Chapter 131 Another Self

Before the last step, Lin Yun wanted to take it easy.

Lin Yun closed his eyes and began to guide the Divine Sword of Light. She found that the surroundings were filled with light, and those light spots floating in the air made her want to relax and be with them.

The next moment, Lin Yun took a deep breath. This feels very bad.

The Divine Sword of Light shone with light, and Lin Yun could see his own reflection through the golden light.

Looking at the shining golden sword of light, Lin Yun thought to himself that this sword of light has such a strong guiding power on people.

Looking at the Divine Sword of Light, the greed in my heart was infinitely magnified. She wants to get the Sword of Light.

At this moment, all she could see was the Divine Sword of Light.

The blue eyes reflect the golden light, and after the desire in the heart is amplified, the person's reason gradually disappears.

Her hand went to the hilt of the Divine Sword of Light. The layer of golden light attached to the Divine Sword of Light resisted Lin Yun's approach, and the hot temperature fell on the palm of her hand. Lin Yun didn't care about the pain and put his hand on the hilt of the Divine Sword of Light, ignoring the pain.

Nine soul rings appeared quietly on Lin Yun's body, and her body glowed red in the gorgeous colors.

The soul power gathered in Lin Yun's hand, and the ninety-ninth level soul power collided with the light power in the Light Divine Sword. The aftermath of the two powerful forces was blocked by the barrier of the angel god Qian Yuhan, otherwise this power would be enough to destroy the entire body. All the hotels were torn to dust.

Angel God Qian Yuhan watched Lin Yun's movements silently from the side. She was observing Lin Yun's strength.

Getting recognition from the Light Divine Sword is only the first step.

Angel God Qian Yuhan narrowed her eyes, her expression hidden under her hair. The unknown is the scariest thing.

Lin Yun's breathing became rapid, and she fell into the illusion created by the Divine Sword of Light.

In other words, this illusion is Lin Yun's state of mind, related to her memory.

"Where there is light there is darkness."

There was a sudden voice in his mind, Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he saw his relatives in his previous life.

"Lin Yun, you are the eldest sister but you don't help your younger siblings!"

"Your Majesty!"

"This is your responsibility, as the eldest sister."

Lin Yun saw her father in the previous life accusing her angrily.

Lin Yun narrowed his eyes and his expression became cold. The cause of this incident was that the younger sister Lin Siyu fell in love with her fiancé, Shen Pingxuan, the eldest son of the Shen family, and wanted to persuade Lin Yun to give up the marriage to her.

Lin Yun had an indifferent attitude, they were a family marriage. It can be said that Lin Yun and Shen Pingxuan have no feelings. For the benefit of the Lin family, Lin Yun was forced to become an unmarried couple with him.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Siyu didn't have the courage to convince his parents, so he chose to have Lin Yun operated on.

Unable to convince her parents, she went on a hunger strike and even knelt in front of Lin Yun in front of everyone.

Lin Siyu's behavior was puzzling to Lin Yun. It was impossible for her to agree in front of everyone. This is related to Lin Yun's dignity. She cannot become a joke to others.

Lin Yun was worried about his own face, but he didn't expect that Lin Siyu was a ruthless person. Because Lin Yun didn't agree, Lin Siyu directly stabbed himself in the heart and made Lin Yun carry a big pot on his back.

As soon as this incident came out, no matter what the outcome was, Lin Yun, as the eldest sister, ignored her life and made things difficult for her, and her reputation had already plummeted.

This was also the reason why Lin's father spoke harshly to Lin Yun.

Lin Siyu is their favorite child. It can be said that Lin Yun took on the responsibilities of the family so that they did not have to worry too much, which resulted in his parents not having much affection for Lin Yun.

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, but there is a distinction between closeness and distance. So Lin Yun was punished.

"I'm not wrong, why should I be punished? Is it my problem that Lin Siyu likes my sister's fiancé? Why should I give up my fiancé to her in public? If they really love, they will protest by themselves and embarrass me. What's the use? Am I willing to be the victim of their love? What does this marriage arranged by the family have to do with me, Lin Yun!"

Lin Yun was very unconvinced. She didn't think she had done anything wrong, so why should she bear the price?

If they really like each other, then they will rebel against the family themselves. They came to make things difficult for Lin Yun, weren't they disgusting?
Lin Yun was not used to them.

