Chapter 142 The storm is coming
Judging from Qian Daoliu's soul power level, sensing Lin Yun's aura is a very simple matter.

Qian Daoliu must have known about Lin Yun's arrival for a long time. The reason why he didn't make any move now was to wait for Lin Yun to go in on his own.

Light Ling Douluo may seem cynical, but in fact he has seen through all of this, otherwise he would not be comfortable in the Spirit Hall.

If he really didn't care about anything, he wouldn't have become the fifth priest of Wuhun Palace.

Wuhun Palace will not raise idle people.

In addition to being powerful, Light Ling Douluo is also very popular in Wuhun Hall. He just has a somewhat arrogant personality.

Hearing Guang Ling Douluo's words, Lin Yun was stunned for a moment and said, "I understand."

"You are so laid-back."

Lin Yun's eyes fell on Guang Ling Douluo, and he said with a deep expression, "I know he is waiting for me, I just want to chat with you."

Lin Yun narrowed her eyes, with a complicated expression on her face, "I don't know if we can chat as calmly as we do now next time we meet."

"I can't tell what the variables will be in the future, but I know that reality will not remain unchanged. Light Ling Douluo, I envy you."

Lin Yun's voice paused, and she looked straight at Guang Ling Douluo, her clear voice mixed with helplessness, "I have been working hard to become stronger along the way, but the moment I saw you, I realized that the truth was not Just like I imagined.”

"I always thought that if I became stronger, I could prevent some things from happening, but now it seems that still doesn't work. I have to become stronger than everyone else."


Now it was Guang Ling Douluo's turn to be surprised, his eyes flashed with astonishment. Obviously, Light Ling Douluo didn't understand what Lin Yun said and thought it was too strange.

This is not like Lin Yun's behavior.

Light Ling Douluo thought slowly.

This is too strange.

"It just came out of nowhere."

A smile appeared on Lin Yun's face again, and his voice was mixed with sadness, "I just think reality is quite boring."

"There's something wrong. There's no need for you to envy me."

Light Ling Douluo frowned, "You are the young master of Wuhun Palace. I can't even see through your soul power level now. Your strength is already above mine. In this case, I don't think You need to be afraid of others. Big brother said that the hope of Qianjia lies in you and Xiaoxue."

"You have the noble blood of God flowing in your bodies, and you are the representatives of angels and gods in the human world. Your decision is not wrong."

Light Ling Douluo could not understand Lin Yun's words or her thoughts. But he realized something was wrong from her words.

His intuition is very keen.

Lin Yun definitely meant something in his words, but he didn't understand what Lin Yun meant, so he fell into uneasiness.

Light Ling Douluo did not say this explicitly because he knew that Lin Yun was unwilling to tell.

If Lin Yun had been willing, she would have said it long ago instead of being secretive. Lin Yun's behavior made Guang Ling Douluo feel uneasy.

The calm surface will be overturned by the violent wind and rain.

The calmer it is, the more unsettling it is.

"It's really nothing."

Lin Yun smiled at Light Ling Douluo, "I just think you are very lively. I wish I had your liveliness."

"I'm going to find my father. I'll chat with you next time."

"Also, I want to eat red bean-flavored bread. If you are free, can you satisfy my request?"

Lin Yun spoke softly to Guang Ling Douluo.

She was very easy-going in front of Guang Ling Douluo and did not show off as the young master of Wuhun Palace. This was also the reason why Guang Ling Douluo was willing to get close to her.

As far as the matter is concerned, Lin Yun has a pretty good personality.

Geniuses are mostly arrogant people, and few are as indifferent as Lin Yun.

Looking at Lin Yun's back, Light Ling Douluo stood up, clenching his hands tightly and frowning.

He was not a fool and could hear Lin Yun's deliberate avoidance.

This is something they know very well.

Obviously, Lin Yun didn't want to say it, and Guang Ling Douluo couldn't force Lin Yun to say it.

The erroneous words made Light Ling Douluo feel uneasy in his heart.

How he hoped it was because he was worrying too much.

Of course, this is impossible.

Judging from his understanding of Lin Yun, it was because he was hiding something in his heart that was not convenient to speak out.

Light Ling Douluo thought to himself that he could only rely on his elder brother. Let's see if the eldest brother can ask her what's on her mind.

If not, then it can only be treated as if nothing happened.

On the other side, Lin Yun walked to the entrance of the worship hall with a solemn face. She began to feel irritable.

