Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 121 The Kingdom of Goodland will be with Wuhun Palace

Chapter 121 The Kingdom of Goodland will be with Wuhun Palace
The sword of the Phoenix Divine Sword is engraved with a lifelike phoenix, giving Lin Yun the feeling that it is about to spread its wings and fly high.

It was a huge surprise for Lin Yun to obtain the Phoenix Godhead, and the Phoenix God Sword was an unexpected blessing.

Super artifact, as soon as these three words came out, Lin Yun could feel everyone's greedy eyes falling on his hand.

Who doesn’t crave artifacts?

This is an artifact that exists in legend!

God, a vague word, is the end of the training life of the soul masters of Douluo Continent.

Who doesn't want to be a god?
Now that the artifact is right in front of us, that greed cannot be stopped.

Lin Yun snorted coldly, and a powerful aura emerged from her body.

As soon as the red soul ring appeared, it instantly attracted everyone's attention. As soon as this soul ring appeared, their greedy eyes were somewhat restrained.

This is a hundred thousand year soul ring.

With a hundred thousand year soul ring around, how could they dare to be so presumptuous?

The greatest treasure in the soul master world is the hundred thousand year soul ring.

In people's impression, the person who can obtain a hundred thousand year soul ring must be a titled Douluo. Therefore, a person with a hundred thousand year soul ring is also at the Title Douluo level.

A titled Douluo has obtained the godhead, but they don't have the guts to grab it.

Isn't that seeking death? That's a Titled Douluo!
In the absence of gods, Titled Douluo is the strongest in human recorded history.

Although there are levels of classification among Titled Douluo, ordinary people are no match for powerful Titled Douluo.

As soon as he took hold of the Phoenix Divine Sword, the hot temperature spread from the palm of his hand throughout his body. Lin Yun's pupils shrank slightly, and the red soul power appeared again.

Lin Yun knew in his heart that this was the Phoenix Divine Sword's test for him. Choosing the master of the Excalibur depends on its ability.

The more powerful the weapon, the more powerful it needs a powerful owner to prove its worth.

Lin Yun silently accepted the test of the flames. The Phoenix Divine Fire left burn marks on the palms of her hands, and the hot breath spread through her body to her body and mind.

Lin Yun's expression remained unchanged and he allowed the flames to burn on his body. The hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring shone brightly, and its red soul power competed with the Phoenix Divine Fire of the Phoenix Divine Sword.

Being in the middle of the two forces, Lin Yun's feeling was indeed wonderful, but she gritted her teeth and persisted.

Because she wants to become stronger and stronger than anyone else.

She never admits defeat, so naturally she doesn't want to be defeated by the Phoenix Divine Fire.

The Phoenix Divine Fire could burn her body, but it couldn't burn her spirit.

Lin Yun noticed the trembling sound through the sword. Her eyes flashed with surprise. A red magic circle appeared on the sword of the Phoenix Divine Sword. It was a contract.

Phoenix Divine Sword and Lin Yun signed a master-servant contract. A red pattern appeared on the palm of her hand, which was a miniature version of the Phoenix Divine Sword.

Lin Yun's eyes were a little dazed, because the formation was familiar and reminded her of her previous life.

Lin Yun thought to himself that this was definitely his illusion.

There are so many coincidences.

"It's an honor for the Phoenix Divine Sword to be by your side, respected heir to the bloodline of the Angel God."

Huo Jing said happily.

The Phoenix Divine Sword can recognize its master again, which shows that the Phoenix Divine Sword should not be forgotten by the world. This is a great joy for them.

Lin Yun, holding the Phoenix Divine Sword in his hand and his body filled with Phoenix Divine Fire, looked at them calmly.

She could feel the Phoenix Godhead changing her body.

With the coordination of the Phoenix Godhead, the overbearing Phoenix Divine Fire did not destroy Lin Yun's body.

"Before that, I have a question."

"You say."

"You knew that the Phoenix clan would encounter this disaster, but you still chose to stand aside. Is it to stay out of it or to wait for a chance of survival? I'm wondering if there is something wrong with my thinking."

From the moment Huo Jing and Huo Cheng appeared, Lin Yun knew that the Phoenix clan's disaster was doomed.

As ancestors, they knew that a disaster was about to happen but chose to watch. This approach reminded Lin Yun of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

It's not that Lin Yun is dissatisfied with the angel god Qian Yuhan, but that their ideas are different.

Lin Yun wanted to help others within his ability, while the angel god Qian Yuhan wanted to be alone.

Everyone has their own choices and their own selfish desires, and gods are no exception.

Lin Yun never felt that there was anything wrong with Angel God Qian Yuhan's idea, but he was still a little confused in his heart.

Looking at things too rationally makes him indifferent. Lin Yun doesn't want to lose his original intention.

