Chapter 164 Ending this fate
After listening to Lin Qinghe's words, Lin Yun raised his eyes and looked at her, his golden eyes showing a calm expression.

She did not express her attitude.

The human heart cannot stand the test. Even if her heart hasn't changed now, it doesn't mean it won't change in the future.


Lin Qinghe called Lin Yun in a low voice, with doubts in his bright eyes, "If the young lady doubts Qinghe's loyalty, Qinghe can make an oath. If he violates the oath, Qinghe will never be reincarnated."

Lin Qinghe's unhesitating words made Lin Yun give up his previous thoughts.

Perhaps, her understanding of human nature is still wrong.

Lin Yun admits his own shortcomings. How can anyone's perception be completely correct?

It's normal to admit your shortcomings.

Lin Yun looked at her calm expression and said, "Where is the letter?"

She believed Lin Qinghe's words, but she didn't know the content of the letter.

Lin Yun was full of curiosity about the content of the letter.

If she guessed correctly, it was a letter written by her mother Lin Heng before she sensed that her end was approaching.

The content of this letter is probably related to Wuhun Palace.

The grievances of the previous generation will eventually affect the next generation. Lin Yun doesn't want to think badly of people, but she also knows that this is impossible.

Wherever there are people, there will be strife.

This dispute cannot be avoided.

Lin Qinghe took out a letter from the soul guide space and carefully placed it in Lin Yun's hand.

Lin Yun took the letter and opened it with his hand. The contents of the envelope lay before her eyes.

Lin Yun took a closer look, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

I saw the letter written - Yun'er, when you see this letter, I will no longer be alive. I didn't have time to tell you that I still have an unfulfilled last wish. I have always felt guilty about Qian Renxue.

If you are willing, please make it up to her for me. There is no need for the grudges of the previous generation to affect the next generation. I know that the incident has passed, but my heart is arrogant. Seeing the scenes in the light curtain, I thought about waiting for his answer, but I was still unwilling to compromise with reality. I know there is God's instruction behind this. How could something of unknown origin appear in the Wuhun Hall under the glory of angels?

My arrogant heart made me unwilling to accept this reality, so I made unwise actions. Yun'er, forgive your mother's selfishness. I knew about Xiaoxue's existence, but there was no way to take her to my side to take care of her. That's when I saw a girl who looked exactly like Xiaoxue and had the idea to name her Lin Qinghe. I thought this would numb my heart and convince me to calm down, but later I found that nothing could be done.

When I feel the end is approaching, I can only let you find him. Let future generations evaluate whether it is right or wrong. Yun'er, I have sorry for too many people in my life.

You and Xiaoxue are both regrets in my life.

I hope your aunt and nephew can join hands to deal with that enemy. The enemy on the surface is not scary. The scary thing is that you can't see the enemy behind you. They cling to you like maggots in the dark night, making you unable to escape.

I knew all about Wuhun Palace's plan, but I didn't stop it because it was in the interests of Wuhun Palace to turn passive into active.

If you are not willing to help Wuhun Palace, then leave Wuhun Palace alone. Put yourself first in everything, you are the most important.

Qinghe is available. If you don't want to, then let her leave the Lin Mansion and let her be free. This kid is destined to me after all.

Finally, please spare Bibi Dong’s life. In the end, Xunji was sorry for her. As a woman myself, I know how difficult it is for women. When Qian Daoliu wanted to kill her, I was the one who persuaded him to give up this idea.

When I learned that Qianxunji died in Bibi Dong's hands, I regretted my decision, but I still acquiesced to Bibi Dong's approach. Because if I were her, I would be crazier than her.

Yun'er, the relationship between right and wrong in the world is like white and black, but there are other colors besides these two colors. You cannot measure this matter based on your own interests.

I'm not kind-hearted, but I care about women's difficulties.

Throughout the ages, women have lived such a difficult life. I hope you can live freely without being restricted by the outside world.

If you can become a titled Douluo before the age of twenty, I believe your future achievements will be like a god.

Treat everyone as an equal as a god, and do not change the rules of the world with your own ideas.

After reading the content of the letter, Lin Yun knew what Lin Heng was thinking. There were many things she did not reveal in her letters to prevent secrets from leaking out. However, she already knew what she needed to know.

The content of this letter is more about calming Lin Yun's sadness.

