Chapter 130 The Sword of Light
"That's because you've seen so few humans."

"They don't represent all of humanity."

Lin Yun said lightly, she did not agree with Silver Dragon King Gu Yue's statement. She is not a good person.

Not long after they met, Silver Dragon King Gu Yue sent her a good person card, which surprised Lin Yun.

This Silver Dragon King Gu Yue is too naive.

If this were a place where humans lived, they would definitely be eaten up and no scraps would be left.

Lin Yun didn't sympathize with Silver Dragon King Gu Yue, but thought she was very innocent.

Lin Yun was lamenting the innocence of Silver Dragon King Gu Yue.

It’s not okay to develop curious thoughts about people just because of a few words of contact.

Lin Yun didn't care what Silver Dragon King Gu Yue thought.

"Ancestor, I still have things to deal with, so I'll leave first."

Lin Yun's eyes fell on the angel god Qian Yuhan. His blue eyes and golden eyes looked at each other, and their expressions became serious.

Obviously, the angel god Qian Yuhan understood Lin Yun's eyes and understood what Lin Yun meant.

"it is good."

A faint smile appeared on the heroic face of the angel god Qian Yu, "Gu Yue, don't forget the agreement between us."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's eyes suddenly fell on Silver Dragon King Gu Yue, and his smile was laced with threats.

Silver Dragon King Gu Yue's expression remained unchanged, and silver light appeared from her body. The collision of golden light and silver light is the competition between them.

They refused to give in to each other, and their powerful aura made both Di Tian and Lin Yun take a few steps back, not wanting to get involved in the confrontation between them.

This is a confrontation between god-level experts.

Lin Yun felt the pressure on them firsthand, and once again had a clear understanding of their power.

The power shown by Silver Dragon King Gu Yue made Lin Yun retract his previous thoughts.

Judging from the strength of Silver Dragon King Gu Yue, anyone who wants to deceive her will definitely be worse off than dead.

She had that time to worry about Silver Dragon King Gu Yue, so she might as well improve her own strength.

"I will."

After a confrontation, Silver Dragon King Gu Yue said with a calm face: "I understand what you mean."

"For the sake of the goddess of light, I will give you face."

There were complicated emotions in those purple eyes that seemed to see through everything in the world.



At night, Lin Yun came to Phoenix City in the Kingdom of Goodland. At her speed, she would definitely not be able to return to Phoenix within one day.

She can be so fast because of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Experiencing the speed of gods for the first time, Lin Yun gained a deeper understanding of the power of gods.

Traveling across Douluo Continent in one day sounds like an impossible task, but in the eyes of God, it is very easy.

It only took an hour or two for the angel god Qian Yuhan to take Lin Yun from the center of the Star Forest to Phoenix City in the Kingdom of Goodland.

This speed shocked Lin Yun extremely.

As soon as he returned to Phoenix City, Lin Yun found a hotel and checked in directly, and then stayed in the room with the angel god Qian Yuhan to listen to the ins and outs of the matter.

Lin Yun felt that it was better to clarify this matter.

The angel god Qian Yuhan knocked her out without saying a word. This was so strange.

Combined with what the angel god Qian Yuhan said, Lin Yun felt that this matter had something to do with the goddess of light.

Thinking of the goddess of light in the memory of the Phoenix God, unknown emotions appeared in Lin Yun's eyes.

That complicated emotion suddenly appeared in my heart.

Lin Yun realized that he was trapped tightly in a big net and couldn't get out at all.

If you want to break the situation, the first thing you need to do is to make yourself stronger, stronger than all gods, so that you can control your own destiny.

Of course, Lin Yun would not be arrogant enough to think that Silver Dragon King Gu Yue would give him face. The cooperation between them is for the sake of the goddess of light.

In Lin Yun's view, it is not so much cooperation as an alliance between the two parties. This alliance is not yet stable and may break down at any time.

"You're curious about the goddess of light."

Angel God Qian Yuhan sat on the chair and said calmly, "Lin Yun, actually I am the same as you. I am also very curious about the goddess of light."

"We are all fulfilling the will of the former, and on some level we are the same."

"I know you have many questions in your mind, but I don't have the answers. You have to find the answer yourself, and I can't tell you."

Angel God Qian Yuhan smiled slightly at Lin Yun.

Seeing Lin Yun's serious expression, Angel God Qian Yuhan found it quite interesting.

It's not good to worry too much at a young age.


Lin Yun twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly, "Okay. If you want to say it one day, just say it. I won't force you."