The moment she saw Guang Ling Douluo, she thought of what happened to Qian Renxue. The angel god Qian Yuhan said that the consequences Qian Renxue faced after inheriting the angelic throne was that the divine throne was fragmented and he became a mortal forever.

Qian Renxue would be defeated at the hands of Tang San and fall from the proud daughter of heaven to a mortal. This blow would be huge to Qian Renxue.

Tang San relied on the power of God Shura and God Poseidon to defeat the angel god Qian Renxue. Then Wuhun Palace must have disappeared on Douluo Continent, because Wuhun Palace once forced Tang San's parents.

Wuhun Palace asked Tang San's mother to be sacrificed alive to Tang Hao, and also branded the Haotian Sect, making the Haotian Sect a joke and forced to close the mountain gate. The hatred between Tang San and Wuhundian is irreconcilable.

Qian Renxue fell to this end, and the Spirit Hall was not much better. As a result, the fate of Qingluan Douluo, Guangling Douluo and others who are enshrined in Wuhun Hall will definitely not be good.

Otherwise, with their abilities, even if Qian Renxue falls from the altar, she can live a good life and not be as miserable as the angel god Qian Yuhan said.

Only then did Lin Yun realize the cruelty of fate.

Her eyes were wet and her mood became heavy. When she thought about the fate of Guangling Douluo, Qingluan Douluo and others, her hatred became even stronger.

This is not fair!
Why is the fate of all living beings determined by the God of Fate?

Why do living beings not have the possibility to choose their own destiny?
In terms of talent and character, which aspect of Tang San is better than Qian Renxue? !
How unfair this fate is!
Just because Tang San was the lucky one chosen by the gods of the divine world, those who opposed him would end up in a miserable state, otherwise Tang San wouldn't be able to escape being hunted down again and again by the Spirit Hall.

Tang Hao would not be put on the hunting list by Wuhun Palace and still be safe and sound for many years.

Just because Tang San is the lucky one, so they have to make concessions to Tang San? No, this kind of fate is not what I want!
I, Lin Yun, have never believed in fate. I only believe in my own hands and think that I can create a better future!

At this moment, Lin Yun's eyes were red. She didn't need to ask the angel god Qian Yuhan to know that the fate of Guangling Douluo, Qingluan Douluo and others was not good.

It's possible that they would die in that battle.

How can humans intervene in the battle of gods?
Thinking of this, Lin Yun's mood fluctuated greatly. In Lin Yun's view, Guang Ling Douluo, Qing Luan Douluo and others are people of flesh and blood. Their futures are colorful and they should not be limited by fate, nor should they end up like that.

Destiny only favors his beloved and does not care about other people's feelings. This was Lin Yun's first thought.

Since fate was unfair, she went against it.

This is what Lin Yun did not say to Guang Ling Douluo.

She could only keep this matter in her heart and could not talk about it with others. Because this matter involves fate.

What an illusory fate!

The angel god Qian Yuhan was able to reveal this matter to her because she, like Tang San, did not belong to this world and was naturally not restricted by this side's destiny. Similarly, Lin Yun is also a variable.

Only variables can kill variables, which is why Lin Yun was able to kill Tang San.

Doesn’t the angel god Qian Yuhan have the strength to kill a mortal? Of course, but she couldn't kill Tang San.

Even if Tang San is killed, won't there still be help from God Shura and God of the Sea Poseidon? With Poseidon and Shura God around, the God of Cookery and the Nine-Colored Goddess must resurrect Tang San, otherwise they will die.

Looking at the problem through phenomena, Lin Yun was in a bad mood. At this moment, she understood the helplessness of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Variables cannot be killed, so another variable is needed. The appearance of Lin Yun is the hope of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Looking at the magnificent worship hall and the tall gate, Lin Yun had mixed feelings in his heart.

It is hard to imagine that such a magnificent palace would be destroyed by the gods' calculations a few years later.

Wuhundian has never done anything wrong!
Why doesn't fate favor Wuhun Palace? !
The Wuhun Palace awakens martial souls for civilians across the continent, giving them the opportunity to transcend social classes and become the hope of their families, allowing them to see a wider world.

This is also the reason why civilians are closer to Wuhun Palace. Douluo Continent is divided into two empires, but some of them still gave up their homeland and came to Wuhun Palace to become a part of Wuhun Palace. Isn't it because of the help that Wuhun Palace gave them!
The more Lin Yun thought about it, the angrier she became. At this moment, she could understand the anger of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

The Wuhun Palace built by the angel god Qian Yuhan was destroyed by fate's calculation. Who wouldn't go crazy if this happened to him?

Lin Yun walked forward while thinking.

