Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 154 Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter

Chapter 154 Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter

Resistance to beating means that it has strong vitality.

Based on his strong vitality, Lin Yun will of course take measures to deal with this dark gold three-headed bat king.

Lin Yun threw it to the ground, and the bright red blood continued to flow down the wound.

The fishy smell reached his nose. Lin Yun frowned slightly and raised his eyes to look at the dark gold three-headed Bat King who was knocked unconscious.

Lin Yun stared at the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King, with a flash of surprise in his golden eyes.

Is there something wrong with her perception?
She always felt that the aura of this dark gold three-headed bat king was very familiar, which made Lin Yun begin to doubt herself.

There's no real problem with her feelings.

This dark gold three-headed bat king is a strange beast and has nothing to do with humans.

Lin Yun should have no impression of it.

Lin Yun remembered that the bat pattern she saw before coming to Hell Road was the group of bats on Hell Road.

To put it bluntly, the Killing City has something to do with bats.

Bats are bloodthirsty, and this habit is the same as Bloody Mary being valued in the Killing City.

Lin Yun thought slowly that this bat was specially raised in the killing city, and it was most likely used to train those who would make their way to hell.

If you can't pass the bat level, you will most likely die on the road to hell. Just like the rules of the Killing City, only the strong can survive. Weak people are not qualified to survive in the killing city.

This group of blood bats was a test on the road to hell in the killing city, and Lin Yun was not surprised at all. From the moment she arrived in the Killing City, she understood that this was a bloody city.

The common currency of Killing City is Bloody Mary, which shows the style of Killing City.

Lin Yun did not directly kill the dark gold three-headed bat king, not because she was merciful, but because the dark gold three-headed bat king was very resistant to beatings and its recovery ability was quite strong.

No matter how Lin Yun attacks, his powerful recovery ability allows him to recover quickly, and then face being beaten again.

The smell of blood kept getting stronger, and Lin Yun's attack continued. This dark gold three-headed bat king is really thick-skinned!

Lin Yun threw it to the ground again. The dark gold three-headed bat king opened its eyes wide and looked at Lin Yun with hatred and hatred.

It never dreamed that it would be so humiliated by a human being.

What a shame!

It had just recovered from its injuries when it was injured by Lin Yun again. The huge wings behind it stretched out to both sides. Seeing that Lin Yun was about to attack him again, the head on its left side emitted golden light waves and aimed at Lin Yun.

When Lin Yun was about to punch it, it made an anxious chirping sound and instantly turned into several golden little bats.

Its body instantly shrunk, and the surviving blood bats suddenly attacked Lin Yun. Their sharp fangs pounced on Lin Yun's soul barrier. As soon as their fangs stretched out, they were hit by golden light. The ground instantly turned into powder.

Before the dark golden bats could gather into their original shape, they were punched away by Lin Yun.

Three heads and six eyes stared at Lin Yun fiercely, and the resentful eyes turned into reality and fell on Lin Yun.

Lin Yun saw it swallowing the group of blood bats and turning the group of blood bats into its own power.

Lin Yun knew that its ability to recover came at the expense of flesh and blood.

There was a bang, the sound of the giant falling to the ground, the golden light spread, and the bats instantly turned into a rain of blood.

A little golden bat with broken wings was lying on the ground dying. Lin Yun walked forward, trying to kill it.

Before the golden Divine Sword of Light penetrated its body, a sharp blade blocked the Divine Sword of Light.

Lin Yun snorted coldly and looked at the visitor with indifferent eyes, "What a coincidence. I thought there were only monsters in this hell road. I didn't expect to encounter the King of Slaughter."

"According to the rules of the Killing City, the King of Killing should not appear here, right?"

Lin Yun said coldly, and she looked at the King of Slaughter with displeased eyes.

From the moment the King of Slaughter appeared, Lin Yun knew that this matter was not simple.

Moreover, the eyes of the King of Slaughter were redder than before. The red eyes were like blood, which intuitively told Lin Yun that something was wrong.

Lin Yun realized something was wrong, but couldn't say anything, so he simply ignored it and looked at the King of Slaughter with indifferent eyes.

"Such extraordinary strength at such a young age."

The King of Slaughter looked at Lin Yun with a calm face, and his blood-red eyes reflected Lin Yun's figure.

He stared at Lin Yun, trying to see something from that face and see other people through her face.

This is why Lin Yun feels strange.

