Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 150 The Temple of Light Under the Magma

Chapter 150 The Temple of Light Under the Magma

Those eagerly awaiting the Fallen did not know that death awaited them.

The opening of the road to hell requires sacrifices.

They are the sacrifices chosen by the King of Slaughter.

That evil aura made Lin Yun extremely uncomfortable.

Holding back his physical discomfort, Lin Yun watched Tang Chen, the king of killing, use their lives to open the way to hell.

The cold breath covered everyone's warm bodies. For a few blinks of time, the screams continued, and then they became corpses one by one.

They were originally very excited, looking forward to the legendary road to hell opening and becoming the ones to witness the miracle.

Little did he know that except for the God of Death and the King of Slaughter, no one else could see the opening of the Hell Road, because they were the sacrifices for the opening of the Hell Road.

The strong smell of blood entered his nose, and Lin Yun calmly looked at their crazy appearance.

As her soul power level increases, her ability to empathize becomes weaker and weaker, to the point where she no longer feels sympathy for others.

Lin Yun realized the change in her emotions a long time ago, but did not curb this change because she did not need to sympathize with others.

She watched the scene in front of her with cold eyes, calm from beginning to end.

The blood spilled on the ground and gathered into small streams, flowing rapidly along the small pipes under the auditorium towards the central venue of the Hell Killing Fields.

There is no doubt that their blood is the sacrifice that opens the road to hell.

As the angel god Qian Yuhan said to Lin Yun, everything has a price.

Becoming a god requires carrying the incomplete status of the god, and the god will lose some of its abilities.

From the moment Lin Yun chose to become a god, the price she paid was the loss of her own emotions.

"It is their honor to be the sacrifice that opens the road to hell."

The deep voice of Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, sounded in Lin Yun's ears.

Looking at those blood-red eyes, a hint of sarcasm flashed across Lin Yun's eyes, and then calmed down.

Soon, a huge blood-red pattern gathered on the ground.

Lin Yun took a closer look, and her strong mental power allowed her to see the pattern clearly. It was a red bat pattern.

The pattern spread in all directions and finally gathered at Lin Yun's feet.

A huge red light rose into the sky and enveloped Lin Yun's body, making her five senses dull.

While being swallowed by the red light, Lin Yun heard the taunting voice of the King of Slaughter.

"May you make it out of hell alive."

It was obvious that Tang Chen, the king of killing, hated Lin Yun.

Due to the rules of the Killing City, the King of Killing could not take the initiative to kill Lin Yun, so he could only expect Lin Yun to die on the Hell Road.

Lin Yun didn't say anything because she felt like she was falling downwards, with a strong wind under her feet, as if her whole body was floating in the sky.

At this moment, Lin Yun no longer concealed his own strength, and his soul power blessed his body.

The speed of her fall was accelerating.

In less than a minute, Lin Yun was standing on a circular platform. Looking at the platform, which was only about five meters in diameter, Lin Yun used his pupil technique to observe the surroundings.

She saw no trace of the existence of the divine power of light, but she saw two completely different divine powers.

Obviously, these two divine powers are the Asura divine power and the Rakshasa divine power.

Sure enough, her guess was right. The Hell Road in the Killing City is the place where the two gods inherited their thrones.

Lin Yun looked down. Below the round platform was an abyss, and the red luster came into view.

Apart from this abyss, there is only a path less than half a foot wide that leads to an unknown direction.

This is also the only way for the entire platform.

If it were anyone else, they would have become worried after seeing this dangerous situation, but Lin Yun remained calm.

Because the heat of the flames in the abyss was not half that of the Phoenix Divine Fire, which meant that the flames had no effect on her.

Lin Yun, who has his own flame resistance, is not afraid of flames and has a strong interest in the abyss.

She sat cross-legged on the ground, and a golden sword of light appeared in her hand.

According to her previous speculation, the lightless place in the Killing City is hidden on Hell Road. So few people have found traces of it after thousands of years, which means that this lightless place cannot be found by ordinary methods.

Lin Yun's first thought was the abyss beneath the round platform.

Lin Yun pursues stability, which is why she doesn't go into the abyss.

Golden light flashed, and Lin Yun saw the red flame mixed with purple. Obviously, there are toxins in these flames.

Thinking of the red mist in the Killing City, Lin Yun knew that there was a big problem in the Killing City.

