Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 134 The Land of Starfall in the Far North

Chapter 134 The Land of Starfall in the Far North

When faced with robbery, Lin Yun chose to take advantage of the situation. If they have this idea, then she will send them to die.

I don't even think about it, how can the soul master who dares to come to the life region of the Far North be weak?

If they dare to rob, they are seeking death!

Lin Yun destroyed them without hesitation. I will not offend others unless they offend me. If anyone offends me, he will be destroyed.

As soon as Lin Yun arrived at the front desk of the hotel, the male receptionist's face instantly turned pale, and his fearful eyes fell directly in front of Lin Yun's eyes.

No need to think about it, they are in the same group.

They are quite courageous.

Lin Yun was thinking that she was being targeted because she bought too much food.

I have to say, they are really courageous.

The next moment, blood splattered on the spot. Lin Yun picked up the Phoenix Sword and ended their lives like chopping vegetables.

This is a shady store, and they will attack customers just because they have money.

Lin Yun did not hesitate to take action. Because their hands were stained with blood, in her opinion they deserved to die.

The strong smell of blood filled the entire hotel lobby. The next moment, the bell rang.

This was the mechanism he pressed before he died.

Within a short while, a group of people surrounded Lin Yun. The big man at the head was a seventy-sixth level soul saint.

The man looked ferocious, and his hands were stained with blood.

Lin Yun will show no mercy to evildoers. This person's martial spirit is a turtle-type martial spirit, and he uses the auxiliary system of defense.

It's a pity that in the face of absolute strength, his defense is no different from paper. Lin Yun broke his turtle shell with a sword, kicked him to the ground, and penetrated his heart with a sword.

Red soul power appeared, and her figure suddenly became faster. In less than three seconds, this group of people was solved by Lin Yun.

Lin Yun's speed was beyond their expectation.

Three minutes later, Lin Yun stepped on the floor, looked at the red color on the ground, and then left the hotel.

She wasn't originally a murderous person, but if they dared to provoke her, she wouldn't mind giving them a ride.

Judging from their skilled techniques, countless foreign soul masters have died in their hands.

Lin Yun didn't feel any guilt for killing them, but had an indifferent attitude.

Lin Yun stretched out her hand to stretch her body, not caring about the blood on her body. Then she ignored the mess in the hotel and walked toward the far north with a calm face.

The aftermath of the hotel tragedy has nothing to do with her.

Lin Yun didn't care about these details.

The closer you get to the far north, the cooler the temperature becomes. Lin Yun circulated his soul power, and the barrier formed by his soul power silently blocked the snowflakes, preventing them from falling on Lin Yun.

As Lin Yun went deeper, the snowflakes fell heavier and heavier, and the ground was covered in white, and the visibility gradually became lower.

For the body of an ordinary soul master, this temperature is quite harsh. This temperature had no effect on Lin Yun, because her body had already reached the level of demigod.

Anything that has anything to do with God is extraordinary.

Although Lin Yun did not achieve a divine body, the low temperature was of no use to her.

In the vast white snow, Lin Yun's figure looked particularly small. Walking on the inaccessible snow, Lin Yun looked up, and everything he saw was white.

Lin Yun closed his eyes and used his mental power to sense his surroundings.

Under her mental power, everything around her was understood. She could see the soul beasts hidden under the snow, and she could also see the team of soul masters hunting soul beasts in the distance.

The Far North is indeed a restricted area for human life, but there are still people who are not afraid of death and venture there because the soul beasts in the Far North are very valuable.

The unknown is always attractive. This is the memory engraved in the human soul.

They yearn for the unknown.

Besides, things are rare and valuable. The meat of the soul beasts in the Far North is delicious, but the quantity is limited. Because few soul masters dare to travel to the far north to hunt soul beasts.

Even the soul masters from small border towns close to the Far North will not break into the Far North unless necessary.

Under the cover of white snow, the snow has its own life. There was a green scorpion spinning back and forth on the snow in front of him. Its slow and leisurely appearance attracted Lin Yun's attention. Soon, Lin Yun looked away and stopped looking at it.

Because this is a stupid scorpion.

How could a scorpion spin around and bury itself in the snow?

This was the first time Lin Yun saw such a stupid scorpion, and he immediately felt that the creatures in the far north were quite interesting. If this were the Star Dou Forest, these spirit beasts would all be hiding in their nests and would not come out unless necessary.

