Chapter 122 The situation is tense

Regarding Huo Nuo's approach, Lin Yun had the default attitude.

She knew that Gudlan Kingdom's declaration of independence would trigger a struggle between Wuhun Palace and Star Luo Empire, but she still acquiesced.

Because Lin Yun knew better than anyone else that this war must be fought.

They have no way out.

As long as today's incident spreads, what awaits the Kingdom of Guland is the wrath of the Star Luo Empire.

This war is inevitable.

The Star Luo Empire regards the Kingdom of Guland as part of its territory. The Kingdom of Gudlan's declaration of independence is a provocation to the Star Luo Empire. Huo Nuo meant that Wuhun Palace and Gudlan Kingdom should be together.

The Star Luo Empire will not be afraid of Gudlan Kingdom alone. Because the power of a kingdom cannot compete with the Star Luo Empire.

Therefore, if the Gudlan Kingdom really wants to declare its independence, it must rely on the power of Wuhun Palace.

Lin Yun understood Huo Nuo's plan, but acquiesced in Huo Nuo's approach because she obtained the Phoenix Godhead.

If you really want to calculate carefully, helping the Huonuo family to avenge and regain the royal power is not worth the Phoenix godhead.

Lin Yun was trying to compensate Huonuo's family for their losses. In this way, she can feel at ease with this godhead.

To be a human being is to have a clear conscience and to be worthy of one's own conscience. As for the future of the Kingdom of Goodland, it is not within Lin Yun's consideration.

What she can do now is to help Wuhundian and Gudlan Kingdom begin to establish diplomatic relations.

Only when Wuhun Palace sends more manpower to the Kingdom of Guland can the Star Luo Empire's concerns be dispelled.

If the Star Luo Empire really wanted to start a war based on this, Lin Yun would have nothing to fear.

Logically speaking, Wuhun Palace is at fault for this matter, but face really means nothing in the face of reality.

In order to strive for profits, Wuhun Palace will not care about the attitude of the Star Luo Empire.

The independence of Gudlan Kingdom is a good thing for Wuhun Palace.

In this way, Lin Yun felt more comfortable holding the godhead.

She deserves herself and doesn't owe others.

"On behalf of Wuhun Palace, I support the independence of the Kingdom of Guland. Likewise, if the Star Luo Empire really wants to ignore the lives of the mainland, Wuhun Palace will take necessary measures to help you."

Lin Yun declared loudly, and she used her soul power to spread her voice so that more people could hear it.

Once you have said your words, you will naturally not regret it. Similarly, the attitude of the Star Luo Empire is not within the scope of Wuhun Palace's consideration.

Wuhun Palace had laid out a chessboard a long time ago in order to wait for an opportunity to unify the entire continent.

Lin Yun had something to hide from Huo Nuo and others, because Wuhun Palace's goal was to unify the entire continent.

Whether it is the two empires or the Kingdom of Guland, Wuhun Palace will not let them go.

Their present independence was short-lived.

Short-lived beauty, after all, exists in fantasy. Lin Yun did not expose their fantasies, but felt some compassion in his heart, allowing them to look forward to the future in this short period of time.

"Thank you, Young Master of Wuhun Palace, for your consideration."

After receiving Lin Yun's promise, Huo Nuo's eyes flashed with a smile, "With the Spirit Hall here, I don't think the Star Luo Empire will interfere with the independence of our kingdom."

"The Wuhun Palace is our greatest support."

Huo Nuo spoke loudly, her emotions affecting the emotions of the people below.

She was talking from above, and the people below were cheering. The unabashed joy on their faces clearly fell in Lin Yun's eyes.

In the firelight she shines like the sun, making people happy.

Lin Yun didn't answer, and watched them get excited with a calm face. If Lin Yun hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for Lin Yun to believe that someone was so fanatical and irrational.

Sometimes she feels that she is too rational to integrate into other people's emotions.

Their joy was not reflected in her, and it made her feel like she was beyond this world.

Lin Yun thought to himself, do gods do the same when it comes to other people's emotions?

Humans look at ants with arrogant eyes. Do gods also look at humans with arrogant eyes?

Who do humans fit into their plans?

Lin Yun was confused by this.

She could feel herself becoming calmer and colder towards others. Looking at them, Lin Yun found that his emotions had changed.

So don’t gods’ emotions resonate with human emotions?

Lin Yun thought slowly.

She remembered the words of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

The angel's throne was shattered, and for the angel god Qian Yuhan, it was just that his hard work was gone. But for Qian Renxue, this is a lifetime. Lin Yun didn't even need to think about it to guess that Qian Renxue had to bear a heavy price due to the prediction of fate.

