Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 123 Xue Qinghe becomes the king of Tiandou Empire

Chapter 123 Xue Qinghe becomes the king of Tiandou Empire
The Tiandou Empire and the Xingluo Empire joined forces to deal with Wuhun Palace, which was detrimental to Wuhun Palace.

Xue Qinghe would not agree to the Star Luo Empire's alliance if it was harmful to his own interests.

The alliance was of no benefit to her, so she naturally had to give up the idea of ​​Emperor Xue Ye.

"My son believes that forming an alliance is not feasible. There is now a tripartite confrontation, and the three major forces equally share the rights of the entire continent. However, once the Tiandou Empire forms an alliance with the Star Luo Empire to deal with Wuhun Palace, it will be self-destructive. Wuhun Palace After the demise, there will still be a war between the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire. Moreover, if we form an alliance with the Star Luo Empire, the one who will suffer is the Tiandou Empire. The Spirit Hall and the Tiandou Empire are the closest, and once a war breaks out, the one who will contribute the most will It’s the Tiandou Empire. Once the war is over, the Tiandou Empire’s defenses will also be penetrated by the Star Luo Empire.”

"The Star Luo Empire has an impure heart. The Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire cannot form an alliance."

Hearing Xue Qinghe's words, Emperor Xue Ye frowned again, "Qinghe, your concern is right, but if we don't do anything and let the Wuhun Palace and the Star Luo Empire continue to fight, our Tiandou Empire will not be able to escape. This war must be fought.”

"Things can't be that simple."

"Father, my thoughts are different from yours. We have helped the Star Luo Empire, what if they bite us back? If there is a conflict of interest, we can form an alliance with the Star Luo Empire to deal with Wuhun Palace. Then if Wuhun Palace falls, If this happens, the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire will face each other, and forming an alliance will do no good to the Tiandou Empire, only harm."

Xue Qinghe looked at Emperor Xue Ye with a smile on his face.

She would not agree to an alliance with the Star Luo Empire. The alliance was a loss of her interests.

"How can a king have allies?"

"There is no solid relationship and no stable interests. So we just choose to sit on the sidelines."

Emperor Xue Ye did not answer, but picked up the chess pieces on the table and moved a few steps on the chessboard, swallowing up the opponent's chess pieces.

Xue Qinghe's expression remained unchanged, he picked up a chess piece, placed it on the chessboard and started playing chess with Emperor Xue Ye.

Xue Qinghe is playing chess with Emperor Xue Ye, and this chess game determines how this matter will be handled.

The opinions of Xue Qinghe and Emperor Xue Ye are different, but Emperor Xue Ye will consider Xue Qinghe's opinions.

Because they have different ideas, they decide how to handle the matter. Emperor Xue Ye is not a person who specializes in ruling alone, so he will consider Xue Qinghe's opinion.

Political changes are huge, and everyone's ideas are different. Emperor Xue Ye knew that his time was running out, so he let Xue Qinghe decide the matter.

The future of the Tiandou Empire depends on Xue Qinghe. What he can do now is to assist Xue Qinghe so that Xue Qinghe can take on the heavy responsibility of the Tiandou Empire.

"Father, I accept it."

Xue Qinghe's city was reflected on the chessboard. She quickly shot down Emperor Xue Ye and ate Emperor Xue Ye's chess pieces.

The chessboard symbolizes their lives.

Even though Emperor Xueye has the power of a king, he cannot change the future of the Tiandou Empire.

He was already in his twilight years, and coupled with the fact that he was too weak to escape from the poison, there was a limit to what Emperor Xue Ye could do.

Xue Qinghe is only about twenty years old, and he is very talented at a young age. He has a handsome appearance and is a famous gentle prince in the Tiandou Empire.

Emperor Xueye looked at Xue Qinghe with complicated eyes, "Qinghe, I am not as good as you now, but I can rest assured that I will leave the Tiandou Empire in your hands. There is one thing that I am not at ease with, and I must tell you repeatedly. I There are only five children in this life. Apart from you three brothers, the ones that worry me the most are the fourth children, Xue Beng and Xue Ke. If it hadn’t been for the accident that caused the second and third children to die, you are the only one among the five children who can bear the heavy responsibility. , I won’t hand over this responsibility to you.”

"Qinghe, you are the only hope of the Tiandou Empire and the future of our Tiandou Empire. I have a premonition that I don't have much time. I hope you treat Xue Beng and Xue Ke well. Xue Beng is a playboy and he is no threat to you. You just let him spend his life as an ordinary person. As for Xue Ke, you have always loved her very much, so I don’t have to worry too much about her future life. As for my brother, Prince Xuexing, I know that he and you have always been at odds with each other. , I don’t ask you to treat him calmly, but a king must have capacity. As the king of the Tiandou Empire, you hold half of the territory of the continent. Your heart must be able to accommodate the entire empire and your relatives. They. Xuexing is not a bad person, it’s just that he doesn’t like you.”

