Chapter 160 Purifying the Killing City

There was pain in his heart, and Lin Yun felt very heavy.

Even though he felt extremely painful in his heart, Lin Yun still couldn't empathize with it.

Her emotions faded away as the memory left her.

To be precise, her ability to perceive emotions has dropped to the point where she cannot sense her own emotions, and she has an indifferent attitude towards everything.

Lin Yun felt sorry for her mother. She came to Wuhun Hall because of her mother's last wish.

As for her father Qian Daoliu, Lin Yun's attitude changed from angry to calm. It was because she thought of her mother's last wish that she finally became calm.

If the mother were still alive, she would probably not want to see their father and daughter become enemies. After feeling Qian Daoliu's love for his daughter, Lin Yun remained silent, and finally chose to face it with a calm attitude.

She had hatred for Qian Daoliu in her heart, but as a child she couldn't do anything.

Is she going to take action against Qian Daoliu for that matter?

That must be impossible.

The degenerates who had been drinking Bloody Mary for more than ten years were directly turned into foam in the light, leaving only the tattered corners of their clothes.

Hearing Lin Heng's words, Lin Yun's eyes were red.

"The responsibility of the angel family is to save the common people. The common people are already in deep misery, and you and I are both witnesses."

In the same way, even if emotions are gone, people's thoughts still exist in their hearts. She is unwilling to give up her responsibilities, because if she takes a step back and waits for the Wuhun Palace, it will be a disaster.

Her heart ached, but she couldn't shed tears. Her body could no longer empathize.

The moment Lin Yun saw her mother Lin Heng, she thought of the past.

"If possible, I hope you can save him from his fate. I hate him, but I don't want him to die. This is why I asked you not to resent your father."

It was precisely because God Shura and Poseidon, God of the Sea, had been gods for so long that if she wanted these two people to disappear from the world, she had to become gods.

In a world where the jungle prevails, weakness is the original sin.

Under the golden light, the power of purification emerged, and the darkness and evil energy quickly disappeared in the killing city.

"I always remember how high-spirited he was."

There is a blood relationship between them.

Lin Yun still couldn't let go of his obsession.

The fallen people who have lived in the Killing City for more than five years will have their martial souls abolished and become useless people without martial souls. The martial souls of those who have fallen under five years have been purified, completely freed from dark attributes, and their personalities and appearance have also changed. It can be said that there is tenderness in this light purification.


Because it was impossible, Lin Yun could only face Qian Daoliu in a calm way.

"After many years, I once again see the glory of the angel family from you."

Lin Heng saw something was wrong with her, but he just smiled slightly. That warm smile fell in Lin Yun's eyes, hurting her eyes.

If you want to deal with God, you must have God. A battle between god-level warriors is something that ordinary people cannot participate in.

All things are equal.

It was from her mother Lin Heng that she felt maternal love, and then she began to become attached to this world.

Before she could say anything, Lin Heng's figure disappeared in front of her, leaving only those few words.

In order to become a god, she gave up her emotions. Likewise, she also takes on the responsibilities of the angel family, and she will never allow herself to fail.

The purification of martial souls is not over yet.

Her every move affects everyone's thoughts.

Lin Heng said softly, her eyes filled with tenderness.

Her eyes were red, but her mood became very calm.

Lin Heng's hand gently touched Lin Yun's face and said softly: "I'm very pleased."

Light hates darkness, but it is still willing to shine light to take care of people in the darkness.

"Yun'er, go forward boldly. Don't be afraid of anything. This path is your choice."

"Such dark places should not exist in the world. Where there is light, there cannot be darkness."

Even though there was hatred, Lin Heng still didn't want Lin Yun to have negative emotions towards Qian Daoliu.

The darkness of the Killing City was replaced by light. The goblet containing the Bloody Mary shattered directly. Countless Bloody Marys gathered into a river. The red color was replaced by white. The clear river flowed on the ground, and the rich smell of blood disappear completely.

Because the City of Killing still exists in the world.

The remaining fallen ones were punished by the light. The shortcomings in their martial souls were repaired by the light.

Countless golden lights gathered on Lin Yun's body, and the golden light rippled and spread rapidly around.

Lin Yun held the Divine Sword of Light in his left hand. His golden eyes were devoid of any emotion, and his extremely cold voice sounded, "Magical skill - Divine Punishment of Light."

This relationship is too complicated.

