Chapter 136 The strangeness of memory

The expression of Hesoya, the goddess of light, changed instantly, and Lin Yun could see her thoughts.

There are only a few who are like the goddess of light, Hesoya.

Being able to fight the gods for the soul beast, the idea of ​​the goddess of light exceeded Lin Yun's expectations.

This memory revealed the thoughts of the goddess of light, which made Lin Yun suddenly surprised. If the Goddess of Light really wanted to help the soul beast, why didn't she help from the beginning instead of starting her own behavior after the war in the God Realm? This made Lin Yun puzzled by the thoughts of the Goddess of Light.

If the Goddess of Light really meant it, why would she have turned things into what they are today? Judging from the divine power displayed by the Goddess of Light, her abilities are among the best in the divine world. There is no need to abide by the rules set by other gods.

Lin Yun said that she could not understand the thoughts of these gods.

Judging from the memory of Hesoya, the goddess of light, she had different ideas from the God of Destiny. This is also the reason why Hesoya, the goddess of light, killed the God of Destiny in the end.

They cannot go against their divinity, nor can they go against their own instincts. In this case, they can only become enemies.

Lin Yun continued to look at this memory, and the goddess of light Hesoya's face was as white as paper.

"What you say is all false. Others don't understand you, don't I understand you? You can change this destiny, but you are unwilling to change it because you don't want to change your destiny. I don't understand your thoughts. Let this bitterness And suffering a painful fate for all living things, is this your way?"

The body of Hesoya, the goddess of light, is condensed with golden light spots, which are her divine power of light.

At this moment, she was really angry.

From calm to angry, the goddess of light Hesoya did not suppress her emotions. On the contrary, the god of fate had a sullen face, as if someone owed him millions.

"They can't offend me to violate my divinity, and they don't have the right to let me change the fate of fate. I am the god of fate, the master of fate, and the puppet of fate. I can see the fate of all living beings, but I can't change it. Their fate. If fate could be changed easily, the world would be in chaos. I know your kindness makes you sympathize with what happened to the Soul Beast clan, but fate is not something you and I can change."

Although the God of Destiny looked ugly, he still used gentle words to calm the emotions of Hesoya, the Goddess of Light.

The eyes he looked at Hesoya, the goddess of light, were full of tenderness.

If it had been someone else, the God of Destiny would have killed him long ago and let him enter reincarnation to start a new destiny. But the person who questioned his fate was his wife Hesoya, the goddess of light, and he could only suppress his anger.


Hesoya, the goddess of light, smiled helplessly, "You don't understand what I think. We are different after all."

"I don't want to change the fate of the soul beast clan, but I don't agree with gods meddling in everything. Be it gods or humans, the world does not belong to any party. We regard soul beasts as appendages of human beings and a human cultivation system. Part of it is because soul beasts cannot defeat humans, so their fate is doomed. However, if one day, humans are no match for soul beasts, then what is the difference between the fate of humans and soul beasts? I sympathize with soul beasts because I don’t agree with the extreme ideas of the gods.”

"You can convince them, but you choose to acquiesce. When all the gods think that this path is correct, then it is a kind of pain for all living things. The silent pain is the most terrible. I can't change the ending, I can’t convince you, but I can use my own power to express my thoughts.”

"I won't stop. From today on, let's calm down."

"I want to be worthy of my faith in all things in the world."

As soon as the words of the goddess of light Hesoya came out, the God of Destiny finally couldn't hold back the emotions that had been accumulated for a long time.

"You care about your own divinity and have to live up to the power of your own faith. What about me? Who am I in your eyes? We have been married for hundreds of thousands of years and still haven't melted your heart? I hope Sonja, your heart is really cold. We finally met once, but you chose to talk about the yes and no, and even broke my heart for them. Do you think this is really worth it? "

"It's worth it." The affirmative words of Hesoya, the goddess of light, made the God of Destiny look heavy.

Listening to the dispute between them, Lin Yun thought this melon was really good. She did not expect that the God of Destiny, who was the most powerful person in the God Realm, was a God who cared about his wife.

But here's the problem, if he really cares about his wife, the God of Destiny can use his own strength to persuade those gods to give up fighting the Dragon God and keep the world in a state of balance.

But the God of Destiny has no such idea.

The goddess of light, Hesoya, did not speak, but looked directly at the God of Destiny with her golden eyes.

Invisible barriers appeared between them.

Lin Yun noticed the divine power floating on their bodies. The goddess of light Hesoya turned around, the golden tray floating behind her, and her clothes instantly turned into a battle robe.

"I don't want to see you again."

"You can't violate your divinity, and I don't want to violate my divinity. Light shines on all things, bringing warmth and light to all things. In my eyes, all things are treated equally, and there is no distinction between high and low. Be it gods or humans. No matter what, it seems to me the same. Ever since you chose to safeguard the interests of the gods, we can no longer go back to the past."

Listening to the words of Xisuya, the goddess of light, Lin Yun was stunned for a moment. The direction of things was so strange.

"Do not."

Lin Yun saw the God of Destiny trying to retain the goddess of light, Hesoya, but was bounced away by her light power.

The next moment, the figure of Hesoya, the goddess of light, disappeared from sight. Lin Yun could still hear the painful voice of the God of Destiny.

This memory ends here.

Lin Yun suddenly felt strange. Isn't the goddess of light Xisuya a very calm god?
Why show your imperfections on the side of fate? Is it because God does not hide His disposition in front of people He is familiar with?
Lin Yun couldn't understand and was shocked.

She felt that the development of this matter was beyond her expectation. She originally thought that this matter would end with the compromise of Hesoya, the goddess of light, but she did not expect that their differences would start from this moment.

It was precisely because of this disagreement that the goddess of light decided to kill the god of destiny in the end...

No matter what the outcome is, it shows the mastery of divinity by Hesoya, the goddess of light.

Lin Yun suppressed her emotions, wondering if she would be as ruthless as Hesoya, the goddess of light?
The more she comes into contact with the God of Light, the more indifferent Lin Yun's emotions become. She loses those emotions, making her treat everything calmly.

Lin Yun didn't know how to evaluate the actions of Hesoya, the goddess of light.

Waking up from his memory, Lin Yun saw the golden light of the necklace in front of him gathering into a line of words.

There is no beginning or end, a lightless place.

These eight short words made Lin Yun frown.

This is a new clue.

There is no trace of the Godhead of Light in the Far North, only a memory left by the Goddess of Light.

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