Chapter 163 Menglan City

Lin Yun looked at their enthusiastic eyes, frowned slightly, and his expression became serious.

It was because this relationship was so complicated that Lin Yun began to weigh the relationship between man and God.

The power of gods exceeds human imagination, but the character of gods is not restricted. Does this mean that there are loopholes in the laws of this world?

Lin Yun thought slowly, and her eyes fell on the group of cheering people, with deep joy on their faces.

At the moment when the world recognized her oath and decreed the laws of heaven and earth, their faces were filled with joy.

They approved of her heavenly and earthly vows and praised her character.

Their fanatical looks made Lin Yun begin to doubt her own judgment, but things had happened and she would never look back.

With the gifts of heaven and earth, she became stronger and divinity adorned her appearance.

The nobility of the gods is most vividly reflected in her body.

From the eldest lady of the Lin Mansion in Menglan City of the Tiandou Empire to the young master of the Wuhun Palace, Lin Yun has experienced so much in the past two years that he has forgotten what he once thought.

She walked briskly, and when she reached the end of the road, she saw a mansion paved with blue stone slabs.

Because she caused a big wave of troubles on Douluo Continent without making a sound, judging from the stingy appearance of the gods in the God Realm, there is a high probability that she will come into their sight.

Countless eyes fell on Lin Yun. Against these eyes, Lin Yun walked into the Lin Mansion calmly.

This is punishment from the light. Anyone who sells children will be punished by the light, and those who commit serious crimes will die under the light.

Her strength was depleted and she now desperately needed rest. Of course, Lin Yun also knew that he had to hide his aura now and not let the gods in the divine world notice his existence.

Lin Yun has lived in the Lin Mansion since he was a child and knows everything about the Lin Mansion.

She saw the familiar rockery and small lake in the nine-wind corridor, especially the corridor, which once again brought back her memories.

Before she was strong enough to ignore the thoughts of all gods, she had to let go of her pride and not conflict with them head-on.

Lin Yun smiled helplessly, "It's been two years."

She chose to return to her hometown to pay homage to her mother. She has been struggling in the past two years and has not had much time to waste. Now that she has found the throne of the goddess of light and passed the second test of the god-level examination, she feels relaxed.

Her mother Lin Heng is a very gentle person. Although she is angry with Qian Daoliu, she still does not resent others.

Their bodies gradually melted under the golden light, and the sunlight refused their approach. Some even melted directly into a puddle of water, becoming small water groups on the ground.

Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar mansion, Lin Yun's eyes couldn't help but turn red.

The position of the Goddess of Light is within her grasp, it's just a matter of time.

This is an oath between heaven and earth, directed at the entire world. The moment the oath is completed, the entire world is bound by it.

Lin Yun restrained his breath and walked among the crowd. Her appearance became ordinary in the crowds coming and going. This was a way to restrain her aura, hiding her presence in the crowd so that no one could detect her presence.

Golden light appeared in the entire sky on Douluo Continent, and then turned into golden light spots and headed towards the crowd. Painful screams continued to sound, and the sounds of wailing and despair continued to rise and fall.

The familiar word "Lin Mansion" appeared in Lin Yun's eyes, and a complex emotion flashed through Lin Yun's eyes before returning to normal.

On this day, everyone on Douluo Continent saw a miracle. It was also this day that changed the habits of Douluo Continent and made them realize that their children were not their appendages, but independent individuals.

Lin Yun took out his token and walked to the door of Lin's mansion. The servant responsible for guarding the safety of the mansion was stunned when he saw the token with the word "Lin" written on it, and looked at Lin Yun with shocked eyes.

This is also the reason why Lin Yun dares to see people with their true colors.

She thought of the scene when she came to enjoy lotus flowers with her mother when she was a child. Now that she has grown up, her mother has left this world. Two years was not enough for Lin Yun to get over this regret.

They must pay for their actions and use their souls to cleanse themselves of their sins.

The punishment of light is not only the pain of the body, but also the pain of the soul. The pain that burns the soul spreads throughout the body, allowing them to feel the burning meaning of the light and experience the punishment of the light firsthand.

She had seen Lin Heng's soul before and knew what Lin Heng was thinking.

If they knew that their past actions would bring about bright punishment for themselves, they would not do these things. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in life.

After exerting his divine power of light, Lin Yun walked in Menglan City, another city in the Tiandou Empire.

She sat in the corridor and looked at the familiar lotus. Lin Yun's thoughts couldn't help but wander far away.

