Chapter 149 The King of Killing

After learning the news about Hell Road, Lin Yun became anxious.

Judging from Tang Chen's appearance, he must have lost his memory.

Otherwise, once Lin Yun's identity is revealed, Tang Chen will definitely take action.

This is Lin Yun's view of Tang Chen.

Lin Yun didn't care about the God of Killing Domain in the Killing City.

Because she already has a top talent field.

Even though the power of the God of Killing Domain was impressive, Lin Yun was not tempted.

Everything comes at a price.

Gods are incomplete, let alone the inheritance of gods.

After Lin Yun confirmed her thoughts, she understood that the Killing City was used by God Shura to train the heir to the throne.

If the successor to the divine throne is not good enough, God Shura will not pass on the divine throne.

Since receiving divine power, Lin Yun's own emotions have continued to drain away, and she has also become more rational.

The dominance of divinity caused Lin Yun to become increasingly indifferent.

Lin Yun didn't care about the source of the news.

Lin Yun's mind has reached the road to hell. How she hopes that the goddess of light's divinity will stay in the lightless land of the killing city.

This way she doesn't need to worry too much.

Becoming a god is what Lin Yun needs to do most urgently.

Lin Yun went to the Hell Killing Fields to continue fighting.

She put on a cloak to hide her face and started a new round of competition.

"It's the sword master!"

When Lin Yun easily won a match and her Phoenix Sword was revealed, everyone in the Killing City hurriedly retreated.

They don't want to die.

This is the sword master of the Slaughter City, who has created a miracle in the Slaughter City.

Those who had already signed up turned pale and chose to sign up without knowing it clearly.

The rule of Killing City is that you cannot go back after signing up.

They were forced to participate in this competition.

Lin Yun fought ten more games in a row.

At this time, she is still a few games away from reaching 100 games.

After one hundred games, she can open the Hell Road to the Hell Killing Fields.

Lin Yun's state became more and more calm.

She was thinking about the skills that each fight brought.

Soon, she won a hundred victories in one day.

According to the rules of the Killing City, Lin Yun can go to Hell Road to find out.

Murderous aura and strength are related. Lin Yun killed thousands of people, and the murderous aura accumulated in her body was enough to frighten everyone.

Looking at the entire city of killing, the only one who can rival Lin Yun's murderous aura is the King of Killing.

It is a pity that the King of Slaughter does not often appear in front of people, resulting in the Slaughter City not having much impression of the King of Slaughter.

But people in the Slaughter City are afraid of the Slaughter King.

Soul power cannot be used in the Slaughter City, but the Slaughter King can use soul power.

A person as powerful as a soul master will become a piece of flesh on a knife board if he loses the blessing of his soul power.

Because of the imbalance in strength, they were afraid of the King of Slaughter.

Of course, after Lin Yun completed a hundred victories, the people still alive on the Hell Killing Fields looked at Lin Yun expectantly.

For no other reason than the King of Slaughter will definitely be there.

After Lin Yun completes a hundred victories, the King of Slaughter will definitely open the road to hell for Lin Yun himself, so that Lin Yun can conquer the road to hell.


"Young sword master."

A low and sharp voice suddenly sounded, and the murderous aura released by everyone instantly subsided. At this moment, they seemed to have encountered a terrifying opponent and did not dare to reveal any clues.

The moment this voice appeared, the atmosphere in the Hell Killing Fields instantly rose to the extreme.

In mid-air, a blood-red figure descended from the sky.

He is the killing king of the killing city.

Lin Yun was lucky enough to meet the King of Slaughter before, so he was not surprised by the arrival of the King of Slaughter.

Perhaps because their strengths were not much different, Lin Yun was not affected by the murderous aura of the King of Slaughter.

After Lin Yun recognized the identity of the King of Slaughter, he knew that they would face each other sooner or later.

The reason is very simple, Wuhun Palace and Haotian Sect are already enemies.

Tang Chen became the King of Slaughter but did not leave the Slaughter City. It was only because he lost his memory that he forgot the past. Otherwise, he would have gone out to help Haotian Sect regain its position.

Lin Yun looked at the King of Slaughter calmly, his golden eyes reflecting his red figure.

If Lin Yun hadn't kept the faces of everyone in the Haotian Sect in mind, it would have been difficult for her to discover this fact.

Tang Chen, the Haotian Sect's biggest backer and one of the three strongest men on Douluo Continent, unexpectedly became the killing king of the killing city.