"In addition, I saw the goddess of light in the memory of the Phoenix God. After absorbing the divine power of the Phoenix, the remaining soul of the Phoenix God told me about the whereabouts of the inheritance of the goddess of light."

"Long before the war of the gods began, those god kings left a legacy of divine thrones on the Douluo Continent. The inheritance of the god kings does not need others to protect it, so as time changes, the inheritance of these divine thrones will Buried underground. The Phoenix God said that the inheritance of the Goddess of Light is in the Lightless Land. This is why I inquired about the Lightless Land."

Lin Yun became excited after learning about the four lightless places from the angel god Qian Yuhan and the silver dragon king Gu Yue.

The Godhead of the Goddess of Light is not inferior to the Phoenix Godhead. Now that the Phoenix's godhead is broken, if he wants to repair it, he must rebuild his godhead. After recasting, this godhead is not the Phoenix godhead, so the time it takes depends on Lin Yun's luck.

On the contrary, the Godhead of the Goddess of Light is different. It is a complete godhead and the source of light in the world. Not only is its power the strongest in the divine world, it is also at the forefront of the divine world's combat power.

Lin Yun is actually very greedy, because she has two martial arts souls!
If it were anyone else, she would definitely be able to inherit only one divine position, but she has two martial spirits, which means that Lin Yun can inherit two divine positions.

The attributes of the goddess of light match well with her seraph spirit. As for the divine position of the fire phoenix spirit, Lin Yun can look for opportunities to recast the broken phoenix godhead to obtain a new divine position.

A god's position simply cannot satisfy Lin Yun's desires.

She wants to fight the gods in the divine world, and just one god is not enough.


Angel God Qian Yuhan chuckled lightly and said, "Listen to the Phoenix God, you must not be able to find the place where the Goddess of Light inherits her throne."

"He only told you the answer, but he didn't tell you the method. Naturally, there are certain ways to protect the inheritance left by the God Kings, otherwise the Gods of the God Realm would sense their existence by scanning with their spiritual consciousness. In other words, If you want to find the inheritance of a god without a guardian, you must get the token."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's words made the excitement on Lin Yun's face disappear instantly.

Yes, if you don't have a token, you can't touch it even if you find it. That doesn't mean there's no way to pass on the divine status.

This is a difficult problem.

Looking at Lin Yun's serious face, the angel god Qian Yuhan smiled slightly, "So you are lucky. You have found the Phoenix Godhead, and you have been informed by the Phoenix God that you know the inheritance place of the Goddess of Light. Finally. Coincidentally, the token happened to be in my hand." "..."

Hearing this, Lin Yun twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at the angel god Qian Yuhan with helpless eyes.

Sure enough, she wanted to satisfy the evil taste in her heart.

Things that can obviously be said in one sentence have to be sold out.

Lin Yun coughed and said softly: "Ancestor, can you pass that token to me?"

"of course can."

Angel God Qian Yuhan agreed without hesitation, "If you can find the Phoenix Godhead, you have completed the test of the Goddess of Light. If you don't find it, it means that this godhead has no fate with you. After all, the Goddess of Light did not tell you I only left the token to me regarding the place where the divine throne was inherited. It can be said that the goddess of light is holding back, just to test your ability."

"The fact that you can get the tokens and the place where the divine throne is inherited means that you are the inheritor of the divine throne chosen by the goddess of light a long time ago. As for how early, I don't know. Think about it carefully, the Phoenix It has been hundreds of thousands of years since the gods fell, so she started planning all of this hundreds of thousands of years ago.”

"You are a lucky man."

Angel God Qian Yuhan said sincerely that she did not envy Lin Yun, she simply felt that Lin Yun was very lucky.

Just having tokens does not make it clear where the divine status is to be inherited, and it is impossible to inherit the divine status of the Goddess of Light and become the new Goddess of Light. To put it bluntly, this is a test.

Lin Yun passed the test of the Goddess of Light and could naturally inherit her divine status.

Lin Yun narrowed his eyes, his expression hidden under his hair. She agrees with the angel god Qian Yuhan's point of view.

I didn't expect that the goddess of light, who was gentle and generous in the eyes of the Phoenix God, was so deep in the city. She had planned everything that would happen in the future hundreds of thousands of years ago.

This fate is like a big net that tightly binds all things in it, making it impossible for them to break free.

Lin Yun's heart calmed down after learning the thoughts of the goddess of light from the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Sure enough, no god should be underestimated.

Lin Yun kept convincing himself to calm down the mania in his heart.

The goddess of light could foresee the future hundreds of thousands of years ago, which shows that her strength is unfathomable.

Although she looks gentle and gentle without any sharpness, her appearance is the easiest to deceive.

