Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 156 You are a descendant of Daoliu

Chapter 156 You are a descendant of Qiandaoliu...


Qian Renxue spoke righteously, her eyes showing shock.

She doesn't agree with the angel god Qian Yuhan's point of view.

She didn't think she had fear in her heart.

She is not even afraid of death, so there is no fear.

This must be fake.

Qian Renxue's eyes were filled with resistance.

She doesn't want to admit her inner vulnerability.

Hearing Qian Renxue's words of resistance, the angel god Qian Yuhan smiled slightly and said softly: "My child, you don't need to put all the responsibilities on yourself."

"You've done a great job, there's no need to make yourself uncomfortable because of what other people think."

Angel God Qian Yuhan said lightly, she was using words to calm Qian Renxue's emotions.

She knew that Qian Renxue was a person who valued emotions very much.

"I don't know."

Qian Renxue's eyes became redder, and her voice was filled with confusion, "I'm not even afraid of death. What else could make me afraid?"

Qian Renxue's face was full of resistance. Her thoughts were too straightforward and she didn't even hide them. The angel god Qian Yuhan immediately saw her thoughts.

Angel God Qian Yuhan shook his head and said helplessly to her, "Your mother Bibi Dong."

"Don't you dare face her."

“You can’t deceive people with your true inner thoughts.”

"You can use words to numb your heart, but you can never deceive yourself. The reason why you hate Bibi Dong so much is because you care about her thoughts. If you don't care, there will be no hatred. The same fear derived from this emotion It’s your biggest difficulty.”

"If you can't overcome your own fear, you will never be able to become the God of Angels. Qian Renxue, running away will not solve the problem, it will only make your emotions more uncomfortable."

Angel God Qian Yuhan said slowly.

She could see Qian Renxue's inner thoughts and naturally knew Qian Renxue's complicated feelings towards Bibi Dong.

There is no child who is not attached to his mother. The relationship between them has become so complicated. I can't blame Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue. If I am to blame, I can only blame fate.

Angel God Qian Yuhan saw everything, but said nothing.

Reality is not as beautiful as imagined.

It is better to take the initiative than to fall into passivity.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue fell silent. She looked at the angel god Qian Yuhan with complicated eyes, "This is impossible."

"It's impossible for me to be afraid of Bibi Dong. This must be because you, the Angel God, feel wrong. I want to kill her. How can I be afraid of her? I don't understand!"

Qian Renxue was still denying what the angel god Qian Yuhan said. This seemed absolutely impossible to her.

She and Bibi Dong are enemies!
If it weren't for the blood relationship between Bibi Dong and her, Qian Renxue would have taken action against Bibi Dong for the sake of her own reputation. She has no maternal love for Bibi Dong, only hatred.

She can't be afraid of her enemies!

"Isn't it clear in your heart whether you are yes or no? Your heart is more honest than your mouth."

"You hate Bibi Dong because of what happened back then. You were only six years old at that time. She sneaked into your bedroom, knocked out your followers, and prepared to kill you. If Qian Daoliu hadn't arrived in time, you wouldn't be here now. It’s no longer there.”

"There is no hatred for no reason, only unspeakable love. This love is hidden in your heart and changes your thoughts. Qian Renxue, as my heir to the throne, I don't ask you to be powerful, but You must have a clear conscience.”

"Being aboveboard is not important, what is important is having a clear conscience."

"God is not as perfect as you seem. On the contrary, God also has his own flaws, but I want you to change yourself. God is as changeable as humans, and these flaws can be eliminated through your own efforts."

"A person who dares not even look into his own heart is not worthy of being my heir."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's tone suddenly turned cold, she was trying to persuade Qian Renxue.

Life is unpredictable, and the grievances of the previous generation have long been blown away by the wind. This is their time and their responsibility.

It would be too stupid to let yourself be shattered into pieces for the sake of that ethereal love.

She doesn't need Qian Renxue to be too powerful, because someone has taken on this responsibility for Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue is lucky.

The Qian clan, who were born in Wuhun Palace, had top talents and family background from birth. It can be said that they won at the starting line from birth. Someone else's end is her starting point.

But if she is lucky, she is also unfortunate.

Because of the grudge between Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue's existence was disgusted by Bibi Dong.

Even though Qian Renxue is loved by her father Qian Xunji and her grandfather Qian Daoliu, she still longs for that misty maternal love in her heart.