It seems to be a paradise for the fallen, but it is actually a reminder for the fallen.

If the corrupted ones don't come to the killing city, they can still survive. If you come to the city of killing, you must use force to ensure your own safety.

There is no real paradise.

This place is very evil. This is Lin Yun's view of the city of killing.

Lin Yun thought for a while, then stood on the edge of the round platform and looked down, her slim figure reflected in the red magma.

Lin Yun was testing the temperature of the magma.

The burning feeling did not dispel Lin Yun's thoughts.

She stared down, contemplating her own strength.

After being tempered by the body and the Phoenix Divine Fire, Lin Yun's body has long been immune to the temperature of most flames in the world.

Lin Yun's psychological quality is extremely good. Looking at the narrow path and round platform, her expression did not change at all.

She began to use her mental power to sense the situation on Hell Road.

Purple and red mist floated in the air, and Lin Yun saw them gathering together in the air and eventually falling into the magma below.

Lin Yun saw that the color of the magma became redder, and the red light shone on Lin Yun's face. The hot temperature made Lin Yun's breath change instantly.

Looking at the distance between the platform and the ground, Lin Yun's expression did not change much.

She leaned over and touched the lava with her hands, and the golden soul power clung to her fingers.

These temperatures are nothing to Lin Yun.

When his hand touched the lava, the cold temperature made Lin Yun frown, because the temperature was not right.

The temperature outside the magma was very high. If Lin Yun hadn't been extremely immune to fire, she wouldn't have dared to touch the magma with her hands.

After all, if the magma looks bright red, the temperature won't be too low.

But the moment he touched it, Lin Yun knew there was something wrong with it.

How can magma be hot outside but as cold as ice inside? Lin Yun was surprised by the coldness that penetrated into the bone marrow.

When he was surprised, Lin Yun realized that there was something hidden under the magma.

The problem is, with her mental strength, she didn't even notice the abnormality in the magma.

You must know that her mental power can even see the entire killing city clearly, but she cannot see through the magma.

If Lin Yun hadn't wanted to find a way from the magma, she didn't think that an ordinary road could find the lightless land, otherwise she wouldn't have discovered the anomalies in the magma.

According to Lin Yun's speculation, if the lightless land was obvious, it would have been discovered long ago.

There have been eight killing gods in the city of killing in the past ten thousand years.

In other words, at least eight people walked the road to hell. It's normal that one person can't find it, but if eight people can't find it, it means that the passage ahead doesn't have the lightless place she's looking for.

This is why Lin Yun focused on the underground magma when he discovered that there was only one way to go in Yuantai.

According to her speculation, the magma under the round platform must have a path.

What's more, there was something inside the magma that blocked her mental perception, which made Lin Yun even more sure of her conjecture.

The internal temperature of the magma is extremely cold, which is in sharp contrast to the external temperature. In Lin Yun's opinion, this is probably a test.

This is a test for those who travel on the road to hell.

Lin Yun glanced at the trail, took a deep breath and turned his head to focus on the red magma.

The result depends on your own practice.

Because these are all her guesses and not accurate.

Lin Yun actually wanted to play it safe, but then he thought about why he needed to restrict himself with rules.

If she had a docile personality, she wouldn't have reached this point.

She is not even afraid of death now, so she is naturally not afraid of the dangers ahead.

Lin Yun thought slowly.

She retracted her hand and finally chose to explore the magma.

Lin Yun trusted his intuition.

The lightless place she had been looking for for so long might actually be hidden over the magma.

Lin Yun is a person of action, and she started to implement this method after she identified it.

After arriving in the killing city, Lin Yun's perception became stronger and stronger.

The phoenix divine power and angelic divine power in her body became restless after being stimulated by the Shura divine power, and her strength began to grow.

The angel power and phoenix power gradually became one with her soul power, which was beyond Lin Yun's expectation.

The future is ever-changing, and she must seize the opportunity.

Lin Yun stood on the edge of the round platform, looking at the boiling red magma. There was a hint of hesitation in his golden eyes, but in the end determination overcame this hesitation.

Lin Yun looked towards the boiling magma, tapped her toes, and the next moment she fell into the magma.

The hot temperature swept through the whole body. Lin Yun felt the terrifying temperature, his whole body convulsed, and his soul began to cope with the high temperature. Soon, her body began to feel cold.