This sounds extremely ironic, but it is true.

Once a fact has happened, it is difficult to change it.

"The King of Killing."

"King of Slaughter!"

The fallen ones shouted loudly, their eyes turned red, their belief was the King of Slaughter.

Lin Yun saw the red light point heading in the direction of Tang Chen and sinking into Tang Chen's body.

There is no doubt that it is the power of faith of the fallen.

The power of their faith made Tang Chen's eyes less cloudy, but the next moment they became cloudy again, causing Lin Yun's expression to change instantly.

She discovered something was wrong with Tang Chen, but she would not help Tang Chen.

Tang Chen is a member of the Haotian Sect, and her life and death have nothing to do with her.

For the benefit of Wuhun Palace, she hoped that Tang Chen would stay in the Killing City for the rest of his life, or die in the Killing City, and would not appear on Douluo Continent again and cause trouble to Wuhun Palace.

After all, as long as Tang Chen's memory recovers and he knows what Wuhun Palace did to Haotian Sect, he will definitely kill Wuhun Palace.

Lin Yun was not afraid of Tang Chen, but it was better to do less than to do more.

She has enough enemies now, and she has no intention of focusing on Tang Chen anymore.

The fallen ones over there continued to shout, their voices became hoarse, but they still did not stop.

They use their voices to express their belief in the King of Slaughter.

This is an extreme.

Lin Yun's eyes were always on Tang Chen.

Lin Yun knew in his heart that Tang Chen would not take action against her now.

Because he didn't know what happened to Haotian Sect.

At this moment, Lin Yun saw Tang Chen's appearance clearly.

He was tall, his whole body wrapped in a huge scarlet cloak, and his blood-red eyes were full of turbidity.

His body fell rapidly from the air and quickly landed on the ground.

From the moment Tang Chen landed, the powerful majesty fell on everyone, and the shouting degenerates knelt down one after another. Only Lin Yun was not restricted.

She had a relaxed look on her face, as if she didn't feel the majesty, and a complex emotion flashed through her blood-red eyes.

Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, said: "I am very happy to witness the birth of a strong man in the Hell Killing Fields today. This is a hundred victories that have not happened in decades." "I see the future in you. You rely on yourself The powerful strength and terrifying murderous intent make my people tremble."

The King of Slaughter was covered in red dots of light, and Lin Yun looked at him calmly.

She didn't care about the words of the Slaughter King Tang Chen, but was waiting for the road to hell to open.

Obviously, the weird thing about Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, has no effect on Lin Yun, but it has a great effect on those degenerates.

They looked at Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, with crazy eyes. Their crazy look made Lin Yun frown.

The Killing City is an abnormal place.

Lin Yun has already accepted the weirdness of the Killing City in his heart.

You must know that even Tang Chen, a ninety-nine-level titled Douluo, can suffer losses. The abnormality in the Killing City must not be simple.

Lin Yun thought slowly.

She had better be careful.

She has come this far, and she must not suffer a loss on the road to hell in the killing city, and then waste the time that the angel god Qian Yuhan left for her.

Of course, Lin Yun also smelled the faint fishy smell.

The King of Slaughter lowered his head and stared at Lin Yun, "Sword Master, thank you for letting me feel the existence of passion again. A hundred victories, very good."

"In order to commend your achievements and recognize your strength, I have decided to grant you the title of God of Killing. From now on, you can enter and exit the Killing City on your own and become a guest of the Killing City without worrying about others."

"In the city of killing, apart from me, my guest is the only one who is worshiped by everyone."

Hearing the words of the King of Slaughter Tang Chen, Lin Yun's expression did not change and he said coldly: "No need, I came here just for the road to hell."

"King of Slaughter, I, Lin Yun, appreciate your kindness."

Lin Yun understood the implication of Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, that he did not want her to enter the road to hell.

In this way, he was afraid that he would fall on the Hell Road or that there would be something weird on the Hell Road, so he would not let her get close to the Hell Road.

Lin Yun's determination became even stronger when Tang Chen, the king of killing, threw away his guest as a condition.

Her trip was to investigate the dark places of the Killing City.

She investigated both the outer city and the inner city of the Killing City, but she could not find the lightless place, so she could only place her hope on the Hell Road in the Hell Killing Fields.

This is a hidden place.

There was no doubt in Lin Yun's eyes, but he was very calm.

Looking into those calm eyes, Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, sneered, knowing that his thoughts had been seen through.