Lin Yun's body became taller in the light, and countless eyes focused on her.

The nature of Douluo Dalu is to respect the strong.


At the same time, a confrontation was taking place in the God Realm.

The gods headed by the God of Destruction blocked the way of God Shura and Poseidon, the God of the Sea.

The God of Destruction with black hair and black eyes looked at God Shura coldly, "What a coincidence, where are you going?"

"As far as I know, isn't this the way to the human world? As the God King of the God Realm, you shouldn't interfere in the affairs of the human world."

The God of Destruction came prepared, and he was making things difficult for God Shura and Poseidon, the God of the Sea.

He knew what they were thinking, but still chose to stop them.

After all, causing trouble to his enemies was a joy to him.

"Step aside."

God Shura glanced at him coldly, "It's not your turn to take care of things between us. You, who are also God Kings, can't take care of me."

Just as the God of Destruction is displeased with God Shura, God Shura is also displeased with the God of Destruction.

This guy has always been arrogant and domineering because his wife, the goddess of life, is also one of the five divine kings. God Shura would have ignored the God of Destruction if not for the sake of the Goddess of Life.

When comparing strength, they are not much different. When comparing strength, there is only one difference between them, the goddess of life.

Besides, the God Realm is jointly controlled by the five god kings, not by the words of any one god. He does not believe that the God of Destruction dares to interfere with his own ideas.


"As the God of Law Enforcement in the God Realm, what kind of crime should we do if we know the law and break it?"

The God of Destruction sneered, "Gods cannot interfere in human affairs. If they insist on intervening in human affairs, it means that the god has violated the rules of the divine world. Gods who violate the rules of the divine realm will be obliterated by the divine realm."

"It is your right as the God of Law Enforcement in the Divine Realm to obliterate those gods who break the rules, but how can you, who knows the law and breaks the law, have the face to judge others? Instead of occupying the position and wasting your power, it is better to give up this position."

"I ask you to die."

"God Shura." The God of Destruction's shameless words made God Shura look extremely ugly.

He is so impatient because his divine inheritance has been destroyed. Judging from the situation in the human world, this was definitely done by Lin Yun of Wuhun Palace.

God Shura wanted to find Lin Yun to settle accounts, but he didn't expect to be stopped by the God of Destruction halfway.

Even if you stop him, this guy still says those things in a self-righteous manner.

"Don't think that I am afraid of you because there is the goddess of life behind you."

Red divine power appeared on God Shura's body, but his artifact, the Demonic Shura Sword, could not be summoned.

The reason is simple, he lost control of the Shura Demonic Sword. This is also the reason why Shura God hurriedly went to the human world.

Previously, Lin Yun and the angel god Qianyu Cold Suffering and the sea god Poseidong were just having a small fight, and they could not touch the interests of God Shura, so naturally God Shura would not care too much. But when the inheritance of the divine throne he set up thousands of years ago was destroyed, God Shura realized the seriousness of the matter.

What he relied on along the way was killing, not underestimating the enemy and being self-righteous. When he realized that Lin Yun was extraordinary, God Shura already had murderous intentions towards Lin Yun.

Before, he only regarded Lin Yun as the last struggle of the angel god Qian Yuhan, and didn't take Lin Yun seriously at all, but now it's different.

"Is it important to be afraid? How can a guy who can even attack his own sister have the nerve to show off in front of me?"

"Who are you, God Shura?"

The God of Destruction mocked coldly.

He just hated the way God Shura regarded himself as aloof. It was really disgusting.

You obviously want everything, but you still pretend to not care about anything.

He has been dissatisfied with God Shura for a long time. He has never found an opportunity to repair God Shura. Now that he has the opportunity, he will definitely not miss it.

After hearing the words of the God of Destruction, God Shura's face turned darker and his voice became colder, "I say it again, get out of the way."

"Otherwise I wouldn't mind starting a fight with you."

"The angel god Qian Yuhan violated the rules of the divine world and secretly helped humans pass the divine examination. Her behavior was more excessive than mine, and you didn't see you stopping her."

God Shura also moved the angel god Qian Yuhan out.

It's not easy for him, and neither is the angel god Qian Yuhan.

"Oh, her problem is not as serious as yours. Knowing the law and breaking the law is more terrifying."

The God of Destruction sneered again, "Get them for me."

"Regardless of life or death, killing God will be on my head."