Huo Jing was silent for a moment, and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "I can help them for a while, but I can't help them for a lifetime. God is going to destroy the Phoenix clan, and even if we appear, we can't change the outcome. The only one they can rely on is themselves, even if I am their ancestor , even the sons of demigods who have inherited the blood of gods cannot change their experiences."

"Everyone in the world has their own cause and effect, and we cannot forcefully get involved. Things in the world are unpredictable, and the final change depends entirely on ourselves. If Huo Xuan doesn't seize this glimmer of hope, then it's better for her to be an ordinary person for the rest of her life. If Huo Dong really has the ability to govern the country Yes, maybe the Phoenix Clan can still exist. If not, please ask the flames to burn everything, so that the Phoenix Clan can be reborn in the flames. I know my approach is very cold, but reality will not give you a choice."

Huo Jing's tone became serious, this was her idea.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people.

The future of the Phoenix clan depends on their own will, and Huo Jing and his two ancestors will not interfere.

Their only duty is to protect the throne, and they have existed in the world as guardians of the Phoenix throne for hundreds of thousands of years.

"It's all about fate."

"But what if I don't believe in fate?"

Lin Yun understood her thoughts from her vicissitudes of tone, but Lin Yun disagreed.

Blindly avoiding it will only put yourself in a desperate situation.

If reality were that good, people wouldn't be stuck in pain and unable to wake up.


Huo Jing's mouth twitched, but she did not refute Lin Yun's words.

This seems to her to be a very irrational question.

It doesn't matter whether you believe in fate or not.

Lin Yun ignored her, but turned his head to look in the direction of Huo Xuan and Huo Nuo, and said to himself: "The flowers that bloom in times of crisis are undoubtedly beautiful."

"Look, such beauty attracts people's attention." "This is incomparable to other things."

Huo Jing didn't say anything, she understood what Lin Yun meant.

She narrowed her eyes and stepped on the void with every step. She stood above the palace and said calmly: "I, the daughter of the Phoenix and the ancestor of the Phoenix clan, Huo Jing, hereby announce that the new king of the Kingdom of Gudland will be from now on. Huo Nuo, the royal princess of the Kingdom of Lan, is in charge of killing the rebel Huo Dong’s gang and avenge the tragic death of the royal family of the Kingdom of Guland.”

Her voice was solemn and powerful, spreading throughout the entire Kingdom of Goodland through her soul power.

At that moment, the people who heard the sound raised their heads and looked at the sky. The direction pointed by the fire was where their beliefs gathered.

Under the influence of Huo Jing's words, the Kingdom of Goodland began to fall into chaos. The people began to become agitated. They could not understand that the king they had trusted for a long time was actually a traitor, or a traitor who stepped on the corpses of his relatives and sat on the throne of the king.

Where the firelight gathered, red light flashed into everyone's eyes. Under the reflection of the firelight, Huo Nuo stood calmly and gracefully under the red light.

The dignified and calm-faced Huo Nuo showed the domineering power of a king. A royal princess who has never received an elite education would normally be timid in big scenes, but from the moment she stood here, Huo Nuo felt no timidity in her heart.

She felt calm in her heart, and the familiarity made her feel like she had seen this scene many times.

She did not show her timidity and faced everyone with a calm attitude, "Dear people of the Kingdom of Gudland, I, Huonuo, am honored to be your king and lead you to a prosperous life. I am with you at this moment. exist."

"Due to the power struggle of the previous generation of the royal family, my grandmother, Princess Huoxuan, the daughter of the previous king, was forced to flee for decades. Today, decades later, we kill our enemies and avenge the royal family members. In the ancestors With the support of the Phoenix clan, I am now the purest bloodline of the Phoenix clan. I am honored to be your king and lead you to rebuild the glory of the Phoenix clan. The country born because of the Phoenix will eventually rush into the fire like the Phoenix. To achieve nirvana.”

"I, Huonuo, hereby swear that I will live up to the people of the Kingdom of Gudland."

Under the red light, Huo Nuo's calm expression attracted everyone's attention. In full view of everyone, flames came from the sky and landed steadily on her head. A red crown quietly appeared with a phoenix pattern on it.

The red sky continued to spread, and red light adorned the entire palace. Under the red light, the palace looked very small.

The Phoenix Crown, inlaid with countless rubies and representing the rights of the King of Goodland, once again appeared in the hands of the Phoenix clan after decades.

Seeing a crown is like seeing a king. The king recognized by the Phoenix Crown is the king of the Kingdom of Goodland. Huodong was able to become the monarch of the Kingdom of Goodland with the support of everyone because he was the only one in the royal family of the Kingdom of Goodland to survive.

The people of the Kingdom of Guland, who regard the Phoenix as their lifelong belief, only believe in the royal family with the blood of the Phoenix God.