The more you desire, the more you care, and the more you care, the easier it is to be hurt.

The grudge between Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong was too complicated. The angel god Qian Yuhan knew the whole story, but chose to remain silent.

These things have nothing to do with her, and there is no need for her to bring up that unbearable past in front of Qian Renxue.


Qian Renxue lowered her head, her expression hidden under her hair.

"Only by breaking through this fear can your heart grow."

“Opportunities come to those who are prepared, not to those who lack the courage to face their fears.”

Angel God Qian Yuhan patted Qian Renxue's shoulder again and spoke softly.

"I know you hate Bibi Dong. It would be nice if your hatred could really make you forget that fear."

Qian Renxue didn't answer. She suddenly raised her head and met the eyes of the angel god Qian Yuhan. Her purple eyes were filled with complex emotions.

There had been reluctance, pain, and struggle in his eyes... These emotions eventually turned into calmness.

Qian Renxue bit her lips, and red blood flowed from her lips, "I understand."

Her voice was a little softer, revealing her own vulnerability.

Thinking of the past events again, Qian Renxue's heart became heavy.

She didn't want to recall that suffocating feeling...

She still can't forget Bibi Dong's hateful eyes.

Qian Renxue knew that Bibi Dong didn't love herself, but she didn't expect that Bibi Dong would kill herself after awakening her martial spirit.

When her life was in danger, Qian Renxue realized that love cannot be forced.

Bibi Dong hated herself and didn't want her to continue living in this world.

Qian Renxue gently touched her neck with her left hand.

More than ten years have passed, and the pinch marks have long since disappeared, but she still remembers the feeling.

She smiled bitterly and smiled helplessly at the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Yes, the angel god Qian Yuhan is right.

She is running away from the truth.

This is something she can't forget.

Her life can be lucky or unlucky.

Because she has also been jealous of others.

She wasn't a coward, she just didn't know how to deal with it.

Seeing her collapsed expression, a flash of hesitation flashed in Angel God Qian Yuhan's eyes, and finally turned into calm.

This is the reality that Qian Renxue must recognize clearly.

She couldn't live in the shadow of that incident.

She bears the responsibility of Wuhun Palace. She cannot avoid reality and must let go of her own fears.

If she doesn't even dare to look directly into her own heart, it means that Qian Renxue's heart is still too young and is not suitable for becoming a god and taking on the responsibilities of the Spirit Hall and the Angel Clan.

It was precisely because the angel god Qian Yuhan watched Qian Renxue grow up that she wanted to give Qian Renxue a chance so that Qian Renxue could face her heart.

... Lin Yun roared angrily, and the golden light illuminated everything, as if to swallow up all the blood.

The boiling magma under the Hell Road is constantly surging. It is affected by two powerful forces and is quietly changing.

With a bang, the heavy object fell to the ground, and the dark gold three-headed bat king stared in the direction of Lin Yun with unblinking eyes.

The Shura Demon Sword glowed with red light, and the blood of Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, continued to pour into it. Only then did the Shura Demon Sword's own power turn into a red barrier, blocking Lin Yun's magical skill.

His figure retreated a hundred meters, thick blood appeared on the red wings, and the wound continued to expand.

This golden light cannot be blocked by human beings, it is the power from God.

From the moment Lin Yun activated the magical skill of light, Tang Chen, the king of killing, was already at a disadvantage.

He holds the Shura Demonic Sword in his hand, and it stands to reason that he has the inherited magical skills of God Shura, but this is based on the fact that he is conscious.

When his mind was controlled, he even forgot about himself. How could he remember God Shura's magical skills?

He was able to survive the light magic technique because of the Shura divine power contained in the Shura Demon Sword.

Without the power of God Shura, he would have died long ago.

Once the magical skill is activated, it will destroy the world and destroy the world.

This is the power that belongs to God and has risen to the level of God.

Tang Chen, the king of killing, spat out a mouthful of blood. His face turned pale, and his eyes looking at Lin Yun were filled with hatred.


Tang Chen wiped the blood from his mouth with his left hand and said loudly, "Where did you learn these skills..."

Before Tang Chen finished speaking, a powerful golden light bloomed, and Lin Yun's figure disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, she held the Divine Sword of Light and came towards Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter.

As the saying goes, it will kill you while you are sick.

Lin Yun saw that Tang Chen, the king of killing, was at a disadvantage. After he revealed a flaw, she planned to take the opportunity to kill Tang Chen.

