Chapter 133 I will fulfill my promise

After being recognized by the Divine Sword of Light, Lin Yun changed dramatically. Her soul power has now reached the peak of level ninety-nine, and she is only one step away from becoming a god.

Her body was transformed into a demigod by divine power. Why is it not a god's body? That's because she is not a god yet.

Only when she truly becomes a god can her body become a divine body.

The biggest difference between gods and humans is the difference in body. The divine body can exert the power of the god itself to the greatest extent. The human body cannot withstand the power of the god.

Although Lin Yun has become a demigod and can tolerate the power of gods, his body is not essentially a divine body.

Time passed little by little, and soon Lin Yun had absorbed all the divine power in his body, his breathing became steady, and his face turned from pale to rosy.

After mobilizing his breath for several rounds, Lin Yun's breath gradually stabilized, his soul power was hidden in his body, and he became no different from ordinary people. Just like the saying goes, Lin Yun wants to keep a low profile.

After all, she was alone, and others didn't know her identity.

Lin Yun just likes being low-key and not having to worry too much.

Until now, she still doesn't like helping others. It can be said that she does not like trouble.

Lin Yun stood up and walked towards the door. She was in good spirits now and planned to check out and leave Phoenix City for the Lightless Land.

Lin Yun realized that he didn't have much time left for him. To do this, she had to be quick.

After completing the check-out procedures, Lin Yun walked towards the palace in Phoenix City.

Before leaving the Kingdom of Gudlan, Lin Yun wanted to resolve Huo Nuo's matter.

Previously, Huo Nuo chose to sacrifice his own blood in order to seek Lin Yun's help, but now the Kingdom of Guland is involved in the Wuhun Palace. Lin Yun definitely wanted Huo Nuo to fulfill this condition.

She is not the one who suffers.

She acquiesced that what Huo Nuo did was for the benefit of Wuhun Palace.

This matter is the front line for Wuhun Palace to start a war in advance. When Wuhun Palace is determined to launch a war, it will definitely declare war with the Star Luo Empire starting from the Kingdom of Guland.

As for the Tiandou Empire, Lin Yun didn't have to worry at all. With Qian Renxue here, the Tiandou Empire doesn't need to think about it.

After all, Qian Renxue had already poisoned Emperor Xueye. If Emperor Xue Ye wanted to attack Wuhun Highness, Qian Renxue would definitely not let him live.

At this time, Lin Yun did not know that the Heaven Dou Empire had changed and Qian Renxue had also become the new king of the Heaven Dou Empire.

This means that the Tiandou Empire completely belongs to the Wuhun Palace, and Qian Renxue can only be used to disguise Xue Qinghe without spending a single soldier, so as to gain the power of the Tiandou Empire.

When Lin Yun came to the palace of the Kingdom of Goodland, everything he saw was red. If this were any other place, one would definitely think that there was a wedding here. In fact, this was a characteristic of the Kingdom of Goodland.

Their belief is the Fire Phoenix, and they have a high pursuit of the color red. Here, red is the most noble color. As the core of the Kingdom of Guland, the Royal Palace is naturally red.

The lifelike phoenix pattern is imprinted on the palace's architecture, and the people of the Kingdom of Goodland's love for the phoenix has been engraved into their souls.

Arriving at Huo Nuo's palace, Huo Nuo was discussing matters with his men. Hearing the slight sound of footsteps, Huo Nuo looked over instantly.

The moment he saw Lin Yun, a smile appeared on Huo Nuo's pretty face, "Young Master of Wuhun Palace, you are here."

Because she became the king of the Kingdom of Goodland, the decorations on Huonuo's hair became luxurious, and the jade crown set off her nobility.

People rely on clothes, and Buddha relies on gold. After putting on the luxurious clothes, Huo Nuo's temperament completely changed.

From a pretty girl to a noble king, Huo Nuo's change can be described as huge.

"Just back off."

Huo Nuo noticed Lin Yun's eyes and immediately asked his men to retreat. She understood what Lin Yun meant.

This is like having something to say to yourself.

When they were the only two people left in the palace, the smile on Huo Nuo's face instantly faded and she looked at Lin Yun with a calm face.

Obviously, she was waiting for Lin Yun's words.

"I'm here to make you fulfill your conditions."

"Do you remember what you said before?"

Lin Yun was not afraid of Huo Nuo going back on his word at all, because the moment the Kingdom of Guland declared independence, it could only follow Wuhun Palace, and it had no other choice.

Needless to say, Wuhundian has the advantage in this matter.

"Of course I remember. As long as I can avenge my family, I will repay Wuhun Palace even if I sacrifice everything. Even if I become the king of Gudlan Kingdom, I will not change my mind. Wuhun Palace is kind. For my family.”