No wonder the God of Destiny is the husband of the Goddess of Light.

"Okay, I'll give the token to you, you have to keep it well."

Angel God Qian Yuhan suppressed his smile, waved his hand, golden light flashed, and a long sword shining with golden light appeared in Lin Yun's eyes.

"This is the Divine Sword of Light."

Lin Yun took a closer look and saw that it was a long sword made entirely of gold, about one meter long and thirty centimeters wide. The sword was engraved with dense patterns, and the tip was curved but concave. The hilt of the sword is hollowed out, and the golden hollow shape protects the hand. The end of the sword's hilt was glowing with silver.

This sword is not inlaid with gems, but the light it emits is enough to illuminate the world.

The moment the sword appeared, the entire room was illuminated. The angel god Qian Yuhan set up a barrier to block its light.

Just by looking at it, Lin Yun could feel its warm and sacred aura.

This breath makes people relax and want to bathe in this warmth.

Lin Yun also noticed that the hilt of the sword was engraved with two large characters with flying dragons and phoenixes - light.

Lin Yun felt strange because this sword gave her a familiar feeling. There was a hint of familiarity in the warmth, which surprised Lin Yun.

"This is the sword of the Goddess of Light - the Divine Sword of Light. It is also a token given to me by the Goddess of Light tens of thousands of years ago. If my descendants are unable to pass her test, this sword will be buried in the years waiting for fate. The appearance of people.”

The angel god Qian Yuhan used his divine power to levitate the Divine Sword of Light. "Its power is incompatible with the Shura Demon Sword of God Shura. It can be said that the Divine Sword of Light is the nemesis of all dark attributes. Even the current God of Destruction in the God Realm Neither God nor Shura dare to use their own artifacts to confront it, because the surging power of light can destroy their power."

"Under the light, darkness cannot hide."

"Use your will to gain recognition from the Divine Sword of Light."

The angel god Qian Yuhan used his divine power to cover up the aura of the Divine Sword of Light.

She kept this matter secret, just because she didn't want other gods to know the whereabouts of the Divine Sword of Light.

When the goddess of light died, the whereabouts of her sword, the Divine Sword of Light, were unknown. The gods in the divine world are frantically looking for the Divine Sword of Light, because if they are recognized by the Divine Sword of Light, they can become the new God of Light.

The great temptation makes them lose their minds.

The fact that the angel god Qian Yuhan can be recognized by the goddess of light and protect the sword of light means that the goddess of light recognizes her temperament.

The goddess of light is not a fool, and will not place important artifacts in the hands of gods with bad intentions.

After hearing the angel god Qian Yuhan's introduction to the Divine Sword of Light, Lin Yun's eyes fell on the end of the Divine Sword of Light.

She finally knew why she felt familiar with the Divine Sword of Light.

This sword of light is the sword that the angel god Qian Yuhan used to knock himself out.

Before passing out, Lin Yun naturally looked at the angel god Qian Yuhan and saw the sword.

Lin Yun's mood suddenly became subtle.

Good guy, the Divine Sword of Light she wanted to get knocked her out not long ago.

Needless to say, Qian Yuhan is indeed the angel god, and there is no one else who can use a super divine weapon to knock others out.

"your expression……"

Angel God Qian Yuhan looked hesitant, and then said: "Did you think of something interesting?"

"For example, I knocked you unconscious with the Divine Sword of Light."

After saying this, a smile appeared on the face of the angel god Qian Yuhan. It was obvious that she guessed what Lin Yun was thinking.

Lin Yun's thoughts were not enough for her.

She has lived for tens of thousands of years, has read countless people, and can see clearly what others are thinking.


The one who was speechless this time was Lin Yun. She looked at the angel god Qian Yuhan with helpless eyes.

Lin Yun changed the subject and said, "Let's start now."

Lin Yun didn't want to talk about this matter with the angel god Qian Yuhan anymore, which made her heart feel cold.

This is not something a normal person can do.

"The fact that you can hold the Divine Sword of Light is recognized by it."

After saying this, the angel god Qian Yuhan stopped disturbing Lin Yun and let her play slowly with the Divine Sword of Light.

It has nothing to do with her anyway.

Lin Yun once again realized the laziness of the angel god Qian Yuhan. It can be said that the angel god Qian Yuhan is a very free-spirited god.

However, Lin Yun likes her character very much.

If you worry about everything, it will actually be very tiring.

Lin Yun took a deep breath, and the red soul power lingered in his hands. She planned to use her soul power to resonate with the Divine Sword of Light.

If you can't resonate, you can only use your strength to get the sword.

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