Chapter 158 Ten Headed Sun Snakes

Tang Chen's face is not ugly, and he gives off a sense of righteousness and perseverance. At first glance, you can tell that he is a tough guy.

His tall stature accentuated his extraordinary appearance.

His mood fluctuated greatly, and the ferocious anger fell on Lin Yun.

Lin Yun's expression remained unchanged, and she didn't pay much attention to Tang Chen's expression.

It doesn't matter to her.

Because they are enemies.

From the moment they met Tang Chen on Hell Road, there was a fight to the death between them.

Lin Yun never thinks about people's hearts because people's hearts cannot stand the test of time.

From the moment Lin Yun discovered Tang Chen's identity, their fate was already doomed.

It was pain beyond words.

Killing the King of Slaughter, does this count as annihilating the City of Slaughter?

A sinful child born from the love between a soul beast and a human being was able to step on the glory of the human race and become a god, suppressing countless geniuses in the future.

Lin Yun's golden eyes flashed with anger.

After receiving the inheritance of the goddess of light, Lin Yun calmed down and those irritable thoughts disappeared instantly.

The inheritance of God Shura chose Tang Chen and allowed him to obtain the Demonic Sword of Shura, which shows that God Shura had laid the plan a long time ago in order to achieve Tang San's success.

All that was left was a red sword.

Qian Renxue had never done anything wrong, but fate was so unfair to her and burdened her with a heavy responsibility. This made Lin Yun feel very sorry for Qian Renxue.

The divine position gave her full self-confidence.

Everyone lives for profit, and every move Qian Renxue makes is for the benefit of Wuhun Palace.

Lin Yun felt the violent power on the Shura Demonic Sword, and she frowned slightly.

She could not imagine Qian Renxue's despair as she was trapped in the calculations of the gods.

The deaths of the God of Cookery and the Nine-Colored Goddess meant that Tang San would never have a chance to be resurrected.

Lin Yun thought about the second test of his god-level examination.

A narrow-minded person will not tolerate the excellence of others.

His body turned into powder and fell between heaven and earth.

If he meets anyone else, this Shura Demonic Sword is enough to crush them.

"Shura Demonic Sword..."

Qian Renxue's excellence was sinful to him.

The content of the second test is to eliminate the killing city.

It's a pity that Lin Yun killed Tang San in Wuhun Palace and completely destroyed Tang San's soul.

Lin Yun looked at the blood he sprayed, and complex emotions emerged in her eyes.

Lin Yun solved Tang Chen's life and ended Tang Chen's life.

Never forgive.

This force made her very uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, Tang Chen's luck was not good.

Lin Yun was really upset after hearing Tang Chen's words.

She didn't believe that she could still lose to the sea god Poseidon and the god Shura.

Lin Yun thought uncertainly.

In Lin Yun's view, Qian Renxue was not wrong. What was wrong was that the world was too strange.

But the person Tang Chen met was Lin Yun, who had the inheritance of the goddess of light.

Judging from Tang San's unyielding character, Lin Yun knew that he was narrow-minded.

She was wondering whether she had to destroy the entire city of killing to complete the divine test?
This did take time, but Lin Yun didn't care about this time.

The world is definitely sick.

Tang Chen died in despair with that unwillingness.

A narrow-minded person can become a god, but an upright person can become depressed.

Looking at the red Demonic Shura Sword, Lin Yun thought of the plan of Poseidon and God Shura against the angel clan.

That unwillingness filled Tang Chen's heart, making his anger reach its limit.

Lin Yun stepped forward and picked up the red sword. Seeing the murderous intent in the red sword, Lin Yun's golden eyes flashed with hesitation.

She had seen the strength of this Shura Demonic Sword.

From this point on, Tang Chen would not be Lin Yun's opponent.

Instinctively, she wanted to destroy this power.

The dark aura came face to face, and the cold feeling mixed in his heart made Lin Yun extremely uncomfortable.

The divine power of light operates quietly to protect her from the invasion of this power.

Obviously, the Shura Demon Sword contains the power of God Shura.

Before he became a god, Lin Yun was still unable to confront a powerful person at the level of a god king.

Not to mention, it took tens of thousands of years for God Shura to become a god.

Lin Yun didn't know how powerful Shura God was. Of course, his ability to become one of the five divine kings in the divine realm means that his strength is recognized by the gods in the divine realm.

After the battle between the Dragon God and the Phoenix God, the God Realm had an advantage in defeating the Dragon God.