"If it weren't for the Wuhun Palace, I wouldn't be the king of the Kingdom of Goodland now. Instead, I would be a young girl who bears the blood feud of my family. I became the king of the Kingdom of Guland because of the great kindness of the Soul Palace, and I will never forget it. "

Lin Yun didn't say anything, because people's ideas will change. Huo Nuo's thoughts have not changed now because she has to rely on the strength of Wuhun Palace.

There is no such thing as perfect.

If you want to get something, you have to pay the price. Huo Nuo became the king of Gudlan Kingdom, and the price she had to bear was to give up her own bloodline and let the bloodline of the Phoenix clan be in the hands of Wuhun Palace.

"Young Master, by not speaking, are you testing my sincerity? There is no need to test, I am a person who cares about my oath. As long as Young Master chooses good people, there will be no problem on my side."

"This is the condition for me to agree to Wuhun Palace."

To Huo Nuo, bloodline was important, but it was not as important as hatred.

Compared with the deep hatred of her family, her sacrifice was nothing.

She lost her right to be a spouse, but she avenged her family's hatred, which was worth it to her.

"So good."

Lin Yun said lightly, staring at Huo Nuo with his golden eyes, "I have sent a message back to the Wuhun Palace. Within three days, the Wuhun Palace will definitely send someone to the Kingdom of Goodland. By then, I hope you will not forget your promise."

With the last sentence, Lin Yun's tone suddenly became heavy, which was a blow to Huo Nuo.

She doesn't believe in people's hearts, but she believes in her own strength. In order for this matter to avoid accidents, she must make Huo Nuo willingly fulfill his promise.

Huo Nuo responded decisively, "Okay."

"You don't need to be so tempted, I, Huo Nuo, am aboveboard."

Lin Yun did not answer, but looked at Huo Nuo calmly. She believed Huo Nuo's words, but people's hearts cannot stand the test.

She has sent a message to her father, Qian Daoliu, and he will send people from the angel clan in a few days.

The Angel Clan is huge, just like the Haotian Clan of the Haotian Sect. The difference is that the only direct lineage of the angel clan is Sendaoliu. It can be said that direct bloodline is extremely rare. The martial arts passed down by the collateral lines of the Angel Clan are different.

The direct bloodline of the angel clan is the Seraph Martial Spirit, which possesses the bloodline of the angel god. The martial souls inherited from the collateral line are holy angels. Although they have angel blood, they are very different from the direct line.

In this case, they respect the direct lineage.

The bloodline of the Phoenix clan must not pass through the hands of other people in Wuhun Palace. So the best way is to let this bloodline be in the hands of the angel family.

The only younger direct descendants of the Angel family are Lin Yun and Qian Renxue. They are both women, so naturally they are not suitable. Therefore, Qiandaoliu could only find suitable candidates from the sidelines to inherit the bloodline of the Phoenix.

The Holy Angel's martial soul is not as domineering as the Seraphim's martial soul bloodline. If the Phoenix bloodline is strong, it can pass on its martial soul.

After saying these words, Lin Yun turned around and left. Her figure quickly disappeared, and Huo Nuo's expression became serious.

She murmured to herself: "The speed is so fast, the strength has reached the level of a titled Douluo."

"Grandma, the path you have chosen must be the right one." Those red eyes had a lonely mood.

When things have reached this point, there is no room for her to retreat. If the Kingdom of Gudlan wants to be independent, it must rely on Wuhun Palace.

She is raging against the Star Luo Empire.

The Star Luo Empire must have known about what happened to the Gudlan Kingdom's royal family, but no one stopped Huo Dong's actions, which shows that they acquiesced in Huo Dong's behavior.

By standing on Huo Dong's side, they were opposing Huo Nuo's family. When Huo Nuo regains her rights and becomes the king of Gudlan Kingdom, she will take revenge on the Star Luo Empire.

Declaring the independence of the Kingdom of Gudran is only the first step. The second step is to attack the Star Luo Empire.

For this reason, Huo Nuo didn't care even if he was shattered to pieces.

She wants her enemies to bear the despair of their family!

After leaving the Kingdom of Goodland, Lin Yun headed to the far north. There are four lightless places on the Douluo Continent. She has to search for them one by one so as not to miss the goddess of light.

From the moment he was recognized by the Divine Sword of Light, Lin Yun regarded the goddess of light as his own.

Because even if other people are lucky enough to encounter the Godhead of Light, they are not recognized by the God of Light Sword.

She has now fulfilled the conditions set by the goddess of light, and the godhead of light is of course hers.