You must cherish this opportunity.

If you miss it, you will waste more time.

Lin Yun didn't want to delay things that could be solved immediately. This would not be good for him.

Of course, the light field works to its maximum, ignoring all energy.

Any power is useless in the realm of light.

Lin Yun is the absolute king within the coverage of the light field.

The expression of Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, changed drastically. A bloody light erupted from his body. His figure suddenly changed, and his red nails clawed at Lin Yun like animal claws.

A strong evil aura erupted from his body, and the smell of blood passed directly into his nose.

The field of light silently neutralized his attack.

The next moment, the divine sword of light in Lin Yun's hand penetrated his heart.

The Divine Sword of Light ignores all defenses and energy.

A super artifact conceived by the innate god of light, the goddess of light. Its quality is superior to the Shura Demon Sword.

After all, the Shura God and the Rakshasa God together only control half of the darkness, and the other half of the darkness is forcibly controlled by the God of Destruction.

The goddess of light is more powerful than the three gods.

This is also the reason why the goddess of light refused to participate in the first war of the God Realm and has not been implicated yet.

The strongest in the world, where the jungle prevails, has the right to speak.

The goddess of light is in charge of all light, and her strength is at the forefront among the kings of gods.

When the Divine Sword of Light penetrated his heart, Lin Yun's body was shrouded in gold, blocking the blood that sprayed out.

Lin Yun suddenly pulled out the Divine Sword of Light and let the heart of Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, break into two halves.

He is destined to die.

No one can survive the purifying power of the Divine Sword of Light.

The feeling of his heart being crushed instantly filled his whole body. Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, let out a violent scream, and his hair instantly turned white.

He is using his last strength to attack.

Amidst the roar, his figure was among the ruins.

The golden divine sword of light emitted a dazzling light, and the red light was swallowed up and turned into its nutrients.

Tang Chen, the king of killing, roared unwillingly. He raised his hands on both sides and looked at Lin Yun with unwilling eyes.

His eyes faded from red, and powerful energy erupted from his body.

At this moment, nine soul rings appeared on his body.

Unfortunately it was too late.

He regained his consciousness, but he was also going to die.

The purifying power of the Divine Sword of Light restored his consciousness, but it also killed his only chance of life.

In other words, from this moment on, Tang Chen's life entered a countdown.

He was able to hold on until now simply because of his strong soul power level.

After all, Tang Chen was also a rare strong man in the world.

Although he was tricked by the Rakshasa God and his mind was controlled, he was essentially a ninety-nine-level Titled Douluo expert.

It can be said that Tang Chen is only one step away from becoming a god.

His big hands clenched tightly, the veins popped up, and huge tears fell on his face.

His face was as white as paper.

The feeling of a broken heart is extremely painful.

Lin Yun stood in front of him and looked at Tang Chen, the king of killing, coldly.

In fact, the talent field he used was not the God of Killing field, but the killing field.

The killing field is the strongest field in the killing city, and it is also a field that can only be mastered by the inheritors of the Shura God.

He was defeated by Lin Yun because the killing field was restrained by the light field.

It can be said that the realm of light restrains all evil and is the nemesis of darkness.

Darkness has no power to fight back in the face of light.

A brilliant golden light shrouded behind Lin Yun, and the golden light illuminated her body.

The sacred aura filled her body.

At this moment, Lin Yun was like a god.

"Martial Soul Hall..."

Tang Chen covered the injury on his chest with his hand, murmured in a low voice, and looked at Lin Yun with disbelief, "You are a descendant of Qian Daoliu."

Seeing the golden wings behind Lin Yun, the eyebrow marks between her eyebrows, and her iconic blond hair and golden eyes, Tang Chen had already guessed her identity.

Not to mention, the memories of being manipulated returned after he woke up.

She is the young master of Wuhun Palace and must be from the Qian clan of Wuhun Palace.

The Qian clan in the Wuhun Palace inherits the Seraphim martial soul, and the purest line is the Qiandaoliu lineage.

Therefore, Lin Yun is a descendant of Qian Daoliu.

Thinking of this, Tang Chen's face turned ugly.

Decades ago, he and Qian Daoliu were evenly matched, and it was difficult to tell the winner between them. But he never thought that decades later, he would die in the hands of Qian Daoliu's descendants.

It can be said that their era is over.


Lin Yun said lightly and looked at Tang Chen with calm eyes.

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