Chapter 135 Golden Necklace

Lin Yun found a white flower. The stamens of the flower were purple and the shape was diamond-shaped. The snowflakes falling on it looked radiant under the refraction of white light.

Its branches and vines are stretched out, and the raised barbs are red.

Lin Yun took a closer look and saw that it was a plant-type soul beast. Its age exceeds ten thousand years.

Because its texture has more than ten circles. Plant-type soul beasts are all divided by age, and it takes hundreds or thousands of years for characteristics like this to develop. Looking at this flower growing in the ice and snow, its crystal clear appearance must have taken at least ten thousand years.

Lin Yun didn't recognize the flower, but she just knew it was a spirit beast. This flower is less than 100,000 years old and is of no help to Lin Yun.

If this soul beast was one hundred thousand years old, Lin Yun would definitely hunt it for a soul ring. Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

After crossing the flower, Lin Yun walked forward again. The temperature is already very cold now, and it is difficult to go down without soul power to support oneself.

Lin Yun walked forward for two more days, but still found nothing in these two days. As time passed, Lin Yun's mood became heavier.

It seems that things are not as simple as she imagined.

At this time, she had penetrated deep into the inner reaches of the Far North, where there was no sign of biological survival at all, and the temperature had become so cold that even living things could hardly survive.

Lin Yun planned to go back because the temperature here could only be resisted by soul masters above the soul saint level.

She didn't think the soul master who drew the map had the ability to come here.

After all, soul masters above Soul Saint level can choose to attach themselves to a certain force in order to obtain resources for cultivation. The two major empires and Wuhun Palace are recruiting high-level soul masters, and for this reason, they are constantly improving the salary of soul masters.

It can be said that if you are short of money, you can choose to rely on major forces. There is no need to stay in the far north and draw maps to make money.

You must know that the fastest people to make money are those who are loyal to the power and become its power. The rewards given to high-level soul masters by Wuhun Palace and the two major empires can be said to be generous.

So after Lin Yun came here, his first thought was to go back the same way. This place is definitely not included in the records of this map, so if you want to find the Land of Starfall according to the direction of the map, you still have to go back.

Lin Yun was a little irritable because she thought she had a strong sense of direction and she didn't go in the wrong direction. But he just didn't see the place where the stars fell, which made Lin Yun start to doubt himself.

The sales volume of this map is good, which means that the approximate location of this map is correct, otherwise no one would buy it.

Lin Yun had deep doubts about his sense of direction.

She started walking back, took out the map and looked at it carefully, and decided to start walking from the west.

Because Lin Yun noticed that there was a flat land to the east of the place where the stars fell. There was a white flower blooming on the flat land, and its stamens were purple. When Lin Yun saw this written record, he remembered the flower from before.

According to the records on the map, this flower is called Snow Purple Flower. It is a plant-based spirit beast unique to the Far North. It takes two thousand years for a pattern to grow. The thousand-year-old snow purple flower can heal the soul master's injuries, and its effect is better than that of the auxiliary soul master.

The above also emphatically states that the number of this flower is rare. The value of a snow purple flower that is more than 10,000 years old is one million gold soul coins. It is truly valuable but not marketable.

Because this flower grows in the heart of the Far North, no one is willing to risk their lives to pick it.

Lin Yun didn't care about the money, he focused on the Land of Starfall. What she needs is light and godhead, not money.

After finding the direction, Lin Yun's mood improved instantly. She headed west excitedly.

Lin Yun was faster this time, and all she could think about was the light godhead.

It only took Lin Yun one day to rush to the west and find the Land of Starfall in the far north.

Standing on the snow in the distance, Lin Yun looked at the crescent-shaped cliff from a distance. Viewed from above, the concave and convex center pointed downwards, like a tray that set off the stars.

It had to be said that this place of fallen stars gave her a shocking feeling. Incredible craftsmanship, made naturally.

It's hard to imagine such a stunning natural terrain in the far north.

Lin Yun used his soul power, stepped on the air, and walked steadily down.

When he came to this place where stars fell, the Divine Sword of Light felt strange. The scorching feeling seemed to burn everything away, causing Lin Yun's confidence to reach its peak in an instant.

The Divine Sword of Light reacted, and the lightless land here was related to the goddess of light. Under uncertain circumstances, Lin Yun dared not make a guarantee.

