Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 155 The magical skill of light, the light shines forever

Chapter 155 The Divine Skill of Light—Eternal Light

As soon as the light field opened, the cold feeling disappeared instantly.

The realm of light restrains the realm of the God of Death.

With the ability of the Light Domain, the Killing God Domain has no effect at all.

The layer of blood mist was silently dissolved and turned into red light spots. The corrosive toxins in the air disappeared completely under the purification of the light field.

In front of the light realm, the killing god realm is useless.

It is precisely because of the restraint of the Light Domain that the abilities of the Killing God Domain cannot be used at all.

Golden wings appeared behind Lin Yun. The wings flapped and golden light flashed. The surging vitality and the evil bloody aura began to collide, and a powerful aura erupted from their bodies.

Under the collision of the Light Realm and the Killing God Realm, the terrain of Hell Road began to change. The shaking feeling was transmitted to them, but it did not make them stop their movements.

It was obvious that they both wanted to kill each other.

The incomparably huge light breath silently purifies the coldness and evil in the realm of the God of Death.

The realm of light is the nemesis of all dark creatures, and it is also the greatest nemesis of the realm of the God of Death.

If you encounter other fields, the God of Death field will not be useless.

After all, it is a god-level realm. It is a pity that it encountered the field of light, and its power was greatly reduced, and it was continuously purified by the purifying power of the field of light.

Light and darkness are two extremes, and they are forces that do not mix. They are equally powerful, but light can restrain darkness. When the power of light suddenly became stronger, all the power of darkness in the realm of the God of Death was purified, and even the evil bloody aura was gone.

Light can not only purify darkness, but also make evil unable to hide.

Under the light, evil will not exist.

This is also the reason why the Light Realm can contain the Killing God Realm.

The divine power of light can purify all things.

Under this power of purification, the evil atmosphere continues to disappear, and eventually the power of light takes over.

The figures of Lin Yun and the King of Slaughter Tang Chen kept changing, and their speed became faster and faster.

Brilliant soul skills kept appearing. Their whole bodies were tense and full of strength. The veins popped out and the sword blades collided together.

The collision between the Shura Demonic Sword and the Divine Sword of Light made their figures stand out in the golden and red light.

"The sixth soul skill, burning."

"The seventh soul skill, Haotian's incarnation!"

During the fight between the two of them, nine soul rings continued to shine.

They have surging energy in them.

That layer of blood disappeared instantly under the purification of the power of light.

Encountering the conflicting divine power of light, the killing king Tang Chen's strength was greatly reduced.

Under the suppression of the Light Realm, he could not exert half of his strength.

If it were anyone else, Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, would not be so embarrassed, but Lin Yun's strength was not weaker than him. Even with the help of a 200,000-year-old soul ring, Lin Yun's strength was still above him.

Tang Chen was an amazing genius in his time, but his time has passed, and today's time belongs to the younger generation.

A crisp collision sound sounded, and the two artifacts collided again.

The Shura Demonic Sword is the divine weapon of God Shura and a necessary token for him to inherit his divine status.

The person who can obtain the artifact inherited by the god must be the heir to his divine throne.

The two artifacts collided, and the Divine Sword of Light gained the upper hand.

Because God Shura is a god-king who is formed the day after tomorrow, he is different from a god-king who is born innately like the Goddess of Light.

He became the God King only by luck.

The battle between the Dragon God and the Phoenix God accelerated the changes in the divine world.

It was also the Phoenix God who consumed the Dragon God's power so that all the gods in the God Realm could work together to deal with the Dragon God.

If the Dragon God is in its prime state, they can defeat the Dragon God, but they cannot seal the Dragon God, let alone kill the god.

The power of the Dragon God is now divided into two parts, one part has escaped and the other part is sealed in the God Realm.

Tang Chen gritted his teeth, his eyes became redder, mysterious blood lines suddenly appeared on his pale skin, and a sword-shaped magic pattern appeared on his forehead.

Lin Yun took a closer look and knew that the magic pattern on his forehead looked like Shura's magic sword.

A pair of huge blood-red wings spread out from his back.

Lin Yun's expression remained unchanged and he faced the attack of Tang Chen, the king of killing, with absolute speed.

The sound of heavy objects colliding together sounded, and the two of them were fighting inseparably.

Their speed increased again, and in one breath, the effect of the light field was maximized.