Her mother, Lin Heng, did not go to the deep mountains and wild forests after leaving the Wuhun Palace. Instead, she went to the Tiandou Empire to find a city. She used her gold soul coins to buy a mansion and became a local noble, then hid her life. Raised Lin Yun alone.

Returning to his familiar hometown again after two years, Lin Yun suddenly had mixed feelings in his heart. Two years is not a long time, but the changes in these two years have transformed her.

The place Lin Yun is most familiar with is not the Wuhun Palace, but the Lin Mansion where he has been growing up.

Lin Yun raised his hand, and golden light fell on everyone. The next moment, her figure disappeared from the spot, and a golden rain fell on Luoyue City, purifying everything in Luoyue City.

The moment they saw the token, they immediately understood Lin Yun's identity. They knelt on the ground and shouted to Lin Yun: "Miss."

Although adults attach great importance to children's education because of the existence of Wuhun, they still do not regard children as human beings and let children follow their own ideas. This is the path they think is most suitable for children.

This sin will cause their souls to fall into darkness and never be reincarnated.

Because her appearance will not stay in their memory, they will subconsciously forget her existence.

Before their consciousness dissipated into water, they felt regret in their hearts.

After all, those guys have lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

This is the master's token. The token with the characters "Shuangmulin" is made of golden nansi wood with special patterns on it.

The sound of "Miss" resounded through the sky, causing people walking on the street to look over.


A sharp shout came from a distance, and a girl wearing green clothes walked towards Lin Yun. She had a golden headdress in her bun and light makeup on her face, highlighting her fair skin. color.

"I miss you so much."

As soon as she came over, she ran towards Lin Yun, and her crying look caught Lin Yun off guard.

"It's been two years since you left. Qinghe misses you so much."

This girl's name is Lin Qinghe, and she is Lin Yun's personal maid. She and Lin Yun grew up together, and their relationship is extremely cordial.

Unfortunately, after Lin Heng died, Lin Yun left the Lin Mansion to look for his father Qian Daoliu. As for friends, that is even more impossible.

They are master and servant, and Lin Yun never thinks that the relationship between them is equal.

Because there is inequality from the beginning, and demanding equality is inequality.


Lin Yun responded calmly. She did not let Lin Qinghe get close to her, and her face clearly showed alienation.

Two years later, things have changed. The feeling given to Lin Yun was ten thousand years old.

No wonder they all say that the world has changed, times have changed, and now it seems that the growth of the state of mind will make people think differently.

"Qinghe." "How have you been in the past two years?"

Lin Yun asked subconsciously, time passed so fast, and it would be gone if he didn't pay attention.

If Lin Yun two years ago would not lament time, she would only make herself stronger.

Although Lin Yun did not go to school outside the Soul Master Academy and had been receiving instruction from his mother Lin Heng at home, Lin Yun's strength was still at the forefront of Douluo Continent and created one miracle after another in Douluo Continent.

"It's very good. After the lady left, there was turmoil in the Lin Mansion, but it soon calmed down. I have been waiting for the lady's return for the past two years."

Lin Qinghe's eyes suddenly turned red, and he looked at Lin Yun with complicated eyes, "Miss, can you not leave this time when you come back? The huge Lin Mansion has no successors, and those people want to swallow up the Lin Mansion, so Qinghe boldly begged the lady not to leave and to save the Lin Mansion. "

"This is Madam's last effort."

Lin Qinghe's worries disappeared the moment he saw Lin Yun. She firmly believes that Lin Yun can bring them a different future.

With Lin Yun in charge of the Lin Mansion, those people would not put their thoughts on the Lin Mansion.

In the past two years, everyone in the Lin Mansion has had a hard time, because those people knew that the Lin Mansion had lost power, so they continued to suppress the Lin Mansion, trying to swallow up the fat of the Lin Mansion.

Lin Qinghe could hardly control his emotions the moment he saw Lin Yun.

"what happened?"

Lin Yun asked softly, "Is there anyone who has the guts to take advantage of Lin's family?"

She spoke slowly and softly to Lin Qinghe, with a flash of complicated emotions in her golden eyes.


Lin Qinghe looked uncomfortable and said: "After the absence of Madam and Miss, Lin Mansion has become a piece of fat meat without an owner. All the nobles in Menglan City want to tear off a piece of meat from Lin Mansion to strengthen them." Strength."

