Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 157 It’s a pity that you are Daoliu’s daughter

Chapter 157 It’s a pity that you are Qian Daoliu’s daughter
Tang Chen looked at Lin Yun with very surprised eyes.

His consciousness was able to awaken because of the purifying power of the Divine Sword of Light.

The ability possessed by the King of Slaughter is the evil spirit, which is naturally purified by the power of the Sword of Light.

"I never thought that I would be defeated by Qian Daoliu's descendants."

You can't imagine the shock of reality until the last moment.

If this had been done a few decades ago, Tang Chen would never have imagined that the descendants of Qian Daoliu were so powerful.

Even if he wakes up now, it's thanks to her ability.

Tang Chen looked at her with complicated eyes.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be difficult for him to believe that future generations could surpass him.

The facts were right in front of him, and Tang Chen couldn't tolerate disbelief.

"There are many things you haven't thought of."

Lin Yun said lightly, her expression was extremely calm.

She didn't pay too much attention to Tang Chen's words, because it was nothing to her.

"For example, Wuhun Palace and Haotian Sect will form a deadly feud among our generation, and I never thought that Haotian Sect will die in your great-grandson's generation. The long river of time is too long, enough to swallow everything in the world. You There is no use waiting.”

Looking at Tang Chen's bloodless eyes, Lin Yun mocked softly.

There were many things that he didn't expect.

He only has so much ability to use self-deprecation to open his own horizons.

Lin Yun thought slowly.

Judging from Tang Chen's abnormal look, he must not know what happened to the Haotian Sect.

Lin Yun did it on purpose, she was irritating Tang Chen.

Tang Chen's heart was damaged by her, and he wouldn't live long.

There is only so much threat to her from someone who doesn't live long.

Lin Yun revealed that what happened to the Haotian Sect made Tang Chen miserable. She hates the people of the Haotian Sect, so naturally she will not let the people of the Haotian Sect have an easy time.

The feud between Wuhun Palace and Haotian Sect has long been forged, so why bother pretending that the two parties have a good relationship.

The relationship between Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen's generation of Haotian Sect and Wuhun Palace was not as complicated as it is today. The two families still had contacts. After all, they were both soul master forces on the Douluo Continent, so they did not hate each other as much as they do now. Disappeared from Douluo Continent.

It can be said that this hatred was forged from the moment Qianxunji died.

There is no possibility of reconciliation between Haotian Sect and Wuhun Palace, because there are lives between them.

Ever since Tang Hao of the Haotian Sect stopped Qian Xunji of the Wuhun Palace, there was no turning back on this road.

"My father Qiandaoliu envies you because you can do things that he cannot. Even after more than fifty years, he still yearns for your freedom. Likewise, you can't escape your own freedom. responsibility."

After learning what happened decades ago from Qian Daoliu's mouth, Lin Yun thought about it a lot.

The grievances of the previous generation will eventually affect the next generation.

From Lin Yun to Qian Renxue, they all focused on the interests of Wuhun Palace and wished they could wipe out the existence of Haotian Sect.

Tang Chen's eyes were a little dazed, and his vision began to become blurry.

He covered his heart with his hand. The divine power of light was so overbearing that even his Shura divine power could not repair his own injuries, and he could only watch his heart break in half.

At the moment when his heart was broken, Tang Chen spit out a mouthful of blood.

"I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time..."

Looking at Lin Yun's shining golden power, Tang Chen's eyes flashed with irritation, and finally calmed down, "That's right, opportunities are reserved for the lucky ones."

"What a spirit hall, what a descendant of Qian Daoliu."

Although Tang Chen didn't know what happened to the Haotian Sect, he could tell from Lin Yun's contemptuous tone that the Haotian Sect was not having an easy time.

Because the forces on Douluo Continent are restraining each other.

As a soul master organization, the Wuhun Palace has influence all over the continent. As its power grows, other forces are curbed.

The strength of Wuhun Palace means the decline of Haotian Sect. What's more, the grievances between Haotian Sect and Wuhun Palace.

This hatred is enough for Wuhun Palace to destroy Haotian Sect.

Tang Chen lived for more than a hundred years and met countless people.

Even if Lin Yun didn't tell the truth of the matter, Tang Chen had guessed the ending of Haotian Sect.

Even if the Haotian Sect is still alive today, it won't last long.

Because the strength of Wuhun Palace has become stronger.

From the moment Lin Yun killed him effortlessly, Tang Chen realized that the innocence of the soul master world was about to change.

Even if he loses his mind and is unable to use his soul skills, he is essentially a level 99 titled Douluo expert.

