Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 162 The Oath of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 162 The Oath of Heaven and Earth
Huo Nuo still thinks of interests too simply.

Huo Xuan is teaching her hard, just to make her a king who can take charge of her own affairs.

Huo Xuan said helplessly to Huo Nuo, with affection in her eyes. Her granddaughter's skills are still too young.

But that's fine, it shows that the granddaughter has not been wronged too much.

Huo Xuan looked at Huo Nuo tenderly, "No matter how the situation changes, it will be beneficial to the Tiandou Empire. The Wuhun Palace involves the Star Luo Empire, and the Star Luo Empire is hostile to the Wuhun Palace. If they really fight, It's hard to say who will suffer, but the Tiandou Empire will definitely not lose. Once the three-legged situation is broken, the first to start the war will be Wuhun Palace and the Star Luo Empire. Xue Qinghe has nothing to do with the Tiandou Empire. I think what he wants to do is take advantage of the conflict between Wuhun Palace and the Star Luo Empire to attack them."

"Don't underestimate those who are well versed in the art of the emperor. Xue Qinghe has been learning the art of the emperor since he was a child, which is different from you."

This is also what Huoxuan is missing. Because the art of the emperor must be learned from an early age, and the relationship between interests must be understood. This is not something you can learn if you want to, you have to be talented.

The emperor was moody and his thoughts could not be read.

Huo Xuan sighed, Huo Nuo still needs to temper his mind.

"Grandma was right."

When they saw this woman, they couldn't help but stop, and their hearts suddenly felt happy. The warm breath made them instinctively attached to her.

"Now we hold Wuhundian's arms tightly, so that the Kingdom of Guland can have a future."

One thing she didn't say clearly was because she didn't want Huo Nuo to be troubled.

"Grandma, I really doubt my ability. As the young master of Wuhun Palace, Lin Yun is younger than me, but she can solve everything easily. I am really not as good as her."

Her vision determines her perspective and also allows her to treat everyone in a calm manner.

Huo Xuan said slowly.

As soon as she moved, a powerful majesty pressed on her body, making her unable to move.

The Tiandou Empire seemed to support the independence of the Kingdom of Gudlan and helped the Wuhun Palace. In fact, it might be that they deliberately provoked a struggle between the Star Luo Empire and the Wuhun Palace.

There is no comparison between people.

As soon as Xu An's figure appeared, the face of the woman standing at the door painting instantly turned pale, and she looked at Xu An with fearful eyes.


Lin Yun didn't pay attention to the looks of these people because she was already used to it. If she really wants to take other people's eyes seriously, she will be very tired every day.

Huo Xuan said: "This ending is already very friendly to us. Before this matter failed, I never thought that we would have a day of revenge. Nuo'er, Wuhun Palace's help to us is ours One that the family can never forget.”

The Tiandou Empire specially invited Huo Nuo, the monarch of the Kingdom of Gudland, to experience the customs of the Tiandou Empire. Whether this matter is big or small depends on the judgment of the politicians.

Her figure stood out among the vast crowd.

Obviously, she had long accepted Xu An's death in her heart. Seeing the people who were supposed to die in the Killing City return home, she couldn't hold back her emotions.

This is a gap that cannot be bridged by hard work.

She attracted the attention of countless people.

Good-looking things always attract people's attention.

Huo Nuo nodded, a dark light flashing in his fiery red eyes, "This matter is quite difficult to handle."

Because there is Lin Yun here in Wuhun Palace!

People coming and going all focused on her.

Huo Xuan didn't look nervous because there was the Wuhun Palace behind them. It’s great to enjoy the shade with your back against a big tree.

Huo Nuo's mood became melancholy, and she began to doubt her abilities.

Especially when she saw Lin Yun standing behind Xu An, the woman immediately ran back to the house.

A cold voice fell on her ear, making her hair stand on end.

It was so beautiful that they couldn't help but cast their eyes on her.

"Without Wuhundian, we would not be where we are now. People should be grateful. Our hearts cannot forget our origins. Never forget that Wuhundian extended a helping hand to us in the most difficult times. People cannot withstand the test, but I hope you can keep your innocent heart unaffected by the outside world. Once your heart changes, you can never go back to the past."

