Chapter 119 Huo Jing
In the early hours of the morning, the palace of the Kingdom of Goodland was silent. The lights are brightly lit in the deep chamber.

After a busy day, the monarch of the Kingdom of Goodland, Huo Dong, is currently in the queen's palace.

They have been married for decades and are as loving as ever. Their love was also regarded as a good story in the Kingdom of Gudland and praised by people.

The love story of the king and the queen is enviable.

However, while people are envious, they are also worried about the future of the Kingdom of Guland. Because the king and queen had no children born.

They checked the body countless times and the results showed that both parties were normal. Why he had no heirs was a question that even the court physicians found strange.

After the king succeeded to the throne, everyone in the royal family of the Kingdom of Gudran disappeared except him overnight. Therefore, there are no collateral children who can be adopted by the king. The Kingdom of Gudland focuses on blood.

It is obvious that after the death of this king, the power of the Kingdom of Gudran will collapse.

The bloodline of the Phoenix God that the people aspire to cannot tolerate the blasphemy of others. Even if those people have other ideas, they will not be exposed while the king is still alive.

"Have you not found her whereabouts yet? If she has a son and a half, we can solve our problems. Brother Dong, I can't give birth to a child for you. I'm sorry for you, but I don't want the royal family of the Kingdom of Guland to continue for thousands of years. The bloodline of Nian has been cut off in your generation."

"If this happens, I will be a sinner!"

The queen's eyes were filled with tears, and her haggard face showed worry. She was willing to give up her husband's throne because she had not given birth to a child.

This is a big taboo in the Kingdom of Guland. If her husband hadn't loved her deeply, she would have been abolished long ago and became a deposed queen.

When she was young, she thought about trying to give birth to a child to continue her husband's and her own bloodline, but after decades, she had resigned herself to her fate.

What she wants now is to preserve the glory of the royal family of the Kingdom of Goodland.

She did not want her husband to bear the infamy of future generations because of her selfishness. She has no offspring, and she has been sorry for her husband.

"I said, it's not your problem, it's my family's bloodline problem. Before you, our family had blood intermarriage for generations, which led to problems with our bloodline. Even if our bodies are normal, you and I Children cannot be born with the blood of Phoenix. Only women with Phoenix blood can give birth to offspring with Phoenix blood. So we have no offspring. It is my family's problem and has nothing to do with you. Don't put the responsibility on yourself. Make you suffer.”

Huo Dong softly used words to calm his wife's emotions, his eyes filled with tenderness.

The slightly pale face was gentle, and the thick dress covered his thin body.

Huo Dong has short red hair, a pair of red eyes like flames, and fair skin that makes his appearance more feminine.

His cold temperament brought out his violence.

Judging from the appearance, Huo Dong is only a little over 20 years old. In fact, he is eighty years old this year and is an old man, but he looks very young.

Because his soul power level is level 81, he is a Contra and the strongest man in the Kingdom of Gudland.

"Brother Dong, I don't believe you. I know you are trying to comfort me, but I am in so much pain."

Su Hongwen sighed, with more tears in her eyes, "Those people don't know, don't I know? The blood of the royal family of the Kingdom of Goodland is not the blood of God at all, and those legends are all lies. How can there be such a coincidence? It must be because of my own problems that I have no heirs."

"I don't want you to bear the infamy of future generations. They will say that you are a foolish king who doesn't even care about children for the sake of love..."

Huo Dong wiped away the tears on her face and said softly: "Awen, I have been prepared to have no heirs since I chose you."

"I have made these plans decades ago."

Huodong's red eyes flashed with annoyance, "Don't blame yourself, I will find her." Then kill her.

He did not believe that Huo Xuan would not give birth to an heir.

As long as you find Huo Xuan, kill Huo Xuan and take away her offspring, and then snatch them and train them, you can solve their problem of heirs.

Huo Dong never regrets his decision.

He only wanted to spend this life hand in hand with Su Hongwen.

"What I said is true."

"My family is truly inherited from the blood of gods. The blood of gods cannot be mixed with the blood of mortals, so we have no children. But in order to reproduce, our blood has another characteristic, that is, women with the blood of Phoenix can marry foreigners. Men get married and produce offspring. You and I will not have children, but Huo Xuan can have children with other people. I have been looking for her for decades, but I don’t believe that Huo Xuan is really dead."

"She will definitely find me!"