The sword energy cut through the sky, pointed directly at the sky, and destroyed the realm of the God of Death.

Lin Yun holds the Divine Sword of Light in her left hand and the Divine Phoenix Sword in her right hand. Her body is filled with golden and red auras.

These two strands of pure and yang divine power converged in Lin Yun's body and turned into her soul power, providing her with a steady stream of soul power.

The two collided again, and the sharp blade headed towards the head of Tang Chen, the king of killing. He barely managed to step back to avoid this move.

Immediately afterwards, the golden figure and the blood-red figure passed by, and their speed was so fast that only afterimages were left.

The collapse of Hell Road is intensifying, and its core power is constantly drained by two powerful forces.

The dark golden three-headed Bat King opened his eyes and looked at the golden figure with resentful eyes.

Golden light flashed, and with a bang, the golden light mixed with power blocked the attack of Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter.

The golden light created a layer of ripples, like raindrops on the lake.

The red figure was reflected in the golden eyes, and red power floated on the Shura Demon Sword.

Lin Yun held the Divine Sword of Light in her hand, golden light flashed, and golden wings covered her figure. They had fought hundreds of times on the narrow road to Hell.

The entire Hell Road was slashed by their sharp sword energy and was about to turn into a puddle of mud.

The collapse of Hell Road did not attract their attention.

To be precise, what they want is to kill each other, not to prevent the collapse of Hell Road.

The collapse of Hell Road had little impact on them.

Because they have wings behind them, the two of them can stand in mid-air with their soul power and martial arts, and the ground is no longer important to them.

"damn it!"

The King of Slaughter Tang Chen roared angrily, his bloody eyes filled with unwillingness, "I will cut this little girl into pieces like you!"

The purification of the light power unique to the Light Domain continues, but the Killing God Domain of Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, also continues to be used.

Although the Light Domain restrains the Killing God Domain and can purify the evil and dark atmosphere in the Killing God Domain, the Killing God Domain is ultimately a talent domain formed by the gathering of forces.

After losing the power of evil and darkness, the Killing God Realm is still a condensation of power.

Their breathing became rapid.

"Old man!"

Lin Yun said loudly and disdainfully, "It doesn't matter if you only say harsh words."

"Use your strength to defeat me if you can."

"Tang Chen, you think you are the strongest person in the world!"

Lin Yun did it on purpose. She just wanted to anger Tang Chen and make him unable to stay rational.

She realized that something was wrong with Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, and naturally knew that the irrational Tang Chen was no match for her.

In order to feel more comfortable, Lin Yun must of course find a way to deal with Tang Chen.

The experience in the Killing City was an unexpected surprise for Lin Yun.

Because Tang Chen was her father's old friend and the person her mother hated.

Killing Tang Chen with an expert hand can be regarded as an indirect end to Lin Heng's unwillingness.

Regarding the arrogant words of Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, Lin Yun naturally acted even more arrogant than him. Bi Arrogant, she has never lost yet!
Lin Yun snorted coldly, she didn't take Tang Chen seriously.

Even though their current strength is equal, Tang Chen is definitely no match for her in a fight.

The battle between the strong depends on the strength of the other party. Lin Yun's soul power was already deeper than Tang Chen's because she had a 200,000-year-old soul ring.

The gap between soul rings is a huge chasm.

"You have a tougher mouth than anyone else."

"If you have the strength, come here."

"What I said before was not correct, was it? You are a coward, a coward who only dares to say harsh words."

Lin Yun clenched his hands into fists, and golden light flowed from his body.

Countless golden lights turned into golden threads, and they headed towards Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, consciously.

This is Lin Yun's control soul skill.

Her fifth soul skill - control.

The names of each of Lin Yun's soul skills are very simple, and their abilities cannot be underestimated.

The huge Clear Sky Hammer appeared in her eyes with purple lightning.

Lin Yun was not surprised at all by the appearance of the Clear Sky Hammer.

She recognized Tang Chen's identity very early and naturally knew that he was the strongest person in the Haotian Sect today.

It is extremely normal for people from the Clear Sky Sect to have Clear Sky Hammers.

The moment the Clear Sky Hammer appeared, a powerful oppressive force came towards Lin Yun.

Lin Yun stretched out his right hand, and the red fire phoenix spread its wings and flew high, silently resolving this terrifying oppression.

Red flames burned on the ground, and their figures suddenly disappeared.