There are four in Douluo Continent. They are the main battlefields of the first level battle of the God Realm in the Land of Starfall in the Far North, the City of Killing, the Star Valley of the Star Luo Empire, and the Grand Canyon of Death.

No matter which one it was, she had to go. Lin Yun planned to go to the Land of Starfall in the far north first, which is the farthest place on Douluo Continent.

Start with the far ones and then the near ones.

Logically speaking, Star Luo Empire's Star Valley is the closest, but Lin Yun still chose to start from the far north.

Because there are very few records about the Far North on Douluo Continent. It can be said that the Far North is a restricted area for human life.

Lin Yun is full of interest in unknown things. She wants to investigate the lightless lands of the far north.

Moreover, Lin Yun's intuition guided Lin Yun to the Far North, which gave Lin Yun the feeling that something was waiting for her in the Far North.

The strange feeling in the dark made Lin Yun suddenly interested in the far north.

She trusts her intuition, so Lin Yun is even more looking forward to the adventure in the far north.

Because the Far North is covered with ice and snow all year round and is extremely cold, very few people go to the Far North. It can be said that the Far North is a sparsely populated place.

The temperature here is so high that even a soul master would have a hard time resisting the cold with his soul power.

In addition to the cold, in the snow-covered Far North, humans also face the threat of powerful spirit beasts.

Lin Yun spent three days passing through the cities of the Star Luo Empire, and finally arrived at the edge of the Star Luo Empire, which was close to the entrance to the Far North.

The Star Luo Empire and the Tian Dou Empire were able to split the Douluo Continent in two because of the Star Dou Forest.

Both the Star Luo Empire and the Tian Dou Empire have part of the Star Dou Forest.

The Far North is located in the Star Luo Empire, close to the north of the Douluo Continent.

This small border town in the Star Luo Empire is called Baoshuo City. Because of its location close to the far north, the city is also covered in ice and snow. As soon as he arrived here, Lin Yun felt the temperature drop suddenly.

Lin Yun felt it for a second, and soon returned to normal. This temperature is nothing to Lin Yun.

She possesses the Phoenix Fire and is resistant to this temperature. The red soul power is constantly flowing in the body.

Lin Yun's expression did not change while walking in the ice and snow.

As soon as he arrived at the city, Lin Yun heard noisy shouts. Lin Yun narrowed her eyes, she wanted to replenish supplies here.

Along the way, Lin Yun could encounter cities, so there was no need to replenish food. Now that she was in the far north, she had to replenish her food supply. There are very few people in the far north, so food becomes a problem.

Lin Yun walked to the market in Lai Shuo City and shouted louder. Lin Yun, wearing a silver armor, particularly attracted others' attention.

They looked at Lin Yun like they were looking at big customers.

This man's clothes were luxurious, and he looked like he was rich. The city in the far north is so remote that there are very few people coming and going here.

Lin Yun came to the vegetable stall and decisively bought five hundred catties of white radish and five hundred catties of vegetables. In addition, I bought a thousand kilograms of beef jerky. Beef jerky is the best way to replenish physical strength in the Far North.

Lin Yun can hunt soul beasts for food, but this is too time-consuming. Moreover, the meat of soul beasts is not necessarily delicious, and some meat is very bad.

The prices here were several times more expensive than in the cities of the Star Luo Empire, but Lin Yun still bought it.

After placing the food in the soul guide space, Lin Yun booked a room in a hotel in the city, closed his eyes and began to rest.

She had been traveling for five days.

Her spirit is a little tired.

Lin Yun quickly entered dreamland.

She lay quietly on the bed. After a few hours, her hands moved and a small sound appeared in her ears.

Lin Yun woke up quickly and realized that someone was approaching.

Lin Yun had soul power lingering in his hand and appeared at the door the next moment.

"Hello, do you need cleaning service?"


Lin Yun decisively refused.


Footsteps sounded outside and gradually faded away.

Lin Yun rested again. She wanted to be in sufficient condition to face the cold in the far north.

In the evening, as night fell quietly, Lin Yun's door was pried open, and a group of people crept in.


There was a sonorous sound, and the ax made a crisp sound when it struck the edge of the bed.

The tall man turned on the light and was surprised to find that the ax was hitting the side of the bed.

"Are you looking for me?"

A cold figure appeared from behind them, and the next moment the strong smell of blood appeared.

Their chests were penetrated by a pair of hands.

Under their shocked eyes, Lin Yun said: "If you want to rob, you have to look at your own strength."

The next moment, Lin Yun pinched off their heads and threw them to the ground.

The strong smell of blood made Lin Yun frown. She turned around, picked up the room card, and went downstairs to check out.

They wanted to rob him, but Lin Yun was not afraid.

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