Because Qian Renxue is an extremely proud person.

She didn't want to lose to others, nor did she want the Wuhun Palace to be damaged in her hands.

Just thinking about it, Lin Yun felt heartbroken for Qian Renxue.

Her current efforts are to rewrite the future.

The confusion in his blue eyes swept away, and a firm emotion appeared in his eyes.

Human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same, but she will prevent this from happening again.

Lin Yun thought slowly.

The red soul power lingered in the palm of her hand and turned into a cluster of flames. At that moment, it seemed to have come to life.


The lights in the Star Luo Empire's palace were brightly lit late at night. The splendid palace is full of people coming and going.

The ministers under the emperor's seat lowered their heads and did not dare to look above, with panic on their faces.

Because the news about the Kingdom of Guland reached the Star Luo Empire in less than two hours.

Now all the dignitaries and emperors of the entire Star Luo Empire knew about the independence of the Kingdom of Gudlan with the help of Wuhun Palace. With a bang, the cup was thrown to the ground with a crisp sound, and the transparent and shiny shards reflected the heavy faces of the ministers.

They were trying their best to suppress their sense of existence, for fear of touching the emperor's wrath.

As soon as the news spread, they knew something was wrong.

Because this is the territory of the Star Luo Empire. Since the establishment of the Star Luo Empire, the Kingdom of Gudlan has been a subsidiary kingdom of the Star Luo Empire and a territory belonging to the Star Luo Empire. The relationship between the Kingdom of Goodland and the Star Luo Empire has deteriorated over the years, but this cannot change the relationship that the Kingdom of Goodland is a subsidiary kingdom of the Star Luo Empire.

However, Wuhun Palace has a hand in this matter and uses the power of Wuhun Palace to declare the independence of Gudlan Kingdom. Isn't this a naked provocation to the Star Luo Empire?
Wuhundian believes that the Kingdom of Gudlan is an independent country, and what is harmed is not the interests of Wuhundian, nor the interests of mainlanders, but the interests of the Star Luo Empire.

No one can remain calm about this matter, let alone the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, which has military strength and occupies half of the human settlements on the mainland.

They could understand Emperor Xingluo's mood without even thinking.

The emperor of the Star Luo Empire, who had always been famous in Douluo Continent for his iron-blooded methods, had opinions about Wuhun Palace, but he did not express his opinion due to the strength of Wuhun Palace. Now that Wuhun Palace has announced the independence of Gudlan Kingdom, it is going against the Star Luo Empire.

Wuhundian also threatened not to allow the Star Luo Empire to interfere with the independent sovereignty of the Gudran Kingdom, otherwise it would be against the people of the entire continent.

Listening to those words, they all thought of the ugly face of Wuhun Palace. Needless to say, if this thing continues, Wuhun Palace and Xingluo Empire might start a war.

Once the war begins, there is no turning back.

The war affected not only Wuhun Palace and the Star Luo Empire, but also the people on the mainland. They do not want to start a war until the last moment.

War is the last resort and the most advantageous method.

"No one speaks? Tell me, how to solve this matter?" Emperor Xingluo said coldly, his arrogant eyes mixed with anger.

Anyone who dared to look up could naturally see his anger, but the ministers below did not dare to look up, let alone see his anger.


Davis took a cold breath and said loudly: "The immediate priority is to consolidate the dominance of the royal family in the empire. Since the Kingdom of Gudland has chosen to be with Wuhun Palace, if we really send troops for this reason, shouldn't we? Wuhun Palace thinks that the wrong side will be the Star Luo Empire. After all, the war was started by the Star Luo Empire. People in the world don't care about those reasons and only believe in what the people on the Spirit Palace side can tell. Shan Dao, public opinion is controlled by them, and we are the loser. We cannot gain the upper hand in public opinion, and the only people who will be blamed for this war will be the Star Luo Empire."

"The knife will not hurt unless it is pierced into one's body. They will not take into account the internal factors of the Star Luo Empire, and will only think that the Star Luo Empire is not generous enough. The war will last for several years, and the world will only think that our Star Luo Empire is responsible for it. The question of empire.”

Davis frowned. From the moment the news came, Davis knew something was wrong.

This is the conspiracy of Wuhun Palace. It is for the Star Luo Empire to take the initiative to provoke a war, destroy the peaceful situation of the three pillars, and let the Star Luo Empire bear the big pot!

Davis' face was extremely ugly.

What Wuhundian did was harm the interests of the Star Luo Empire, and indirectly harm his interests. When the news of Dai Mubai's death came, Davis felt very complicated.

He had thought about avenging Dai Mubai, but Wuhun Palace's purpose of executing Dai Mubai was fair and just!