Where there are expectations, there will be disappointment. She never expects anything because she has already experienced disappointment.

Walking down, there were several sharp pillars visible in the black ditch, with a small box placed on them.

There was a dazzling light coming from that little box. The moment he saw it, Lin Yun realized that this thing was related to the goddess of light.

Even if it is not the godhead of light, it is still a treasure left by the goddess of light.

After all, the vibrations of the Divine Sword of Light were getting louder and louder, giving Lin Yun the feeling that it was responding to this thing.

If there is a response, it means that this thing is related to the goddess of light.

Lin Yun slowly walked under the sharp pillar, raised his hand and headed towards the small golden box.

When her hand was about to get closer, the golden barrier silently blocked her hand. The tingling feeling spread from her hand to her whole body, making Lin Yun stunned for a moment, and then looked at the golden box with a surprised expression.

Obviously, this small box contains the power of the goddess of light.

No wonder this small box has not been discovered for thousands of years, because it has the power of the goddess of light to hide its existence.

Lin Yun thought that she could find out because she had the Divine Sword of Light as a token. If it weren't for the Divine Sword of Light, I'm afraid she would also miss this thing.

When Lin Yun was lost in thoughts, the Divine Sword of Light in her left hand suddenly increased its strength and broke away from her hand, heading straight for the golden box.

The sword energy stirred up the wind, golden light flashed through, and the powerful sword of light penetrated the golden box.

The box was broken in half, and the golden light stored in the box floated out. In the golden light, Lin Yun saw the golden necklace.

Obviously, the divine power of the goddess of light exists in this necklace.

Lin Yun used the power of his soul to linger in the palm of his hand and took out the necklace.

This necklace is heavy and quite weighty.

Lin Yun looked at the necklace and found that it was entirely golden with a blue gem inlaid in the middle. There were several holes on the side inlaid with small purple gems. Two words were engraved on the bottom of the necklace - destiny.

Lin Yun looked at the necklace carefully and saw three words engraved on the back of the sapphire - Xisuoya.

Lin Yun's expression changed slightly, because this necklace was obviously a women's necklace, which meant that it belonged to the goddess of light.

In other words, the name of the goddess of light is Hesoya.

The word destiny is engraved on it because this necklace was a gift to the goddess of light made by her husband, the god of destiny.

Lin Yun boldly guessed that this thing was related to the goddess of light and the god of fate.

The question is, why did the goddess of light put it in a lightless place to preserve it?

Her bright godhead is placed in a lightless place waiting for the inheritance of the divine status by later generations. So what is the use of putting this thing here? Aren't they afraid that people will ruin their things later?

Lin Yun couldn't understand what the goddess of light was doing. In Lin Yun's opinion, this was unbelievable and he couldn't understand it at all.

Judging from the intelligence of the goddess of light, this matter will not go wrong.

Why did the goddess of light put this thing here?
Lin Yun was thinking about this problem.

She looked carefully at the necklace and saw a slightly concave blue button in the sapphire necklace.

This blue button is integrated with the sapphire, and it is difficult to detect its existence without careful observation.

Lin Yun pressed it, and the sapphire was opened instantly. It turned out that the sapphire was hollow, and there were other spaces inside.

Lin Yun took a closer look and saw that it was a ball of golden energy.

Lin Yun stretched out her hand to touch the ball of energy, golden light emerged into Lin Yun's mind, and she immediately fell into a deep sleep.

She fell to the ground, the golden light protecting her.

Lin Yun's body lay quietly on the snow, and a golden figure appeared beside her, with complex emotions in those golden eyes.

The wind gently blew her long golden hair, and there was an irritable look on her pretty face.

That divine aura suddenly appeared.

She sighed and looked straight at Lin Yun.

"I never thought that the goddess of light would leave her spiritual thoughts behind."

Angel God Qian Yuhan murmured to himself.

It seems that the goddess of light planned everything hundreds of thousands of years ago to ensure that this plan is foolproof.

What a xinxing!

Is this the plan of a God King level powerhouse?
It's too strong.

Angel God Qian Yuhan frowned slightly and looked at Lin Yun with compassion in his eyes.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

From the moment Lin Yun refused to inherit her divine status, it meant that Lin Yun would embark on this path.