Facing Tang Chen, the king of killing, Lin Yun was very calm and felt quite powerful.

"Don't worry, after killing you, I will definitely destroy everything you care about."

Lin Yun smiled faintly, and her voice suddenly became louder, "Darkness should not exist under the light."

"This kind of depraved paradise built on killing will never be seen again. And your people, the evil people in the city of killing, I will let them die in the darkness and never be able to see the light. ”

"Their evil and darkness will not receive mercy from the light!"

If Lin Yun's previous words made Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, extremely unhappy and made him want to take action against Lin Yun, then Lin Yun's current words made Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, extremely angry.

He couldn't control his anger at all and wanted to tear this arrogant little girl into pieces and make her pay for her arrogance.

"I'm so angry."

Lin Yun chuckled. She did not take the anger of the killing king Tang Chen into consideration.

"But I am going to anger you and make you live in pain."

"Don't worry, after I kill you, I will kill every single one of your people, just like how your Haotian Sect treated the people of my Spirit Hall."

Lin Yun said coldly, her arrogance has strength.

She remembered what the angel god Qian Yuhan said.

This kind of encounter will happen to the people of Wuhun Palace.

In comparison, she killed the people in the Killing City to purify the darkness, for the sake of the light and stability of the world.

The strong dominate everything, and the weak can only live according to the rules of the strong.


The King of Slaughter Tang Chen roared angrily, his voice suddenly became hoarse, and the angry voice echoed through the sky.

He looked at Lin Yun with angry eyes, and his undisguised murderous intent did not make Lin Yun change his mind.

"I will let them die in the light."


Tang Chen roared angrily, staring at Lin Yun with his blood-red eyes, "I'm going to cut you into pieces."

"You are more disgusting than those people!"

Listening to Tang Chen's angry words, Lin Yun's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly, "Really? You will definitely not be able to see."

"Because when you die, you won't even be able to stop me."

Lin Yun chuckled, "You'd better use every method to stop me."

"Otherwise, when you fail, the city of killing will disappear."

"The Wuhun Palace will always remember the sins committed by the Haotian Sect. I, Lin Yun, will never let go of my enemies."

"In the light the darkness is destined to dissolve!"

A strong light burst out from Lin Yun's body. This light illuminated the entire road to hell, and the darkness completely disappeared.

"Magical skill - eternal light."

"Accept the baptism from the light."

"Tang Chen."

When he received the inheritance of the goddess of light, Lin Yun had the memory of inheriting the magical skills of light.

The inherited memory allows her to display magical skills in an instant.

Whether it is a god or a human being, the most important thing is skill.

The magical skills unleashed by divine power are almost invincible.

Even if Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, obtains the status of God Shura, he is still unable to display the divine skills of God Shura in his current abnormal state.

Lin Yun had figured out the psychology of Tang Chen, the king of killing, and wanted to solve this serious problem while Tang Chen was unconscious.

If Tang Chen had regained consciousness, this battle would have been really difficult.



Angel God Qian Yuhan said lightly, her eyes fell on Qian Renxue.

"You have passed the third test."

"You are so much better now than before."

Looking at the increasingly calm Qian Renxue, a flash of joy flashed in the eyes of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Qian Renxue said without being humble or condescending, "All of this comes from the teachings of the angel god."

"Without the help of angel gods, I would not have broken through my own knowledge so quickly and passed the third level."

Qian Renxue's beautiful face had a faint expression, and she did not feel happy because of this change.

She wants to become a god as soon as possible.

It was only the third test, and it was still too slow for her.

She couldn't lose to her aunt.

That damn desire to win made Qian Renxue constantly convince herself in her heart that she should speed up her progress.

Hearing this, the angel god Qian Yuhan patted Qian Renxue on the shoulder and said softly: "Counting the days, she will definitely find the god-level test."

"Even if she starts the god-level assessment, her speed will not be faster than yours. You can rest assured."

"Your inner thoughts are more important than winning or losing."

"You have not seen through your own heart, nor your own desires, nor your own thoughts. There is an insurmountable fear in your heart."

"Only by overcoming this fear can you become a true god of angels, bring light to the world, save the world from suffering, and prevent the common people from suffering."

Listening to the serious words of the angel god Qian Yuhan, Qian Renxue's eyes turned slightly red, "I don't understand."

"There is no fear in my heart!"

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