Chapter 161 I saw God on this day
The promises made by the angel god Qian Yuhan to the world have been fulfilled one by one in these ten thousand years. The establishment of Wuhun Palace is to give civilian soul masters a chance and to allow the world to live in the light.

There is already a lot of suffering in the world, and all she can do is provide a safe place for Wuhun Palace to suppress the darkness in the world.

This is also the reason why the angel god Qian Yuhan is recognized by the light goddess Hesoya.

It is hypocritical to say that you are a loving God with your words. Only a God who cares about the common people will use actions to help the common people.

The real God is responsible for the common people.

Lin Yun obtained the divine power of the goddess of light and used it to purify the city of killing and solve the troubles in the city of killing.

Seeing the adoring look in the young man's eyes, Lin Yun's eyes flashed with astonishment, and then became calm.

Purifying the Killing City was an easy task for her, but for them it was a life-changing fate.

Because their lives are limited to the killing city.

Lin Yun looked at their heads and their heads were broken, and the bright red blood flowed down. The pure power of faith fell on Lin Yun, and the power of faith gathered in the palm of her hand and became part of her strength.

I thought that the city of killing was a paradise for the degenerate, but in fact it was a place where gangsters preyed on gangsters. There's not enough power here to survive by contributing two Bloody Marys a month.

This is why Lin Yun chose to give them a chance.

The golden light lingered behind her, and those dazzling golden eyes had no emotional ups and downs, giving the impression that they had seen through everything in the world.

Gods make mistakes sometimes, let alone humans. She can tolerate people's mistakes.

Even such a terrifying place in the Killing City cannot stop her power, and the grievances accumulated in the Killing City for thousands of years are purified by her light power, and those dark and evil auras completely disappear.

With the superposition of the power of faith, Lin Yun's strength will be further improved.

Lin Yun stretched out his hand towards the boy named Xu An, with an indifferent expression on his fair face, and his voice was light and emotionless, "Child, tell me."

Lin Yun's expression became serious. She looked at everyone coldly, her voice suddenly became louder, and she used her soul power to spread the sound to make it spread farther.

"There is no need to repay, as long as you live."

Lin Yun walked towards them, golden divine power gathered on her body, golden light floated by, and strong pressure fell on them, making them breathless.

Those who were frightened by Lin Yun's display of strength looked at him with shocked eyes.

"Where are you from?"

The problem is, once you enter the Killing City, you cannot leave. So they can only contribute two Bloody Marys a month and barely survive.

None of them dared to say anything, because Lin Yun's display of power frightened them.


Lin Yun glanced at the boy lightly and said coldly: "Martial Soul Hall, Lin Yun."

In fact, when the boy knelt in front of Lin Yun, Lin Yun used his divine power to read his memory.

Obviously, they did not expect a boy to be braver than themselves. Of course, it's not that they have lost their courage, but that they are afraid of powerful people.

It is precisely because of this extreme method that a first-level god can quickly become a god king.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. The only ones who can save them are themselves. Lin Yun simply purified the killing city and rescued them from pain.

People worship the strong and fanatically pursue their footsteps.

Therefore, being able to regain their freedom and leave the Killing City and return to the Douluo Continent is something they have never dared to think about in their lives.

The remaining people in the killing city looked at Lin Yun with fearful eyes. After seeing Lin Yun's terrifying power, they didn't dare to commit suicide.

The power of faith is very important to gods, let alone Lin Yun who has not become a god.

The boy knelt down in front of Lin Yun and whispered, "Dare you ask your name? If I have the chance, I will definitely repay you for saving your life today."

There is always a limit to what she can do.

The longer they live in the killing city, the more they are influenced by the theory that the strong are respected and the weak must die, and they naturally develop corresponding ideas.

This was done so that everyone in the Killing City could hear it.

"I, Lin Yun, hereby declare that from today on, the City of Killing will no longer exist."

"Follow your orders."

"The darkness of the past has enveloped you, causing you to step into darkness and live a life of pain or numbness. Logically speaking, you should die in the purification of light like those degenerates and become nutrients for the world, but Light has its own benevolent side, so you have the opportunity to stand here and become free people. I don't care whether you are voluntary or forced, you are the same here. "

His voice was small, but it seemed loud in the silence surrounding him.