Therefore, before the Phoenix Crown appeared, Huodong could firmly sit on the throne of the Kingdom of Goodland.

But the moment the Phoenix Crown appeared, it was undoubtedly clear that Huo Nuo was the legitimate king.

Only the king recognized by the Phoenix Crown can be the king of the Kingdom of Goodland.

"See you, my king!"

"My king is a thousand years old!"

After all, the Kingdom of Gudlan is a subsidiary kingdom of the Star Luo Empire, which means that the king can only be called thousand years and other titles, instead of long live like the Star Luo Empire.

Seeing this scene, Huo Jing used the flames to condense a scepter. It was about one meter long and was inlaid with countless gems. It was a red scepter. It had a popular name called the Phoenix Scepter.

Like the Phoenix Crown, it symbolizes the king of the Kingdom of Goodland. A king who is not recognized by them is not an orthodox king.

Huo Nuo, wearing the Phoenix Crown on his head and holding the Phoenix Scepter in his hand, was recognized by the people of the Kingdom of Goodland.

Countless eyes focused on her body, and the red light highlighted the gorgeousness of her red dress.

At this moment, she was as dazzling as a flame, and this scene was enough to be remembered in everyone's hearts.

This is their king, the king of Gudran.

"The throne of the Phoenix clan can be regained from the hands of the rebels, thanks to the help of Wuhun Palace. From now on, I declare that the Kingdom of Goodland will be with Wuhun Palace. The Kingdom of Guland and Wuhun Palace will work together. ”

"From today on, the Kingdom of Gudlan will be separated from the name of a subsidiary kingdom of the Star Luo Empire and become an independent kingdom."

"My people, defend our country with your blood and loyalty."

Huo Nuo announced loudly that Gudlan Kingdom would be with Wuhun Palace and would no longer become a subsidiary kingdom of Star Luo Empire.

This is what Huonuo had planned from the beginning.

When her great revenge was avenged, she was very grateful to Lin Yun and Wuhundian. Without Lin Yun, they wouldn't even have a chance to take revenge, let alone regain the power of the Kingdom of Goodland.

As for the Star Luo Empire, Huo Nuo was not interested.

When they needed help, the Star Luo Empire chose to remain silent, which showed that they did not care about the people in power in the Kingdom of Goodland, as long as the Kingdom of Goodland was still under the control of the Star Luo Empire.

The monarch has been indifferent since ancient times, but when this happened to Huo Nuo, it was the interests of Huo Nuo and others that were lost. She naturally disliked the Xingluo Empire.

Although the Kingdom of Gudlan is a subsidiary kingdom of the Star Luo Empire, she does not consider herself to be a member of the Star Luo Empire.

Ever since the Star Luo Empire established its major kingdoms, their hearts have never been together.

The Star Luo Empire has the default attitude, so Huo Nuo will not let the Kingdom of Guland become a subsidiary kingdom.

Rebellion burned in her heart.

Hearing Huo Nuo's words, Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, and then acquiesced to the matter.

Effortlessly taking away the Kingdom of Guland from the hands of the Star Luo Empire and making the Kingdom of Guland a part of the Spirit Hall was a good thing for Lin Yun.

Although her previous purpose was to keep the bloodline of the Phoenix clan in Wuhun Palace and increase the strength of Wuhun Palace, she also cared about the power of Gudlan Kingdom.

However, they had made an agreement before, and Lin Yun did not have to break the agreement between them.

Therefore, Huo Nuo's actions were unexpected by Lin Yun.

The unexpected is full of surprises.

Seeing Lin Yun's calm attitude, Huo Nuo felt relieved. She was quite afraid that Lin Yun would be disgusted by her arbitrary decisions.

After all, the conflict between the two empires and Wuhun Palace has been building up for a long time but has not erupted yet. This shows that all three parties have their own ideas. It would be bad if her arbitrary opinions ruined Wuhundian's plans and made the Kingdom of Guland the trigger for war.

The calmer Lin Yun was, the more relieved Huo Nuo was.

"Swear to defend the country to the death!"

The crowd erupted with violent voices, echoing Huo Nuo's words.

Their eyes turned red. The people of the kingdoms affiliated with the Star Luo Empire have always wanted to break away from the empire's control and become an independent country.

They are the subjects of the Guland Kingdom, not the Star Luo Empire.

So inspired by Huo Nuo's words, they responded loudly and agreed with their king's words.

"The Kingdom of Gudlan has shown sincerity, and the Wuhun Palace will also show sincerity."

Lin Yun said calmly, "Martial Soul Hall will help you compete with the Star Luo Empire."

"I, the young master of Wuhun Palace, Lin Yun, hereby declare that the Kingdom of Gudlan has nothing to do with the Star Luo Empire and is an independent kingdom."

"If the Star Luo Empire hinders the independence of the Kingdom of Gudland, it will start a war on the mainland."

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