Chapter 143 Time is running out

Lin Yun trusted them, and then informed them of the news about the godhead. At this point, it is no longer a question of whether Lin Yun wants it or not, but whether she can do it.

Find the Godhead, be recognized by the Godhead, and become a god. Every step is indispensable, which is also the motivation for Lin Yun's efforts.

Only by becoming a god can you change everything about yourself.

If she couldn't even become a god, how could she change the original destiny of Wuhun Palace.

Angel God Qian Yuhan is right, even if there is no Tang San, there will still be Li San. As long as the fate remains unchanged, no one can save anything.

As long as the gods in the divine world don't die, she can't change anything.

Lin Yun and Qian Daoliu's eyes collided, and their eyes were filled with complex emotions.

Lin Yun did not speak out his thoughts, but thousands of readers could guess Lin Yun's thoughts with just one look.

Her determination is clearly visible on her face. She wants to become strong and doesn't want others to control her destiny.

The strong can decide the fate of others, while the weak can only be dominated by the strong. Lin Yun chose the former between active and passive.

Lin Yun didn't like the feeling of passive acceptance. Lin Yun instinctively resisted the rhythm of this kind of thing that was beyond his control.

"In that case, then go ahead."

Qiandaoliu's golden eyes were full of unknown emotions, "Yun'er, I can't help you on this road. I see the hope of the angel family in you, and you are the key to changing the fate of the angel family."

"The entrance to the Killing City is in the Star Forest. This is an irrational city. You can't find reason in this city. They are no different from beasts in their depravity."

Listening to Qian Daoliu's words, Lin Yun had a serious face.

No matter how dangerous the city of killing was, Lin Yun was determined to fight.

The Lightless Land of the Killing City is the second.


Qian Daoliu patted Lin Yun on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: "When you go to the killing city, remember your own safety. People's hearts are sinister, don't believe anyone. None of their words are true."

"In addition, when you feel in danger, you can activate the angel domain to offset the influence of the god-level domain that comes with the Killing City. The quality of the domain in the Killing City is not much different from the talent domain of the angel spirit. The reason why I have always been afraid of Wuhun Palace."

"As long as the Spirit Hall is willing, the restrictions imposed on soul masters by the Killing City will be ineffective. Similarly, their soul power will also dissipate under the restrictions of the Angel Realm. Light and darkness are destined to be incompatible, so possessing the power of light The Angel Domain can counteract the side effects of Killing City. Once you sense the danger, your Phoenix Domain is also useful.”

Qian Daoliu's handsome face was full of worry. At this moment, he took off his disguise and revealed his true side.

At this moment, he is not the great priest of Wuhun Palace, but an ordinary father.

Facing the growth of his children, he also felt uneasy.

Qian Renxue and Lin Yun were both his descendants, so he was actually worried.

Unfortunately, the road to spiritual practice is long and they have no right to choose. When the practice begins, all they can do is not to interfere and let the other party move on.

No one will stop for anyone, this road is destined to be lonely.

Lin Yun paused, a flash of sadness flashed in his eyes, "Father, I understand."

"I will."

"There is still some time, and I want to change this fate that should not have happened before the time comes. This hatred and resentment must come to an end sooner or later."

Lin Yun's face was full of indifference, and his golden eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Her murderous intention was not towards Qian Daoliu and others, but towards the gods of the divine world.

As early as she started on this path, she had no chance to look back.

Those arrogant gods would not let their family go.

Instead of passively accepting a miserable fate, it is better to take the initiative and kill those gods.

Lin Yun is a very bold person.

Qian Daoliu admired her boldness very much.

How can practitioners be cowards?

Going against the will of nature is all about tempering oneself.

Lin Yun has such courage, which shows that her character is strong enough.

"My son."

"I said that decades ago."

"What I cannot do, my descendants will do. I, Sendaoliu, have been doomed since I became the guardian of the angel throne, but my descendants' lives have not yet begun. Walking on this journey I don’t regret the path I took. The only person I’m sorry for in this life is your mother.”

Speaking of Lin Yun's mother, Lin Heng, a flash of guilt flashed through Qian Dao Liu's golden eyes, and his voice suddenly became vicissitudes of life, "More than ten years ago, I often thought that if I had confessed, things wouldn't be what they are today."