"On behalf of the goddess of light Hesoya and the angel god Qian Yuhan, I forgive your sins and let you have the right to freedom. No matter what sins you have committed before, as long as you can leave the killing city, you are innocent, but if you are in If there is trouble outside again, Wuhun Palace will never let you go. The order of the world is strict, and you know better than me what freedom means."

They will not sympathize with the boy because they have no compassion. Despite this, Hesoya, the goddess of light, gave them a chance.

There is a difference between gods with the power of faith and gods without the power of faith. This is the extreme brought about by the power of faith.

The fact that they can survive the purification exerted by the divine power of light shows that they have obtained the remaining tenderness of light.

Lin Yun looked at their haggard and painful looks and knew that their experience was extraordinary.

There are not a few people like those who were extracted and fucked into corpses.

Every time Lin Yun said a word, he would warn them with cold eyes, just to make them feel scared.

Only if they are afraid will they have fear and will not do those dangerous things. Human nature cannot stand the test, but the shock brought by strength can stay with them in their hearts, making them dare not go beyond one or two.

This was also the reason why her figure grew taller before their eyes.

A child who had only awakened his martial soul but had not practiced seriously could not resist her power, so naturally she knew the whole story.

Lin Yun narrowed her eyes, hiding her emotions under her hair. Although she has been deprived of her emotional perception and has a calm attitude towards everyone, she also has her own bottom line.

Parents like Xu An are not worthy of being called human beings.

Those who sell their children to the Killing City in exchange for gold soul coins to support their parents are demons.

For Lin Yun, this was another sin. She has been recognized by the goddess of light and walks the path of light. Naturally, she wants to advocate the path of the world and eliminate the darkness in human nature.

"Yueluo City, Silvis Province, Tiandou Empire."

The boy said tremblingly, looking at Lin Yun with uneasy eyes. At this moment, he was extremely scared, fearing that he would offend Lin Yun and make Lin Yun feel unhappy.

"Do you still know the way?"

Lin Yun said softly. She changed her tone when she saw the boy's fear.

She still has some gentleness to her.


Lin Yun threw a crystal ball from the soul guide space and put it in his hand, "Just put your soul power into the crystal ball and let me know the direction."

This is a memory crystal ball developed by Wuhun Palace, which can find the way based on the soul master's memory. This is also a rare treasure of Wuhun Palace.

After all, the production process of memory crystal balls is complicated and the cost is very expensive. Naturally, it is impossible to become popular on Douluo Continent. Important things must be in your own hands. The two empires and Wuhun Palace have a tacit understanding.


When the boy Xu An input his soul power into the crystal ball, nine cards quietly unfolded above Lin Yun, and the voice without any emotion sounded again.

"The second test of the god-level assessment, the elimination of the City of Killing was overachieved. You purified the evil in the City of Killing, and revitalized this place. You purified the shortcomings of people's martial arts, and made this continent free from evil. The soul master has rewritten the future of Douluo Continent."

The cold voice came from above and fell clearly on Lin Yun's ears, "The reward for all soul rings has increased by 50,000 years. Three god-given soul rings, and one god-given external soul bone. The Divine Sword of Light The affinity reaches 50%, and the perception of light power reaches 30%.”

Hearing these words, Lin Yun's eyes flashed with surprise, then calmed down.

She did not expect that the reward for purifying the killing city would be so generous.

Let the age of all her soul rings increase by 50,000 years, which shows that her merits are not in the present day, but will last for generations to come.

Golden light flashed, and the third card revealed its face. It was a scene of the goddess of light standing on the beach holding a golden crystal ball.

"The third test of the God-level test: destroy Poseidon Island and the evil sea soul beasts, and calm the chaos in the sea. Successful rewards will increase the years of all soul rings by 10,000 years, a god-given soul ring, and the affinity of the Bright Divine Sword will be 100% Fifteen, light divine power affinity is 50%.”

"The fourth test of the god-level test: Kill the Poseidon. There will be no reward for success, and obliteration for failure."

The appearance of the third and fourth god-level tests at the same time was indeed something Lin Yun had not expected.

