The Fourth Master's Favorite Concubine from the Qing Dynasty

Chapter 113 Pull out the carrot and bring out the mud

Chapter 113 Pull out the carrot and bring out the mud

The servants received Qingyou's instructions and hurriedly hurriedly finally told Yinzhen what Qingyou had brought before Yinzhen entered the palace.

After hearing this, Yinzhen was puzzled, but he still kept Qingyou's words in mind.

Yinzhen met Kangxi and did not tell what happened just now.

Instead, he told Kangxi that when he was investigating the matter not long ago, he discovered that Longkodo was involved with the Jiangnan Cao family.

Therefore, Yinzhen took this incident as a trigger and imprisoned Long Keduo first.

Carefully review the affairs between him and the Jiangnan Cao family, so as not to alarm other people and alert others.

After Kangxi heard what Yinzhen said, he also understood Yinzhen's plan.

So he authorized this matter to him and let him do it with confidence.

Seeing that after passing the customs at Kangxi's place, Yinzhen left the palace, but did not return home.

Instead, he was transferred to the prison where Longkodo and Li Si'er were imprisoned.

Long Technology and Li Si'er are of high status, so they are also held incommunicado.

Yinzhen saw that Li Si'er was confident even if he was imprisoned.

So she asked the yamen servant to give her a little pain, so that she could explain it easily.

This Li Si'er was not a kind person. Yinzhen had already found out when he came over.

After swaggering through the market, he usually did a lot of things in the jewelry pavilion, even if someone made Li Si'er unhappy.

Although she didn't say anything on the spot, the lady's husband's family would always have some trouble afterwards.

In less than three months, his family will be ruined and he will leave the capital completely.

Moreover, Li Si'er often pretended to be the royal wife, ruining the reputation of Tong Jia's house.

Therefore, starting with Li Si'er, we can also find out how many dirty things she has done over the years.

It can also be regarded as eliminating this scourge for the people of the capital.

However, Yinzhen did not expect that he would dig out so many things from Li Si'er.

For so many years, Li Si'er has been pampered by Long Keduo, so he is not only doted on, but also a little lawless and wanton.

Moreover, a long-term pampered child cannot bear these punishments, so Li Si'er quickly confessed.

Yinzhen looked at Li Si'er's confession. The sins Li Si'er had committed over the years were countless, and these few pieces of paper could not fit them all.

However, these are all trivial matters in the court, and they are not considered to be major events.

The most important thing is that Longko sold his official position and his title, and engaged in corruption and bribery.

Although this Li Si'er was arrogant and brainless, he might also know that this matter was of great importance, so he did not reveal it easily.

Yinzhen did not let Li Si'er go, and ordered the government servants to torture him severely, and found out the crimes about Longkodo from Li Si'er's mouth.

After Yinzhen finished explaining, he turned around to see Longkodo. At this time, Longkodo was very calm and calm, sitting in the prison cell.

After all, in Longkodo's view, this matter is just a small matter, and it will be fine if he is detained for a few days.

What Longkodo didn't know was that this time Yinzhen was determined and wanted to completely eradicate him and the forces behind him.

So he fell into Yinzhen's trap.

Longkodo was unprepared, and Li Si'er really couldn't withstand the methods of these government officials.

She quickly revealed everything she had done about Longkodo's buying and selling of officials.

Through Li Si'er's testimony, Yinzhen sent people to check Longkodo's mansion, which was Tong Jia's mansion. Yinzhen searched Longkodo's yard and found many letters about Longkodo's private exchanges with the Cao family.

However, there is one thing that Yinzhen has always been curious about.

It is rumored that Longko doted on his concubines and killed his wives, but it seems that Hesheli Fujin has not been seen making an appearance so far.

Even on such an important occasion as today, Hesheli Fujin did not come out.

This incident makes people suspicious.

Longkodo's father, Lord Tong Guowei, saw Yinzhen and his men coming in so aggressively, and didn't understand what was going on.

Longkodo, just having a few words with Yinzhen on the street, actually caused Yinzhen to retaliate like this.

Originally, Tong Guowei wanted to have a good discussion with Yinzhen, hoping to get this matter out of the way easily.

However, Yinzhen ignored Tong Guowei's attempts to get close to him.

Therefore, Tong Guowei not only obstructed Yinzhen's inspection in every possible way, but also threatened to sue Yinzhen in front of Kangxi.

It is said that Yinzhen is so bold and reckless, regardless of the dignity of the courtiers. Let's see how Yinzhen can secure the position of the prince.

Yinzhen is naturally not threatened by Tong Guowei. Tong Guowei and Longkodo really have the same temperament.

This family is disrespectful to the royal family and behaves recklessly.

It is conceivable that his coming here this time must have been under Kangxi's order.

However, Tong Guowei ignored him and wanted to threaten him, so he didn't pay much attention to him.

Tong Guowei can go if he wants.

However, now that we have this evidence, it will be easy to convict Longkodo.

I haven't disclosed this matter at the moment, just because I don't want to alert the enemy and not lead out the person behind it.

With these letters, the person behind it can probably be guessed.

When Tong Guowei saw that Yinzhen was so uninvited, he immediately became angry. He immediately turned back to the courtyard, changed into court clothes, and prepared to enter the palace and cry in front of Kangxi.

Kangxi heard that Tong Guowei was so disrespectful to Yinzhen. Yinzhen is a prince, so it is easy to deal with a small courtier.

Since Tong Guowei was so disrespectful, it was simply fueling their ambitions.

Although Kangxi was a little annoyed in his heart, he did not show it on the surface and instead comforted Tong Guowei.

At this moment, Tong Guowei thought that his move was effective and that he would definitely make the Yinzhen boy look good this time.

However, I didn't expect that this move would completely wipe out Kangxi's last kindness to the Tong family.

After Kangxi ordered people to send Tong Guowei away, he recalled Yinzhen to the palace.

"Now that you are making such a big show of things, I'm afraid you have discovered something."

Kangxi asked about Yinzhen's arrival.

Yinzhen also lived up to Kangxi's expectations and replied: "I have lived up to Emperor Ama's instructions. This time I did find a lot of evidence in Tongjia's Mansion, which can be considered a gain."

Yinzhen presented all the found letters to Kangxi and continued to kneel on the ground with his head bowed.

Yinzhen was able to find out this matter and presented it to the Holy Master, so he knew everything about it.

Yinzhen understood that this matter had provoked Kangxi's displeasure.

Therefore, after Yinzhen presented the matter, the group knelt on the ground, waiting for Kangxi to vent his anger.

"Okay, okay, you are such a good son of mine, and you actually do so many little things behind your back. I'm not dead yet."

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