Huo Dong gently hugged his wife and said softly: "Don't cry anymore, I feel sorry for her."

Su Hongwen cried silently without speaking, her eyes turned red.

This is what makes her sad.

Without children, she felt sorry for her husband and the people of the Kingdom of Gudland.

Because of the issue of the heir, she also suffered a lot of infamy, and her family repeatedly tried to persuade her to persuade Huo Dong to accept the harem and give birth to an heir to carry on the royal bloodline.

It’s not like she didn’t persuade her, but she gave up later.

Because she really doesn't want to share her husband with another woman.

She is a selfish woman.


"This way."

Huo Xuan walked in front to lead the way for Lin Yun and others. With her brisk movements, she broke into the palace beyond the sight of the guards.

"No need to bother."

Lin Yun suddenly reached out and took Huo Xuan's hand, motioning her to stay where she was and not move.

The next moment, fine powder appeared in Lin Yun's hand. She waved her hand, and the red soul power drove the powder into the air. The guards who stood motionless quickly inhaled the powder.

In less than three seconds, the weapons fell to the ground with a clang, and the bodies of the guards fell to the ground, their eyes tightly closed.

The power of the medicine can be seen from their sleeping faces. In less than five seconds, they were all on the ground.

This drug was developed by Lin Yun a long time ago. It is a modified and enhanced version based on the soul master's physique.

Without soul protection, once you inhale the incense, you will fall to the ground within three seconds. If there is soul power to protect the body, it can only last for one minute. Of course, this incense is only effective for soul masters below the soul emperor.

The soul protection of soul masters above Soul Emperor can resist this incense.

Lin Yun didn't think there would be soul masters of the soul emperor level as guards in the palace of the Kingdom of Guland.

The reason is simple. The Kingdom of Gudlan's status in the Star Luo Empire is not high. Even though it borders Wuhun City where Wuhun Palace is located, Gudlan Kingdom only accounts for the majority of the Star Luo Empire economically, and the rest are really not that good.

Not to mention, the Kingdom of Guland is a royal bloodline system. In other words, every generation of kings is born from the royal family, and their loyalty to the Star Luo Empire is really not high.

Under such circumstances, it would be difficult for the Kingdom of Guland to obtain funding from the Star Luo Empire.

"This drug is so strong."

Huo Nuo was stunned for a moment, looking at the soldiers who fell to the ground, she couldn't help but sigh.

The effect of this drug was so fast that they fell down in just a few seconds.

That's fine, it makes it easier for them to do things.

"It's okay. It's only effective for soul masters below the Soul Emperor. Soul masters above the Soul Emperor cannot be charmed." Lin Yun said lightly, with a nonchalant attitude, "Let's step up our action, hurry up." Take me to the place of inheritance.”

Lin Yun became excited when he thought of the Phoenix Goddess. She is very excited now because there is a god waiting for her.

She had discussed it with the angel god Qian Yuhan before, and it didn't matter even if the throne was broken.

Because the broken godhead can be repaired by other methods, or a new godhead can be created.

Of course, Lin Yun also knew that he had taken advantage, so he planned to give them some compensation after checking the godhead.

Things like divinity are very precious.

Without them, even if she searched the continent, she would not be able to find the existence of the godhead.

This is an opportunity and a challenge for Lin Yun.


Huo Xuan let go of Lin Yun's hand and said softly: "Three hundred meters further is my former dormitory. Walk one kilometer to the left of the dormitory to find the Palace of Heritage. This needs to be opened with the blood of the Phoenix. "

"This method is only taught to women, not to men. It is to prevent male tribesmen from massacring tribesmen and then stepping on their bones to gain the status of gods."

Hatred flashed in Huo Xuan's red eyes, and she quickly regained her composure.

Come on, she can kill that beast now.

The beasts who killed their own relatives for so-called love.

"It turns out that my ancestors were very far-sighted, and this gives me the opportunity to take revenge."

Huo Xuan couldn't help but sigh. Human nature is really immeasurable, so you can only rely on yourself.

Lin Yun glanced at her calmly and said in a deep voice: "When this matter is over, you can let go."

"You are tired enough, you can let yourself rest."

Lin Yun didn't know how to comfort others, so he persuaded her to relax after her obsession was completed.

Lin Yun's mood was very stable.

"Well, let's move forward."

Huo Xuan responded, a smile appearing on her scarred face.