If he hadn't been the one who suffered in the end, Lin Yun wouldn't have been so angry. She is a very cold person and will not get angry unless necessary.

"you are wrong!"

Father Lin looked at Lin Yun angrily, "You still refuse to repent at this time. Are you worthy of being a sister? You don't love Shen Pingxuan, why don't you give him to your sister Siyu. They are true love."

"Since they are true love, why don't you let them marry and let me marry Shen Pingxuan? It's not because the Shen family doesn't accept Lin Siyu that they are forcing me. If they really have the ability to resist the family, then go ahead. Why do you want to plot against me? ?What did i do wrong?"

"Father, Lin Siyu is your daughter, am I, Lin Yun, not the same? I don't care if you prefer Lin Siyu, because I don't have much relationship foundation with you, but that doesn't mean you can embarrass me. What does their love for each other have to do with me. It would be fine if they could rely on their own abilities to persuade the Shen family to change their mind. You can make arrangements for the family, so why should father embarrass me?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yun looked dazed. Seeing this scene again, she only felt absurd and strange.

Things decided by the family have nothing to do with her, and their love has nothing to do with her.

They really love so why bother to embarrass themselves.

The strangeness was because she didn't want to face her relatives from her previous life. She thought she had a clear conscience, but they never put themselves in her shoes.

After reviving his life, Lin Yun felt the warmth among his relatives.

"I am your father, Lin Yun!"

The girl held her head high, with an unyielding look on her face, and her voice was firm, "I'm not wrong!"

"Father, you only care about Lin Siyu's feelings, but you don't consider my feelings. If I agree in front of everyone, then I will lose face! Lin Siyu is your daughter, and so am I!"

Facing this scene again, Lin Yun only found it funny. People's partiality is inevitable.

There was no need for her to waste her time on such things.

She stepped forward and used her soul power, and red soul power appeared, destroying the scene at absolute speed.

Lin Yun knew that this was all an illusion.

But no matter in the past or now, she never thinks that she did anything wrong.

Their ideas were different from his own, and Lin Yun knew it. This is my first time, who wants to be wronged?

Moreover, she has a clear conscience.

The illusion cannot trap Lin Yun, nor will it cause Lin Yun to have emotional fluctuations. She was dead in her previous life, and they were just strangers to her.

She has a very cold personality and won't waste her time for others.

The illusion in front of him was shattered into pieces, and golden light emerged. Lin Yun saw a golden figure surrounded by golden light.

She was a woman with blond hair and golden eyes. Her golden eyes were like light, and her beauty could shine in the world. A gentle expression stayed on that perfect face, and a golden floating plate appeared behind her, supporting her body.

Lin Yun's expression remained unchanged, she knew this woman.

Because she is the goddess of light in the memory of the Phoenix God.

The difference is that the goddess of light in that memory was dressed in a divine outfit, and the shining golden armor was unforgettable. But the goddess of light who appeared in front of Lin Yun was wearing a pure white dress, with a gentle expression and that The aura of light makes people want to let down their guard.

"It's an honor to meet you." The goddess of light smiled at Lin Yun, "I have been dead for many years, and the one who appears in front of you now is a remnant soul entrusted in the divine sword of light."

"The fact that you can see me means that you have passed my approval. In this way, you are capable of becoming the master of the Divine Sword of Light, but I also want to test your character."

"Desire is the most difficult emotion for humans to resist. Only by eliminating your own desires can you be recognized by the Divine Sword of Light."

As soon as she finished speaking, her figure disappeared from Lin Yun's eyes, which made Lin Yun's expression become serious.

Quite simply, a new test is coming.

"The Divine Sword of Light is in the middle. If you can pull it out, you will be the new owner of the Divine Sword of Light."

Following the words of the goddess of light, the scene in front of her changed again. A magnificent hall appeared in front of us, with the golden statue of the Goddess of Light shining brightly.

The position where Lin Yun stood became a golden avenue, surrounding the golden statue of the goddess of light.

Under the statue of the god, there was a ball of light floating. If you take a closer look, you will find that it is the Divine Sword of Light.

Lin Yun was calculating the distance between himself and the Divine Sword of Light, and found that it was only a few hundred meters away, so he got up and headed.

She must pull out the Divine Sword of Light in order to be recognized by the Divine Sword of Light.

Just as Lin Yun took a few steps, the light in the entire palace became brighter again, and her shadow looked tall and slender under the light.