Wuhundian has never been sorry to anyone!
What happened to Bibi Dong was Qian Xunji's personal behavior and had nothing to do with Wuhun Palace.

Qian Xunji's fault cannot be attributed to Wuhundian. After all, Bibi Dong was trained by the Wuhun Palace, and it was the Wuhun Palace that gave her the opportunity to have the resources to cultivate to the level of a Titled Douluo.

Without Wuhun Palace, there would be no Bibi Dong.

What Qian Xunji did was a personal grudge between him and Bibi Dong. Moreover, Bibi Dong had already killed Qian Xunji for revenge, and Wuhun Palace did not pursue Bibi Dong's actions. This matter should be brought to an end.

Look at the Buddha's face without looking at the monk's face. Even if Bibi Dong hated Qian Xunji, she shouldn't involve him in the Spirit Hall.

Because Wuhun Palace gave Bibi Dong everything.

Lin Yun walked into the worship hall with a calm face. There were six people in the worship hall at this time.

Obviously, except for Guang Ling Douluo, the remaining worshipers were all in the worship hall.

They knew Guang Ling Douluo's character very well, so they acquiesced in Guang Ling Douluo's behavior.

As soon as Lin Yun came in, everyone's eyes fell on her. Demon-Conquering Douluo and Qianjun Douluo had the greatest mood swings.

The two brothers have similar personalities, otherwise they wouldn't do things that make people laugh or cry.


Qian Daoliu's old voice came from afar, and his gentle eyes fell on Lin Yun.

Qian Daoliu, who has blond hair and golden eyes, is upright. Due to his high level of soul power, Qian Daoliu, who is over a hundred years old, looks no different from a person in his thirties.

In fact, Qian Daoliu was already over one hundred and fifty years old.

"Father, I came here to ask you about the whereabouts of the Killing City."

"I want to go to the Killing City."

Lin Yun said in a deep voice, her eyes falling on Qian Daoliu and Qingluan Douluo.

Lin Yun noticed Qingluan Douluo's gaze.

From the moment she came in, Qingluan Douluo's eyes looked very wrong. Demon-Conquering Douluo and Qianjun Douluo looked at her with curious eyes and did not attract Lin Yun's attention. Golden Crocodile Douluo and Lion Douluo looked at her without speaking, but Qingluan Douluo looked at her. His eyes were very subtle, which made Lin Yun take another look at Qingluan Douluo.

After Lin Yun's soul power level reached level ninety-nine, her perception of her surroundings reached an extremely terrifying level. In other words, the changes around her cannot escape her perception.

The moment Qingluan Douluo showed his clues, Lin Yun looked at Qingluan Douluo with a strange look.

You can't blame Lin Yun for thinking too much, because Qingluan Douluo's eyes are so strange.

It's not like they had never met and chatted in private, so why were they looking at me with such strange eyes.

When he heard about the Killing City, Qian Daoliu's expression changed instantly. There was a hesitant look on his handsome face. "The place in the Killing Capital is too dangerous. It is a huge challenge for you."

"Even if a titled Douluo arrives in the Killing City, he may not be able to escape unscathed, because that place has a talent field that limits the soul master's soul power. The level of this field is not much different from the angel field, so there is a place in this field Even the angel domain will be limited in scope. The most important point is that this domain will consume the soul master's power, which means that the soul master cannot use soul power in this domain, even if he uses the angel domain to resist this. Domain power must also have extremely powerful soul power.”

It was because of the difficult characteristics of the Killing City that Qian Daoliu did not mention the Killing City in front of Lin Yun.

Of course, Lin Yun's desire to go to the Killing City was something Qian Daoliu didn't expect.

Until the end, people with the Angel Realm will not go to the Killing City, because if they want to break the influence of that realm, they must consume extremely terrifying soul power.

Qian Daoliu had no way to do this, because that area was set by the gods.

This is also the reason why Qian Daoliu acquiesces to the existence of the Killing City.

Darkness cannot be destroyed, no matter how strong the light is. Therefore, Qian Daoliu acquiesced to the existence of the Killing City.

"I know."

Lin Yun said calmly, "I just want to go to the killing city."

"Because there is a lightless land over there in the Killing City."

"I want to find the Godhead of Light and obtain the status of the Goddess of Light."

Lin Yun's flawless face had a determined expression, "In addition, I also found a broken godhead, which is the Phoenix godhead. As long as I can repair the godhead, I may get two godheads."

"In this case, you must go to the Killing City."

Lin Yun didn't hide Qian Daoliu because she thought it was unnecessary.

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