Because the Star Dou Forest is dangerous, human soul masters will still set foot here in order to hunt soul beasts and use them as soul rings for their own use. Soul beasts that are less than ten thousand years old do not pose much of a threat to human soul masters.

The creatures in the far north live so slowly, maybe it's because humans rarely set foot here.

It can be said that the cold climate in the far north provides them with natural protection, so that they do not have to worry about it.

Lin Yun walked towards the north. Under the vast white snow, surrounded by white, it was impossible to tell the road ahead. Lin Yun could confirm the direction because her route was all forward.

She still has some sense of direction around her.

For other soul masters, it is difficult to tell the direction in the extreme north, but for Lin Yun, it is a very simple matter.

Silently passing over the scorpion, Lin Yun continued to walk forward. The further forward Lin Yun could feel the powerful aura. Obviously, there are powerful soul beasts in the far north.

Of course, the aura of these soul beasts is not as good as that of Di Tian in the Star Dou Forest. Comparing it with Di Tian, ​​Lin Yun knew how dangerous the Far North was.

Generally speaking, the Star Dou Forest is more dangerous. After all, the age of the soul beasts is older in the Star Dou Forest.

Lin Yun restrained his aura and allowed himself to blend into the snow. In the aura of those powerful soul beasts, Lin Yun felt a powerful soul beast of a certain age. It could be said that its power was slightly weaker than that of Di Tian.

Lin Yun believed in his intuition that deep in the far north there was a soul beast that was more than hundreds of thousands of years old.

It would have been at least hundreds of thousands of years for Di Tian to be able to sleep with Silver Dragon King Gu Yue in the Lake of Life in the Star Forest.

After all, the first war in the God Realm took place hundreds of thousands of years ago. Ditian who can be with Silver Dragon King Gu Yue is definitely not weak.

Therefore, the aura of the soul beasts in the far north is a bit weaker than that of Ditian, so the age must not be too low. It makes sense if you think about it carefully. The Far North is a restricted area for human life, and very few humans have set foot there.

Without the interference of human soul masters, the survival chances of soul beasts in the far north will increase significantly. Even if the environment in the Far North is harsh, it will not affect the survival of those soul beasts.

After noticing the aura, Lin Yun planned to avoid it. Because she came here not to hunt soul beasts to use as soul rings for her own use, but to find the lightless land in the far north.

Only after finding the lightless land in the Far North and confirming that the light godhead is not in the Far North will Lin Yun leave the Far North.

The moment the Divine Sword of Light recognized its owner, Lin Yun's thoughts changed.

The opportunity was right in front of her, and she would definitely take it. The light godhead is in her bag, and she won't miss it.

Lin Yun avoided the location of those powerful soul beasts in order to rush to the lightless land in the far north as soon as possible. The lightless land in the far north is called the Land of Starfall.

After arriving in the far north, Lin Yun bought a map. The price of this map is quite expensive. Lin Yun felt that it was worth the money because they risked their lives to draw this map to the far north.

Someone else should earn this money.

Lin Yun walked to the left according to the guidance of the map. The map stated that there was a special blue flower near the place where the stars fell, which the locals called the flower of the stars.

It is blue in color, with white stamens, and is shaped like a star. To humans, it looks like a star in the sky that has fallen to earth.

The flower of the falling star is called the flower of the falling star, which is the name combined with this place.

The map records that in the east of the Far North, the Land of Starfall is a cliff. Its shape resembles a crescent moon. From a distance, it looks like the moon has fallen on the Douluo Continent.

Lin Yun was looking for landforms with this kind of characteristics, because the Land of Starfall is a distinguishable topographic feature in the far north.

Lin Yun walked in the direction indicated on the map, and her mood began to become impatient.

In this vast white snow, Lin Yun's mood was not calm, but became irritable, as if something was staring at him.

The mysterious feeling made Lin Yun frown. She felt that it was the aura she had noticed before.

The soul beasts in the far north should not be underestimated.

She had restrained her aura, and the spirit beast could still detect her arrival, which meant that her previous exploration had been discovered.

This soul beast's perception ability is amazing.

Lin Yun has not seen this soul beast in person, but he can tell from this soul beast's keen perception that it is not simple.

