Chapter 153 Bat King

Seeing the bats approaching him, Lin Yun gathered soul power in his palms.

A swarm of red bats approached quickly, and their figures clearly fell in Lin Yun's eyes.

Lin Yun saw that the blood bats were one foot long and had huge wings spread over one meter, which were particularly conspicuous in her eyes.

This is a group of blood bats. In terms of size, a dozen bats are nothing, and anyone who dares to go to hell is a ruthless person.

But it would be different if it turned into thousands of bats.

The red mist they formed was like a layer of red clouds floating in the air, and they flew towards Lin Yun quickly.

Lin Yun didn't even take them seriously. They were nothing to her.

Lin Yun held the Divine Sword of Light in his hand, and the golden soul power filled his palm. The next moment, golden light flashed, and she killed the group of bats at an extremely fast speed.

Come and kill one, come and kill a pair. Soon, the bat corpses fell to the ground.

The golden light shines on this dark passage, and those red bats are slowly dying.

Under the sword energy's killing power, their attacks are useless.

The strong smell of blood reached his nose, and bats fell to the ground one after another, blending into the red magma.

Those bats with flapping wings were still attacking Lin Yun.

Their speed becomes faster.

Obviously, the death of their companions angered them, making them regard Lin Yun as their undying enemy.

Chaos occurred again, golden light flashed continuously, and her figure fell on the red eyes of those bats, reflecting Lin Yun's slim figure.

Lin Yun's expression remained unchanged and he increased his efforts to kill them.

Lin Yun knew that they were intelligent, but she had no intention of keeping these bats alive.

Judging from the dense swarm of bats, they have been entrenched on Hell Road for a long time. This shows that they are extremely numerous.

If you don't kill them, they will cooperate to kill themselves.

Lin Yun is not kind enough to let his enemies go.

A series of screams sounded, and countless blood-colored bats fell towards the magma like meteors.

Lin Yun unfolded his talent field - the angel field.

Golden feathers floated in the angel field, and those feathers were like sharp sword blades inserted into the bodies of the bats, ending their lives.

The scope of the Angel Realm continued to expand, and nine soul rings appeared on Lin Yun's body.

After passing the first god-level assessment, Lin Yun's soul ring age was improved.

Her original soul ring was of a higher age and her strength had become stronger.

She is infinitely close to God, but she has not broken through the category of human beings. She can only be said to be a demigod because she does not have the status of a god.

Only one who possesses the status of god can be regarded as a god.

Countless bats attacked Lin Yun again. The golden angel field restricted their bodies, making them unable to even get close to Lin Yun. They were knocked to the ground by the sword feathers and became nutrients for the magma.

A kilometer radius centered on Lin Yun was surrounded by the Angel Domain, forming a closed loop that blocked the attacks of those red bats.

Even though the number of this group of bats is huge, their power is too different from Lin Yun. In this case, they can only die in Lin Yun's hands and become nutrients for the magma.

Lin Yun waved his hand, and the cold sword energy went towards them.

Her steps were slow and her eyes were filled with murderous intent.

She did not choose to use soul skills or magical skills to get rid of these bats because she was waiting for the king of bats to appear.

The IQ of this group of bats is very high, which shows that they have a system of group division.

In a world where the jungle prevails, the king is absolute.

There is a Bat King behind the bat group, otherwise the group of bats would have started fighting and they would not have lived in harmony.

In Lin Yun's view, the intelligence of bats comes from the control of the Bat King.

With a bang, a large number of blood bats fell to the ground, and their screams continued to sound.

Red light flashed, and their bodies fell to the ground like feathers, turning into corpses.

In an instant, the ground was covered with bat corpses, and the strong smell passed directly into Lin Yun's nose, making her frown slightly.

She wasn't used to the smell.

This reminded her of herself who was the first to exercise.

She used to smell so bad when she exercised.

Of course, the fishy smell on their bodies really cannot be concealed.

The golden light shines again, and at this moment the entire passage is illuminated and the darkness is dispelled.

Lin Yun is invincible under the light.

Because she is the successor to the goddess of light.


The group of bats made a sharp chirping sound, and their voices became harsh, which made Lin Yun realize that the Bat King was coming.

As the saying goes, if you beat the little one, the old one will come. If you beat the bat group, the bat king will come. This is normal.