This means she has reached the interior of the magma.

Lin Yun originally thought that the inside of the magma was still magma. Maybe the magma came from the blood flow on Hell Road.

What I didn't expect was that the interior of the magma was a palace.

A golden hall. In front of the hall is a golden female statue, holding a golden sword in her hand.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a heroic female war goddess.

Lin Yun opened his eyes wide and looked at the statue.

Obviously, this is a statue of the goddess of light, and this golden palace is the temple of the goddess of light.

The only temple left by the gods in the world represents the majesty of the goddess of light.

If the Goddess of Light was still here, this Temple of Light would be a place of pilgrimage for believers of the Goddess of Light.

After hundreds of thousands of years, the temple of the Goddess of Light has not changed at all, as if time has caused no harm to the Temple of Light.

Lin Yun looked at this magnificent temple, his golden eyes flashing with surprise.

She could imagine the glory of the goddess of light.

The divinity of the Goddess of Light can be glimpsed in this temple.

Lin Yun walked into the main hall and was greeted by the exquisite murals and decorations above the palace.

The mural tells the story of the bright and glorious life of the goddess of light. The sky above the palace is actually hollow, with purple divine power flowing through it.

Lin Yun looked at the words written in ancient characters.

Golden divine power poured into her eyes, and at that moment she understood the words on the mural.

The goddess of light is not a god cultivated by humans, but a god born directly from the world.

Being born as a god is inherently noble. She loves all things in the world with her bright selfless side and gives her bright tenderness.

Likewise, light has no tenderness for all things that surrender themselves to darkness.

She punishes all things that fall into darkness and no longer receive light, and the light will no longer be open to them.

Darkness breeds evil, light purifies evil. But there is no light in the darkness, and this sin will continue.

Lin Yun walked to the front of the mural and rubbed the rough text on the mural with her hands. She was still reading these words, trying to understand the story clearly.

Light cannot tolerate darkness, which leads to the infinite proliferation of darkness. When evil reaches its extreme, two new divine powers are born.

Shura divine power and Rakshasa divine power.

They are twin brothers and sisters, but they are representatives of greed and sin.

Both are first-level gods, and their desires come from darkness.

Shura and Rakshasa control the desires of the world and are the gods of judgment in the world.

Their divine status is the same, there is no distinction between strength and weakness.

However, after the Dragon God War, Shura God was appreciated by the kind-hearted God King, thus breaking through the restrictions of the first-level God and becoming a strong man at the God King level.

The Rakshasa God and the Shura God are inherently opposite, and they are twins of each other. If one side is strong, the other side is destined to be weak.

Both are gods of desire in the world, and their emotions are even more unstable.

This is also the reason why the Rakshasa God and the Shura God eventually became enemies.

Looking at the introduction on the mural, Lin Yun fell into deep thought.

She did not expect that the temple of the Goddess of Light would record the lives of the gods.

Darkness and light are inherently opposites. It is normal for the goddess of light not to violate her divinity.

But the problem is that the price is very heavy.

Lin Yun saw the next paragraph of text.

She murmured the passage, "The darkness can no longer be controlled."

"After the death of the Phoenix God and the Dragon God, the God Realm changed and the gods became strange, making me forget the warm God Realm of the past."

"At that moment, I realized the unfairness of fate. I tried to resist, but I still couldn't change my fate."

"After I waited for hundreds of thousands of years, I finally saw an unexpected god. She possesses the power of light and is a brand-new goddess with the power of judgment. She is very good because she relies on her own strength to become a god. Bit."

"All the people are trapped in darkness. You and I have seen it with our own eyes."

"I made a bold move. If future generations can come to this temple, it means that my plan is successful. I hope that light can suppress the darkness in the world and bring light to the world, so that they will no longer be trapped in In that suffering.”

Looking at the words on the mural, Lin Yun's heart became heavy.

The goddess of light wrote these words on the mural so that future generations could see her thoughts.

After hundreds of thousands of years, Lin Yun could see the greatness and selflessness of this goddess.

She obeyed her divinity and acted according to the gods' rules.

She spent her whole life worrying about everything in the world.

Although Lin Yun didn't know the goddess of light's plan, she admired the courage of the goddess of light.

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