Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 120 The Oath of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 120 The Oath of Heaven and Earth
The red silk thread suddenly moved forward, passing over the guard next to him and tying up Huo Dong, who was wearing a formal dress.

It turned out that when the fire lit up and the ground shook, the movement here attracted the attention of everyone in the palace.

Huodong, who had not yet fallen asleep, hurried over with people.

He was originally chatting in the bedroom to discuss the next plan. But the movement here attracted his attention.

In less than five minutes, Huo Dong rushed over wearing regular clothes, and was tied up in mid-air by red silk threads.

Before he had time to react, hot temperature came from the red thread.

Huo Dong screamed, and his pupils shrank slightly because he saw a familiar figure, that was his sister Huo Xuan.

Huo Dong wanted to shout insults at Huo Xuan, but his eyes were attracted by Huo Jing and Huo Cheng.

If he saw it correctly, these two people were exactly the same as the characters in the portraits of their ancestors.

That was the ancestor of their family, derived from the legendary figure - the Son of the Phoenix.

"Open the inheritance of the divine throne with the blood of the sinner Huodong, and open the inheritance palace with the power of the Phoenix family's ten thousand years of faith."

The red silk thread drew red marks, and bright red blood flowed down. Huodong's mouth was covered by red thread. Pain spread throughout his body, his face turned pale, and his blood continued to drain.

As his consciousness faded and he was on the verge of death, he saw the resentful eyes of his relatives.

"Huodong, suffer death."

The voices echoed in his head.

Huo Xuan stood up, a look of determination on her scarred face. She held a dagger in her hand and stabbed it straight into her heart, muttering, "I use the power of my bloodline to start the inheritance of the divine position here."

After Huo Dong died, she had no face to face those tribesmen who died tragically because of her, and just wanted to die to wash away her own pain.

Lin Yun's hand quickly stopped her dagger and stopped her movement.

Huo Jing raised her eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Why bother spending your life for other people's mistakes? You have done a good job, you have endured the pain, and you are already feeling uncomfortable inside. Why push yourself too hastily?"

"Huodong's mistakes have nothing to do with you. You are a victim and there is no need to bear these mistakes."

Huo Jing knew the ins and outs of the matter better than anyone else, and she understood even more that this was a disaster for the Phoenix clan.

Without Huo Xuan as the starting point, there would be others. To put it bluntly, once a person's desires begin, they are uncontrollable.

This is the human heart, don't use your own methods to measure it.

Compared to Huo Jing's euphemism, Lin Yun was more straightforward.

"Who will help your granddaughter Huo Nuo if you die? Do you expect Wuhundian? She has never received an elite education. Do you expect her to manage a country well? Or do you plan to leave the power of this country to Wuhundian? In the hands of Soul Palace? In this case, it is better to promise this country to Wuhun Palace as a condition from the beginning, so that your granddaughter does not have to pay such a high price."

Lin Yun didn't feel sorry for Huo Xuan, but felt that her behavior was unnecessary.

Do you really think that dying to atone for your sins will make you feel better? No, only those who love you will hate and those who hate you will be happy.

It is obvious that the blood of the enemy has been used to start the inheritance of the divine throne, so why bother?

Huo Xuan's behavior made it difficult for Lin Yun to empathize.


Huo Nuo said softly, with worry in his red eyes, "Yes, I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I need you grandma."

Huo Xuan did not speak, but looked at Huo Dong who was tied up in mid-air. Her expression relaxed.

Yes, why did she choose this path.

"Let go of the king!"

Only at this moment did the soldiers react, pick up their weapons and fight them.

Lin Yun waved his hand, and the red soul power hit them, and the weapons were shot down to the ground.

They couldn't even move, and the pressure made their breathing quicken.

Red blood fell on the ground and merged into the red six-pointed star formation. In an instant, the magic circle spread around with Huo Jing as the center, and the red color of the sky became more and more vivid.

Red light spots emerged from everyone's bodies, and red light spots also appeared in the entire palace. They were the beliefs that the Phoenix clan had collected for hundreds of thousands of years.

The entire palace was shrouded in red light, and the rich smell of blood spread into the nose. A red magic circle unfolded in mid-air, and misty singing came from afar.

The red phoenix spreads its wings and flies high, and its crisp chirping sound reaches my ears. At that moment, people throughout the Kingdom of Goodland witnessed a miracle.

Red flames burned in the sky along with the red phoenix, and the red figure stood in front of it.

That flash of red was particularly dazzling, and the blazing temperature swept over it, affecting everyone's souls.