Xue Qinghe narrowed his eyes, silently killed all the chess pieces of Emperor Xue Ye, and then said: "Emperors from generation to generation, ministers from generation to generation."

"Father, I can agree to the two things you said, but the premise is that Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing don't provoke me, otherwise I will not show mercy."

"Although Prince Snow Star is my uncle, he has used his status as a royal prince to bully others over the years. He can recognize Dugu Bo as a friend, but his character is not much better. For your sake, I I won’t be familiar with him, but if he really wants to offend me, I won’t tolerate his mistakes.”

Xue Qinghe's golden eyes flashed with coldness. She would let Prince Xue Xing and Xue Beng go for Emperor Xue Ye's sake, but she was not a kind-hearted person.

If Prince Xue Xing and Xue Beng really wanted to die, she wouldn't mind killing them so they could reunite with Emperor Xue Ye underground.


Emperor Xueye's face turned pale and he coughed, "Qinghe..."

"You have changed a lot. You were not before..."

He coughed violently, his body became weaker and weaker, and his hair turned completely white in an instant.


Xue Qinghe's expression remained unchanged, "You taught me."

"As a king, I must cut off everything. Even my relatives are no exception. If they block my way, I will kill them all."

"I can agree to those two things, but I will not waver in my principles."


Emperor Xue Ye wanted to say something to Xue Qinghe, but the toxins in his body suddenly broke out and he passed out in front of everyone. His face turned pale and he spit out several mouthfuls of purple blood.

"Someone is coming."

"Emperor Xueye is poisoned, please come quickly."

The scene was in panic. Xue Qinghe stood in the shadows with her eyes closed, her emotions hidden under her hair.

She looked at Emperor Xue Ye who fell to the ground, and then swept the teacup on the table to the ground.

She originally didn't want to end Emperor Xue Ye's life so quickly, but the news from the Star Luo Empire made Xue Qinghe make up her mind.

My aunts all started their careers in the Star Luo Empire, which caused the Star Luo Empire to become chaotic. As a niece, she has been in the Tiandou Empire for more than ten years. If she still can't take the throne of the Tiandou Empire, she is simply embarrassing her aunt.

The little aunt can set off a wave in the Star Luo Empire. As a niece, she cannot fall behind.

Others lose the enemy but not the team. Xue Qinghe's team loses the team but not the team. Face is very important.

After thinking about it, Xue Qinghe began to pretend to be nervous and began to arrange the follow-up. She was determined to take the throne of the Tiandou Empire.

It doesn't matter if that boy Xue Beng is disguised. If he gets in the way, she will send Xue Beng to reunite with Emperor Xue Ye.

She is not Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, but Qian Renxue, the young master of the Wuhun Palace.

She would have no sympathy for the members of the Tiandou Empire's royal family. Because her mission is to kill them and gain the throne of the Tiandou Empire.


The news that Emperor Xue Ye had passed away spread like wings across the entire continent. In almost a day, everyone on the continent knew that Emperor Xue Ye had ended his life due to his own poison. The new king of the Tiandou Empire was the crown prince Xue Qinghe. The first thing Xue Qinghe did when he came to the throne was to depose the fourth prince Xue Beng and deprive him of his royal status on the grounds that he was a rogue by nature.

Although he saved Xue Beng's life, it was more uncomfortable to be alive than to die.

His royal status was gone, so he was going to fight Xue Qinghe with his head?

Even if Xue Beng suspected that Emperor Xue Ye's poisoning was Xue Qinghe's handiwork, he had no evidence to prove it.

So he could only accept the embarrassing situation now.

Xue Qinghe became the king of the Tiandou Empire. As soon as he came to the throne, he abolished Xue Beng's royal status and prevented Xue Beng from having any chance of getting the throne. On the first day Emperor Xue Ye died, he took action against his brother Xue Beng, and Xue Qinghe's reputation suddenly worsened.

The courtiers of the Tiandou Empire had some opinions on Xue Qinghe. The king who insisted on settling accounts with their brothers despite their father's first seven was not the king they idealized.

Unfortunately, their dissatisfaction was of no use to Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe still didn't care. He was so angry that several of his courtiers bumped their heads against pillars, trying to prove their will by dying. But after their deaths, Xue Qinghe ordered people to collect their bodies, and their families were expelled from the Tiandou Empire and became criminals.

In just one day, Xue Qinghe silenced those courtiers with his iron fist.

As for Prince Xue Xing, Xue Qinghe doesn't care.


"What did you say?"

Davis' face was extremely ugly, and his voice suddenly became louder, "Xue Qinghe, this little guy!"

"Even if the Tiandou Empire rejected our alliance request, Xue Qinghe also said that he would support Wuhun Palace's actions to safeguard the independence of the Kingdom of Goodland. Isn't this just making fun of the Star Luo Empire?"