It would be too strange for the King of Slaughter to want to see someone else's shadow in her.

Even if the king of killing is Tang Chen, he shouldn't look at others through her.

Although her father Qian Daoliu was as famous as Tang Chen of Haotian Sect and was one of the three most powerful men in the world, that was decades ago.

According to Lin Yun's estimation of time, at least more than fifty years have passed.

Ten years is a long time, let alone fifty years.

The changes in fifty years can be described as huge.

"Is the King of Slaughter trying to express something? There is something wrong with the way he looks at me. This makes me feel a sense of crisis."

Lin Yun said coldly.

She didn't have any favorable impressions of Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter.

The moment she learned Tang Chen's name from her mother Lin Heng, Lin Yun had an unspeakable hatred for him.

In Lin Yun's opinion, her mother Lin Heng's depression was related to the incident more than fifty years ago.

People's hearts are uncontrollable. She knew this but still couldn't help but get angry.

She was dissatisfied with Qian Daoliu's actions, but she remained silent in the end.

Because before Lin Heng died, he hoped that she would not resent Qian Daoliu and not let hatred paralyze her emotions.

This is also the reason why Lin Yun accepted Qian Daoliu's arrangement.

It was because of her mother's last wish that she went to Wuhun Palace and met Qian Daoliu.

If his mother had not left those words, Lin Yun would not have gone to Wuhun Palace, nor would he have known his blood relatives.

Because before going to Wuhun Palace, she only recognized Lin Heng as her relative.

The subsequent change was because Lin Yun let go of his hatred for Qian Daoliu.

That regardless of hatred.

"A sharp-toothed little girl."

The face of the King of Slaughter Tang Chen turned ugly, "You have an aura about you that I hate, and it reminds me of certain people."

The moment he saw Lin Yun, his blood-red eyes flashed with struggling emotions and quickly returned to color.

His will became blurry again.

"A disgusting smell? It's strange. There is a smell in the Killing City that makes the King of Slaughter feel disgusted. It's incredible."

Lin Yun smiled coldly at him, with sarcasm flashing in his eyes, and said irony in a mocking tone, just not to give face to the King of Slaughter.

She is so arrogant.

Come hit me if you can!
Lin Yun thought arrogantly, she would like to see the methods of the killing king Tang Chen.

They were the three strongest people in the world more than fifty years ago, but that may not be the case fifty years later.

Because Lin Yun had reached the realm they had reached more than fifty years ago, becoming a level 99 ultimate Douluo, and his physical strength had reached the level of a demigod.

Her power is much stronger than theirs.

And looking at the bloody eyes of Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, Lin Yun knew that this matter was not simple.

The more complicated things are, the better. Lin Yun's heart is very calm.

After all, Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, is her enemy.

She is a selfish person and does not want her enemy to be stronger than herself, which will make her uncomfortable.

The tougher the enemy, the better. Lin Yun didn't care what happened to Tang Chen, the king of killing.

Anyway, she hopes that her enemies will be as miserable as possible.

Arrogance requires strength.

Otherwise, this arrogance is arrogance, and it is extremely easy to ruin yourself.

Lin Yun's arrogance is because she has enough strength to support it.

If anyone else dared to be so arrogant in front of the King of Slaughter Tang Chen, this person would have been reincarnated countless times.

"You reminded me of something bad."

Tang Chen, the king of killing, said through gritted teeth. He looked at Lin Yun with eyes full of killing intent.

His head hurt, and the pain was constantly eating away at his own sanity, which made Tang Chen, the King of Slaughters, extremely painful.

There was a voice in his heart that kept rising and falling, constantly convincing himself that he wanted to control his body.

That inexplicable feeling made Tang Chen, the king of killing, extremely irritable. He must have forgotten something, but his head was empty and he couldn't think of anything.

He tried to think of it, but his brain felt tingling. The pain suppressed the thoughts of Tang Chen, the king of killing.

Even though his heart ached, he still maintained his sanity.

"Bad things?"

Lin Yun sneered and looked at the King of Slaughter Tang Chen with ridiculous eyes, sarcasm flashed in his golden eyes, "It seems that the King of Slaughter is nothing more than that."

"Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter whose reputation is resounding throughout the Slaughter City, is just a coward hiding from reality."

Lin Yun didn't care about their past.

She hated Tang Chen, the king of killing.

This is Lin Yun's idea of ​​​​putting his enemies in pain.