Otherwise, if the Dragon God and the Phoenix God join forces, before the Goddess of Light takes action, the number of gods in the God Realm will fall exponentially, and maybe only one or two God Kings will be left in the end.

It can be said that the God Realm took advantage.

Without this advantage, how could the God Realm take its turn to dominate all things and make the human world and spirit beasts a mess!
Looking at the weird red lines, Lin Yun felt huge displeasure in his heart.

This emotion was not suppressed, but became more and more intense over time.

Under this dissatisfaction, Lin Yun was determined not to suppress his emotions anymore.

A bold idea appeared in his mind, and Lin Yun's golden eyes flashed with unknown emotions, and finally became ecstatic.

This thought inspired Lin Yun's desire.

Yes, God Shura and Poseidon, God of the Sea, plotted against the angel clan, so she should teach them a lesson.

They did not take human beings seriously, but they forgot that they also cultivated themselves into gods from human beings.

It's ridiculous.

What humans look down upon the most is not the gods formed innately, but the gods that humans have cultivated through their own efforts.

Isn’t this just scolding your mother after you’ve eaten enough?

This was the first time Lin Yun had seen such a shameless god.

As long as she lives long, she will see many great things.

Lin Yun thought slowly.

She wanted to destroy the inheritance of God Shura's throne, let God Shura's throne be shattered like Qian Renxue, and let him experience the pain of a shattered throne.

She would repay all the pain that was inflicted on Qian Renxue, letting them know the fear and fear that Qian Renxue had.

As soon as Lin Yun's hand touched the blade of the Shura Demon Sword, the manic energy surged out and fell directly on Lin Yun's body.

This energy rioted, and there was countless blood on the red sword, and the terrifying aura came towards him.

Lin Yun ignored this feeling and looked straight at the red aura.

That evil feeling appeared in his heart again. Instead of feeling scared, Lin Yun felt cold.

That didn't dissuade her.

She just wants to destroy the inheritance of God Shura.

If they dare to scheme against the angel family, they will have to bear the price.

Hiding from anything will only put you in a desperate situation.

The golden light power lingered on her fingertips, glowing with golden light.

The next moment, golden ripple-like power appeared, and her hand was placed on the red sword.

Powerful light power surrounds the red sword. The next moment, the red Shura Demon Sword glowed red, and the sword energy came directly towards Lin Yun.


A roar came from the sword, and the terrifying pressure fell on Lin Yun instantly. Her expression did not change at all, but was as calm as water.

She thought about how to deal with this divine thought.

The reason is simple, she is going to destroy the Shura Demonic Sword.

That old Yinbi of Shura God couldn't really let go and accept Tang Chen's existence. In other words, in order to protect his natal artifact, the Shura Demon Sword, God Shura will definitely set up divine thoughts in the Shura Demon Sword to prevent others from destroying the Shura Demon Sword.

It's a pity that Lao Yinbi met another person who didn't play according to common sense.

Lin Yun was not attached to the inheritance of God Shura in the Shura Demon Sword at all, and directly used the power of light to destroy the inheritance of God Shura.

She wanted to see how this Shura God dared to plot against the angel family so arrogantly without his own divine inheritance!

Tang Chen's death was just the beginning.

Despite this huge majesty, Lin Yun still erased the inheritance of Shura God's status on the Shura Demon Sword.

The moment the mark was erased, the powerful majesty of God Shura fell on Lin Yun.

She silently dispelled this surging energy.

If Shura God himself comes, she will definitely have no choice but to run away.

However, she was faced with a clone.

The clone of God Shura couldn't even exert half of the power of its original body. How could it be better than Lin Yun?

Not to mention, this divine thought is to protect the Shura Demonic Sword from destruction.

As long as the Shura Demonic Sword still exists, the power used by this spiritual thought will not be too much.

Lin Yun took a look at the Hell Road shrouded in golden light. She decided to finish this road because her intuition told her that something was waiting for her here.

Lin Yun, who believed in his own intuition, got up and walked forward, ignoring the complex terrain of Hell Road, and went directly to the end of Hell Road, which was about to reach the exit.

There was still lava here, and the fiery red color reflected in her eyes.

The temperature continued to get higher, but it did not affect Lin Yun's judgment.

With the field of light, she was not affected by the temperature of the magma at all.

On the contrary, Lin Yun, who had the Fire Phoenix martial spirit, was in an extremely hot place.

Because this will release her fighting spirit.

She stopped and looked ahead with cold eyes.

