Chapter 137 Snow Emperor
This memory gave Lin Yun complicated thoughts.

God is really crazy.

To be honest, Lin Yun originally thought that Poseidon, the God of the Sea, was crazy enough, but now it seems that the gods in the God Realm are not very spiritual.

If you really want to elaborate, Lin Yun thinks they are all outrageous. Looking at their behavior from a normal person's perspective, it is really unimaginable.

Similarly, if Lin Yun had not experienced it personally, he would not think that he had no choice.

Hey, talking too much makes me tired.

Lin Yun stretched out his hand and used his soul power to guide this light power into his body. The power that remained after that memory dissipated was pure divine power of light, which gave Lin Yun the feeling that she was deliberately letting her know about this memory.

Being too deliberate would appear clumsy. Even if Lin Yun's perception was slow, he would still realize that he was being plotted.

The person who plotted against her was the goddess of light whom she had never met before. Judging from the information provided by that memory, the goddess of light hundreds of thousands of years ago had anticipated everything that would happen in future generations, and had crossed the long river of time to realize her plan.

Lin Yun recognized the goddess of light's planning ability from the bottom of her heart, but she felt very uncomfortable.

Because she was the one being calculated from the beginning to the end.

Being passively involved in this matter was very uncomfortable for Lin Yun.

Without her knowledge, she was already involved, a fact she couldn't change.

From the moment she chose to intervene in this matter and help Qian Renxue change her destiny, she had no way to escape.

Lin Yun's mood became heavy.

If she doesn't want to give up Qian Renxue, she must accept this arrangement.

Lin Yun calmed down his expression, suppressed his emotions, and kept convincing himself to calm down.

There is no need to complain anymore if this is the case. She will not deny her choice.

Everything you do is your own wish.

After a while, Lin Yun's mood became calm. She began to analyze the matter calmly.

This matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface, but one thing is certain, that is, the goddess of light Hesoya and the angel god Qian Yuhan have joined forces.

Lin Yun didn't know what their ultimate goal was, but she knew that she couldn't overthrow the God Realm and rewrite the rules of the God Realm alone.

As for other things, she can't control them now, and she doesn't have the ability to think so much. She just needs to take care of herself.

Lin Yun thought slowly, and unknown emotions emerged in his heart, which eventually turned into calm.

Feeling the warm divine power flowing through the limbs and bones of the body, the unfamiliar feeling completely disappeared.

Lin Yun is open-minded, which leads to her calm attitude towards things.

After looking at the necklace in his hand, Lin Yun finally decided to keep it in the soul guide space. This thing is related to the goddess of light and the god of destiny. Maybe it is their love token.

Although the God of Destiny and the Goddess of Light have dissipated in the world and become a part of it, the emotions they once had are still real.

After Lin Yun sighed with emotion, he walked towards the top of the Land of Starfall. She had no time to grieve for Qiu, she wanted to find the Godhead of Light as soon as possible and achieve the God of Light status.

As for the broken Phoenix Godhead, Lin Yun just let it happen. Lin Yun didn't know what kind of godhead it could be recast into. All this was full of unknowns, but it made Lin Yun burn with fighting spirit.

She will not bow to fate and reality.

Lin Yun's golden eyes were burning with flames, and the raging fire seemed to burn everything.

Unknown emotions flowed in those golden eyes.

At this moment, Lin Yun did not suppress his soul power. The powerful soul power spread in all directions, and the pressure belonging to the top experts caused the soul beasts within a hundred miles to run for their lives.

This pressure is not inferior to that of gods. If Lin Yun had the divine power to inherit the divine position, the power of this pressure would be doubled.

Her abilities are among the best in the world.

To be able to become an Extreme Douluo expert before the age of twenty, Lin Yun's talent is undoubtedly the best in the world.

The only thing she lacks is her character.

The moment Lin Yun's power was exposed, the expression of the Snow Emperor somewhere in the far north suddenly changed.

Her pupils looked in the direction of Lin Yun. Although they were thousands of miles apart, this powerful aura made the Snow Emperor instinctively fearful.

Titled Douluo level experts rarely come to the Far North. This is not because they are weak, but because they do not regard the Far North as a place to hunt soul rings.

The climate here is extremely cold, and if you want to find a hundred thousand year old soul beast, you must go deep into the inner area. Even a titled Douluo cannot easily cope with the temperature in the Far North.