Lin Yun never looked down on others. She sat cross-legged on the snow to contain her aura.

It's not that she's afraid of this soul beast, but she doesn't want to cause trouble. The light godhead is very important to her, and she cannot have any surprises.


In the ice and snow, a woman wearing a white dress stood on the snow.

Her appearance is human-like, with long white hair hanging down from the back of her head to her feet, and her sky-blue eyes are ethereal and transparent, as if she can see through everything in the world.

Her slender body was flawless. Although the white dress was not decorated at all, it made her look so noble and stunning. Meticulous, like plum blossoms in the winter snow, outstanding, proud of the snow and defying the frost.

The white skirt was draped with a furry snow fox scarf, and her sky-blue eyes were staring ahead.

"Some strong men have come to the far north."

Her cold and low voice sounded, and she looked in a certain direction.

"Strong ones? Are there any strong ones on the Douluo Continent? They haven't become gods for tens of thousands of years. They won't come to the far north."

A green figure appeared beside her.

There are four green magic lines on both sides of the visitor's pretty face, and his long dark green hair is spread behind him. But the skin is as white as ice and snow, with a transparent texture underneath the skin. There is a faint blue light flowing. That magic pattern already showed that she was not human.

"It can't be avoided."

Ice Emperor lowered his voice and said: "As long as they dare to come, wouldn't it be great if I killed them? I don't want you to get hurt. And counting the time, my disaster is coming. If I can't get through it, I will accompany you Your time is limited. I don’t want to be too far away from you.”

"It would be great if we were a boy and a girl."

The magic patterns on Ice Emperor's face radiated light, and there was a worried look on her face.

She didn't want to be separated from Snow Emperor, but they were soul beasts. It is extremely difficult for a soul beast to survive the catastrophe.

Even if they survive, their lives are not as free as humans. Because their lives are threatened at any time.

Both the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor have survived several heavenly tribulations and are aware of the horrors of the heavenly tribulations.

"This may not necessarily be someone who comes to the far north to hunt soul beasts. Maybe you and I can be safe, because that person's eyes don't have murderous intent."

Snow Emperor's expression became calm, and his indifferent eyes seemed to see everything through.

"I don't understand."

"Why do some powerful people come all the way from Douluo Continent to the Far North?"

“There’s nothing in the Far North but snow.”

"If this man hadn't come to hunt soul beasts and obtain soul rings, wouldn't the Far North be more dangerous?"


Snow Emperor had a surprised look on his pretty face, "What you said makes sense."

"But I can no longer sense this person's existence."

"This person has restrained his breath. Previously, I could sense that this person's presence was because he was using his spiritual power to explore the far north."

"This person's strength is unfathomable."

The Ice Emperor's expression changed greatly, and he said: "Anyone who dares to use mental power to sense the Far North is at least a Titled Douluo level expert. The Far North is a restricted area for human life. This person dares to come to the Far North. Doesn't it mean that he has other intentions? "

She had more things on her mind, because the Far North was covered in ice and snow all year round, and the harsh environment meant that not many people went to the Far North.

Most of the people who dare to come to the far north are hunting soul rings.

"not sure."

"If there really is something in the Far North, we wouldn't be able to see it after living for hundreds of thousands of years."

Emperor Xue frowned, and she was also thinking about this matter.

This person's purpose is not simple.


After walking eastward for a day, Lin Yun still couldn't find the place where the stars fell. Under the white snow, white has become the only color in the world.

She holds the Divine Sword of Light in her left hand, driving the red soul power to sense the existence of the divine god of light.

Obviously, she did not perceive the existence of the light godhead. In other words, she is still far away from the Land of Starfall in the Far North.

The Sword of Light and the Godhead of Light can correspond. Under normal circumstances, the Light Divine Sword can sense the existence of the Light Godhead within three hundred kilometers.

Until now, she has found no trace of the light godhead. Either this lightless land does not have a light godhead, or she is still far away from the lightless land.

Walking in the Far North, Lin Yun realized the vastness of the Far North.

It’s all white at first glance, so it’s easy to get lost in the whiteness.

Along the way, Lin Yun discovered that there were very few plants in the far north. Because those with weak vitality would have died in the ice and snow long ago.

Most of the plants that can live in the far north are plant-based soul beasts, and their vitality is really strong.

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