Lin Yun stood still with a calm face, looking forward.

The moment the golden light shone brightly, Lin Yun noticed something huge coming quietly.

Especially after the sharp screams made by the bat swarm, its speed became faster and faster.

Needless to say, this is the Bat King of the Bat Swarm.

The bat swarm is nothing to be afraid of, but the Bat King is something special.

The Bat King who has been able to occupy Hell Road in the Killing City for many years is certainly not weak.

Under the golden light, Lin Yun saw a huge bat, its body exuding a dark golden light.

Its body is about four meters long, with two huge claws clasped above the road ahead. If you look closely, each of its claws is more than one meter in size. The claws are also emitting silver light. It is obvious that the claws are extremely sharp.

Amidst the screams of those blood bats, the dark golden bat slowly opened its wings, and the huge wings spread up to ten meters wide.

The claws suddenly let go of the stone they were holding, and its body flew up under the flapping of its huge wings.

This is a dark golden bat.

What surprised Lin Yun the most was that it had three heads.

These three bats are not simple at first sight.

Lin Yun's eyes flashed with a surprised emotion, and he quickly regained his composure.

In her previous life, monsters like this with several heads were used to make pills.

Because the effect of this strange beast is the strongest.

The dark gold three-headed bat king aroused Lin Yun's interest.

Its speed is extremely fast, more than ten times that of those bloody bats.

In just a few seconds, it flew to Lin Yun and launched an attack on Lin Yun.

Its body glowed with a layer of red light, which was the unique domain ability of the Killing City.

It realized that Lin Yun was powerful and wanted to use the power of this field to reduce Lin Yun's power.

It's a pity that this field has no effect on Lin Yun.

Lin Yun blocked its attack with his left hand, clenched his hand into a fist, and struck forward suddenly.

The fist wind had its own power, golden light flashed, and Lin Yun knocked it to the ground. Its wings were flowing with golden blood, and those blood bats quickly appeared from the sky and landed behind it.

The terrifying strong wind came towards Lin Yun, but was resolved by her punch.

Lin Yun took a step forward with his left foot. Golden power filled his body, and spider web-like cracks appeared on the ground.

Lin Yun looked at the dark golden three-headed bat with an unchanging expression.

She said: "Tell me, should I use you to make wine or make elixirs?"

Lin Yun murmured to herself, she didn't care about the strength of these bats.

Three-headed bats, this sounds very complicated. Not simple means that the quantity is rare, and it may be used as medicine and become a medicine for her to exercise.


Angry screams rang out, and it was obvious that Lin Yun's words angered the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King.

It looked at Lin Yun with angry eyes.

Lin Yun no longer had any strength left, and the golden angel realm instantly restricted their presence, allowing their power to be purified.

In the realm of angels, they are restricted by Lin Yun.

A roaring sound sounded, and countless bats fell to the ground, turning into miserable corpses.

A jade-like hand grabbed the dark golden three-headed Bat King, ignored its struggle, directly pressed its whole body, and then suddenly threw it forward, falling forward like a meteor.

Immediately afterwards, her figure disappeared from the place. He punched the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King with a fierce punch, causing it to scream in pain.

Lin Yun also grabbed its body with his hands and beat it toward the ground.

The huge body fell to the ground, shattering the ground directly, and countless gravels headed towards the magma.

Its size was huge, but it couldn't defeat Lin Yun.

In Lin Yun's opinion, this dark gold three-headed bat king is quite resistant to beating.

Because she had used 30% of her power, it was incredible that the dark gold three-headed bat king was still alive.

Surprised, Lin Yun hit the big middle head of the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King with his hand, beating it until it looked like stars.

Although its body is extremely tough, its defense is vulnerable to Lin Yun's terrifying destructive power.

Strategies are useless in the face of absolute strength.

With a bang, the head in the middle turned into powder.

At this point, Lin Yun was still upset, so she decided to smash the bat a few more times.

So there was a scene in the narrow road of Hell Road where the dark gold three-headed Bat King was injured.

Lin Yun used his powerful soul power to restrict their movements, leaving the Dark Gold Three-headed Bat King with no chance to escape. He dropped it to the ground and smashed it again and again.

When Lin Yun felt the strong smell of blood from the dark gold three-headed bat king, he knew that this guy was not a good person.