In fact, she has always been unhappy in her heart. Lin Heng's death had a great impact on her, but she did not show it, but chose to cover up her vulnerability with busyness.

With the deprivation of emotions, Lin Yun's perception became more and more fragile, causing her to lose her patience with people.

Looking at the last words left by his mother, Lin Yun sighed. There were no tears at all, and some were filled with pain.

Many things are simply not clear.

Who can tell clearly the grudge between Bibi Dong and Qian Xunji at this point. From Bibi Dong's point of view, all this was Qian Xunji's behavior, but from Qian Xunji's point of view, Bibi Dong brought it upon herself, and everything she had was given by Wuhun Palace. But from the perspective of women treating women, Bibi Dong is not guilty of this.

Bibi Dong chose the latter between Wuhundian and Yu Xiaogang, which showed that she was sorry for Wuhundian's training. In this way, Bibi Dong can be abolished and become a useless person, instead of treating Bibi Dong in such a ridiculous way.

When he reviewed this relationship again, Lin Yun felt at a loss.

She hates Bibi Dong because she doesn't want Bibi Dong to continue to live. After draining Bibi Dong's value, she would take action against Bibi Dong. But after reading Lin Heng's letter, Lin Yun became hesitant.

With Lin Heng's last wish, her feelings for Bibi Dong became complicated. To say that I can't bear it is impossible.

Chihiro Ji died in her hands, this is hatred. But from the perspective of hatred, this is the conflict between Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong. No matter who dies between them, no outsider can interfere.

Lin Yun frowned. She really didn't want to follow Lin Heng's last wish. Because she thought that Bibi Dong had wanted to kill Qian Renxue.

This is a matter between Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong, and there is no need to involve Qian Renxue. Bibi Dong doesn't have to love Qian Renxue. No one asks her to love her, but she can't take action against Qian Renxue.

The tragedy of the previous generation has been caused, but it will still harm the next generation.

This matter is also a big problem for Lin Yun.

The irritability accumulated in his heart made Lin Yun feel bad instantly. It was not that she was afraid of Bibi Dong, nor did she want to let Bibi Dong go, but she thought of other things.

Her hands were covered in blood along the way, and there was no need for her to look back.

Lin Yun raised his head, looked at Lin Qinghe calmly, and said, "I want to know what you think."

"My mother mentioned you in the letter and asked me to let you go. It all depends on your wishes. If you are not willing to stay with me, then I will hand over the entire Lin Mansion to you. This will satisfy my mother and my family. Your fate. After this matter is over, you and I will be strangers."

Lin Yun didn't want to get too involved in this cause and effect. She chose to hand over the Lin Mansion to Lin Qinghe's hands because there was nothing in the Lin Mansion that she could worry about anymore.

From the moment she read the letter she understood that the past could not be undone. Since she has chosen to go down this road and reach the end of the road, she will not look back.

The best way to prevent yourself from looking back is to forget the past and forget your own memories.

"Qinghe is unwilling."

Lin Qinghe said with a firm expression, "Qinghe is only willing to serve the young lady by her side, and go up and down mountains of swords and seas of fire for her. Without madam's kindness, there would be no Qinghe today. Now that madam is gone, young lady is Qinghe's benefactor. Qinghe is willing to spend his life to repay his kindness. I know that the lady wants to use the Lin Mansion to end the fate between me and the lady, but Qinghe does not want to leave the lady. Without the lady and the lady, I am just a commoner, and I don't have it. Ability and training resources. Even if my talent is good and I can be appreciated by the nobles, they will not provide me with too many resources. "

Lin Qinghe sees things more clearly than anyone else.

She must spend her whole life repaying this kindness.

It is almost impossible for a child born as a commoner to become a powerful soul master. She was able to become the Soul King without any talent or family background. This was the result of the Lin Mansion's training resources.

"These things don't matter."

"My mother didn't ask you to repay this favor."

Lin Yun said coldly, "I chose to use Lin Mansion to end the fate between you and my mother because you are three-thirds like my niece. If it weren't for certain things, my mother wouldn't be able to keep her niece by her side. When she was raised, she wouldn't choose to help her when she saw that you were similar to her. She saw the shadow of my niece in you, which could be regarded as relieving the pain of longing for her. This was also done at the expense of the Lin family. The reason for your relationship.”

In this matter, it was Lin Qinghe who suffered the loss.