The soul power has been nourishing his body for more than a hundred years, which has long since turned his body into a copper wall and an iron wall, which is very strong.

But Lin Yun effortlessly broke through his defense and chopped his heart into pieces with the Divine Sword of Light.

If this had been the time of the three of them, Lin Yun's brilliance would have been enough to crush the three of them.

If Lin Yun had been born decades earlier, the three of them would have had no chance of becoming famous.

It can be said that each generation has its own strength, and each generation has its own talent.

After the divine power of light purified the evil energy from his body, Tang Chen's face changed, and it was far different from the vain appearance before.

"You can go on your way with peace of mind, Tang Chen."

"I will let the Haotian Sect and your descendants accompany you."

Tang Chen's face was extremely pale, and a red shadow floated behind him, which was his martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer.

When his life was coming to an end, Tang Chen still had to fight for his remaining life.

Because he didn't want his descendants to die in the hands of Wuhun Palace.

Even at the cost of his own soul, Tang Chen would agree without hesitation.

There are countless gorgeous magic patterns on the red giant hammer.

Immediately afterwards, the hammer turned into a bloody giant sword with a length of more than two meters. This was also the super artifact that Tang Chen used to attack Lin Yun before - the Shura Demon Sword.

In the past fifty years, Tang Chen's only gain was the Asura God's super-artifact - the Asura Demonic Sword.

The approval of Shura Demon Sword means that Tang Chen is the successor of God Shura's favored throne.

It is a pity that Tang Chen did not reach that step. Instead, his mind was swallowed up by the Rakshasa God and he became the puppet of the dark gold three-headed bat king.

Cause and effect are constantly changing, and you can't blame others for all this.

The grudge between the Rakshasa God and the Shura God has long been doomed.

When these twin siblings become mortal enemies and seek revenge on each other, their grudge will no longer be resolved.

Tang Chen held the Shura Demonic Sword in his hand, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful energy burst out from Lin Yun's body.

The energy like a landslide and tsunami flooded their bodies.

Their figures stand out among the gold and red.

The energy spread in all directions, Tang Chen's hair turned completely white instantly, and his eyes became blurred.

The more he uses strength beyond his own, the faster his body will decay.

He himself was weak and was no match for Lin Yun.

Not to mention, he was in extremely poor physical condition after being counterattacked by the Rakshasa God's spiritual thoughts, coupled with the fact that the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King had controlled his mind for decades.

In this case, he attacked Lin Yun with the thought of death.

He didn't want Wuhun Palace to become stronger again.

Because he clearly realized that Lin Yun would definitely destroy the Haotian Sect while he was still alive.

Without the protection of the ninety-ninth level Titled Douluo, the Haotian Sect would not be as good as the Spirit Hall.

The two energies collided together, and the crisp impact sound echoed in their ears. Lin Yun's figure stayed on the spot without moving, holding the radiant sword of light in her hand.

The terrifying breath kept sounding.

The golden light like a swimming dragon illuminates the entire sky, purifying the evil energy in the entire hell road.

Lin Yun is invincible under the light.

Tang Chen's body was half-kneeling on the ground. He was holding the Shura Demon Sword tightly in his left hand. With the help of the power of the Shura Demon Sword, he could barely stabilize his body. He looked at Lin Yun with his black eyes, as if it was about to turn into reality. The resentment fell on Lin Yun.

"If Qiandaoliu had half your strength, he wouldn't have lost to me in that battle."

Tang Chen said through gritted teeth, his lips full of blood.

As soon as he finished speaking, he vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood. The skin on his body was festering accelerating, and his body was almost reaching its limit.

He couldn't last much longer.

Lin Yun had previously knocked his Shura Demonic Sword away, causing him to retreat dozens of meters.

The gap in strength is a chasm.

A large pit appeared at Tang Chen's feet, which was formed by his resistance to Lin Yun's power.

Originally, the road to Hell Road had been destroyed by them, but since Lin Yun released the divine power of light to illuminate the entire Hell Road, the road was repaired.

Under the power of the divine power of light, it is extremely simple to repair a road.

Those hard rocks penetrated his chest, and his internal organs were shattered, and blood continued to flow down the injuries on his chest.

His mental power and soul power were suppressed by Lin Yun.

This is a battle without any disparity.

Tang Chen's all-out blow had little effect on Lin Yun.

"I told you, you can't stop me."

"After you die, I will let people from the Haotian Sect accompany you."

Looking at Lin Yun with a calm face, Tang Chen's eyes flashed with an unknown emotion.

He saw Bo Saixi's shadow in her body.