The Snow Emperor locked onto Lin Yun's direction, her aura widened, and her soul power emerged.

She was sensing Lin Yun's movements to know Lin Yun's general direction. This strange force must be controlled and the Far North cannot be endangered.

Seeing the serious look on the Snow Emperor's face, the originally depressed Ice Emperor suddenly changed his expression.

She was trying to feel the power.

Obviously, the Ice Emperor also felt Lin Yun's aura, but her perception ability was not as good as the Snow Emperor's.

The reason is simple. Snow Emperor's abilities are above hers, and his strength is several times hers.

A faint coldness appeared on the Snow Emperor's beautiful face, and the cold voice sounded, "Let's go find this person."

"This person cannot be allowed to destroy the peace of the Far North."

Except for the war hundreds of thousands of years ago that spread to the Far North and caused a brief period of chaos in the Far North, the Far North was peaceful at other times.

The Snow Emperor did not want the arrival of outside humans to break the peace in the far north.

This is also her responsibility as the overlord of the Far North.

Before God was born, she was the strongest in the Far North.


Lin Yun stepped into the air with her feet, the Seraphim martial spirit spread out behind her, and golden feathers floated in the air. When using the Seraph Martial Spirit, golden feathers will float around her. This is an unavoidable phenomenon that comes with the Martial Spirit.

Every time he saw these golden feathers, Lin Yun thought that the hair loss of the angel martial soul was really serious!
Fortunately, these golden feathers are made of soul power and are not real feathers, otherwise Lin Yun would have to worry about his own problems again.

It is definitely abnormal for Angel Wuhun to lose so much hair.

There is no need to put yourself on the line just to show off!

Lin Yun thought slowly.

At this time, a piece of golden feather floated into Lin Yun's palm and quickly turned into a ball of golden energy.

Lin Yun stood on the cliff of the Land of Starfall, looking down condescendingly. Viewed from above, the bottom is bottomless, easily inspiring the fear engraved in human souls.

This is human instinct, an instinct engraved in the soul.

The weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive. These eight characters represent the cold reality.

Lin Yun sighed and continued walking up. After seeing the memory of Xisuya, the goddess of light, Lin Yun felt confused about what was going to happen next.

According to the vision of the goddess of light, Lin Yun is the key to this matter.

Faced with such a key person, the goddess of light had no choice but to calculate the plan step by step and start laying it out. Lin Yun could often feel that she was trapped in a big net and couldn't struggle out because she was already involved.

As the saying goes, those who are in authority are confused and those who are onlookers will understand. Lin Yun entered the situation. She could not see the situation clearly, not because she was not capable enough, but because everything around her was numbing her perception.

Lin Yun walked upwards. She wanted to leave the Land of Starfall and go to the next place without light.

The previous intuition was suppressed by Lin Yun, because she didn't gain anything in the far north, so that feeling could only be her own illusion.

Lin Yun walked back for half an hour, and the snowflakes began to fall heavily, changing from visible to the naked eye to white snow. In this coldness, Lin Yun, with blond hair and golden eyes, was particularly obvious.

How prominent her figure was in the ice and snow.

Lin Yun didn't have time to appreciate the snow scene, she had to seize the time to become a god.

Of course, sometimes the more anxious you are, the harder it will be to do something.

No, Lin Yun was blocked by two women.

"You are?"

Lin Yun raised his eyebrows and looked at them with calm eyes. The leading woman had long silver hair, and her clear sky-blue eyes stared straight at her.

There was an indifferent expression on that fair face.

The white dress brought out her indifference and coldness.

As soon as she appeared, Lin Yun felt a powerful aura. It turns out that the terrifying spirit beast aura in the far north that Lin Yun sensed earlier was them.

Lin Yun blinked and his mood stabilized instantly.

Behind this person was a woman with green hair and blue eyes. The shining red magic lines on her face and the iconic beast pupils showed that she was not a human being.

Combining his previous perceptions, Lin Yun knew that they were all soul beasts.

Of course, Lin Yun was surprised that they were in human form. You must know that although the human form looks beautiful, it is a burden to the soul beast.

A hundred thousand year old soul beast has to go through a heavenly tribulation if it wants to become a human being. It will only last a thousand years to remain unchanged after the catastrophe.

Judging from the auras they displayed, their age was definitely over 100,000 years old.