The resonance from the blood made Huo Xuan and Huo Nuo's bodies tremble, and their eyes fell upward.

Lin Yun's expression became serious, and she could feel an extremely terrifying power.

This power is stronger than the pressure brought by Poseidon, the god of the sea.

Is this the power of a god king?
Angel God Qian Yuhan's guess is right. This is really the Phoenix God's throne that the God Realm has been searching for for hundreds of thousands of years but has not found.

As long as she has this godhead, her ambitions can be realized.

Huo Jing and Huo Cheng stood together, their expressions becoming serious.


The red phoenix in the sky speaks human words, and its huge body is enough to envelope the entire Kingdom of Goodland.

Lin Yun frowned, and his intuition told Lin Yun that it was calling him.

Trusting his intuition, he walked alone to the center of the red hexagram array and raised his head to look at the red fire phoenix.

Although its transparent body is large, its weakness can be glimpsed. It is the state of the soul.

It makes sense when you think about it, there are hundreds of thousands of years between them.

"I am the god of phoenix and the ancestor of soul beasts."

"Lin Yun, a direct descendant of the Angels of Wuhun Palace."

Lin Yun's expression became serious, and she looked at it solemnly. She knew it had something to say.

Usually this kind of beginning must be about agreeing to some conditions.

Lin Yun had an indifferent attitude.

It is inevitable to use other people's things to agree to other people's conditions.

The reason why he didn't rob directly was because Lin Yun felt that he hadn't reached that point yet.

"If you want to use my divine power, I agree. You must slaughter the entire God Realm to avenge me."

"Kill the gods of the gods!"

Lin Yun didn't respond immediately because she was waiting for the arrival of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

In fact, the Phoenix God's purpose was the same as hers, so Lin Yun could agree directly. After all, their ideas did not conflict.

Sooner or later, she will go to the God Realm and kill the gods who set up a chessboard with all living beings as their chessboard.

However, active and passive are different.

"Promise to it."

A misty voice sounded behind Lin Yun, "Dear Phoenix God King, we meet you again after hundreds of thousands of years."

Angel God Qian Yuhan said lightly, his golden eyes staring at the huge body in the sky.

Phoenix glanced at the angel god Qian Yuhan with his huge beast eyes, but said nothing.


Only then did Lin Yun respond. The next moment, the sky was torn apart, and a red ball of light came towards Lin Yun with blazing flames.

The red light ball fell into Lin Yun's hand and blended into her body under her surprised gaze. The red phoenix eyebrow mark appeared between Lin Yun's eyebrows, and her whole aura changed completely.

Lin Yun can feel its existence and status.

After hundreds of thousands of years of destruction, its condition was not good, but its surging power still reassured Lin Yun.

Is this a godhead at the level of a god king? It is indeed different.

That pressure was the strongest Lin Yun had ever seen when he came to this world.

"I swear by my soul. If you break the oath, your soul will fly away. Kill all the gods in the divine world except the angel god."

"it is good."

As soon as their voices fell, heaven and earth trembled. Obviously, their oath has been certified by heaven and earth.

Under the witness of heaven and earth, anyone who breaks the oath must accept its punishment.

The next moment, the phoenix's body disappeared from everyone's eyes, and its huge body melted into red light spots, converging on the palace of the Kingdom of Goodland, blending into the palace of inheritance, and turning into the power of divine inheritance.

Red flames burned the entire palace, and a palace appeared from mid-air amid the flames.

That is the palace of Phoenix’s divine throne inheritance.

Lin Yun felt strange because the Phoenix God's divinity was in her hands. Why is the inheritance of the Phoenix God's throne still open?

Isn’t it said that a god has only one godhead? The God of Phoenix is ​​a god at the level of a god king. Its divinity is in Lin Yun's hands. Logically speaking, it is impossible for a place to inherit the god's throne, let alone conduct an assessment for the inheritance of the god's throne.

The divine power is in Lin Yun's hands. As long as she can use it well, she can become a god in one fell swoop.

Besides, this godhead has long been dimmed after hundreds of thousands of years, and it needs Lin Yun to repair it.

In this case, she did not think that the godhead could inherit the Phoenix position.

"I won't suffer any loss at all."

Angel God Qian Yuhan said calmly, "The godhead given to you is the godhead of the Phoenix Godhead at the God King level. What you are inheriting now is the Phoenix Godhead of the second level god, which has nothing to do with the Phoenix Godhead at the God King level. "

"How can a second-level god and a god-king be the same?"

Lin Yun sneered after hearing Angel God Qian Yuhan's explanation.