Davis couldn't calm down at all. He had some knowledge of what was happening in the Tiandou Empire, but what he didn't expect was that Xue Qinghe was a lunatic.

Not only did he deal with his brother before his father's first seven battles were over, but now he also targeted the Star Luo Empire.

Xue Qinghe becoming the emperor of the Tiandou Empire is not a good thing for the Star Luo Empire.

When the almost certain alliance was rejected, Davis didn't even need to think about his father's face to know that the matter was even more uncertain.

Before ascending the throne, Xue Qinghe was famous in the Tiandou Empire for his elegance.

Why did Xue Qinghe, who ascended the throne, become so indifferent!
Davis gritted his teeth and said: "Isn't this little guy Xue Qinghe afraid that Wuhun Palace will bite him back? Emperor Xue Ye has never passed the first seven, and he is so arrogant. He really thinks that his throne is very stable!"

Davis' eyes were filled with anger.

"Your Highness, don't get excited."

Davis' counselor said: "This matter is not good for the Star Luo Empire, so we can only endure it."

"An alliance will fail. The Xingluo Empire alone cannot deal with the Spirit Hall. Because the Tiandou Empire will bite back the Xingluo Empire. If our side is a little weaker, the Tiandou Empire will take action, which will not be good for us."

"But if we let it go, wouldn't our Star Luo Empire lose face? The kingdoms within our own territory will be independent as long as they say they are independent. Our Star Luo Empire will be a joke to the world!"

Davis' face was extremely ugly.

He also knew that this matter was not easy to handle, but he had to handle it well.

Who knew Xue Qinghe was a villain.

Davis thought of many possibilities, but he did not expect that Xue Qinghe was a villain.

Before taking the position, Xue Qinghe would still pretend. But after ascending the throne, Xue Qinghe changed.

Not only is he ruthless in his tactics, his attitude towards his subjects is also cold and ruthless. Xue Qinghe couldn't even tolerate his own brother Xue Beng, let alone others.

What happens in the Tiandou Empire will affect the Star Luo Empire, because there are only two major empires and the Spirit Hall in the entire continent that can compete.

"The Tiandou Empire has all stood up to speak out for Wuhun Palace. If they really join forces to deal with the Star Luo Empire, this is what we are worried about. The Guland Kingdom is not as safe as the Star Luo Empire. Your Highness should worry about the Star Luo Empire. It’s the foundation of the Luo Empire, not the affairs of the Gudran Kingdom.”

The counselor calmly analyzed the situation and tried to persuade Davis to change his mind about the matter.

"Xue Qinghe is simply sick!"

Davis roared angrily, his hands clenched into fists, veins bulging out, and his face looked ferocious.


Three days later, Lin Yun stood on the land of Phoenix City. After the power struggle in the first three days, the Kingdom of Gudland became completely independent. Huonuo, as the king of the Kingdom of Goodland, has been very busy these days.

From Lin Yun's point of view, he explained that Wuhun Palace and Gudlan Kingdom were co-existing, and agreed with Gudlan Kingdom's independence.

Not only Huo Nuo was busy, Lin Yun was also busy. As the young master of the Wuhun Hall, she collaborated with the Wuhun branch of the Guland Kingdom and asked them to help the Guland Kingdom.

Because Lin Yun took the initiative to reveal his identity, everyone in the continent knew that the amazingly talented young master of Wuhun Palace had come to the Kingdom of Goodland and brought new life to the Kingdom of Goodland.

The independence of the Kingdom of Gudlan is inseparable from the support of Wuhun Palace.

Lin Yun couldn't help but fall into a trance when she looked at the prosperity of Phoenix City, which was full of phoenix patterns.

She thought of many things.

When news came from the Tiandou Empire and the Xingluo Empire, Lin Yun had an indifferent attitude towards it.

The Star Luo Empire wanted to form an alliance with the Tiandou Empire, but it was impossible for Qian Renxue to agree to it. Therefore, it is impossible for the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire to join forces to deal with the Spirit Hall.

As for the death of Emperor Xue Ye, Lin Yun knew that it was Qian Renxue's handiwork. Qian Renxue didn't want Emperor Xue Ye to interfere with her actions, so she naturally killed Emperor Xue Ye.

The death of Emperor Xue Ye was not an accident, it was man-made.

Lin Yun agreed with Qian Renxue's approach. They had no way out, so they naturally had to deal with the matter decisively.

As for abolishing Xue Beng, Lin Yun didn't think much about it. Anyway, she knew that Qian Renxue would not do anything without profit, so it would definitely be good for Qian Renxue to abolish Xue Beng.

"Look, it's still desolate after all the prosperity."

Lin Yun turned around and saw the angel god Qian Yuhan sitting next to him, drinking. "Isn't the Phoenix God also in such a miserable state? Gods and humans are the same."

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