They say people get wiser as they get older, but this man was so cunning when he was not even twenty years old.

Is this the powerful side of the young master of Wuhun Palace?

Wuhun Palace's ability to cultivate people is quite strong.

"I understand your idea."

Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, said slowly, "Hell Road is the most dangerous place in the City of Slaughter. Even I may not be able to guarantee that I will survive the Hell Road safely."

"In order to prevent you from being harmed, I am making you a guest in the Killing City."

The moment Lin Yun reported her real name, Tang Chen, the king of killing, understood her determination.

If those fallen people had not lost their minds, they would definitely know Lin Yun's identity.

The matter of the young master of Wuhun Palace coming to the Slaughter City can no longer be concealed.

"As long as you understand, I'm afraid you don't understand."

Lin Yun's expression remained unchanged and he looked at him calmly, "People who are wise don't tell secrets. I must go this way. No one can stop me."

"The King of Slaughter must understand what I mean."

"What's your attitude?"

The face of the King of Slaughter Tang Chen suddenly turned ugly, "You are just a junior who only dares to be arrogant because of his own power."

"If you really make me angry, I will take action against you even if they are standing behind you."

"Don't toast and you'll be fined if you don't eat."

Tang Chen, the king of killing, hated Lin Yun's calm attitude, which made him extremely unhappy.

He is a first-class strong man, there is no need to always give in to a junior.

"I don't need your kindness. I made it clear."

"That's my attitude. If you don't follow the rules of the Killing City, I don't mind using means to achieve your goals."

Lin Yun is very arrogant, and her patience is almost exhausted.

Her tenderness is reserved for her relatives, so naturally she won't have a good look towards others.

Not to mention, this person also has interests entangled with Wuhun Palace.

"Yellow-haired boy."

Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, sneered again, "Then follow the rules of the Slaughter City."

"I want to see if you can make it through hell."

Lin Yun's frivolous look angered Tang Chen, the king of killing, and made him feel bad instantly.

He didn't take action against Lin Yun before because of Wuhun Palace's sake. This was obviously a wrong move.

"You understand the horrors of the road to hell better than I do. Even though you are arrogant, you only live once."

"You think so, Young Master of Wuhun Palace."

The moment Lin Yun took the initiative to reveal his real name, Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, stopped hiding it and took the initiative to reveal Lin Yun's identity.

If something happens to Lin Yun, it has nothing to do with him when asked by Wuhun Palace.

He gave Lin Yun a chance, but Lin Yun didn't cherish it. He couldn't blame him.

Hearing the implication of Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, Lin Yun still had a calm expression, "I understand, I am not a child, so please start the road to hell and follow the rules of the Slaughter City."

"The King of Slaughter and I have nothing to say."

"Also, don't talk to me about life. This topic is too ridiculous. This is a world of the jungle, and the living must be the strong."

Lin Yun didn't want to waste time on Tang Chen, the king of killing.

She is going to the road to hell now, and her intention is very clear. If Tang Chen, the king of killing, stops her again, it will be his problem.

She doesn't care about her own safety.

If she couldn't survive even this little danger, how could she have the ability to go to war with the gods in the divine world?

Lin Yun has never been afraid of death.

Hearing Lin Yun's sneer, the Slaughter King Tang Chen's expression returned to calm, "For the sake of the Wuhun Palace behind you, I don't care about the arrogance of your words."

"I will send you to the road to hell according to the rules of the Killing City."

"That's the best."

Lin Yun said lightly.

Circles of light red light were released from his body and fell to the ground the next moment.

With his strength, if he really wanted to take action against Lin Yun, he would have done it long ago. He endured Lin Yun's bad temper just for the sake of Wuhun Palace.

It would be useless to attack the young master of Wuhun Palace in full public view, even if he cleansed the city of killing.

Because Lin Yun's arrival was with the acquiescence of Wuhun Palace.

Lin Yun's failure to return to Wuhun Hall will definitely attract Wuhun Hall's attention.

"Please say hello to your elders on my behalf."

Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, said coldly.

He was just mocking Lin Yun.

This little girl doesn’t know the heights of the world.

I really thought the road to hell was easy, how ridiculous!
Her elders didn't teach her well, so let Hell Road teach her.

The red mist appeared instantly, making Lin Yun frown. The angelic power and the phoenix divine power were quickly activated to target the red mist.

Lin Yun was not affected by this evil aura.

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