"Uncle Lin and I have been working hard for the past two years, just to wait until you come back, eldest lady."


Lin Yun's expression remained unchanged and he said: "This matter is not urgent. I will settle the accounts one by one. Before that, I have to pay homage to my mother."

Lin Yun did not take the nobles in Menglan City seriously.

It's a joke, she even dares to kill gods, how can she be afraid of those nobles who are arrogant because of their family's power.

If they dare to provoke the Lin family, they are provoking her.

Lin Yun doesn't mind killing chickens to scare monkeys.

Hearing her calm words, Lin Qinghe felt relieved and said softly: "We have been cleaning Madam's grave to make sure there is not a trace of dust on it, just to wait until Miss you come back."

As Lin Qinghe spoke, she walked forward to lead the way for Lin Yun. She was afraid that Lin Yun would forget his location.

Two years is not a long time, but it can make people forget some things. She knew that Lin Heng and Lin Yun had a deep love for each other as mother and daughter, but human hearts could not stand the test.

As time goes by, this longing will be mixed with other emotions.

Lin Qinghe was chosen by Lin Heng to become Lin Yun's personal maid. Having the surname and first name of Lin showed how much Lin Heng valued her.

Lin Yun didn't say anything about Lin Qinghe's actions. She could see Lin Qinghe's thoughts.

She didn't feel disgusted because Lin Qinghe was a cautious person. In the past, Lin Yun didn't understand the complicated look in her mother Lin Heng's eyes when she looked at Lin Qinghe, but now she understands.

Because Lin Heng regarded Lin Qinghe as Qian Renxue.

Lin Heng selected Lin Qinghe from among the common people as Lin Yun's personal maid, just because he wanted to see Qian Renxue through her.

Before that incident happened, Lin Heng had already given birth to Qian Xunji. That incident made Lin Heng lose face, so he naturally didn't want to stay in Wuhun Hall. After that, she missed Qian Xunji.

This guilt filled her heart.

Lin Yun could understand all this when he saw that Lin Qinghe's face looked a little like Qian Renxue.

Her mother, Lin Heng, treated Lin Qinghe tenderly, hoping to alleviate her guilt in this way.

It seemed that Wuhundian's actions could not be hidden from her mother. In other words, her mother Lin Heng was an insider from the beginning.

There are so many coincidences.

Qian Renxue disguised herself as Xue Qinghe, moved into the Tiandou Empire's palace, and secretly took away the power of the Tiandou Empire. Lin Heng selected a personal maid for Lin Yun and named her Lin Qinghe.

Isn't it because Lin Heng knew about Qian Renxue's mission.

All these coincidences pointed the way for Lin Yun.

I can now understand things that I couldn't understand before.

Lin Heng's kindness to Lin Qinghe was purposeful.

Half an hour later, Lin Yun came to Lin Heng's grave. She lowered her head and looked at the words on the tombstone.

Lin Yun thought about every detail of more than ten years, and her eyes turned red again. Unfortunately, she could not shed tears.

As her powers grow, her ability to empathize disappears.

She could feel sadness, but she couldn't cry. She could feel joy, but her heart was cold.

Lin Yun accepted the price of becoming a god, and naturally accepted his shortcomings in his heart.

Her mother Lin Heng was buried on the outskirts of Menglan City, at the top of Menglan Mountain. It is a beautiful scenic spot lined with green trees and colorful fallen flowers.

This was also one of Lin Heng's dying wishes.

She did not want to be buried in the Douluo Hall of Wuhun Palace and enjoy the glory of the title Douluo. Instead, she was buried on the top of the beautiful Menglan Mountain to comfort her soul after death.


Lin Qinghe suddenly spoke, with a hesitant look on his beautiful face, "Madam once told me."

"The lady will give this letter to you later when the Lin Mansion pays homage to her."

"To give you an idea of ​​what she was thinking."

Hearing this, Lin Yun turned his head and looked at Lin Qinghe with a surprised look.

"You still haven't changed."

Lin Yun was satisfied with Lin Qinghe's approach.

Two years later, Lin Qinghe has not changed his original intention. If it were anyone else, they would have had other thoughts long ago when the Lin Mansion was ownerless. It can be said that her mother Lin Heng's ability to recognize people is quite good.

"My subordinates dare not."

Lin Qinghe's face suddenly turned pale. She understood the implication of Lin Yun's words, "Qinghe can be where he is today only because of Madam's kindness."

"Without Madam, there would be no Qinghe."

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