Chapter 112 Take away
The person coming was none other than Longkodo. Maybe others don't know, but Longkoduo knows that this jewelry pavilion is Yinzhen's private property.

However, Longkodo only knew that Li Si'er was causing trouble in the jewelry pavilion and did not know the subsequent development, so he hurriedly followed him.

Longkodo can boldly call himself Yinzhen's uncle in private.

But when it came to Yinzhen's face, he didn't dare to say a few words.

It's all because Yinzhen is a cold-faced person and pays attention to royal decency. He can call himself uncle in private, but he is definitely called a courtier in front of outsiders.

Moreover, we must act in accordance with the law and will never tolerate it because we are relatives.

When Longkoduo heard that Li Si'er was making trouble in the Jewelry Pavilion, he hurried over for fear of offending Yinzhen.

When I came over, I saw Yinzhen and Shuzifujin standing here. I just sighed in my heart that this time it was over, and I accidentally bumped into Yinzhen in the store.

At this time, Longkodo didn't know that Li Si'er not only made trouble in the Jewelry Pavilion, but also angered Shuzi Fujin and Yinzhen.

Without understanding the situation, Longkoduo first greeted Yinzhen and Qingyou, and tried to expose the matter through the eyes.

The development of the matter did not go as Longkodo wanted to gently unravel the matter, but wanted to severely punish Li Si'er.

At this time, Longkodo's expression also changed. Li Si was Longkodo's concubine, and she had already thought that asking Li Si'er to apologize first would have wronged her enough.

What I originally thought was that everyone should take a step back and say hello, I’m hello, everyone. This matter is resolved.

I didn't expect that Yinzhen would be so serious. He just made a fuss and didn't commit anything major, so he was fussing over everything here.

Longkodo was also a powerful minister, and he was a "cousin" whom Kangxi attached great importance to. How could he have ever received such a cold reception?

As a result, Longkoduo also fell out with Yinzhen.

The scene suddenly turned cold.

Before the stalemate lasted long, the officials came in with people. Claiming to capture Li Si'er.

Now, Longkodo couldn't sit still. He quickly asked Li Si'er what crime caused the government to target such a weak female prostitute.

Moreover, he kept talking about Yinzhen, using his power to oppress others, seeking personal gain and perverting the law. He did all this just to vent his anger on Shuzi Fujin.

This time, it made people angry.

Everyone told me the complete truth of the matter with each word.

Only at this time did Longkodo know what Li Si'er had committed.

You must know that although Qingyou is only a side Fujin, you are also a side Fujin who has been canonized by the royal family and has been on the jade plate.

In broad daylight, he actually targeted Xiu Fujin in this way. Not only was he offensive, but he also wanted to use lynching.

To put it mildly, one may be fearless if one does not know, but the slap on the board is unavoidable.

To put it more seriously, it is contempt of the royal family, which is a capital crime.

For the sake of Li Si'er's safety, Longkoduo no longer cared about face and pleaded with Yinzhen in a low voice again.

However, Yinzhen did not accept this trick and still ordered the government to handle official business.

Longkodo watched Li Si'er being taken away, and at this time he no longer cared about reason or irrationality.

He immediately threatened: "Prince Yong, you have to think clearly, are you going to offend me just for this moment?

I am not only your maternal wife, but also an important minister of the emperor. You are really offending me today. One day I will definitely come back with a thousandfold revenge. "

As soon as Longkodo said these words, everyone in the four houses was in an uproar.

After all, saying these words is not only threatening the current prince, but also tantamount to contempt.

Ordinary people may not know the hidden meaning of Longkodo's words. But Qingyou was listening very clearly, and Long Keduo's words were all reminders and threats to Yinzhen.

If Li Si'er is not let go this time, not only will he not support Yinzhen in the future, but he will also stand against Yinzhen.

If the scene were changed, Qingyou might also say that Longkodo is really an infatuated person.

But now in this place, in this situation, in front of everyone, Longkodo said this in front of everyone, which simply trampled Yinzhen's face to the ground.

A dignified prince would be threatened by a minister.

Don't even think about this matter, Yinzhen will definitely not agree.

But at the same time, Longkodo's words not only despised the prince, but if word really spread, Kangxi would also be suspicious of Yinzhen.

After all, although Kangxi is still in good health, he cherishes the rights in his hands more and more.

Kangxi's son grew up day by day. Kangxi always wondered if his son had a disobedient heart and wanted to get the dragon chair under him?

If Kangxi heard this, even if Yinzhen didn't have this intention, Kangxi would guess it.

Therefore, Longkodo would rather lose one thousand to himself than eight hundred to the enemy.

Moreover, Qingyou suspected that Longkodo's brain was muddled by lard.

Knowing that Yinzhen is a hard-core person, he still threatened him here. He was simply carried away by love.

At this time, Yinzhen's face turned livid, and he asked the officials to arrest Li Si'er and torture him severely.

Seeing that Li Si was about to be taken away, Long Keduo became dizzy and wanted to rescue Li Si'er.

It was better now. Yinzhen was really angry, so he ordered people to take Longkodo away with him.

Yinzhen asked Qingyou to get on the sedan prepared by the palace and return to the palace, while he rode to the palace alone.

Looking at the overall situation, Qingyou doesn't know how things developed step by step to the point where they are now.

I just wanted to come here to relax and see some rare things, but this happened.

He also happened to be bumped into by Yinzhen.

But this Li Si'er is indeed as arrogant and domineering as the rumors say, and he doesn't know what to say.

The situation at that time was already tense, and Qingyou was a little cautious around him, not daring to speak.

On the contrary, Li Si'er still looked arrogant. She must have been spoiled by Long Keduo and was so lawless that she thought that Tian was the boss and she was the second child.

I don't think this matter will do anything to her.

But Qingyou was watching Zhenzhen. Yinzhen was really angry this time. I'm afraid Li Si'er wouldn't be able to escape this time.

While walking, Qingyou suddenly thought of something. This place is not only notorious now, but also famous in future generations.

And she was known not only for his cruelty, but also for his greed.

Legend has it that Li Si'er made Longkodo's wife Fujin into a human pig and vented his anger every day.

This is not enough, he is arrogant and extravagant, and he is extremely courageous.

Rumor has it that she helps others sell their official positions and titles behind the scenes, and these people often only need to bring countless treasures to Li Si'er.

Li Si'er could be promised an official position in the court just by talking to Long Ke in the backyard.

Thinking of this, Qingyou quickly sent someone to remind Yinzhen, starting with Li Si'er.

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