"Yun'er, there is not only one road in the world. My fate has been determined, and your future has just begun."

"If one day I am no longer here, I hope you will take on the responsibilities of an elder and take more care of Xiaoxue. It is really not easy for her."

"The grudges of the previous generation have nothing to do with her, but she is the one who suffered all the injustice."

Qian Daoliu's eyes became complicated, "Xiaoxue has shouldered too many injustices. If one day I am no longer here, I'm afraid no one will be able to care about Xiaoxue, so I really hope you can replace my position in her heart."

"At least she wasn't that sad after I left."

Lin Yun did not speak, but looked at Qian Daoliu with a calm face.

Her heart was completely in suspense.

She realized that Qian Daoliu's words were a farewell.

The more powerful the person, the more likely they are to predict their own death.

Lin Yun's eyes suddenly became wet, and panic appeared in her heart.

She is afraid.

How she wished it was because she was worrying too much.

Because the more she listened, the more something was wrong. She felt that it was meant to be her last words.

He didn't know how long the separation lasted, but he had even said his last words in advance, which was unexpected by Lin Yun.

A huge panic welled up inside her.

"Big brother."

Golden Crocodile Douluo and Qingluan Douluo looked at each other, they said in unison, their eyes looking at Qian Daoliu were worried.

After decades of getting along, their relationship has long been different. They treat each other as brothers, and the feeling that they are not relatives but are better than relatives makes them worried about Qian Daoliu's words.

They are not the heartless people like Light Ling Douluo.

Until the end, Qian Daoliu would not say this in front of Lin Yun. In this way, Qian Daoliu anticipated his own death.

How can they accept this?
"You are thinking too much."

Qian Daoliu teleported to the steps of the main hall. He looked at everyone with a calm expression, "I made plans in advance."


"If there is anyone in this world who can stop you and Xiaoxue, then that person must be Bibi Dong."

"I have been unable to see through her since she killed Qian Xunji and started the divine assessment more than ten years ago. She has been undergoing the divine assessment for more than ten years, and her strength is not as simple as you see."

"She's hiding her clumsiness."

Lin Yun responded with an unchanging expression, "I know about this. Before the start of the Continental Elite Soul Master Competition, I slapped Yu Xiaogang wildly in front of her. I felt a strange power, that cold... It felt like being stared at by a snake. Now that I think about it, that strange power must be Bibi Dong's. She hid her clumsiness in order not to expose her own strength, which must have something to do with the divine assessment she participated in. "

Bibi Dong must be on guard against this person.

From the moment Lin Yun decided to kill Yu Xiaogang, she knew that she and Bibi Dong would run into each other sooner or later. Because of Yu Xiaogang, Bibi Dong hated Lin Yun to death. There will be no reconciliation between them.

Of course, Lin Yun didn't want to let Bibi Dong go.

Only one of them can survive.

Lin Yun didn't think there was anything wrong with him.

Moreover, she felt more and more that things were beyond her control. Lin Yun didn't believe Qian Daoliu's explanation.

He must have had a premonition of something, but he was just afraid that she would worry about asking further and choose to use other excuses to get over it.

She is not a fool and naturally knows Qian Daoliu's worries.

This feeling is heavy for Lin Yun.

She didn't want to be burdened with this either.

But the fact is not something she can refuse just because she wants to.


In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong once again crushed a silver scepter inlaid with jade. Her rose-red eyes were full of pain and struggle.

She was really in pain.

When she closed her eyes, she would think of what happened a few months ago, and her heart would be torn in half.

She witnessed the death of a loved one, which was a huge blow to Bibi Dong.

She didn't expect Lin Yun to be so ruthless at such a young age. Not only did they kill Ning Fengzhi and Kendao Chenxin of the Qibao Glazed Sect, but they also killed Yu Xiaogang.

This woman's methods are extremely ruthless, even more ruthless than when she was young.

After Bibi Dong saw Lin Yun's skills, she thought that if she had been as ruthless as Lin Yun when she was young, she would not have fallen to where she is now.

If you want to blame it, it's because Wuhun Palace is not a good place. If you want to blame it, it's her bad luck. Unlike Lin Yun, who has a good family background and a strong talent for cultivation.

It can be said that Lin Yun won at the starting line as soon as he was born. She is the young master of Wuhun Palace, so she can have whatever she wants.