With the word "God of Destruction", the subordinate gods headed by him will naturally try their best to kill God Shura and Poseidon, God of the Sea.

As the saying goes, more gods bring greater power. At first, God Shura and God of the Sea Poseidon were at the upper hand, but as time went by, they gradually fell behind.

"To elaborate, you also killed the daughter of the angel god Qian Yuhan. Isn't it because she was recognized by the goddess of light and considered to be the most likely person to inherit the throne of light."

The God of Destruction taunted them coldly, revealing their ugly side.

All the gods in the divine world knew these things well, but they did not expose the hypocritical disguise of God Shura. This was simply because the angel god Qian Yuhan had no allies.

After the death of the goddess of light, the angel god Qian Yuhan's status in the divine world became awkward.

Angel God Qian Yuhan realized his situation, so he found a hidden place in the God Realm and began to practice. He stayed away from worldly affairs for many years.

If God Shura hadn't forced him repeatedly, the angel god Qian Yuhan wouldn't have appeared.



God Shura gritted his teeth and roared at the God of Destruction, "It was indeed intentional."

The timing was so coincidental that God Shura couldn't help but suspect that this was what the angel god Qian Yuhan did.

With the brain of the God of Destruction and the personality of the Goddess of Life, they would not do such a thing.

Therefore, this matter could only be arranged by the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Damn it, the Angel God Qian Yuhan had already reached this point, so he sent the God of Destruction to block the way of God Shura in advance, leaving God Shura with no way to go.


After Lin Yun exhausted all the light power in his body, the purification of the Killing City was completely completed.

She stood steadily on the ground with a pale face, holding the Phoenix Divine Sword and the Light Divine Sword tightly in her hands.

What Lin Yun didn't expect was that after she used the divine skill of the Goddess of Light, the Phoenix Sword transformed from her soul skill actually merged with the Phoenix Divine Sword.

After the two weapons were fused, their color became richer than before, and at first glance they looked like a burning flame.

Think about it, the Phoenix Divine Sword stores the Phoenix Divine Fire and can naturally tolerate high temperatures. After the two weapons merged, the pattern also changed.

It can be said that the Phoenix Divine Sword this time truly belongs to Lin Yun alone.

Lin Yun raised his eyes and looked at the crowd not far away. Those people who had been tortured and degenerated in the killing city looked at her with panic in their eyes, as if she were a tiger, leopard and jackal, and she had to be driven away with her eyes. she.

Unfortunately, their looks were useless. On the contrary, Lin Yun glanced at them and they ran away instead, not daring to look at Lin Yun. Their evasive look did not attract Lin Yun's attention.

Quite simply, she glanced at them and stopped paying attention to those people's thoughts.

The divine power of light repaired the shortcomings of their martial souls and also changed their bodies. It can be said that this baptism of light is the kindness of light.

Even though they are in darkness, the light is still willing to give them a chance.

If it were a ruthless god, they wouldn't even have this chance.

Light brings hope and vitality, and also brings them a new beginning.

Lin Yun was walking forward, and suddenly someone knelt down in front of her. It was a little boy who looked about seven years old.

He kowtowed to Lin Yun and muttered, "Thank you, sir."

His body was not corrupted by Bloody Mary because he was abducted into the Killing City.

Except for those who voluntarily enter the Killing City, if the Killing City wants to maintain a stable population, it will adopt children.

To call it adoption is nothing more than a transaction with the child's biological parents. Facts have proved that there are parents who love their children, but there are also parents who are cruel and do not want their children.

These children barely survived in the killing city and became the population of the killing city, living in embarrassment like those degenerates.

The Killing City doesn't require them to do anything at first, but when they reach ten years old, they will start donating blood endlessly.

Donate at least two Bloody Marys every month, which is an extremely scary number for a child.

In order to survive, they have to follow the rules of the Killing City.

When Lin Yun used the power of light to purify the Killing City and wipe out those guilty people in the Killing City, their fate changed.

As the angel god Qian Yuhan said, the common people are already in deep misery, and you and I have seen it with our own eyes.

Similarly, the angel god Qian Yuhan spent her life's efforts to create the Wuhun Palace and fulfilled her vow.

On the contrary, Poseidon, the god of the sea, although he calmed the disputes in the ocean, he failed to fulfill his promise.

PS: The new book has been released. Those who are interested can come and take a look. "Douluo: I became the Saint of Wuhun Temple by reading minds"

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