Sure enough, her intuition was unerring. No, this thing is waiting for me in front.

As soon as the rustling sound sounded, Lin Yun caught its figure.

She stretched out her left hand, holding the golden sword of light in her hand.

The pair of blood-red eyes looked straight at her, and the huge vertical pupils were enough to show that it was not human.

Its body was lying on the ground, and its dark red body was in perfect contrast with the blood-red magma. If its murderous intent was not too obvious, it would have been possible to hide in the magma and kill Lin Yun just because of its red color.

Of course, Lin Yun is not afraid of this thing.

She raised her head slightly, and seeing that there was only one horn on its head, Lin Yun knew it was a snake.

To be precise, this is a snake that has not even transformed into a dragon.

Snakes can turn into dragons when their cultivation reaches a certain level.

Every transformation into a dragon is a great test for oneself.

It only has one horn, which means it cannot even reach the level of a dragon.

A snake that is not even a dragon poses no threat to her.

Of course, Lin Yun was happy when he saw this snake.

She can use the snake's inner elixir to exercise and strengthen her body.

The reason is very simple. This snake is called the Ten-Headed Fierce Sun Snake.

There are ten heads in total, and only one of them occupies the dominant position. It can judge the enemy's strength from many aspects and then launch an attack on the enemy.

Under the golden light, its red color is extremely conspicuous.

There are connecting ports under each of its heads. From a distance, it looks like blood is flowing through them. In fact, this is a human illusion.

It is over ten meters long and seven meters tall.

Lin Yun knew this snake because she had studied medicine and had an impression of this snake.

When they caught the unfamiliar aura, the ten blazing sun snakes looked at Lin Yun with covetous eyes.

The red eyes became as bright as lanterns, which really surprised Lin Yun.

Thinking of the benefits of the Ten-Headed Fierce Yang Snake Inner Pill, Lin Yun looked at it indifferently.

The snake regarded Lin Yun as its enemy the moment it saw her.

This is its territory, and no other humans are allowed to come near it.

If you want to leave the Killing City, of course you can, provided you keep your life!

With a bang, the ten-headed blazing sun snake let out a scream. If you listen carefully, it sounds very similar to the cry of a baby, and you will know that this snake is very intelligent, and it can also imitate human cubs in order to gain the evil of human beings. of care.

However, it does not realize that only powerful gods have the right to speak. Weak gods are not qualified to oppose.

It launched an attack at Lin Yun, and the fiery red light suddenly appeared and quickly locked onto Lin Yun's body, preventing Lin Yun from moving.

It's going to kill this woman.

The biological instinct makes the ten-headed blazing sun snake aware of the fear brought by death.

You can't mess with this woman!
Fear filled the heart of the Ten-Headed Fierce Sun Snake, and it realized that it was in crisis.

Because it provokes someone who shouldn't be provoked.

The fiery red light and golden light collided again.

With a bang, the giant thing fell to the ground, and the strong smell of blood invaded his nose.

The dust dispersed and Lin Yun's body was revealed.

It would be more difficult for Lin Yun to deal with Tang Chen, but it couldn't be easier for Lin Yun to deal with a ten-headed blazing sun snake that even had its abilities fully unlocked.

With a wave of her hand, the inner elixir of the ten-headed blazing sun snake appeared from her chest.

"I want this inner elixir."

Lin Yun said lightly.

She did not pay attention to the struggle of the ten-headed blazing sun snake.


On Poseidon Island, Bo Saixi suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the east of the mainland. His beautiful eyes were filled with disbelief.

She felt Tang Chen's power.

After more than fifty years, she felt Tang Chen's power again, which meant that Tang Chen was not dead.

Bo Saixi's eyes dimmed, and her face became stern.

This shows that Tang Chen still has not become a god.

More than fifty years later, he still has not succeeded.

Bo Saixi was unwilling, but she also regretted her words.

If she had confessed her feelings in the first place, Tang Chen would not have gone far away from home for more than fifty years to marry her.

Although they are Titled Douluo level experts and their lifespan is already at the top of humankind, fifty years is still a lot for them.

There was no way she could wait for Tang Chen for another fifty years.

The moment he felt Tang Chen's power, Bo Saixi used the power of Poseidon to sense the fluctuations of Tang Chen's soul power and wanted to know the direction of Tang Chen's location.

This time she would not let Tang Chen take this path alone.

She wants to cherish her last moments.

Tang Chen, I miss you so much.

Bo Saixi thought slowly in his heart.

This longing was driving her crazy.

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