Because Lin Heng's purpose was not simple from the beginning. She was willing to save Lin Qinghe and give Lin Qinghe a name, just because she wanted to see the shadow of Qian Renxue in her.

The reason why he is called Lin Qinghe is because Qian Renxue disguised himself as Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire. She is not called Lin Renxue because in Lin Heng's heart, no one can have the same name as her granddaughter.

From this point of view, Lin Qinghe did not owe Lin Heng and Lin Yun, and there was no need for her to devote her life to them.

It was because of knowing what Lin Heng did that Lin Yun decided to let Lin Qinghe go free.

For Lin Heng, this relieved the pain of longing in his heart, but for Lin Qinghe, it was cruel.

The person who was regarded as her savior set his sights on her, not because she performed well, let alone because she was loyal, but because her appearance was somewhat similar to another person, so as to miss that person.


Lin Qinghe didn't say a word, but lowered her head, her expression hidden under her hair.

"You are free to choose now. I can use the Lin Mansion to end the relationship between you. My mother did something unfair, so I am willing to compensate you."

When Lin Yun saw her lowering her head, he thought she was beginning to hesitate, so he struck while the iron was hot.

She didn't want to waste her time on these things.

Dealing with this matter is enough to give Lin Yun a headache.

She never thought that her mother would cheat her.

"Qinghe doesn't want to."

Lin Qinghe's voice suddenly became louder, and then he knelt down in front of Lin Yun and said loudly, "Qinghe's idea has not changed. Qinghe knows Madam's thoughts. For Qinghe, Madam can learn from Qinghe's thoughts It's Qinghe's honor to find that person's shadow on his body. This is the trivial thing Qinghe can do for his wife. "

Hearing Lin Yun's words, Lin Qinghe hesitated, but still firmly chose to follow Lin Yun.

Because she knew this was her last chance.

Once Lin Yun leaves Lin Mansion, they will never have the chance to meet again. Using the Lin Mansion to end this relationship means that she intends to leave the Lin Mansion and the past behind, and never come back.

"You mean you knew it all along, but chose to indulge..."

Now it was Lin Yun's turn to not understand.

No one wants to be someone else's substitute.

Lin Qinghe's talent is pretty good, so there's no reason why he would be willing to be someone else's substitute.

"Miss, yes. Qinghe knows."

"Qinghe is willing, so it's not that Madam owes Qinghe, but Qinghe owes Madam, and she will never be able to repay her kindness in this life."

Listening to Lin Qinghe's words, Lin Yun thought for a while and said slowly: "The path I am going to take next is not suitable for you."

"If you stay in Lin Mansion, you still have a chance to survive. If you insist on following me, you will definitely die."

This was not Lin Yun threatening Lin Qinghe, but telling the truth. If Lin Qinghe really followed Lin Yun, then what awaited Lin Qinghe would be a dead end.

This is why Lin Heng wanted Lin Yun to take over Lin Qinghe, but Lin Yun chose to hand over the Lin Mansion to Lin Qinghe.

This is a conflict between her and the God Realm, and there is no need to involve others. Lin Qinghe was an outsider after all.

Lin Yun only regards his family as his own.

"Death is not terrible. If I am so afraid of death, I'm sorry, madam."

Lin Qinghe spoke slowly, a determined expression appeared on her face.

"Miss, please take Qinghe away. No matter what happens in the future, Qinghe will not complain. Even if Qinghe dies, Qinghe will only blame himself for being weak and has nothing to do with the lady."

"Please, miss."

"Take a piece of Qinghe."

Listening to her miserable voice, Lin Yun did not answer. She is not a soft-hearted person, nor is she someone willing to let people die.

Lin Qinghe did nothing wrong, and there was no need for her to take Lin Qinghe to death.

This is a conflict between her and the divine world, which humans cannot interfere with.

Even if Lin Qinghe is very talented, he is still essentially a human being. Bringing a person with average strength to fight together is just making it more difficult for you!

Lin Yun said solemnly: "No."

"Either you leave the Lin Mansion and sever this relationship. Or you accept the Lin Mansion and end this fate. No matter what, I will not take you away."

Lin Yun's heart was colder than ice, and she didn't care what Lin Qinghe said.

She couldn't be soft-hearted, because being soft-hearted would make Lin Qinghe's death in vain.

Rather than die, it would be better to let Lin Qinghe be free.

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