What's more, the attitude of the Tiandou Empire is unclear.

Huo Nuo realized it, but had no way to change it. After all, she has not systematically accepted the emperor's art, and she still does not understand the emperor's default rules.

Huo Xuan lowered her voice and spoke to Huo Nuo.

Huo Xuan could see clearly than anyone else that no one could stop Wuhun Palace's momentum.

There are no outstanding geniuses in this generation of the two empires, and even if they are, they will not live long. So what can the two empires do to compete with Wuhun Palace?

But the emperor's technique depends on one's own ability.

Conspiracies and conspiracies are the means of politicians.

Lin Yun followed Xu An to the house where he lived. It was a spacious earth house with an area of ​​more than thirty meters. It looked quite good from the outside.

Huo Xuan shook her head. She felt very sorry for her granddaughter.

She was wearing gorgeous clothes, and her noble temperament made them fearful, and they did not dare to look at her again, for fear that their actions would offend this goddess-like woman.

There is something wrong with her current state.

In Yueluo City, the Silvis province of the Tiandou Empire, a tall, slender, blond woman with perfect appearance appeared at the gate of the city where people were coming and going.

No matter what the Tiandou Empire plans, the Kingdom of Gudlan will not be in danger now. With the support of Wuhun Palace, they have nothing to fear.

"Child trafficking is a capital offense."

Lin Yun said lightly, his golden eyes fell on her, and the golden light floated on her palms, "Even biological parents are no exception."

"He is just a scoundrel. Why should a person with incomplete martial arts spirit live in this world?"

The woman wailed loudly, her face full of unwillingness, "It's because of him that my reputation is ruined and I have become a joke to the whole city. Do I feel better in my heart? I sent him to the killing city to become a Blood slave, he deserves it."

It was precisely because her face was damaged that she abandoned her child and made him a blood slave in the killing city.

She knew that the child was bound to die, but she was still cruel.

A child with a defective martial soul is not qualified to live in this world where the jungle is strong.


Lin Yun sneered, very disgusted with her actions.

Like them, who want to abandon their children because of their incomplete martial arts spirit, can children choose to abandon their parents because their parents are old?

Such a ridiculous behavior, but she can still do it.

People are indeed selfish.

Human nature cannot stand measurement.

Lin Yun, who realized this, didn't listen to her nonsense anymore and directly destroyed her.

Blood for blood, tooth for tooth. What is judgment is, of course, justice.

She wouldn't kill the couple, but she would make them live in pain.

"I, Lin Yun, hereby swear that all parents in the world who abandon their children will bear sin and be punished by the light. If they harm the life of a child, their parents will accept the judgment of the light and will never be reincarnated."

Lin Yun spoke slowly, using her divine power to spread her voice to gain recognition from heaven and earth. The oath she uttered represents the will of light and the protection of light for all things.

Under the light darkness will not come.

Only light can make hope appear in people's hearts.

"Those who blaspheme the light will be punished by the light."

“I represent the light whose oath is a witness to heaven and earth.”

Golden light appeared on Lin Yun's body, and he was surrounded by golden light in an instant. The sky and the earth turned pale, and the ground began to tremble, as if silently responding to her words.

"Abandoning and selling children is your sin. You will fall into the depths of darkness and never see the light forever."

Lin Yun arranged the ending for her with a simple sentence.

Anyone who abuses or traffics children must be punished by death. Seeing that she was Xu An's biological mother, Lin Yun spared her life.

The crime of death cannot be avoided, and she will be abandoned by the light and can only live in darkness.

This was Light's punishment for her, and it was also Light's last mercy.


"I don't agree!"

"He is just a waste, a martial soul that does not even have a martial spirit. He is not my child at all, he is here to collect debts. You are not a god, and you cannot judge my behavior for a waste!"

Xu's mother shouted immediately, her face becoming distorted.

The moment Lin Yun finished speaking, she felt Guangming's resistance to her. The light caused pits and scars on her skin, and it was obvious that the light had abandoned her.

Human beings cannot live without light, because they inherently live in the light. Being abandoned by the light is tantamount to death.

