loses its sovereignty, the subconscious mind of the body takes over.

The thought of not revealing the location of his family has already penetrated into Bai Chenxiang's soul, and he would refuse to answer even if he was unconscious.

Lin Yun pinched Bai Chenxiang's chin again, his blue eyes flashed with murderous intent, "Look into my eyes."

"Tell me, where is the territory of the Min clan?"

Bai Chenxiang slowly met Lin Yun's eyes, and bright red blood appeared in her purple eyes.

Because Bai Chenxiang, who was in an illusion, realized something was wrong and wanted to break the illusion even if she hurt herself.

What a pity, Bai Chenxiang can't defeat a hundred thousand year soul skill?

Her struggle was doomed to be in vain.

Seeing the blood pouring out of his purple eyes, Lin Yun snorted coldly and let go of his hand. Bai Chenxiang's head hit the shelf hard, making a crisp sound.

"A tough one indeed."

"Iser, send a message back to Wuhun Palace."

"Tomorrow I will see three Contras and twenty-five Soul Saints."

Bai Chenxiang's consciousness was resisting this answer, so Lin Yun didn't force her.

However, her subconscious mind remembered to go home.

Lin Yun planned to bring Bai Chenxiang back to the Min clan's territory, and then wipe out the Min clan.

As for the Broken Clan, if they are lucky, they will also be wiped out together.

People from the Min clan are good at escaping, and Lin Yun certainly won't give them a chance.

It's impossible to escape!


Iser responded in a low voice, he was impressed by Lin Yun's methods.

It’s so scary!
This soul skill can control people's hearts and make people speak the truth, which is impossible to guard against.

"Give her some water, don't let her die."

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