Although this road is difficult to walk, the ending is much easier.


It's so noisy.

Lin Yun opened her eyes wide and looked ahead. She was woken up by the quarrel.

The moment he woke up, Lin Yun knew that he had been tricked again. She originally thought it was the divine power of the goddess of light, but she did not expect that it was the divine thought of the goddess of light.

The divine thought of the goddess of light knocked her out, causing her to fall into a deep sleep and enter this illusion.

Lin Yun looked around calmly. This was a shrine filled with brilliance. The reason why it is considered a temple is because there are statues of gods in this palace. There is no atmosphere of survival, only a throne placed on the stairs.

The statue of the god and the throne are placed at the same time, which is impossible in Douluo Continent. Because the kings of the two empires did not agree that gods were nobler than themselves, this arrangement could only be in temples.

Combining the previous memories of the Phoenix God, Lin Yun discovered that the god's temple was single.

For example, the temple of the Phoenix God is red, and the temple of the Goddess of Light is golden. This temple is purple and must not be the temple of the Goddess of Light, so the answer can only be the temple of the God of Destiny.

Because what is related to the goddess of light is the god of destiny.

Lin Yun looked forward, and then she noticed that the people arguing were the goddess of light and the god of fate.

The God of Destiny is a man with purple hair and purple eyes. His face is beautiful and his body is thin, giving people a feeling of being weak. Wearing a blue robe, his face was very pale.

There is a purple crystal ball placed under his left hand.

There was an indifferent expression on that perfect face, and her purple eyes stared straight at the goddess of light.

There was no trace of love in their eyes, but indifference.

The previous quarrel was caused by them.

Lin Yun listened calmly to their conversation. Because she realized that this was the memory of the goddess of light.

The memory that exists in the necklace is the secret that the goddess of light wants to pass on to future generations.

Lin Yun looked forward seriously.

The goddess of light wore a long white dress. She did not wear the golden armor like in the past, and there was a look of anger on her calm face.

"I don't understand what you're doing."

The goddess of light's gentle voice was laced with anger, "You know everything, but you choose to acquiesce."

"Aya, I don't understand what you are thinking."

The clear voice of the God of Destiny sounded, "This is my responsibility and part of my divine power. The fate of all living beings is arranged by the God of Destiny. I control destiny and should be the master of all things in the world."

Those purple eyes stared at the goddess of light, Hesoya.

"I will return this sentence to you as well."

The goddess of light Hesoya had a stern face, and her angry emotions were about to turn into reality, "You know what I mean, but you choose to remain silent, because you acquiesce to the arrangement of fate. You are unwilling to violate your divinity, but you You are willing to help others do this. Humans and spirit beasts are both living beings, and they should have the same rights. When you choose the balance of fate towards humans, it means that the fate of the spirit beast is destined from now on. , is the strongest among the more than thirty god kings, your decision means the future of countless living beings."


The God of Destiny sighed and said helplessly: "God does love all living beings, and cuteness is biased. I prefer humans who are similar to us in appearance than spirit beasts."

"What is being sacrificed is the interests of the soul beast clan. Ever since the conflict between the Dragon God and the Phoenix God, this battle has been inevitable. Even if you try your best to persuade the Phoenix God to give up his idea, you can't change the result. This is The arrangement of fate is also the choice of fate. They are destined to live alone. "

"You keep saying that you only sacrifice the interests of the soul beast clan, then why do you sacrifice the lives of countless human beings in future generations in exchange for the core of power in the divine world? What did the angel clan do wrong? They use the power of light to suppress the darkness of the world. For this reason It brings balance. I recognize their light and their approach.”

The voice of the goddess of light Hesoya suddenly became louder, "But you insist on arranging a fate of collapse for them, just to fulfill the selfish intentions of those gods?"

"I can't understand your thoughts."

"You make me feel strange."

"Calm down, Aya."

The God of Destiny's expression is always calm, "We cannot go against divinity, so all this is divine arrangement. It is not my choice, it is divinity's choice. Fate has made arrangements, but there is still a thread left. Life. If they really have the ability to break through the shackles of fate and change their fate, it means that fate agrees with their approach. "

"This is different. Divinity comes with its own will and emotions."

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