Good guy, it turned out to be a word game.

What is the relationship between the second-level god-level phoenix god and the god-king-level phoenix god that is currently being passed down?

It can be seen from this that the Phoenix God is a god who must retaliate. If it hadn't fallen for hundreds of thousands of years, perhaps the God Realm really wouldn't be able to reap the benefits.

However, will the gods in the divine world really not notice that it is playing word games?

"Do not worry."

Angel God Qian Yuhan glanced at Lin Yun, quickly guessed her thoughts, and said softly: "The strength of the five surviving god kings in that era was nothing. Otherwise, they would not be looking for hundreds of thousands of Phoenix Gods. Haven’t been able to find it for years.”

Angel God Qian Yuhan signaled Lin Yun to relax.

They have spent hundreds of thousands of years unable to find the Phoenix God, which shows that the Phoenix God has the ability to evade their perception.

If the Phoenix God dares to give Lin Yun his divine power, the Phoenix God will definitely be prepared.

Lin Yun also understood what the Phoenix God meant. If you want godhood, you must repair your godhood. The godhead was given to Lin Yun, and it didn't matter to him which godhead he turned into.

As long as Lin Yun can fulfill their vows.

With a Broken Godhead at the level of a God King, Lin Yun had much fewer restrictions.


Seeing that the angel god Qian Yuhan was confident, Lin Yun felt relieved.

She does not doubt the judgment of the angel god Qian Yuhan. Those who come here can see more clearly than herself.

"Then this divine throne will be passed down by their own people?"

"Just let nature take its course."

The figure of the angel god Qian Yuhan disappeared from the place. Time started to move where it had stopped. It turns out that the angel god Qian Yuhan blocked time as soon as he appeared, allowing them to stay in the previous time, thus ignoring the arrival of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Lin Yun's eyes fell on Huo Xuan and Huo Nuo. They stood in the red six-pointed star circle and closed their eyes to pray.


Huo Jing smiled slightly at Lin Yun, "The inheritor of the bloodline of the God of Angels."

Her smile is as bright as the sun and is unforgettable.

"Thank you."

Lin Yun's face turned slightly red and he said, "What are they doing?"

“Pray for the afterlife for their departed relatives.”

Huo Jing said calmly, "This is a disaster for the Phoenix clan, and no one can stop it."

When Lin Yun heard this, he frowned and felt a little uncomfortable. These words were very similar to what the angel god Qian Yuhan meant, but they made people very uncomfortable.

This disaster could not be prevented, but they chose to stand by and watch. Perhaps, they are not the ones suffering, and their feelings will not be too deep.

She is not qualified to ask others to empathize with this matter.

No one can tolerate others all the time.

Lin Yun was relieved about this matter. It was better to rely on others than on himself.

You can only rely on yourself when danger comes.

Instead of expecting compassion from others, it is better to rely on your own strength to achieve success step by step.

Huo Jing glanced at Lin Yun meaningfully and said, "He is worthy of being appreciated by his father. This kind of character is beyond our reach."

"They won't dwell on this sadness because there are more important things waiting for them."

Huo Jing has seen countless people, so she naturally saw Lin Yun's little thoughts. But she didn't expect Lin Yun to put down these thoughts so quickly.

He is indeed a thoughtful person.


Lin Yun responded, then withdrew his eyes. She is ready to leave here.

The biggest gain from this trip to the Kingdom of Goodland is the Phoenix Godhead. Even if the Phoenix Godhead is in a broken state, Lin Yun is still happy.

Because this is a divine king-level godhead.

If she wants to become a god in the future, she must have godhood.

Now her strength has reached level ninety-seven, which is only two levels away from level ninety-nine.

"Please wait a moment."

Huo Jing stopped Lin Yun, her voice became excited, "My father asked me to give this weapon to you."

"This sword is called the Phoenix Divine Sword. It can kill all evil thoughts in the world, and its Fire Phoenix Divine Fire can burn all impurities in the world."

"This is my father's artifact during his lifetime, and its quality is a super artifact."

"This is the divine sword accompanying the Phoenix Godhead. Now that the Phoenix Godhead is in your body, this divine sword should also be in your hands."

A long red sword appeared in Huo Jing's hand. It was one meter long. The sword was red and inlaid with red gems. There was a hollow on the hilt to facilitate holding the sword.

This gorgeous divine sword emits a red light the moment it appears.

That powerful momentum made Lin Yun's eyes light up.

Lin Yun understood what Huo Jing meant.

The phoenix god of the second level god is not worthy of this divine sword.

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