Compared with Lin Yun, she has nothing.

Bibi Dongmei's red eyes flashed with hatred. After destroying her, Wuhundian wanted to take away her last tenderness.

Yu Xiaogang had never done anything wrong, so why should Lin Yun kill Yu Xiaogang on behalf of Wuhun Palace?

In the past few months, every time Bibi Dong closed her eyes, she thought of Yu Xiaogang's unyielding look.

She was unwilling to give in. She really wanted to avenge Yu Xiaogang.

It's a pity that she doesn't have this ability now.

Let's not talk about Lin Yun's own strength, let's talk about Qian Daoliu, that old man. He will definitely not let Bibi Dong's plan succeed.

Qian Daoliu didn't expect that Bibi Dong could kill Qian Xunji. Precisely because of Qian Xunji's experience, Qian Daoliu would not let Bibi Dong's idea succeed.

Looking at Lin Yun's arrogant face, Bibi Dong's beautiful face was full of hatred.

The reality was too cruel to her, leaving no way for her to survive.

Lin Yun, the hatred between us will slowly settle.

"Everyone who has wronged me, Bibi Dong, must die to repay!"

Bibi Dong roared angrily, her eyes turned red, and the aura of a titled Douluo filled the surroundings.

At that moment, her emotions could hardly be suppressed.


The world of gods, the land of light.

Angel God Qian Yuhan walked alone in the Land of Light, ignoring the extremely bright light group and walked straight into the depths of the Land of Light.

This is the territory of the goddess of light, and also the place where the goddess of light fell.

Because this place belongs to the goddess of light, under the shroud of the Temple of Light, this place is always surrounded by light. There is no darkness. It is a true place of light.

Being here, the warm light power swept through the body, healing the injuries on the angel god Qian Yuhan.

She covered her chest with her hands, her face turned pale, and her golden eyes showed unwillingness.

Golden blood flowed to the ground through her palms. She kept coughing, acquiescing to the power of light to treat herself.

That heroic face was pale at the moment.

Angel God Qian Yuhan murmured, "There is not much time left for you and me."

"Xisoya, if you are still alive, you will definitely guide me to a new path. From the moment Lin Yun refused to become an angel god, I saw your figure. Only those who are not afraid of fate can change their destiny."

"It's a pity that I'm too weak and I can't buy enough time for her to grow up."

"The power of the law keeps eroding my body, and I can only last three years. If she hasn't become a god in these three years..."

Angel God Qian Yuhan spit out golden blood as she spoke, and her hair instantly changed from golden to silver.

Her face turned old in an instant.

The power of light from the bright land suddenly emerged, and all of it was absorbed into the body of the angel god Qian Yuhan and became a part of her body.

With the help of the divine power of light, the angel god Qian Yuhan's condition became normal.

Ten minutes later, the angel god Qian Yuhan sat on the ground without any image, her face turned rosy, and her long silver hair turned golden again.

Angel God Qian Yuhan took a deep breath, and she sighed again. The power of the law eroded her more and more because she had rewritten too many fates.

Before his death, the God of Destiny spent his whole life condensing the power of law. Anyone who changes their destiny must be eroded by the power of law. The goddess of light suffered deeply, otherwise she would not have fallen thousands of years ago.

Before her death, the goddess of light also placed a chance on the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Whether you choose to rewrite your destiny depends on the thoughts of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

If she doesn't want to, the goddess of light won't make things difficult for her.

As the saying goes, light embraces all things, and the heart of the goddess of light is kind.

The angel god Qian Yuhan recovered her power after a while. She smiled mockingly, "I regret that I am going against the God of Destiny now. The power of destiny is enough to control this world."

"It's a pity that I am a stubborn person."

"No matter how powerful fate is, I will never give up my life's work. Xisuya, this is why you chose me."

"They are hopeless, but I still have a chance to save them."

Angel God Qian Yuhan raised his head and looked at the golden light group.

"A god like you will never die. Will we meet again in millions of years? Hesoya."

Angel God Qian Yuhan said to himself.

From the moment she chose to support Lin Yun, she had to face her fate head-on.

She didn't want her life's work to be ruined in the hands of the gods.

It only hurts when a knife pricks you.

That was the divine throne she created with her own hands, why should it be broken because of Tang San.

She disagrees!

(End of this chapter)

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