This young master of Wuhun Palace is a kind-hearted person.

When they reached an abandoned palace, Huo Xuan reached out to signal them to stop. Then she lay down and wiped the dust on the ground with her sleeves.

Looking at this abandoned palace, Lin Yun was surprised, but he still watched Huo Xuan's actions calmly.

Lin Yun is not afraid of Huo Xuan harming her, she just needs to wait patiently.

Compared to her calmness, Huo Nuo was very excited. There was an excited expression on that bright face, and her red eyes flashed with joy.

Then, Huo Nuo closed his eyes. She felt something calling her here.

That is the perception that comes from blood.

Gently, softly, that warm feeling seems to return to the mother's body...

Huo Nuo couldn't help but let his mind sink into the warmth.

Lin Yun felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene, because she saw red light spots surrounding Huo Nuo's body.

Those light spots turned into red feathers floating in the air, and a crisp chirping sound came from my ears.

Lin Yun was familiar with this sound because it was the cry of the phoenix.

Lin Yun, who possesses the Fire Phoenix martial spirit, is familiar with the various characteristics of the Phoenix.

On the other side, after wiping the dust on the ground, Huo Xuan knelt on the ground and said, "Huo Xuan, the daughter of Huo You, the 1369th generation descendant of Huo Jing, the son of Phoenix, is here to atone for her sins."

"As a sinner, I beg for forgiveness from my ancestors, and I am willing to use my own blood to open a place of inheritance."

Huo Xuan shouted loudly, and her sonorous and powerful voice reached their ears.

Huo Nuo struggled out of the illusion. As soon as he woke up, he heard his grandma's words, and his expression suddenly became heavy.

As soon as Huo Xuan's voice fell, the chirping of birds became clearer. Then, the abandoned palace suddenly became brightly lit, with red flames surrounding it, and its light was enough to light up the entire palace.

With a whoosh, the color of the sky changed, and red stained the sky, reflecting in the eyes of everyone in the Kingdom of Goodland.

"I have forgiven you of your sins."

A red figure walked out of the palace, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a face that was unlike any other human being.

A woman in a red dress wearing a red crown and holding a red sword burst into their eyes forcefully, "I am Huo Jing, your ancestor."

A red six-pointed star array unfolded at her feet, and behind her was a man with red hair and red eyes.

His face is very similar to Huo Jing's, and the gentle eyes looking at Huo Jing can indicate his identity.

Another child of the Phoenix God - Huo Cheng.

As soon as Huo Jing appeared, she stretched out her hand to support Huo Xuan's body. Her cold voice was full of vicissitudes of life, "This crime is not your fault, only the curse brought by the Phoenix bloodline."

"You have done a good job and have to bear the undue price to get to this point."

"you are excellent."

Huo Jing began to praise Huo Xuan and looked at Huo Xuan with a gentle look on her face, "You bear the hatred of your family and reproduce your offspring, just to avenge this revenge. You have done enough to start the divine assessment at the expense of yourself. You have done enough. Put down your Obsession, let your mind relax.”

Huo Jing's eyes suddenly fell on Lin Yun, "Huo Jing, the descendant of the noble Angel God, the daughter of the Phoenix, has met here."

"Since our birth, my brother and I have been responsible for guarding the Phoenix God's throne and preventing those greedy gods from getting it. This protection has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. My brother and I have forgotten our original intentions, but when we see your At that moment, I understood.”

"Revenge is our original intention."

"Our father, the great Phoenix God, was willing to integrate his blood into the earth and let the heaven and earth give birth to us, just for revenge. Losing that battle does not mean that we have no chance to rise."

Huo Jing's face became excited, and her eyes looking at Lin Yun became earnest, "For hundreds of thousands of years, we haven't waited for anyone to bring the godhead to life. But the moment you arrived, the godhead changed. This It means you have a destiny with Godhead.”

The red hexagram formation at Huo Jing's feet expanded, "I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

Countless firelights appeared from behind her.

Lin Yun said: "So you are waiting for me? Then why don't you show up to help your descendants to resolve this crisis even though you are here?"

"I can't interfere because my duty is to the throne. Everyone's duty is different."

"Huo Xuan has done a good job, so her responsibility has come to an end. Atonement must be washed away with the blood of sinners."

Huo Jing's eyes suddenly changed, "Use the blood of sinners to start the god-level assessment."

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