She didn't expect that the goddess of light Hesoya's obsession was so deep.

Of course, this assessment is in line with her ideas.

After all, she had been unhappy with Poseidon, the God of the Sea, for a long time. She had no strength before, but it was different now.

She is now only one level away from God.

With the status of the goddess of light, the sea god Poseidon is nothing at all.

As the difficulty of the test increased, Lin Yun knew that he had to improve his strength, otherwise he would not be able to complete the god-level test.

Of course, she doesn't resent these assessments, because every assessment can make her stronger. With the increase in strength, Lin Yun is not afraid of anything.

Golden light poured into her body and turned into her power. Her nine soul rings appeared quietly.

Nine soul rings, black, black, red, red, red, red, red, red and red, forcefully broke into their eyes.

At this moment, everyone in the Killing City saw the miraculous color of the soul ring.

If others want a red soul ring, that is simply a dream. But when it came to her body, the red soul rings seemed to be wholesale, with a total of seven.

This was even when they didn't know that Lin Yun was a twin martial spirit.

They were very jealous of Lin Yun, but they still lowered their heads and did not dare to look at her. Because they are still afraid of death.

They also heard the cold voice, but did not react.

Lin Yun looked at Xu An and said coldly, "Are you ready?"


Xu An nodded towards her, "Benefactor, I have already remembered it. As long as we follow this direction..."

"I can go home."

"I want to know the benefactor's purpose..."


Lin Yun said lightly, without concealing his purpose.

A circle of light sank into her body, which was the light of the god-given soul ring. Lin Yun has not absorbed the god-given soul ring so far because she does not have time.

Her second spirit, Seraph Spirit, now only has a spirit ring, and that is Xiao Wu's spirit ring.

Xiao Wu died with his eyes closed, but he was no match for Lin Yun.


Xu An was stunned, he did not expect this reason.

"Evil should not exist in the world. Anyone who touches evil will be killed by me with one sword."

Lin Yun said coldly. She saw the boy's doubts and explained specifically.

She doesn't have a good impression of adults, but she is still somewhat gentle to a child who doesn't understand anything.

Xu An nodded obediently, but said nothing.

His eyes were red.

He had mixed feelings at this moment.

If there is a god in the world, he must be as powerful as Mr. Lin Yun and lead mankind towards a bright future.

In the adult, he saw divinity.

What is God? It must exist for all things.


In the Kingdom of Gudlan, Huo Nuo reviewed the memorials with a tired look on his face and sighed from time to time.

Her grandmother Huo Xuan was making tea next to her.

"Stop sighing."

Huo Xuan said slowly, "You didn't learn the emperor's art well before, now you should work hard to make up for it. Only in this way can I be worthy of my ancestors of the Huo family."

"The Huo family will not lose its inheritance in your generation."

Huo Xuan has very strict requirements for Huo Nuo, because she cannot tolerate children with pure royal blood of the Kingdom of Gudland who are unlearned and ignorant.

Huo Nuo has been under Huo Xuan's control since he was little.

"Grandma, Nuoer is not slacking off, he just doesn't understand."

"Why did the Tiandou Empire invite us? It's in the name of the Kingdom of Gudlan, not the Star Luo Empire. Logically speaking, the Tiandou Empire doesn't want to see the powerful Spirit Hall. Xing Luo The empire has suffered a loss this time, so it is only logical for the Tiandou Empire to help the Xingluo Empire."

This is what Huo Nuo can't understand.

The two empires and Wuhun Palace are three pillars, and any change in one will have an impact on the other two.

"Silly boy."

Huo Xuan looked at her helplessly, "The Tiandou Empire also wants profits."

"What are the benefits of helping the Star Luo Empire? Wuhun Palace does not openly support us. It just wants to help us become independent and let us have independent rights so that the Star Luo Empire cannot interfere with our freedom. From the beginning to the end, Wuhun Palace The Soul Palace has a business-like attitude. If the Star Luo Empire uses this as an excuse to attack us, then a war will definitely break out between the Star Luo Empire and the Spirit Palace, which is a good thing for the Tian Dou Empire."

"The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit."

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