Decades ago, Bo Saixi relied on the power of Poseidon to defeat him and Qian Daoliu.

Decades later, he saw the shadow of Bo Saixi in another woman.

Time flies so fast.

More than fifty years later, he still has not fulfilled his promise to Bo Saixi.

It's right to think about it, because he has not become a god and is not worthy of Bo Saixi.


Tang Chen didn't speak, just closed his eyes and waited for death quietly.

When he saw Bo Saixi's tough and powerful shadow in Lin Yun, Tang Chen knew that their era was truly over.

The days of these three being kings are over.

The time for the next generation has arrived.

If someone could become a titled Douluo like Lin Yun at the age of less than 20 more than fifty years ago, Tang Chen would definitely think it was bragging.

Titled Douluo is the top combat power on the Douluo Continent.

How can one succeed in cultivation without more than a hundred years?

It took more than forty years to become a titled Douluo, and he was already considered a genius.

What I didn't expect was that Lin Yun was extremely evil.

"It would be great if you were a direct descendant of the Haotian Sect."

Tang Chen wiped the blood on his lips with his hand and said helplessly, "It's a pity that you are the daughter of that old guy Qian Daoliu."

How he wished Lin Yun was from the Haotian Sect.

If the Haotian Sect had this girl, why should they be afraid of the Wuhun Palace?

Even if he loses his protection, when Lin Yun grows up, the Haotian Sect does not need to be afraid of other forces.

What a pity, Lin Yun is from Wuhun Palace, the daughter of Qian Daoliu, and the young master of Wuhun Palace.

"There are no ifs in the world. If there are ifs, I will defeat Haotian Sect Tang San before he appears, so that he will never have the chance to awaken his martial spirit."

Lin Yun walked up to him calmly and said coldly, "Actually, you don't have to feel so sorry, because you have an extremely outstanding great-grandson, his name is Tang San. Of course, your outstandingly talented great-grandson was killed by me. Kill them with your own hands and become the souls under my sword, in order to pay tribute to the souls who died in Wuhun Palace."

"If you could get rid of this control earlier, you might have a chance to see your lovely great-grandson."

Lin Yun was actually disgusted by Tang Chen.

This man is so disgusting.

From the moment Tang Chen said those words, Lin Yun knew that this person was all appearances.

Because of her strong strength, he hoped that he was from the Haotian Sect.

This is too funny.

Lin Yun saw the hypocrisy under that pale face, which really made her feel sick.

It makes sense when you think about it, birds of a feather flock together and people flock together.

An elder who can teach Tang Hao a traitor to the human race is naturally not a good thing.

Tang Chen's words really disgusted Lin Yun. The calmness on her face instantly disappeared and became ugly.

Those words made Lin Yun gag.


Tang Chen's eyes instantly filled with anger, and he tightly covered his chest with his hands to prevent the blood from flowing too fast and causing his head to suffocate.

Blood is very important to people.

Losing too much blood can really lead to death.

Even if Tang Chen was physically strong, excessive blood loss would affect him. Not to mention his heart was broken in two.

When his body was about to reach its limit, Lin Yun gave him another blow, which was beyond Tang Chen's expectations.

His regretful words did not make Lin Yun stop, but made her want to end the battle more quickly.

"What am I? Your outstanding great-grandson has already gone, and it's your turn next. Later, you will be accompanied by the entire Haotian Sect."

Lin Yun spoke extremely arrogantly, making his face extremely ugly.

Tang Chen bit his lip and said coldly: "What a sharp-tongued girl."

"It's a pity that I can't kill you, but I can pose a threat to you."

Tang Chen held the red Demonic Shura Sword in his hand, and he stood tremblingly with the power of the Demonic Shura Sword.

"You can't bear the self-destruction of a level 99 expert."


Lin Yun chuckled and said provocatively: "I haven't tried it. You can give it a try and see if I can bear the price."

"You think that self-destruction can threaten me, but in fact it is of no use to me."

"Since you couldn't beat me, you should have known that the weapon in my hand is a divine sword, a divine sword of higher quality than the divine weapon in your hand."

Lin Yun looked at him contemptuously, "Self-destruction is useful to others, but it is useless to me."

"Don't worry, no matter which way you choose, I will let people from the Haotian Sect accompany you."

"Everything in the world is for profit."

"When the Haotian Sect touches the interests of Wuhun Palace, we will become enemies."

Lin Yun just disgusted Tang Chen.

There was no reason for Tang Chen to disgust her and she didn't fight back.

After listening to Lin Yun's words, Tang Chen's expression became ferocious.

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