He doesn't want to know that memory, so let him recall it. She wasn't the one feeling the pain anyway.

Telling the killing king Tang Chen's original name is only the first step.

"Very good, no one dares to use this word to address me."

The voice of the King of Slaughter Tang Chen became colder, "Little girl, you are very brave."

From the moment Lin Yun told his real name, Tang Chen, the king of killing, knew that he had to kill this person.

This man cannot be allowed to live.

at all costs!
Even if this person is the young master of Wuhun Palace, he must die.

"Only cowards make excuses."

Lin Yun sneered again, not taking Tang Chen's warning seriously.

Her contemptuous attitude was clearly shown on her face, making Tang Chen's expression extremely ugly.

His instinct told him that he couldn't keep this little girl.

How abominable!

"Oh, looking at me with such fierce eyes makes me so scared."

"The purpose of Tang Chen, the king of killing, cannot be to scare this poor little girl like me."

Lin Yun still looked calm.

Seeing the angry look of Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, made her happier.

Judging from the angry look on his face, it was absolutely impossible to display his cultivation level.

If he could remember his identity, he would definitely not treat Lin Yun with this attitude.

Because Tang Chen, who was a level 99 Ultimate Douluo, had no need to show mercy to Lin Yun, let alone care about Lin Yun's identity.

Even though Wuhun Palace is powerful, the Haotian Sect he belongs to is not a vegetarian.

Although the Haotian Sect was forced by Wuhun Palace to close the mountain gate and never interact with the outside world, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so where is the strength of the Haotian Sect.

Not to mention, Tang Chen still had the uncertain factor of the Killing City in his hands.

With two major forces in his hands, Tang Chen had the ability to challenge Wuhun Palace and would not give in because of Lin Yun's identity.

Lin Yun guessed from the details that something was wrong with Tang Chen's condition, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Even if he is in normal condition, Lin Yun is not afraid of him.

This was not their time, it was over fifty years ago.

Their time has passed.

In other words, their era is over and their glory is in the past. The current era belongs to young people, and it is also the era of Lin Yun's generation.

After all, their thoughts are shackles of the times.

Even if they are powerful, they are nothing more than that in the eyes of this generation.

The responsibility of each generation.

"Sharp-tongued little girl, your elders didn't teach you well, I'm here to teach you for them."

Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, gritted his teeth and said with a cold voice.

Red soul power erupted from his burly body, and a powerful aura came towards him.

Under this terrifying aura, Lin Yun's expression did not change, and he faced Tang Chen, the king of killing, with a smile on his face, "With this little method, are you worthy of teaching me a lesson on behalf of my elders?"

"I'm so unruly and arrogant. What can you do to me? Tang Chen, you are no match for me."

"Judging from your appearance, you are probably affected by the Slaughter City."

Looking at those red eyes, Lin Yun sneered again.

She had heard about Tang Chen's deeds.

This person left a lofty ambition on Poseidon Island - he will never return until he becomes a god.

Now more than fifty years have passed, and he, a ninety-nine-level extreme Douluo, has degenerated into the killing king of the killing city, and has forgotten his original appearance.

People, you really can't slap yourself in the face by making so-called oaths.

It was precisely because of Tang Chen's experience that Qian Daoliu persuaded Lin Yun when he set out to find the God's throne.

He didn't want Lin Yun to leave behind his lofty ideals and then disappear like Tang Chen did.

These fifty years have been a long time.

Even if a person has soul power, his lifespan is not very long. People who can live long are the best among soul masters.

Take Qian Daoliu, for example, he is over a hundred years old and is about to reach two hundred.

However, his appearance is no different from that of a man in his thirties.

If nothing unexpected happens, Qian Daoliu can survive for a long time.

Because the lifespan of a titled Douluo is the longest among humans.

Apart from gods, Titled Douluo is the limit that humans can reach.

The sharp sword energy came towards Lin Yun, the cold murderous intention came towards him, and the red field quietly unfolded.

Lin Yun realized that this was the area of ​​talent that maintained the balance of the Killing City.

Sure enough, Tang Chen found the throne of God Shura, and also obtained the realm unique to the god.

She didn't know Tang Chen's original experience, but Lin Yun didn't sympathize with Tang Chen.

The field of light appears and suppresses this field.

The field of light restrains this field.

This is also the reason why Lin Yun dares to be so arrogant.

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