Not only do they have no traces of the heavenly tribulation, but they also have a kind of calmness that other soul beasts don't have.

Lin Yun suddenly became curious.

Because this is the strangest soul beast she has ever seen.

If they, like Xiao Wu, choose to transform and use human bodies to practice becoming gods, they will not leave the unique characteristics of soul beasts on their bodies if they start practicing again.

In other words, they did not choose to transform into humans. The soul beast has two choices before it can survive the 100,000-year catastrophe. The first is to become a human again, and the second is to survive the tribulation as it is and gain a thousand years of life.

Judging from the auras they displayed, they were definitely more than a hundred thousand years old.

In this way, humans actually know very little about soul beasts. Lin Yun was right if he thought about it carefully.

After all, humans who can become gods have long been in the God Realm, and they will not help future generations change the original pattern. Therefore, the information on soul beasts on Douluo Continent has not changed much.

Human beings' narrow understanding of soul beasts is not due to their own lack of ability, but because they have never thought that there are higher-level soul beasts that are more than 100,000 years old.

Today's human development level is not yet at a higher level, so naturally it cannot discover more powerful existences among soul beasts.

Take the sleeping Soul Beast King Silver Dragon King Gu Yue as an example. Titled Douluo among humans would not dare to easily go to the Lake of Life where she is. Naturally, they would not be aware of such terrifying existence.

The moment he saw them, Lin Yun's golden eyes showed curiosity.

She felt their aura before and decided to restrain her own aura. It wasn't because she was afraid of them, but because Lin Yun didn't want to cause trouble.

The purpose of her coming to the far north is the light godhead, not to hunt soul beasts.

In Lin Yun's view, soul beasts can be found at any time, but the light godhead is something that can only be encountered but cannot be sought.

Lin Yun would not relax until the matter was completed.

The three pairs of eyes looked at each other, their emotions hidden in their eyes, and none of them spoke to each other.

Five minutes passed before Lin Yun coughed and said, "What do you want?"

"My time is precious. If you have anything to say, please speak quickly. I don't have time to waste it with you here."


Hearing Lin Yun's words, Snow Emperor's cold voice sounded, and her lips moved, "I don't care about your purpose of coming here, but please leave the Far North."

The Snow Emperor looked at Lin Yun with eyes full of murderous intent, and Lin Yun caught the murderous intent that was about to turn into reality.

Immediately, Lin Yun's expression turned cold.

She spoke to them in a nice voice, but they faced her with an indifferent attitude, which made Lin Yun very unhappy.

She lowered her posture, not because she was afraid of them, but because she thought that this was the far north, and it was their territory after all, so there was no problem in giving them a little face.

But what Lin Yun didn't expect was that Emperor Xue was so disrespectful, which made her feel unhappy.

Unhappy as he was, Lin Yun still suppressed his emotions to prevent them from getting any clues.

She's not afraid of them.

If they get anxious, then they can have a fight!
Lin Yun has never been afraid of others, she is an activist. Dare to speak and act, and never be afraid of others.

Lin Yun thought that he had given them enough face, and there was no need to give them face if they were ignorant.

After all, her self-esteem would not be put on the ground for others to trample on.

"The Far North belongs to all living things in the world. Even if you are the indigenous people of the Far North, you cannot stop our arrival."

Lin Yun's voice turned cold instantly, and his eyes looking at Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor were full of coldness.

She won't give them face.

"I am the King of the Far North."

Snow Emperor's beautiful face had an indifferent expression, and she realized Lin Yun's change in attitude.

Snow Emperor hesitated for a moment, then regained his composure. She is not good at dealing with humans and doesn't know what humans think.

However, the Far North is their home, and it is not human beings’ turn to act recklessly.

If it was a low-level soul master, the Snow Emperor wouldn't care. After all, the world of the jungle relies on strength. The weak soul beasts die in the hands of human soul masters. This can only be their fate, and they cannot blame others.

The reason why Snow Emperor came to Lin Yun was because Lin Yun gave her a deep sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis made the Snow Emperor unable to calm down, and he just wanted Lin Yun to leave the Far North as soon as possible.

"So you want me to leave?"

Lin Yun's voice suddenly turned cold, "You being the king of the Far North has nothing to do with me. This does not mean that the Far North belongs to you."

Lin Yun doesn't accept threats.

She wasn't scared.

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