Dai Mubai colluded with the soul beast and became a traitor to mankind. The Wuhun Palace thought this crime was unforgivable and executed him in public.

It was still the kind that destroyed the corpses and wiped out all traces. Even the corpses were not sent back to the Star Luo Empire.

The most ruthless emperor's family. When he learned of Dai Mubai's death, his father didn't even feel sad. Because he has many sons, including Dai Mubai.

Just because he had too many sons, he didn't need to care about their deaths. The Star Luo Empire adopts the inheritance system of the weak and the strong. If you want to survive, you must seize the throne.

The prince who does not compete for the throne must die.

Before Davis could even express his thoughts, his father announced to the public that Wuhun Palace was acting fairly. As a prince, Dai Mubai didn't take the justice of the human race to heart and joined in with the spirit beasts. This is a shame for mankind.

As soon as these words came out, Davis had no choice but to give up the idea.

In response to that sentence, there is no family affection in the royal family, there are only interests. They will only talk about one or two family ties when their interests are not in contact.

If interests are involved, the family affection will be gone.

"Do you mean that the Star Luo Empire will swallow its anger and not let Wuhun Palace's conspiracy come true?"

Emperor Xingluo looked at Davis coldly, his eyes full of coldness. The previous anger completely dissipated, leaving him with endless coldness.

From Davis's words, he understood what Davis was like. He has the indifference that a king should have, and he also has the right and wrong, but he lacks the human touch. It's not that Davis' ability is not good, but that he loses his original intention because he thinks too much about the consequences.

As a king, you should make decisions when you have to. There is no way to be indecisive.

"Yes, Father."

Davis nodded bravely, "We can only endure it. Because of Dai Mubai's previous incident, the soul masters in the mainland are dissatisfied with the Star Luo Empire. If we stop the Spirit Palace in this matter and interfere with the ancient The independence of the Delan Kingdom...the anger of those soul masters will be vented on the Star Luo Empire. The Wuhun Palace has always controlled public opinion. In this case, we don't need to go head-to-head with the Wuhun Palace. It is better to bring the Tiandou Empire together. The Wuhun Palace exerts pressure."

According to Davis, this is the best way. This matter cannot let the Xingluo Empire suffer unilaterally, but it is better to bring the Tiandou Empire into play.

With the Tiandou Empire coming forward, public opinion will not be overwhelming when the time comes, and it will be the most beneficial situation for the Star Luo Empire.

The two empires had long been dissatisfied with Wuhun Palace. This matter will not only harm the interests of the Star Luo Empire, but as long as the Tiandou Empire shows up, this matter will be easily solved.

The two empires put pressure on each other at the same time. Even if Wuhun Palace dominates the public opinion, it will not affect the Star Luo Empire.

"You have a lot of ideas."

"Just follow your thoughts, I want to see your abilities. Davis, Dai Mubai is dead, and you are the only one in the Star Luo Empire royal family who can inherit the throne of the Star Luo Empire. Your abilities are recognized by many ministers , but I think you are not enough now, so I will leave this matter to you."


Davis lowered his head and looked at the ground, "I will not let my father down."

Rather than valuing his ability, it is more of a test for him. If he can't even pass this test, I'm afraid his throne will be far away.


One day later, Xue Qinghe from the Tiandou Empire Palace came to Emperor Xue Ye with a calm expression.

"Father, I heard from Akko that you have something to ask me about."

A smile suddenly appeared on Xue Qinghe's face, and his eyes were filled with smiles. He is used to pretending to the outside world, using a smile to hide his true emotions.

"Qinghe, what do you think about the independence of the Kingdom of Gudland?"

Emperor Xue Ye coughed, his face was pale and his hair was all white. He has been poisoned for many years and his time is running out.

After Dugubo's death, his life entered a countdown. At the end of his life, he wanted to train Xue Qinghe well so that Xue Qinghe could take on the heavy responsibility of the Tiandou Empire.

When the news came from Gulan Kingdom, Emperor Xueye knew that Wuhun Palace was taking action.

The Wuhun Palace wouldn't give him much time to prepare.

"There is news from the Star Luo Empire that they will form an alliance with the Tiandou Empire to fight against the Spirit Hall."

Xue Qinghe's face became solemn, "What I mean is that I don't agree to the alliance. Because this matter is a conflict between the Kingdom of Gudlan and the Star Luo Empire, and has nothing to do with Wuhun Palace and the Star Luo Empire. If the Tiandou Empire really agrees with Things will be different if the Star Luo Empire forms an alliance to deal with Wuhun Palace.”

The meaning of the Star Luo Empire is very obvious, Xue Qinghe will not follow the ideas of the Star Luo Empire.

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