Lin Yun didn't care about these changes, she kept walking forward. When she was only a hundred meters away from the Divine Sword of Light, a sudden change occurred.

Lin Yun keenly noticed a strange aura coming from behind him, and a sharp sword energy hit him from behind.

She hurriedly dodged to avoid the sharp sword energy.


A burst of chuckles suddenly sounded, making Lin Yun frown tightly. Because Lin Yun saw that the person who attacked him looked exactly like him.

The difference is that she has black hair, black eyes, and three pairs of black wings behind her. She was wearing a black dress and had a slim figure, holding a long black sword in her hand.

That's the dark version of the Phoenix Sword.

Those three pairs of black wings were, if she remembered correctly, the spirits of Seraphs.

After the soul master's soul power level reaches the soul saint, he can possess the martial soul's true body soul skills. In the case of the martial soul's true body, his own martial soul ability will be brought into full play. Lin Yun only gave one soul ring to the Seraph Martial Spirit, so she did not rely on the Seraph Martial Spirit, which resulted in her Seraph Martial Spirit only having one pair of wings.

However, Lin Yun didn't care. Because the Fire Phoenix Spirit also has wings. When he needs to fly, Lin Yun can just use the wings attached to the Fire Phoenix Spirit to fight in the air.

Lin Yun's eyes lit up when he saw the dark Seraphim martial soul wings. These wings looked good in black.

The golden seraph martial soul wings are beautiful to look at and give people a sacred feeling, but this cannot impress Lin Yun. It can be said that the jet-black wings really come from Lin Yun's aesthetics.

She likes these three pairs of black wings, which look more gorgeous.

"If you want to take away the Divine Sword of Light, you have to ask my opinion."

The dark version of Lin Yun smiled at her, adding several accents to his voice, which sounded magnetic and extremely comfortable to the ears.

Light and darkness are inherently opposites.

There is a bright side and a dark side.

The opposite dark side is a different self.

"Cut the nonsense."

Lin Yun took action without saying anything, and the black Phoenix Sword collided with the Phoenix Sword.

Their figures are looming.

The person who knows you best in the world is yourself.

They were fighting inseparably because each other's movements could be seen through. They are the same person, but their purposes are different.

"The ninth soul skill - breaking."

The black Phoenix Spirit appeared quietly and hit Lin Yun's hand with a black punch. The next moment, the distance between them was getting closer.

Lin Yun put his hands on her shoulders, preparing to use his strength to knock her down. She twisted her head and managed to avoid Lin Yun's move.

It was obvious that they understood each other's tricks. It is extremely difficult to use your own tricks to deal with yourself.

Moreover, Lin Yun's soul power level is level 99, and her level is the same.

In this illusion, the dark side is magnified.

With her desire amplified, her strength surpassed Lin Yun's. The clanging sound of metal collisions continued, and there were countless scars on their bodies.

Lin Yun was able to evade her moves, but he was unable to cause serious injury to her. Because she knows Lin Yun's tricks.

It can be said that it is extremely difficult to overcome one's dark side under such circumstances.

Lin Yun took a deep breath, and his body disappeared in the next second. With a bang, their fists collided again.

The two Phoenix Swords were thrown aside and stuck directly on the ground.

"You can't kill me."

She smiled tenderly at Lin Yun, "I am you and you are me. If you kill me, you will die too."

"I come from your desire, your desire to become a god. In fact, to be honest, it is nothing at all for you and me to join forces with those gods. The dark me and you are one, and I will not betray you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Yun slapped her in the face.

Obviously, Lin Yun didn't believe these words at all. Joining forces, that's impossible.

This is a test for herself by the goddess of light.

Lin Yun understands what the Goddess of Light means. If he wants to be recognized by the Light Divine Sword, he must eliminate his own desires.

The dark side that looks exactly like him is the desire in Lin Yun's heart.

She dodged the slap and took a few steps back, with three pairs of black wings flapping behind her.

"Don't be so impatient. I'm telling the truth. Think about it, I come from your desires and are the truest side of your heart."

Black feathers floated in the air, and the chirping of the phoenix sounded. The two fought together again.

The palace's light suddenly dropped by half.

Half dark and half light, their figures shuttle back and forth between light and darkness.

"I don't need your help, what I need is to become a god."

Lin Yun said coldly, her body standing in the light, looking at her other self coldly.

It is foolish to try to influence your will with words.

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