It was right to think about it, the creatures that dared to live in such a vicious place as the Killing City must have a cruel temperament.

The dark gold three-headed bat king must have killed many people on his hands.

Lin Yun would not sympathize with killing this Bat King.

Maybe the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King was too heavy. After being hit more than a dozen times, the road began to break, and countless rubbles fell towards the magma again.

Lin Yun stood on a path that was about to collapse, her face was still calm.

Obviously, this change cannot stimulate Lin Yun's sense of crisis.

Because she can use the ability of the angel spirit to walk in mid-air. In other words, you are in mid-air and ignore the restrictions in the air.

This is also the reason why the Seraph Martial Spirit is said to be invincible in the sky.

Because of this martial soul, as long as you have enough soul power, the sky will be a part of you.

Lin Yun smashed off the left side of its head again because she wanted to pursue balanced beauty.

One head is just right, three heads is too weird.

Moreover, Lin Yun wanted to use this dark gold three-headed bat king to make elixirs.

Looking at the body length of this dark gold three-headed bat king, she knew that this bat king lived a long time.

She didn't know whether it was a soul beast or not, but she was certain that this guy must be of extraordinary value.

This value refers to the value of cooking, not the value of ability.

The dark gold three-headed bat king screamed, and the bloody bats rushed over. They were attacking Lin Yun, but they were bounced away by Lin Yun's fist wind and fell to the ground, turning into corpses like those of their compatriots. .

"Be calm or I'll kill you."

Lin Yun said coldly, she was not discussing with the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King, but an order.

If this Dark Gold Bat King was a hundred thousand year soul beast, Lin Yun would have taken action long ago. Judging from the strength it displayed, it was probably a ten-thousand-year-level soul beast and could not meet Lin Yun's requirements.

The prerequisite for her to apply a soul ring to the Seraph Martial Spirit is a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Her first martial spirit, Fire Phoenix, had quite a few hundred thousand year soul rings, and even a two hundred thousand year soul ring. In this case, she would not allow her second martial soul to be anything other than a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Lin Yun was very calm about his behavior.

Soul beasts and humans are mortal enemies. It is impossible for her to weigh interests from the perspective of mortal enemies because they are not from the same race.

Lin Yun beat the body of the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King again with his hands, trying to beat the other head off, and then took out its inner elixir to help his body-building strength to a higher level.

It's a pity that Lin Yun underestimated the enemy.

These blood bats must rescue the dark gold three-headed bat king at all costs.

Under the cover of the blood bats, the dark gold three-headed bat king lay dying in Lin Yun's palm because its size was shrinking.

Its power is constantly draining away.

Its vertical pupils were staring at Lin Yun, and a circle of dark red ripples emitted from its body, which was released towards Lin Yun.

With a bang, the ground began to collapse.

Lin Yun let the ground begin to collapse without changing his expression, and then stood in mid-air as if nothing happened.

She didn't take the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King seriously.

Those who disobey will be killed.

With a bang, the dark golden three-headed bat flew towards the blood bats. Its figure continued to shrink, and then turned into a series of meteors, falling to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, it launched an offensive towards Lin Yun, but was punched against the wall by Lin Yun.

Lin Yun noticed something was wrong.

Because the dark gold three-headed bat king's head actually grew back.

The damage she originally caused to the dark gold three-headed Bat King was useless. The Bat King's regeneration ability was extremely powerful.

In just one breath, its two broken heads grew back instantly, which was completely different from those blood bats.

Those blood bats died instantly after being injured, unlike the dark gold three-headed bat king who could recover from his injuries.

It's right to think about it, the Bat King is different from ordinary bats.

It was very smart, and it destroyed the road just to cut off Lin Yun's escape route, but what it didn't expect was that Lin Yun, the sixth man, could actually walk in mid-air, ignoring the terrain of space.

It backed down when it saw Lin Yun walking in mid-air without even using the attached soul bone, but Lin Yun would not let it escape.

Catching its body again, Lin Yun directly used the Divine Sword of Light to give it a sauna.

In other words, communicate heart to heart.

With a bang, it was kicked against the wall by Lin Yun again, and the huge figure knocked countless cracks into the wall.

Its body is tough enough to withstand beatings.

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