Lin Yun's soul power silently pushed away her resistance, and his emotionless eyes looked at her calmly.

The cold eyes stung her eyes again.


Another scream sounded, it was Xu An's father. He stood in the sun, only to find it was damaging his skin.

"Take this as an example. Anyone who sells children will be punished by the light."

"Any parents who sell their children will have their blood ties severed, their martial souls will be broken, and there will never be a chance to pass on the bloodline. Anyone who sells other people's children will have their souls forever cast into the Rakshasa hell and will never be reincarnated. Anyone who abuses children will have their souls broken and will never be resurrected. ”

Lin Yun's cold voice spread throughout Yueluo City, and at that moment countless powers of faith moved towards her, silently responding to her oath.

The sky turned golden, the ground also turned golden, and golden feathers floated in the air. The world responded to her vows, agreed with her thoughts, and approved of her noble godhead.

God loves all living beings. This is not an imaginary statement, but a real thing.

God and all things are closely connected.

There is no God from whom all things come.

"God has come..."

Someone in the crowd shouted, and they looked at Lin Yun with crazy eyes. The power of their faith continued to sink into Lin Yun's body and became Lin Yun's power.

"Lord God!"

The people of Luoyue City knelt on the ground and kowtowed in the direction where Lin Yun was standing. The crazy look clearly fell in Lin Yun's eyes.

She did not ignore the faith of this group, but reached out to them and responded to their words.

Feeling the people's fanatical belief, Lin Yun once again thought about the relationship between gods and humans.

God is omnipotent in the eyes of mankind and can bring hope to mankind.

Human beings believe in God for a better life. They believed in Lin Yun crazily because Lin Yun announced the oath of the gods and brought them a new life.

With the divine oath, the children's safety will be further guaranteed.

This is what parents want to see most.

Lin Yun gave them a sense of security.

Before Lin Yun had time to think about this relationship, a ball of golden light suddenly appeared in the sky and fell on Lin Yun. The warm breath surrounded her body and silently repaired her injuries.

Her strength increased again, and her face changed again. At this time, she lost her softness and became heroic. Although her appearance was still flawless, she felt different.

At this moment, Lin Yun has a perfect image of the goddess of war.

Golden armor covered her body, light golden armor covered her limbs, golden high heels stepped on the ground, and petal-shaped wrist guards protected her arms.

A golden floating disk appeared behind her. The floating disk was about one meter long and hollow in shape, looking like a golden sun.

A golden cloak appeared on her back, and her whole body was so golden that people couldn't take their eyes away from it.

His blond hair and golden eyes were already deadly, and coupled with the golden armor and armor, this golden color was enough to blind everyone.

Logically speaking, this pure golden color would be ugly, but Lin Yun's appearance perfectly controlled this golden color, making her even more domineering and noble, making people surrender to her nobility and recognize her status as a god.

"Lord God!"

Countless voices sounded, and they shouted loudly.

They saw real God and real miracles. From this moment on, their lives are complete.

They have no way to become gods, but they can have the opportunity to see God.

You can feel proud of yourself if you tell me this.

The face of a god is not visible to just anyone.

The golden sword of light condensed and took shape in Lin Yun's hands, and her body was filled with golden divine power.

She stretched out her left hand, holding the Divine Sword of Light in golden light.

"God-level—Light of Judgment."

Lin Yun waved several sword energy forward, and a cold voice sounded.

All this has changed since she made the oath to heaven and earth, and her oath was still recognized by the consciousness of the world.

In the eyes of the world's consciousness, she is the legitimate God of Light.

Even though Lin Yun has not passed the ninth test to obtain the divine status, she must be the God of Light.

If the world consciousness does not agree with Lin Yun's identity, it is impossible to agree with her heaven and earth oath, because Lin Yun's heaven and earth oath was sworn in the identity of a god.

Recognized by world consciousness, Lin Yun felt something brand new.

This is a brand new power, and it is also Lin Yun's unpredictable power.

She chose to lower her magical skills in response to her own words.

The future of the world depends on living beings, not gods.

Lin Yun was surrounded by the people's faith, and the golden light bathed their bodies, changing their pain and silently healing their injuries.

The relationship between God and humans is very complex.

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